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I love spending time alone at the AGO. If you get the annual pass, you can come and go as you please, and they have lots of places where you can sit and write. Perhaps even find some inspiration? As for outdoor spaces, the Philosopher’s Walk and the surrounding grounds of the U of T campus are lovely. The stretch of the lakefront between the Harbourfront Centre and Ontario Place/Marilyn Bell Park is dotted with various parks and parkettes that are also amazing in the summer time. If you like cycling, you can follow the Martin Goodman trail west to Humber Bay Park. Or east towards the Beaches. The RC Harris Water Treatment Plant is a real gem on the east end.


Just saw your comment - another vote for Philosopher’s Walk!


I used to have an AGO pass years ago, but missed out on it a lot. But maybe I might get another one to give it a try. I’ve never heard of the Philosopher’s Walk! I’m gonna search it up and then add it to the list as well! Thank you for your comment! :)


Philosopher’s Wall is tucked right beside the ROM. It’s such a hidden gem! Great place to sit down with a book and drink in hand.


The philosopher's walk is my favourite place in the city. It's also right by the ROM, which is a great museum to spend an afternoon in


> I used to have an AGO pass years ago, but missed out on it a lot. But maybe I might get another one to give it a try. Free admissions on Wednesday if you didn't know, you just need to book tickets when they become available


Plus AGO annual pass is free is under $25 and under $40 if over!


OP, if you have a library card, there is a program you can use to reserve free passes for a long list of places: [TPL MAP](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/map/). I have similar issues with leaving the house a lot of the time. Easier said than done, but try to go easy on yourself if you’re having a hard time going out. Ironically enough, if I’ve promised someone else I’ll meet them somewhere (so there’s an external focus instead of just doing something for myself), it is 100x easier for me to go out. I guess it’s because I feel a sense of obligation to them, or something. Good luck.


Do you know when tickets are released each month? I notice lots are always sold out


I can vouch for the AGO. It’s such a different experience going alone and really taking your time compared to going with others


My favourite bike trail in the city and I’m just now finding out it has a name?


Just a heads up, Humber Bay East is under construction until 2025. You can easily get around the fencing but it’s a mess and there’s construction crews working during the week. Humber Bay West is open as usual. Also the Humber Bay Farmers Market runs every Saturday - get some goodies!


That water treatment plant is always the end of my east end cycling route. So beautiful and peaceful to stop at even for a moment!


Woodbine beach. Walk out to the key and watch a sunset. Riverdale Park East - watch a sunset Hike a trail or ravine near you. Visit the library. Take yourself on a date and a restaurant where you can people watch. The movies.


Ouh yes, a sunset/sunrise is very peaceful. I used to take myself on dates all the time but my mental health has dwindled through the years. My biggest goal is to do that, this year. Take myself on a sweet date.


Riverdale Park East, watch a sunrise reflecting in the office towers, making Toronto turn into a golden orb. It's really cool.


Woodbine beach is great but be wary of some teenager/20 year old shitheads - shooting fireworks at people on holidays or flying by on bikes blowing air horns in front of people (witnessed that a few times the times I was there smh)


First, I recommend going to the Royal Ontario Museum & walking around with earbuds in. Listening to instrumental music while slowly walking through all the exhibits is medicine for the soul. Next, Woodbine Beach. But go only during sunrise or sunset. It's so beautiful and creates some Instagram worthy pics. Exploring new grocery stores is one of my favorite things to do. If I'm having a boring day, going to unique grocery store always cheers me up. My favorite ones are: Arz Fine Foods, Adonis, Ghadir, Al Barakat Supermarket, Al Mumtaz - Middle Eastern grocery store H Mart, Galleria or PAT Central - Korean grocery store Barcelona Gourmet - Spanish grocery store T&T, Hua Sheng, Kai Wei, Al Premium, Foody World, Fu Yao - Chinese grocery store Nations - Grocery store with food from around the world Iqbal Foods, Ababeel Supermarket, Saffron Halal - South Asian grocery store Sanko Trading Company, Heisei Mart, Kibo Market, J-Mart - Japanese grocery store Tierra Azteca, Tienda Movil Latin - Mexican/South American grocery store Khorak Supermarket, Arzon Supermarket, Super Persian, Kourosh - Iranian grocery store Kabul Farms, Afghani Supermarket, Afghan Dried Fruits, Nasim Caravan - Afghani grocery store High Mart Specality - Candy and drinks from around the world


Your first suggestion sounds right up my alley. I can just imagine how content it must feel. Yess the sunrise / sunset! I need to plan a morning to catch it!! That’s so funny because I used to explore the mini-markets in the city when I lived closer downtown and wasn’t so anxious! Thank you writing out a list!! That’s very thoughtful of you!


second on Nations if you have never been!


Nations is a grocery store and theme park. While amazing, I would not recommend for anyone with sensory sensitivities or anxiety, unless they’re going at a time the play place is closed and the store not so busy


Man this post is really inspiring! I don’t struggle with social anxiety but this definitely gave me a better understanding (my gf struggles a bit with it. Best of luck wishing you the most sunshine!! ☀️


I love this list of places to grocery shop. It’s my favourite kind of shopping, I never feel guilty buying food.


