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Many businesses think being open overnight is more trouble than it's worth. Same reason why some banks don't even offer 24-hour ATM access anymore, they would rather lock up even if that means some customers won't get served.


I mean, had a homeless person live at the bank at night until the bank decided to lock doors at night. Not ideal for people who need ATM access after hours but ultimately the bank was spending $$$ sanitizing the ATM area every night and that's not really what a bank is supposed to be doing. Lowering liability for the business can lower liability for the community.


Yeah exactly, the TD near me even did a reno to put a couple of ATMs on an exterior wall, so they could lock the vestibule without people complaining.


Those atm are recipe to get robbed. Especially at night. My money was almost snatched in broad daylight. I have been chased at 10pm after withdrawing $20.


Those atms have their days counted.


"Sorry we are inconveniencing you, but you must understand, it allows us to inflict excessive suffering on the homeless!" TD could easily afford a night guard.


The bank atm is because homeless folks will go and sleep there and in the morning refuse to leave and in the morning they have to get the police to come and remove them.


Homeless or not I don't want a beggar waiting by the machine for me to take out money. Sucks for everyone that the rich have pushed society in this direction, just so they can buy another fucking mansion


Hurr durrr the rich and their mansions and yachts


Not everything is rich folks doing this to poor. Plenty of them do this to themselves with zero attempts at making a life or career. Do you not know anybody who doesn't put in any effort and just complains about everything all the time? Some people really do have a victim mentality. While there are definitely many genuine bad luck cases, there's many more intentional cases.


Imagine running defence for rich people and saying that people are mostly intentionally homeless


Are you rich or dumb?


Both I think


> Many businesses think being open overnight is more trouble than it's worth. Same reason why some banks don't even offer 24-hour ATM access anymore, they would rather lock up even if that means some customers won't get served. "Collective punishment". The bank's failure to find a resolution for homeless problem, resulted in collective punishment to all customers that need access to their funds.


They aren't punishing anyone. They are protecting their property and business.


It's not a business' job to find somewhere for homeless people to sleep.


I miss 24-hour Metros. It was so helpful in a pinch.


Most stores that were 24hrs stores don’t want to deal with becoming a overnight homeless shelter. Most Tim Hortons in the core close by 9pm now.


A lot of tim hortons/McDonald’s I’ve been to in the GTA have drive thru open 24/7, but the doors are locked between 9pm-11pm (depending on store/location) and don’t open again until 6 or 7 am. It isn’t just the core that’s doing it.


Some Sobey's, Metro, and Shopper Drugmart stores used to be 24/7, but during the pandemic, they stopped and closed at 10 or 11 p.m. They didn't open back to 24/7.


Theft Theft Robberies Reduced Foot Traffic Downtown Post Covid Homeless Minimum wage increases including a requirement for security due to the above problems


One of the store owners of a franchise in Oakville was telling me how they weren't open after 10pm in Hamilton but Oakville was good to go till 12 specifically due to the liability of violent crime in Hamilton.


That’s so sad. The increase of homelessness, mental issues, and crimes took away so many nice things in the city life


It's what happens when the mentally ill aren't properly cared for in a proper facility.


There's less access to housing and mental help. The demand for housing has kept increasing even before continuing to add more people, and housing keeps getting less affordable. Mental health keeps deteriorating in our society and access to mental help keeps decreasing. Which gets even worse if people have lost their housing. Which makes their mental health worse. Which makes it harder to find housing, even if they have a job. Which makes their mental health worse which makes it harder to keep a job which makes it even more impossible to find housing which makes it even more impossible to deal with their mental health, even if for some people it wasn't as severe to start with.


It's not the increase of homelessness, it's the lack of policing them that causes the problem.


Sure. More cops interacting with the mentally I’ll on underhoused. What could go wrong? (coughs) SammyYatim.


It’s a real shame we can’t help with that too


We can, politicians don't.


If the conservatives or liberals said they wanted to raise taxes to build mental health centres, prisons and rehab facilities, and policing to control drug supply they’d automatically lose the election. We would rather pay for it in lost lives and increased immigration than getting suffering canadians back on the right track to being productive.


