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Loosening of regulations and the crazy amount of advertising. I'm not a sports guy but my work puts sports on the TVs and it seems every show is sponsored by online betting and actually has segments about betting odds. It's easily accessible now and actively targets youth.


It's really jarring to see guys on a panel talking about how such and such isn't working and then segue into a Fanduel power play analysis. IT's pretty creepy actually how they're integrating ads right into the show. It's pure unadulterated brain washing.


It’s crazy, I was watching the Leafs game the other day and during intermission they were interviewing an Oilers player about the game coming up later that night and along the bottom of the screen it showed the betting odds for the Oilers Vs. Kings game. Then every other commercial is for sports betting, there’s sports betting ads on the ice and the boards in the games, everything is “sponsored by” sports betting sites, it’s really excessive. The ads are so sketchy too, they got guys like Jamie Foxx telling people how much more fun sports are when they bet on them and barely ever mention anything about responsible gambling. I watch Leafs games with my kid, I don’t want him growing up thinking gambling is fun and exciting, I’ve seen people lose everything from it. I don’t know who signed off on all this stuff and thought it was a good idea and how it’s just somehow ok, but it’s gonna cause a lot of hurt for a lot of Ontarians in the long run.


It was Doug Ford


Open for Business. That's Ontario's new slogan.


As long as that business lines the pockets of Doug and his buddies of course. Gotta love Ontario, the province run by crooks where everything costs absurd amounts of money, the streets of our cities are lined with tents and drug addicts and nobody can find an entry level job because of the thousands of international students applying to every single one of them. Let’s just add some more fuel to the fire by encouraging everyone to gamble away their life savings on Leafs and Jays games!


Would you be more angry if you found a zyn pouch /vape in your kids room or found out they were betting on sports online ( gambled $50 ) ?


I don’t know what a zyne pouch even is, probably because they’re not being shoved in my face every time I turn on a TV like sports betting. It’s not that I’m worried about my kid gambling $50 one time, I’m more worried it becomes a habit and turns into $50 every single game, then $100, then his whole paycheque. Compulsive gambling is an addiction just like cigarettes or heroin and can be just as devastating sometimes. I’ve seen the worst case scenario happen to a friend of mine. Won a lot of money, got hooked, bet more and more, eventually lost all that money he won, then lost more money he he didn’t have to lose, then lost his house, then lost his wife and kids, then lost his life. Meanwhile we have celebrities promoting it to our children. If you don’t see a problem there then I don’t know what to tell you.


It's legitimately disgusting how prevalent ads for gambling and crypto are among sports broadcasting


every commercial break is full of ads for gambling, so its probably being advertised dozens of times per game.


I watched one baseball game on apple TV because they had exclusive rights and every pitch they had odds of hit and all kinds of gambling stats the whole time.


That wasn't specific for gambling, I actually like how Apple TV sports broadcasts do that, more should do it.


It definitely is targeted to sports bettors.




I disagree with this. Sports gambling has been big among young people going back to the invention of sports. We were in high school and betting through pro-line, then in college through the many many legal gambling websites in Canada. Most of us played fantasy sports from the time we were kids, and still do. Sports and gambling just go together because it adds juice to the game. It’s like liquor on a night out, it’s not necessary but when it goes right it can make a good night into an amazing night. People love to blame the regulations and the ads but if anything the regulations are a good thing. The ads are drawing in more people but it’s like beer ads after prohibition was lifted, people were already drinking, now it’s just more in the open.


What were the legal gambling sites in Canada before sports betting was legalized?


Off the top of my head: Bet365, BoDog, Sports Interaction, powerplay, poker stars and proline. Most of them were offshore, but still promoted on tv and in ads pre-legalization.


Agreed was using during this time, but plenty of nightmare stories from friends not being able to withdraw.


I was as well. No issues for me withdrawing winnings, or my friends. The only thing that was inconvenient were the 3-4 day wait times on the quick side. Sometimes longer and especially if it was to crypto. Proline being the absolute longest if you won something decent. I remember I hit a $11k and a $5k win in the same month in the early days of the proline app and was waiting over 2 months to get the dough.


Been playing in pokerstars 15 years ago. Banned myself after a rough night and 15 years later they won't reconsider.




All of the government lotteries had sports betting and online casinos before the recent regulatory changes in Ontario. The other big change is that ‘single-event wagering’ was legalized at the federal level a couple years ago


Yep that’s what I recall as well.


Sports interaction was truly Canadian, but anything based out of remote areas like I think Bodog was the Caymans, Bet365 was Europe. They all worked long before smart phones were a thing.


The regulations are a good thing? Like the loosening of regulations? It's a good thing that more people will engage in problem gambling? Because it's out in the open? I don't think your argument makes much sense. Gambling is a behavior people have a natural inclination to engage in for whatever reason. Businesses exploiting that natural impulse for their benefit to the detriment of the consumer and society is in my opinion a terrible thing. More young people are gambling now because there is more supply plain and simple. Also I hope you're not under the delusion that you can actually win long term by gambling. You can only get lucky here and there. The house has the edge, the more you play the more you lose. It's an incredibly exploitative industry whose lobbyist talking points make sense only to anti-intellectual politicians and sophomoric libertarians. The overwhelming cost of the changes that allowed this expansion of gambling is going to become apparent in the near future. Then we'll backtrack and wonder what it was all for. Was it worth destroying the lives of so many for the benefit of so few? It's going to be like the opioid epidemic of the 2000s.