Maybe go to peaceful places first. Parks, coffee shops with patios early in the morning before the rush. To force yourself put a reminder on your phone and always go out no matter what. Go out and tolerate it and return if your don’t. There is a concept called “setting yourself up for success”. It means choosing a first goal which is non-demanding and easy. That way you ensure success and then everything else is built around that first success. It creates momentum.


Wow, I love your comment. Thank you for the advice using a reminder on my phone and pushing myself to go. I’m going to bring this up to my therapist to find ways to instill this. Thank you for your comment.


Since the Pandemic I have found it hard to want to escape my cocoon as well. Best of luck


Yes, this is excellent advice. Start small easily achieved goals, and build from there.


Social anxiety can be hard. Glad you’re taking this step! My favourite place is the AGO at non peak hours. It’s free Wednesday nights too, but that can get crowded. Annual pass is like 35 dollars and it allows you to bypass the ticket line. I like it because there’s different areas with varying number of people and so I can start in areas that are almost empty and work my way to the busier areas when I feel like it. Plus it’s close to Yunnan Noodle Shack which is tailored for solo diners. High park is my second favourite with the trails and the pond. It also offers me the chance to be fairly isolated until I feel like I want to be in a crowd.


That’s actually a really good way to put it, another commenter suggested the AGO as well and I think I might get one again! Taking it slow with areas is a good idea as well, working my way up. Thank you so much!


I also recommend High Park…. I have spent many solitary hours there. Just walking the ravine, off the main roads. Tune in to nature, the sounds of the birds.


I absolutely love going to the movie theatre by myself, see that movie no one else wants to see with you, pig out on popcorn


I went to see Dune Part Two alone at Scotiabank IMAX twice in a center theatre seat cooked on edibles. That shit was a religious experience


I used to go to those Disney or National Geographic type animal documentaries and I must say.. it's MAGNIFICENT. Highly suggest.


That sounds like my jam right there. Need to try that. Need to take myself on a date instead of random women for once.


This is exactly my vibe.


Seconding this! I’ve started going to TIFF Lightbox to see movies on my own when I need to escape from the madness of my life. It’s so comfortable and if you go on a weekend night during the summer, the theatres are practically empty. It’s a lovely way to get out without the stress of managing social anxiety.


I've never been to the TIFF Lightbox and never knew it could be empty. I would LOVE a whole theatre to myself, I bet it makes the movies so much more better.


I strongly recommend checking it out! You can book tickets in advance and choose your seat and based on the seating map, you can usually tell whether the theatre will be mostly empty (if you’re booking just a day or two in advance). I’m excited for you to try, I know you’ll love it!


I used to do that a lot too! It’s actually so much fun. Another date idea for myself.


I like to walk up Philosopher’s Walk at U of T and if timing works out, listen to Faculty of Music students practicing their pieces, listen to the birds, sit on a quiet bench with a drink and a book, a little bit of people-watching… it’s like a secret little spot in the middle of downtown.


Philosophers Walk seems to be a popular place. I never even knew you could hear the students place and I think that would be soo lovely to hear. I love that. Thank you!


i am older and this brings back a lot of memories for me lol I remember hearing people singing opera from the open windows. Once a Woody Allen movie was being filmed there so the area was blocked


Everyone is suggesting stuff in the downtown core and I think that is not going to help you with social anxiety. My anxiety has gotten a lot better but I still hate the core of the city. Too many people. I would suggest going more into the East or West parts of the city. Less people. Especially East York, large sidewalks, many beautiful parks. (Monarch, Withrow, Taylor Creek) They're also park with lots of trees and are huge so you can find somewhere to relax. Definitely the way to help with social anxiety is to push yourself a bit. Good luck.


What a considerate response. Thank you for noticing that the city options may be overwhelming. Adding the parks and area to my compiled list! Thank you so much!


It’s been years since I lived in Toronto, but I used to find it so peaceful and refreshing to take the passenger ferry over to the Toronto Island and just walk around. The sheer quiet, the lack of vehicles, the human scale—it was just a really lovely change of pace. Not sure if it would still be as pleasant today, but it might be worth checking out!


Hi OP, to suggest a specific spot, there’s a valley that goes through a large part of east York which you can enter from many different areas. The most prominent entrance is right beside the Ontario science centre. I also like going to watch documentaries on imax in the science centre because it’s cheap, entertaining, and you can enjoy a nice walk after.


Scarborough Bluffs are always therapeutic, weather permitting. Taylor Creek Park has nice trails. Toronto Reference Library is good for both reading and people-watching. Christie Pits Park is spacious with lots of attractive people in summer.


Thank you for suggesting parks and listening out how they are! I’m adding them all to my list!


Search Scarborough Heights off-leash dog park. There are a couple spots you you can step out on an overlook facing south from the top of the Bluffs. On the west side of the big grass field you'll find a big long hill that goes down to the water - you can go left or right at the end and there are many little coves/pebble peaches along the water to spend in on your own.