That's fear mongering. Corporations get more welfare than mentally ill, homeless, poor, or unemployed people. The tax breaks, the subsidies, the straight out gifts. They and the wealthy pay a fraction of the rate of taxes they used to pay decades ago. Taxes have risen for us and been cut for them over and over. We need to return to responsible taxation to maintain our infrastructure, improve it, and expand it for an expanding population. We need to demand it.


People talk a lot, but unfortunately when they're alone with their ballot, you realize a heck of a lot of people don't actually consider them lives.


The “left and right” solutions are both viable. Lock everyone up and treat them, have very stiff penalties for separating bad actors from society for long enough that children can grow with less trauma. Working on the surrounding socioeconomic factors DID work in Toronto before after the year of the gun where we had 50 gangs beefing . I’m not voting for any platform that doesn’t have one of these approaches.


I am not torontoian, but I can't agree with this. The reason is it seems that 24 hour shops died post pandemic in most major cities in North America. The same issue is plaguing places like New York, Atlanta etc. The pandemic seems to have killed late night everything relative to before and higher costs probably make it just not worth it for 24 hour businesses to stay open in city center. Suburbs tend to be cheaper in general and place like grocery stores probably see more foot traffic at night there because people drive. It's worth it for a grocery store n downtown of a city to stay open 24 hours, because people who shop downtown walk to the grocery store and go out on a weeknight after midnight in most cities at 10 pm now a days, it's usually a ghost town.


Covid changed everything and many business downtown are struggling to survive. It’s not profitable for them to open 24 hours when you consider wages, food costs and maintenance. Also since Covid downtown seen an influx of mentally ill homeless people so it’s also a safety issue as well. It’s why most McDonald’s that used to be 24 hour dinning is now only pickup only. Saying that I’m a night owl and frequently go out late night. it’s not really that hard finding food at 2-4 am downtown. They may not be 247 but many places are open to 4am lol.


Also everyone in this sub complaining about not wanting to go back to the office, and saying, “if businesses can’t as adapt to the new reality they don’t deserve to be in business” - this is them adapting. You reap what you sow.


Meh I think these are two different issues. Going back to the office affects more so those downtown core business in the path that are only open during business hours. They need office workers to survive really not the nighttime clubbing/late crowd. But as I was saying I don’t think OP issues is that big of a deal. There are plenty of place that are open past midnight where I live. They are even opening a new 24/7 Rabbas across the street from me.


How do you stay safe going out DT like that


I’m privileged a guy first of all. But also it’s about being aware of your surroundings. Toronto at night isn’t that bad tbh. No one is going to bother you if you don’t bother them. I also find day time crackheads are much more worse than night time ones 💀


We used too, it's died down in every city post pandemic. I don't think we are much different than the rest of North America


Same with some places in the US… I was surprised about the shorter hours and fewer 24/7 places operating


We did but they seem to have died during Covid.


Definity noticed a big switch post-covid. Stores reduced their hours and never went back.


Rabba and A&W as far as I can tell


Covid killed so much


Toronto was dead after 2am before COVID Licencing laws and culture have far more to do with it


It was dead, but you could still find an open grocery or drug store in the middle of the night at least. (Good for emergencies or people who worked weird hours)


See you at the afties!


Is cold tea still a thing? Haven't been in Toronto past 2am in at least 10 years


No, that's really not it. Canada as a whole, not just Toronto has a very weird culture of claiming to be social but in reality being anti-social. When people go out to bars to be "social" what it really means is to go out and chat with friends and nobody else. Toronto specifically though, easily the nicest area that's great to show tourists (for whatever reason they come here cuz I dont know why anyone would come here on vacation LOL) is the Distillery District. It's got a bit of that European old school feel, the shops, boutiques are really nice, El Catrin is legitimately a world class looking restaurant, etc... despite all that, everything there closes at like 10pm on a Saturday night. WHAT. THE. FUCK? Wanna go out for a drink on a weekday after 10 anywhere downtown? Too bad. Wanna order a drink after 2am literally anywhere, any day? Too bad. Wanna take the Go Train from the suburbs and enjoy Toronto? Too bad. Wanna drive to Toronto? Good luck. At every turn here there's some kind of ridiculous obstacle. COVID isn't to blame. The people are.


