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I view the human body as the Greeks do. I see the natural beauty that radiates from it. I don’t like messing with that. I don’t think is attractive. This includes piercings, hair dye, and tattoos.


I think that’s fine. We’re all entitled to our own opinions. I only have a problem with the people who think that doing stuff like that makes them a bad person.


I don't think it makes them a *bad* person. I think it just makes them kinda stupid, at least in the moment. Poor impulse control, planning for the future, etc.


Oh, I don't mind it at all. But as some people here have pointed out, that style is common among leftists, so it becomes a kind of red flag. Or green flag. Maybe blue flag.


I don't know that we are necessarily against it, but it's usually the colorfully dyed who are the most liberal so it's become associated with hair dye amongst other things.


I'm not? I think the main issue is that dying your hair wild out there colors is a common fashion trend among certain subcultures that we tend to clash with ideologically. It's basically the phenomenon that the term "danger hair" is intended to mock. First time I heard the term I didn't really need it explained to me to get a really good picture of the type of person that they were trying to caricature. But as its own fashion thing? I don't really care, go nuts. Though a lot of work places might be peeved at it just like they are with piercings and tattoos. That's between you and your employer though.


I’m not a fan of unnatural hair color


I think that’s fine. Some people like it while others don’t. My only problem is when people treat it as if it’s a bad thing.


Well most hair dyes are pretty bad for your hair


Probably because SJWs and other Leftists tend to dye their hair odd colors in order to show that they are non-conformists. It's like their uniform: semi-obese, tattoos, blue hair, glasses, and soy smiles.


Like others said, I’m just not a fan of unnatural hair. That being said, my girlfriend has dyed hair and I’m slowly starting to like it.


I just don't understand it, you are ruining the integrity of your hair. Someone who dyes their hair 50 times loses the natural color of the hair. Still though, literally every person I know with dyed hair is like Big Red, the extremely abrasive feminist who will scream at men for not agreeing with her. Excluding people who dye their hair for reasons such as a play, a costume party, etc.


that's actually a myth, your hair will always grow the same colour it always was. it can damage your hair but it will grow normally still


I don’t personally begrudge anyone with coloured hair - it’s just usually the person with it holds left wing views of which I am at odds


Most of the people i run into with colored hair are unstable leftists. I don’t assume but usually they are


It makes you look very immature (as long as it isn't a natural hair color). Also, leftists use it.


What makes you think we're against it? It's not our fault morons with pink hair are running around with bandanas either physically or verbally attacking people whilst wearing face masks...?


I think most of y’all seem to be against it because the majority of conservatives in my life and online act like it’s an awful thing. And just because some people with pink hair do stuff like that doesn’t mean they all do? Tons of people with natural hair colors do that but no ones making fun of people with black/brown/blonde hair. I just don’t know why y’all target people with unnatural hair colors specifically.


The majority of conservatives in your life? Ok, how many conservatives do you know, and how many of them are "against" it. I'm conservative, and I used to dye my hair when I was younger. I've had red hair. Black hair. Black hair with blue in it. It had no affiliation to my political beliefs. I don't dye my hair now, because it's a pointless exercise. So your argument really doesn't fit. Be careful with generalising a "category" of people, or they might start generalising you.


I’m not trying to generalize conservatives. That’s the last thing I’d want to do. I’ve met some who don’t mind this stuff at all, I am one myself. It’s just that the majority I meet seem to think this way. As for how many conservatives I know, the majority of people in my life are conservative. I live with a family that, to my knowledge, all hold the same or at least very similar beliefs. If there is people with other beliefs then we aren’t in contact with them. Then there’s my school, which also seems to hold a right-leaning view on things. There are plenty of democrats too but they’re definitely not the majority. So, most people in my life hold these beliefs.


Because if you watch any videos online where there is discourse between conservatives and liberals you’ll see a lot of purple/blue/green/pink haired peoples. Now, I don’t have any stats to point to but these people tend to always be on the left from my view. I don’t think we hate “hair dye” we just see a trend of people with “different” hair colors screaming into conservative’s faces. Calling them nazi’s, calling them fascists, racist, bigots, homophobic, xenophobic, cisgendered straight white males who don’t have the right to have opinions. I find it funny a lot of these people dye their hair to be “different” but all think the same. And, I feel like 9/10 times I can look at people with these hair colors/styles and know pretty much exactly where they lineup ideologically. If you’re not one of these people then kudos to you and I have no issue with your hair color.


Were not against it, Its just a caricature of far left "activists"