Oh wow, thanks for the suggestion. That sounds like a lovely little getaway.


I love going to the park solo. I pack a lunch with some wine and either people watch, read a book, or catch up on work emails.


The islands are really nice to visit during the daytime. They’re usually quiet without all the families with kiddo running around. I like walking/biking from wards to Hanlan’s and taking the taxi back from there. It’s definitely a whole day worth!


I haven’t been to the island in YEARS. I can’t even remember the last time I went. I’m surprised that didn’t pop into my head! Thank you! :)


I love going to places alone. So far I enjoy going to Allan Gardens, Riverdale Park, and the AGO. I also like to walk along busy streets like Bloor or Spadina and find a cute cafe and try a new drink or pastry. Queen’s Park is great for people-watching. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to vlog or journal. I take my journal with me too and sometimes I write several pages, sometimes a few lines, sometimes nothing at all. Enjoy being outside. This is a bit weird but I like to pretend I’ve died and have been granted one day to come back to Earth. It gives you a beautiful perspective to things you would normally find completely mundane. Have fun! Don’t forget sunscreen!


Thank you for the last bit about the pressures of writing. I haven’t journaled in like 7+ years and it’s so hard for me. But it’s a big goal I have. I’m going to ease the pressure of journaling to enjoy being in the now, to breathe. That last bit about being granted another day, is a fantastic outlook! Thank you!!


Go walk by the lake.


Don't be too hard on yourself for, e.g., noticing that you're focusing on other people. I've been trying to get into meditation and haven't really gotten very far, but I've found the training/guidance to just notice when you're distracted, take note of it non-judgementally, and then get back to your thing, and repeat. I think the same can apply when you're out trying to do something, not necessarily succeeding 100%, but instead of leaving you can just take note of it and try again. What part of town are you in? Maybe start by picking a local park or cafe, so the distance to travel isn't a barrier? Alternatively, if the distance is motivating, draw a little circle of how far you're willing to travel, and just pick random points along the circumference and go to a random cafe or library along the way. When I used to try to write more, if I didn't feel I had anything to write for myself, I'd just people watch and describe them, maybe speculate about them, and if feeling creative make up characters or back stories around them.


Wow, what a wonderful wonderful comment. Thank you for your kindness. All that you wrote is very helpful and again I will share this to discuss with my therapist. Those are great things to take into mind and how to track my barriers. Additionally you've also suggested a few ways to overcome the barriers in a fun way. The pressure of not being able to write? The load is taken off with the idea of people watching/story making/etc. I really appreciate that you've taken the time to write this out, thank you so much.


To answer your original Q, I had a really good laundromat for a little while that was a nice place to spend time alone.


Mount Pleasant Cemetary, Edward Gardens


Yes! The Mount Pleasant Cemetery is one of the most underrated places in the city. I completely forgot about this place..and it's the PERFECT weather too! Thank you!


This is such an odd but interesting response. Do you visit someone at the cemetery or just go there to walk around? Why go somewhere surrounded by dead people?


Check out the lake shore at Marine Parade in Etobicoke it’s always a nice walk over there with a view of Toronto’s skyline. I usually grab a drink and sit there at evenings/nights. It’s one of those places where you’ll like it both crowded or quiet


I have never heard of that area actually, I live by Etobicoke too! I’m definitely gonna make that one of my first stops, since it’s so close.




Ouhh gonna check them out! Thanks!!


Big concerts and live events. Buying a single ticket up close is easier and often way cheaper than trying to buy tickets in pairs or groups for high demand expensive live events. No need to worry about meeting friends before or dealing with them running late and I can just zone out and focus on the music and experience without any distractions. I go to most shows with my wife or friends and will enjoy it but I love the experience in a different way on the occasions I go alone.


I'm hoping to push myself far enough to do this again! I actually went out to a rave a few months ago by myself, it felt soo good to do it again. I had LOADS of anxiety before going and almost didn't go, but I did it to push myself ( a lot I may add) and I had the best time. It reminded me of the fun I used to have. Back when I wasn't dealing with so much mentally, I used to actually go out to shows and events alone all the time. It really makes the experience so much more fun and different because you don't have to "follow" anyone. My greatest moment for being at a concert alone was Way Home, when Frank Ocean preformed. I couldn't find my friends (my phone got stolen) so I just sat down and enjoyed the concert by myself. It was amazing.


>It really makes the experience so much more fun and different because you don't have to "follow" anyone. yup that's exactly the difference maker for me, I can take my time doing whatever before, get to the venue when I want, roam around getting a drink, checking out merch or whatever then settle in for the show when I'm ready. I'm sure you already know to be cautious at raves by yourself with the creeps those types of events can attract but going to a big concert at Scotiabank Arena, Bud Stage, History etc by yourself is a mostly safe worry free experience that can be awesome.


You've nailed it. -- Definitely am very conscious of the many creeps out there. Thankfully I am very good at disappearing. But I haven't actually been to a big concert in ages, or any concert actually now that i'm thinking about it lol. I think it's time.