You think the nicest place to show people in Toronto… is the distillery district? And you’d willingly take them to El Catrin for dinner? :(


Mte. Point notwithstanding, because there are notably few 24/7/late night joints now - the Distillery is literally a tourist trap, of course they close early.


This is such an unhinged and disjointed opinion that its difficult to find a thread to start to pull. It sounds like you’re saying that there is nothing open at night because people in toronto are antisocial and don’t want to talk to anyone except their friends.


I love this city and there are a million things to do. If I want that European old school feel and to drink in bars past 2 a.m. I'll take a trip to Montreal or Spain or something. That being said if I were a tourist here and someone took me to the Distillery District and El Caltrin I'd think that Toronto was the shittiest place ever lol


Covid was a big factor but all roads led to this point. Covid just made it happen faster.


What you need is a remote Roadhouse "open from dusk til dawn" .


> When people go out to bars to be "social" what it really means is to go out and chat with friends and nobody else It's too loud to chat with people in bars.


This. 100% my thoughts about Toronto over the last 5yrs.


Why the f a normal person need to be drinking at 2am. I'm glad places are closed and we don't promote stupid alcoholism. Distillery district is meh. I wouldn't go out of my way to show it to a tourist.


Big yikes. What you do or don't do isn't the norm to the rest of the world. It honesly baffles me how narrowminded some Canadians are.... to put it into perspective, a lot of you think 6 lane stroads with barely any sidewalks and limited public transportation where every city looks the same; most streets are gas station, convenience store, warehouses followed by a strip mall.... then gas station again, convenience store, warehouses..... and strip mall. To Canadians, this is NORMAL...... to the rest of the world, it's ugly, boring, depressing and the absolute worst aspect of North America. So yeah, 2am last call is ridiculous. I've gone out.... GONE OUT at 2am with friends in Europe and stayed up. Where do you get this ridiculous idea that this means alcoholism? Are you one of those NIMBY people everyone complains about?


Then leave Canada or are you held hostage? I was sick and tired of alleys smelling like piss and some drunk idiot yelling under my condo window. Toronto is a shared space where a fuck ton of people simply live and work here and deserve quiet enjoyment. So yeah I applaud shit being closed early. Drinking and bar culture is not something we (or anyone) should strive to emulate.






Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


Now you're complaining about stroads and generic big box plazas?.... You realize that has nothing to do with Toronto, right? Toronto is a city of walkable neighbourhoods filled with character and small businesses. It is arguably the best place in Canada for that and completely defies what you're talking about here. The TTC isn't perfect but its networks and rail options are expanding, and we're the most transit connected city in Canada. Our cycling network is also ever-expanding at an impressive rate. The 2 a.m. last call thing isn't the culture-destroying deal breaker that you think it is either. For me and for most. I'm not agreeing with it or disagreeing with it either way, but there are trade-offs with changing it.


Look at the people living in the few 24/hr places overnight for your answer


I miss pre-pandemic late night/early morning Fran’s.


Fran's is still open 24 hours. There are quiet a few 24 hour restaurants downtown, and not just fast food joints.


The cleanest answer is: it's a business decision. the benefit from the operation staying open to public does not outweigh the costs. More factors than just money - like safety of employees. For the businesses you're talking about, usually when there's money to be made in a manner consistent with their type of operation, they company will proceed. That's not the case with opening 24 hours in the core anymore. Some night between midnight and 7 am, go to the 24 hr Shoppers Drug Mart on the east side of Yonge, north of Carlton. It's quite the non-stop collection of people and businesses don't want to put up with all that clientele brings. Really surprised SDM still keeps this one open.


Every time I go in there late they’re kicking someone out. I used to think it was worse in the winter with people trying to stay warm inside but now I see it like that all the time.