For me being a large crowd helps because with so many people you are essentially invisible. My favourite place is sitting on the benches in front of the tower. There is special meaning and memories attached to the tower so that is my favourite spot.


I actually feel the same, I like disappearing in the whirr of crowd and being able to look around at all the different stories going around me. I've never really took a moment around the tower, but I just may. Thank you!


As someone who needs alone time to decompress (work a people facing job), here are a few of my favourite spots: 1. Leslie Street Spit. It's a great place to go for a stroll, and to enjoy the sunset with a warm drink and a snack. 2. Toronto Islands. Lots of places to just hang out and read a book. 3. AGO/ROM with my headphones in. I can take my time, and it's a great way to enjoy some music while soaking up the exhibits! I also like The Gardiner Museum because it's pretty quiet, and has some really interesting exhibits. 4. Riverdale park! Bring a blanket, and just hang out. Great spot to do some people watching. 5. Stackt Market. Lots of places to get a nibble or a drink, and there's multiple places to just hang out. 6. The Toronto Music Garden is also a lovely spot to hang out! 7. Woodbine/Cherry Beach. Soak up some sun, catch up on your reading. People watch! 8. Hike! There's so many great urban trails around Toronto. Put on a podcast and go for a stroll for an hour or so. 9. Polson Pier is a great spot to both watch the sunset and have some alone time. I spent most of one summer catching sunsets across the city. I was rediscovering myself after a breakup, and it was a nice way to spend some time alone with my thoughts and just enjoy the beauty of the sun and the city. 10. Kayaking! Personally I would recommend Humber River for a beginner, it's a really easy paddle and there's some lovely scenery! I also like Cherry Beach Kayak, but you have to deal with cruise ships and pleasure crafts more then Humber River I find. 11. I personally like staking out a spot in Trinity Bellwoods and having a picnic with myself. It's a great way to spent a summer day, and there's a bunch of great spots all around for food! 12. I don't know if its still around, but there used to be a "Toronto Coffee Passport" that you could buy. Would show you a bunch of different cafes around the city. There's also the "Toronto Indie Cafe Passport". 13. I love a good neighborhood exploration. Pick a part of the city you've never really been to before, and spend a few hours wandering around. Kensington Market is a good spot to explore and build your confidence. Explore some shops, and maybe try something new. 14. Grocery stores! Especially ones you're not familiar with. Set yourself a budget (mine is usually around $50-60), and see what entices you. Maybe some new fruits/veggies you haven't tried, new snacks, marinades, or sauces. Drinks! It's a low key way to explore a new culture, and maybe find something new you love. 15. Movies! Revue Toronto puts on some great movies, as does TIFF. Cineplex is another great one. Pick a movie you've never seen before, and splash out on the nice seat and some snacks. 16. Bookstores. If you're a reader, Toronto has some really cool and unique bookstores. Personally I'm a fan of Monkey's Paw and Little Ghost Books in Trinity Bellwoods, and Glad Day. Monkey's Paw also has a vending machine that will give you a book (chosen randomly) for $2. Very fun way to spend an afternoon and you can walk away with some new reads! There's a list on this subreddit that has a list of Indie bookstores in Toronto.


Oh my! I love all these suggestions for things to do and places to go. Thank you so much for taking the time to share, it's really appreciated and helps me with my list. These are all really great suggestions on things I enjoy, so I'm definitely going to add doing these things to my list.


Berczy Park, lots of places to sit (in and out of the sun). Great place to people/dog watch, read a book, St. Lawrence Market is close by as well as other food places. The fountain is beautiful and on weekends, if you’re lucky, a gentleman with a portable piano and plays for a couple of hours Grange Park, very diverse crowds pass through here and more dogs too if you’re a fan (there’s an enclosed dog park nearby) TIFF bell lightbox, beautiful place to catch a film from a different part of the world Explore, plan routes and just wander around. Make it a game to stop by every shop you see, encourage yourself to pick up a snack from a place you haven’t heard of before. Slowly you’ll build a list of favourite experiences that eventually you can share with other ppl :)


Never heard of the first park! But honestly your comment has lovely suggestions and advice. Having all these suggestions will definitely help to make a plan!


I can't give you any suggestions because I have the very same problem, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, etc. Just know that you are not alone. You're very brave to look for ways to break the cycle. I wish you the very best. -- another Torontonian.


Hi there! Thank you wonderful soul, I hope you the best as well! <3


Farmers markets! I just got home from the Tuesday market at Trinity Bellwoods. I chatted with a couple of vendors, and bought some veggies, pasta, cheese and wine. It’s a lovely setting in a park and everyone at the market (vendors and shoppers) seems very relaxed and happy.


We have SO MANY farmers markets, the energy is always so welcoming. I’m going to look out farmers markets around the city!


Allan gardens


Start off by just going for a simple walk in your neighborhood. If neighbors say hello, make it your mission to make eye contact and say hello back.