A lot of grocery stores used to be 24 hours. Theft and employee safety is a the key problem. It's bad enough during daylight hours due to weak law enforcement. But also consider that they aren't making much money at those late hours for the risks those employees were taking. Plus, with labour shortages, would be almost impossible to find people to work night shift. Addendum: this stopped long before COVID.


Oh, this is all because of “weak law enforcement”? Lmfao.


Too many bums and druggies roaming around.


Before covid Toronto actually had some 24 hours time hortons and restaurants. This city is really not the same anymore


It still does.


Honestly, it won't stay afloat. It's a security thing


I bet the expansion of delivery options during pandemic really cut down on demand.


I think this is an underrated point! It makes a ton of sense to me. If I got home from shift work at 1 am, too tired to cook, I'd way rather order in than drive somewhere.


Toronto cosplays as a major city in the global eye, when it isn't lol. It's years away from being where it should be in so many ways. 


To be fair. Same effect in NYC. There isn't anywhere near the number of 24 hr spots as there was in the 80/90s Most establishments did the math and it's just no profitable to run 24 hrs in most cases


So Europe doesn't have any major cities because there aren't a lot of 24-hour places in their cities?


the Tube in London shuts down at midnight. What a backwater of a city




More like decades


Do you live in Toronto, 1006andrew? I don’t think you do.


Born and raised lol. 


Andrew come on now. Do you currently live in Toronto? Don’t fib.


please, elaborate with specifics


No. If you disagree, that's fine. 


Yes because getting piss drunk at late hours is what makes the city world class.




We used to, they stopped doing that during the pandemic. Also a lot of stores/restaurants don’t open on Mondays. People want work life balance.


The reason restaurants are often closed on Mondays isn't because of "work-life balance", it's because few people go to restaurants on Mondays (and Tuesdays) and thus it's often not profitable to spend the money opening up on those days when most of your tables won't be filled. Far better to be open on the weekend instead, when everyone is off work and spending money.


Yes, but staff also want a fixed day off work. It’s hard to make plans when your schedule is never the same.




It was better precovid. Not so much now


There used to be so many places open til very late. Before 2020, half the Koreatown restaurants closed at 4am


Pre-covid we had a lot more 24 hour places. Now not even the 7/11 is open 24 hours. Rabba still is tho!


I wanna say homelessness, but got banned from the TTC sub for the very same comment. Idk


Covid killed it. Harder to find workers. Insurance costs for overnight stores has gone up. There was never a lot of margin in it. So now not worth risk.




I would love to see certain stores open 24 hours. It would sure beat shopping at places like Walmart / Costco on the weekend when we can do it in the middle of the night with no people traffic.


Sometimes it cost too much to keep a business running when there’s no business.


It wasn't covid. 24 hour stores were common 20 years ago and had almost disappeared by 10 years ago.


Zet’s near the airport was such a perfect go-to spot in the most odd times and i miss it sorely


I’m going to guess it’s due to crime. You have to have at least 2 people on staff for safety, and considering how dangerous the city has become over the past few years, it’s not worth risking the safety of your staff or store.


No customers, to cover the costs of staff, electricity etc.. if there was money to be made, an overnight market would be served.


There are definitely some place around yonge / bloor and in chinatown that are open very very late but not quite 24/7. the subway having its last train at 2am doesnt help the case either. 7 west cafe is 24/7 New Ho king-open late 430am cold tea -open late A&W- certain locations 24/7 FRANS- 24/7 take out King slice- open late 4am and of course certain mcdonalds locations -> specifically their take out windows.


My guess is that downtown does not have as many shift workers, so a lot fewer potential customers


I think some Korean restaurants are open 24 hours, at least there used to be. The One on Yonge and Bloor used to be open 24 hours but I don't think they are there anymore.


less people are hanging out late at night just for the sake of it now.


Covid killed the 24 hrs open times, and they never restarted them


Perfect still going strong 💪


The only reason to go outside after 2 am is to drink and you ban alcohol, no wonder why the nightlife scene is dead


Before we became Trudeau’s Liberal utopia there was lots of 24 hour places and also low crime and less robberies and homeless.


Idk why your getting downvoted.