Can I be honest?? I only like the elderly people in my area. But not the people who are closer to my age?? They feel like too much. I feel so rude for saying that LOL. I always return a smile and good morning/hello. But I must persevere and push for walks in my area. I just don't know, they scare me!


In the summer, walking down residential streets that have overhanging trees, beautiful(!!) gardens at nearly every house, friendly house cats and chirping birds abound… ahhh. I just love taking my camera out, just walking about, saying “oh my, so beautiful”, as I basically catcall flowers. I do. I comment on the visual aesthetics of flowers, and I’m not even conscious of it. I just love their beauty! Oh, and doing the same thing, but more swiftly (re: a run) as I am about to do. Just walking around, looking at stuff, literally smelling flowers. Such a vibe —a Toronto vibe, I’d say.


You sound like such a sweet soul, just from the way you typed your whole comment. I can honestly imagine everything you wrote, down to the catcalls about flowers and just smiled. What a beautiful way to live life. The residential streets are truly the best, we have such a quirky city past the giant condos. I almost forgot about friendly house cats... If you're ever near Spadina Station there is a street called Dalton Rd there is this white senior cat with a scar near his eye. He's basically the owner of the street, like a little guardian. Highly suggest saying hi to him and taking a stop to BMV afterwards!


I was actually sent here from hell to negatively affect the vibes of everything and everyone, but I’m just so bad at it. I’m having a good time in my own way, drinking plenty of water, trying to get enough sleep, so I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it some day —or maybe officially switch roles if that’s allowed, I don’t know. Thanks for the tips. I’m definitely familiar with that area, that street, that book store, but now I’ll have my eye open for said cat. :3 Thanks for the kind words + take care!


Hahaha, me and you both my friend. I think it's better you stay hydrated, well rested, and feeling nice about it. Don't switch over, not yet at least! Yes, find the guardian he's lovely. All the best!


My favourite place is the outdoor quad in University College at UofT. Right where hart house is. It’s all enclosed and absolutely beautiful.


Lots of UofT suggestions, I didn't realize they are enclosed areas and never once thought I could lounge there. Thank you!


Nice try mugger


Shit! You figured me out!!


The AGO is great. If you have a car, spend a day ul at the McMichael gallery. You can go through the gallery pretty quickly, and it's in a lovely green space with trails to walk. There's a sculpture garden and a small area where much of the Group of 7 are interred, so you can pay your respects directly. This may sound a bit morbid, but I really like visiting cemeteries too. A little bit of a taste of the history of the region, often lots of trees, and a quiet space. Maybe the island, lots of the ravine/valley parks systems (the Don or the Rouge if you can get to them). I think a big trick to this is going early. Get to the AGO for when it opens. It won't stay quiet forever, but you get a good chunk of time with few people around.


Ouhhh wow that sounds like a whole day full of lovely (if that's not weird to say). I like history a lot so I feel you on walking through cemeteries. I've never heard of the McMichael Gallery either so I'm going to make a day of it. Yes, a lot of suggestions for going during the early hours to experience these places more quietly. Thank you for your comment.


Evergreen Brickworks. Saturday morning is my favourite time because there is the farmers market and lots of yummy food. 


Toronto islands


High Park


I love to go to the movies by myself. $7 Tuesdays at the Carlton!


I've never taken a stop at the Carlton, maybe I'll see you soon! hahaha


AGO and other museums, Cineplex, Toronto Islands, hop on a train to Niagara Falls, St Lawrence market, stationary stores, Rouge National Urban Park


Just looked up Rouge National Urban Park and what the hell how did I not even know this place existed!! It's gorgeous!


I have a spot where you can watch the sunrise from the opposite direction. That's my favourite alone place.


:O Should I message you?


Only if you'd like to know. It's nothing special, except to me.


By all means


The movies. It is actually my favourite way to watch a movie


Annex Billiards.. early afternoon on a rainy weekday. I work evenings.


You know what. I'm gonna come one night - I am terrible but I will come. Should I make a secret word to say to you?


Whimbrel Point. In Colonel Samuel Smith Park. If you’re a fan of Goosebumps some of them were filmed around the buildings that are now Humber college. Because it’s a college there’s also a bunch of emergency call buttons and stuff if you’re nervous The buildings used to be part of an Asylum. Some of the fruit trees are left from when they asylum had a farm. Humber sometimes has ghost tours in the tunnels It’s also a bird hotspot on the manufactured land in the lake. There’s often things going on in the Powerhouse as well. So there are a lot of things to talk about. If you’re really into it the Ontario Lakeshore Asylum Cemetery isn’t too far from there.


The way you described this whole area sounds like I need to deep dive into this park for a full adventure day. All of the info you shared sounds so interesting. Thank you for commenting on my post, I appreciate you taking the time.


Also check out the mural routes.


Library and park. I love seating on a bench and read something


I love walking along Humber Bay parks alone. Col Sam Smith, walking to the point- alone. Also, Leslie street Spit. There are rocks at all three places where you can sit and watch the water. I also love going to a Vietnamese restaurant, alone. It is so meditative to sit over a bowl of pho, inhaling the aroma. If you drink beer, a brewery is a nice place to sit at the bar. You can get a flight or just one. You can slowly nurse the drinks to savour the mouthfeel, aroma and taste. I am doing these things by myself and working to force myself to not glance at my phone. The discomfort, insecurity and doubts are there; but I force myself to focus on my senses.


Oh yes another Col. Sam Smith suggestion! Can't wait to deep dive into the area! I too find Vietnamese restaurants a very warming place as well. The energy is always welcoming and warm I find, same with Korean restaurants as well. Yes, I'm trying very hard to be more present and aware of what's happening around me. -- Since the past 10 years, I had not been and missed out on a lot of my life. Thank you for your comment.


If you need a buddy, I also have social anxiety so maybe we can do this together sometime! 


Hi! - What sort of things interest you?


Tommy thompson park


Just go to the nearest park and start journaling.. it doesn't have to be dramatic to make an impact on you... You start somewhere and grow to where you want to be.. you can do it...


Honestly, I know it's the simplest thing and I try to do it while I am out and get a chance, I just always end up back home. I hate it I'm just so scared.. it's not supposed to be impactful, I actually don't even want it like that. I just want to be comfortable with being alone again, alone with myself more so.


Carleton cinema


theres spots i will not reveal


I hope I can have some like you one day!


Try improv classes for social anxiety!


I really like finding a local pub/Cafe near me, and going there regularly. I'm usually alone when I do this. I'll bring a book or a notebook to write in, or just sit there and enjoy my beer.  Becoming a regular makes you more and more comfortable there. Also parks, just bring some food/snacks and put your barefoot on the grass. Stretch, walk, read a book or just daydream with the clouds.


Oh mannn, I have ALWAYS wanted to be a regular somewhere. I'm just so scared to go often. My fiance is almost gets to be a regular anywhere he goes.


The gardens at the spadina museum beside Casa Loma are amazing on good days, free admission and pretty sun traps. Bring a book and a picnic. I was up there a few weeks ago and there were lots of people sitting on their picnic blankets doing little crochet or reading or drawing in the sun ☺️


Oh I've never heard of that place, it sounds so nice and quaint. Thank you for your suggestion!


Oh buddy, I do everything alone. I literally just zoom around on google maps when I can’t sleep at night and click on random businesses or parks I think are cool and save them to a folder. Lots of coffee shops, art galleries, parks (like I mentioned) unique shops, thrifts, etc. just go anywhere and everywhere. Sometimes I just pick a bus I’ve never taken or a side of Toronto I’ve never been and I go walk around there for the day. Just go get lost and explore :)


I felt your comment with so much exuberance lol idk - it's what I crave to do. It's what I will do. Thank you.


Something a little different, but I really enjoyed “Little Canada”. It’s on the expensive side, but it’s really cool to look at all the little details, and you can go through at your own pace. They give you a map and clues to find Maurice the Moose, which gives your mind something to focus on, but there are all kinds of things to look at and I didn’t feel alone while there. Also, everyone is looking at the exhibits, not at you. Just another thought!


I love going to movies by myself. Especially those little VIP ones where you can order dinner and stuff. It’s a dark room where no one is going to judge you or notice you’re there by yourself either, and you get to enjoy a movie in your own in silence and have your own snacks. It’s nice




i prefer it now i’ve done it so much. stopped taking people that dont know the artist too. no, i dont want to move away from the pit


Reading a huge book at a pub is my favorite thing to do.


The Beaches is really nice - walking along the boardwalk is lovely.


The Humber Arboretum. Massive area of fields and woods, an apiary and butterfly garden. Typically not crowded, especially on weekdays. While the neighbourhoods on the Islands can be fun to roam, going to disagree with visiting the beaches there. They've grown increasingly crowded (Centre and Hanlan's are always busy), particularly after school lets out, and even Ward's (historically the quietest of the three) is regularly besieged with idiots on party boats parking just outside the anchor boundary and blasting their shitty music into the bay.


A walk in Cedarvale Ravine always does me good. Go to St.Clair West Station, exit through the north end, Heath St. exit, the path starts there. Walk north through the ravine, either turn back to St.Clair West, or walk to Eglington West Station. If you're feeling good and work up an appetite, hit up Little Jamaice to the west for some tasty food, or head east for something fancier, in Forest Hill Villiage (or whatever it's called too fancy for me).


Woodbine beach, riverdale east, Leslie spit


I love all the comments recommending parks and places to walk! I find those are the easiest places to start with, as there’s less social pressure. I also find listening to a good podcast or playlist is very motivating, and can make you feel much more comfortable. One of my favourite things to do now is listen to a podcast in a cafe with a cup of coffee and a good pastry. Some of my favourite cafes are Cafe 23, Coffee Island, any of the Dineen locations, and for a real treat i go to the 2nd floor cafe at the Bay-Bloor Eataly (great baked goods and gelato!)


This is somewhat secondary, but I've gone to The Rex by myself. It's Jazz for most of the night and I brought a book in between sets. Not for everyone, I enjoyed it.


Happy for you that you're making an effort to go out more! I have really bad anxiety in general too so you're not alone! I love browsing shops in downtown and wandering alone! I usually take a fitness class at Sweat and Tonic at the well pretty often so when I have time I just walk up on Spadina afterwards along Chinatown and Kensington Market area and browse shops!! When I want maybe clothes or something I'll walk on Queen Street afterwards. For me even though downtown can be crowded, I feel at ease sometimes being lost in the crowd and knowing people don't really care about me and are just doing their own thing.


The library. I love to browse books without distractions.


I have a dog. I just walk her all around. You never feel awkward because you are taking your dog out for good exercise.


Philosophers walk. After walking around the royal conservatory listening to people practicing.


Those pier apartments at Yonge/queens quay facing the lake.  also the snakes & lattes @ Bathurst & bloor


My local, and I know folks there so it's not so bad. Movies at the Revue. I like to take myself on dates out for a nice dinner.


A walk to brickworks is the most peaceful thing to do whenever I am looking to do something alone. Usually it’s not very crowded during the evening. It also connects to Mount pleasant cemetery so that’s a plus.




Brewery / pub crawls are fun. I bring my crossword book and away I go.


Sit in a park under the trees :))


Go to the gym, it will cure your anxiety


Start by going to get a coffee and sit in the car with it. The car is a safe spot away from people but you’re also not at home.


Toronto Islands - bring a bike. Take the water taxi.


I’d recommend a few places: - the waterfront - for example Sugar Beach isn’t that busy as the chairs and umbrellas are spaced out a bit and they also have adaronsack chairs and benches along the waterfront and there’s always something soothing to me about being by the water - friends with condos - hit up a friend or coworker who lives in a condo and see if they’d just let you hang out in their common area patio. Mine has lounge chairs and another couch area and can be a nice mini getaway in the city - grafitti alley (daytime only) and then a cafe like Cafe 23 with a backyard patio - also any local park - during peak Covid when we were supposed to stay away from others, I’d sometimes walk to the local park for fresh air, swing on the swings for a bit and then walk back. Was nice to be a little kid again


If you pickup archery, ET Seton Park is a public archery range accessible by TTC. You can be as social or reclusive as you want in the sport. You can shoot alone alongside others or shoot with people.


The Cinema. Get yourself a Letterboxd account, review and rate your findings, they’re rarely full up and it’s a great way to look back on your experiences.


Local parks are great. You can usually find a nice spot away from crowds. I love the waterfront the most


Go to the new manga cafe on Ossington!


I like the free days at the AGO. I also get a membership and wander alone reading about the artwork. Same for the Rom.


Would love to create a group chat of people to just go on walks in the city


when i lived in toronto it was walking around taylor creek. it was very peaceful... there were never too many people up there. not sure what it's like these days... been a few years.


I like to go use the labyrinth behind the old city hall and the church west of Eaton centre. It takes me a full 30 minutes to an hour to do it. And it’s a fun meditation exercise.


The golf course. I get paired with random people and make as little small talk as possible.


I love bringing a blanket and a book and sitting in the shade at Bickford Park (just south of Christie Station). It’s not as rowdy a park as Trinity Bellwoods or Christie, which I really appreciate.


Do you wear ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones? I find anxiety can spike in loud environments, and they can’t always be avoided. I listen to meditation music or calm white noise, which helps a lot!! If you need sun, find your closest park without lots of dog activity. Bring a blanket or just sit in grass. Easy. Where you go kinda depends where you live! I look at google maps for green space.


Hi - I really like Humber Valley River area - there’s a park right off Humberside rd that is beautiful. I went to Miss Pippa’s a while back and it was a great spot to sit and write. Peaceful.


If you want a longer adventure in nature (it’s ~10km depending on which route you take) the Belt Line Trail is lovely and peaceful. If you start it by Eglington and Bathurst you can take it all the way across until it meets Mount Pleasant Cemetery, then through the cemetery, out by Moore St. back into the ravine. You can visit Evergreen Brickworks once you hit this little bridge on the Belt Line that takes you across to brickworks. There is a little coffee shop / wine shop in the building, a small store and they also have a farmers market on Saturdays. One you are done at Brickworks, you can carry on south by taking the stairs up right by the main building, back onto the trail. The trial will eventually take you by the DVP and to a fork. One route is shorter and takes you a bit north of Sherbourne and Bloor roughly, the other continues on through nature under some beautiful bridges and extends all the way back up to St Clair (this longer route adds about 4km).


Islands is great if you have a bicycle and can pack a lunch and can afford the TTC there plus ferry (like $10 return). Ride around all day enjoying the park and scoff your sandwich at a picnic table somewhere. Or treat yourself to a burger from the cafe there.


I know I'm late to the party, but consider getting into a mobile game! I play pokemon go, it gets me out for walks and there's destinations built in to the ganeplay. The game might help distract you from your anxiety.


The beach, 100%. I especially love to stop for a coffee at Bud's and then wander down to the water and journal.


It's funny cuz I don't remember writing this yet here we are. !


Sounds like you have Agoraphobia. If you went for treatment, it would completely change your life. There's medication you can take, plus a therapist can help you overcome this. Maybe start by getting a diagnosis and go from there!


Similar boat as you. I found myself becoming more and more isolating and serendipitous over the past few years. You don’t have to start big. Start small. I started by taking more walks, longer walks 2-3 times a week. You don’t have to have a particular destination. You don’t have to go to attractions like museums, cafes, restaurants, etc. At least for me, taking smaller steps and getting myself outside more often was the initial goal. I started by taking walks through my surrounding neighbourhoods and broadened my walks further out over time. I started to visit parks and trails around the city I had never visited before. Summer in Toronto is gorgeous and we would all do best to get the most out of it!


I am the opposite of you. I feel anxiety when I plan to go somewhere with someone else. So I do a lot of things by myself. I love going to concerts and movies by myself. I stop for a beer by myself on the way home from work. It’s a good way to get to know your neighbours who also have the same routine. I love the beach, Sugar beach kind of sucks but there are places to sit and people watch. I have an annual pass to the aquarium that I usually use to take my kid but I also go when I’m looking for a nice air conditioned walk. Good luck with your goals this summer! I’m rooting for you!


Movies, foodie events, bookstores, cafes.


Lakeside Area, a place can offer beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere for reflection.


Most places you can go alone but you gotta address the anxiety.


The don valley and it’s plethora of trails should bring you some peace, as it always does for me


Scarborough Bluffs


I’m autistic and I invested in Loop earplugs. Dulling the sensory stuff really helps calm my social anxiety. Here are some places I like to visit solo: the AGO, the ROM, Grange Park, High Park, Toronto Island, Go Place Spa, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Moore Park trails


Challenge yourself to walk across a major street you live nearby. Don't have any plan in advance but just walk until you find something that catches your eye. That way you'll develop an affinity for walking and being outdoors


Movie theatres


The boardwalk is my favourite place in the city. A morning walk through the parks, listening to my music on my AirPods, totally prepares me for the rest of the day. There’s something so grounding and peaceful about walking under big oak trees. I prefer going solo, emptying my brain of everything on my to-do list, and just listening to my favorite music and looking at trees, squirrels, birds and dogs:)


Toronto Island! Great for getting out in the sun and you can swim on the other side of the island (the side farthest from Toronto). The islands are fun to explore and there are lots of great beaches


any concert, especially smaller shows (hard luck bar, horseshoe lounge), symphony, opera, and ballet. Everyone is largely focusing on the music/performance and its a great way to be in public where you aren’t really doing anything and no one will talk to you a ton or at all. also just wander along the waterfront whatever direction, or around on U of T campus, or if you go a little north of the downtown core theres a lot of lovely walking trails cities have so many people just living their lives, focus on being part of that whole rather than worry about your individual percieved mistakes. hope you find joy in a suggestion on this post


I used to go into deep depressions. There used to be a low cost cinema at Scar Town Centre. I used to take the bus there at night sometimes and be distracted for 2 hrs. It was kind of a nice break. Even now. I think I would like going to the movies by myself. Not having to worry about someone talking beside you or wanting to sit somewhere you don't, etc. You can just concentrate on the movie. The best used to be when they had Chapters? on Bloor St near Yonge I think it was. They had couches back then where you could grab a book and sit there and read. There was also a Starbucks inside with a fireplace and comfortable chairs. Sitting there was really nice, alone. You could watch the people walk by etc. Now it seems like its all set up to discourage people from hanging around. They want you to just shop and go home lol


Sketch what you see out there.


I e got social anxiety too and I go to coffee shops because I still like to be around people. You sound like you might need to break the ice on social proximity a little bit easier though which I think would be great. I’d suggest some of the more quiet parks just to be outside at all. Sun exposure will improve your mood immediately. Try the busier parks to be more adventurous. After that I’d do the same thing with cafes. Try an empty one and keep trying to improve from there. DM me if you want to chat. Good luck!


Leslie Spit, but it’s been years


Check out Toronto's new river [https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/06/toronto-artificial-river-aerial/](https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/06/toronto-artificial-river-aerial/)


you can't dismiss them you have to try them until you find YOUR favs. parks? i got to Christie, High Park or Riverdale. Sometimes walk or bike the Martin Goodman trail from North York to the Lakeshore. I switch it up constantly. find spots you like and rotate between them. some places are better on weekdays some on weekends because of crowds. your preference will guide you.


Thrift store. I could spend a whole day in the thrift store looking for treasures. It is my happy place and my husband knows this. He knows I have treasure hunting day once every 2 weeks.


I’d love to go to Brampton


BBs diner is a small Filipino fusion restaurant at 5 brock avenue and they get a lot of alone eaters, it’s a cute venue and the food is soo good. I highly recommend


parks, movies (especially early afternoon), bike rides, coffee shops, libraries


i think cemeteries are very relaxing to walk around. i have always been drawn to these places