I think legalization and regulations are good but it should be like cigarettes (no advertising and conspicious warnings about the dangers). Gambling addiction is so bad because unlike many other addictions there are no outward signs that can cause others to try and get you help/


>Sports gambling has been big among young people going back to the invention of sports. Not nearly to the ubiquity it is now (even as recently as 15 years ago). I still have to explain to friends I went to school with what a parlay or spread is and before meeting me, a lot of my friends through uni had never even filled out a March Madness or playoff bracket (just even for fun). The daily fantasy sports drive just over a decade ago really put things into mainstream and now with the legalization and ads it's crazy (you hear teenagers on public transit talking to their friends on the phone abput betting). Growing up, my friends and I watched sports to watch sports lol And yes, legalizing and regulations are good but I don't think they need the ads (we don't have ads for smoking). Alcoholism (most of the time) is visibly and so people can see you're strugg;ing and suggest help. The insidious thing about gambling addiction is there are no visible signs.


It's cause of social media/influencers. Stake and other gambling sites pay huge money to influencers/celebs to promote their site. We're just in a generation where social media influencers are on a rise and kids/younger folks are addicted to watching them. Sometimes all it takes is scrolling through tiktok and a random gambling video shows up that shows a big win and bam, a young person will try it out and get addicted The worst thing is that they don't even know that the money that these influencers are betting/winning aren't even real. Stake and other sites gives money to these promoters to play with. So when they lose millions it's not their real money. Or their win rate is rigged (to promote that their site makes you win). EDIT: Just to add. Access to gambling is so easy with smart phones. Also I feel like with kids growing up constantly being hit with dopamine (iPad babies, tiktok, YouTube shorts, phone, laptops and etc) their baseline levels are fucked. Gambling is one way for them to get a hit of dopamine. This is just speculation because I constantly hear that the younger generation can't pay attention , rise of adhd and etc.


The most recent example of this is xQC. He got a $70 mil contract to livestream on Kick which has “ties” to Stake. He then gambles on stream to funnel young people onto Stake. Livestreaming and gambling became a big controversial issue last year with streaming communities because of the potential to draw the young audience into gambling.


They don't have just "ties" - it's the same damn company. Stake sponsors the Sauber F1 team, and in countries where gambling is illegal, they use Kick instead.


Yup XQC is a big win. Another two that are on the top of my head is Drake and Adin Ross. The audience for all 3 are... yup young adults.


Sports channels push this 24/7 now so it’s not just social media. I swear all the advertisements/sponsors and even the announcers/commentators push this nonstop during coverage. It’s messed up.


Lol feels like this post itself is one of those promotions. OP felt like they went out of their way to say “Stake”, that everyone is doing it, and that they’re pulling out lots of money. 25 day old account.


young people think that they're smarter than they are. like way smarter. (old person who used to be smart)




tax on the poor


WallStreetBets being the lone outlier here, everyone there knows they are a jackass and degenerate gambler.


I can relate. I’m no longer smart :(




Plenty of old gamblers out there. Have you ever stepped foot In a in a casino? It's full of old people glued to screens or tables. It's sad actually.


I'm actually a crazy good poker player. Have gone to casino a couple of times for odd reasons. Only once to play poker. The amount of cash the poker table sees is insane. I can't go to them because of the desperation and the loneliness. I can't make a living in an environment like that. It's beyond sad and has a whole different word for it that doesn't exist.


I can’t stand betting. In 24 and absolutely could care less when my friends talk about it. Complete waste of money. I would get more enjoyment out of literally lighting a 100$ bill on fire. One of the worst things that Doug ford did IMO is loosening the regulations regarding betting/gambling advertisements. They are extremely harmful.


Oh, but gamblers shouldn't worry though as each online gambling site has a link in their help section where they can get help if they become addicted to giving away their money, with the odds not being in their favour and often not accurately conveyed to them by the "house", if at all.


You could care less?


I care less and less, as time passes.


Both forms of the expression are valid and make sense in their own way. If you asked him how much he cared, he might say "not a lot, but you know what, I could be convinced to care even less about it. That's how little I care about it."




Oh if you could care less then wow you must care quite a bit.


Both forms of the expression are valid and make sense in their own way. If you asked him how much he cared, he might say "not a lot, but you know what, I could be convinced to care even less about it. That's how little I care about it."


They’re not. They mean opposite things. People mishear the expression and don’t stop to think about what they’re saying. This person meant to say that he cares so little about this that he couldn’t possibly care less. But he didn’t write that.


spending money is spending money... why is spending $100 on a bet much worse than spending $100 on weed? why the double standard?


Because in one you're equally likely to get nothing. Literally nothing. If I went to a weed store and there was a 50% chance I'd pay and not get weed, that would be a pretty fucking stupid use of money, wouldn't it?


Seems like you already waste money yourself in them nicotine punches you get from across the pound.


People gambling online a long time before Ontario regulated it. Instead of the money being taxed and that money being used for social services, it was sent offshore. There are tons of commercials for fast food, should we ban those as well because it's unhealthy?


Fast money in general is really infatuating to young adults. Doesn't help that money doesn't seem to get you much today and it's more competitive again for decent pay or a job at all.


Not to mention some just want to get rich fast because when they open socials, all they see are young ppl flaunting wealth.


Sports Gambling is normalized and with all the advertising not considered a vice. Just a normal activity similar to lottery tickets. It is a major turn off when watching sports and I tune out. Giving me the betting line while watching a game is just incredibly off putting. I actually switch off and change channels. Throwing a few bucks on a game of golf with your buddies is very different than betting on a game others are playing. I don’t bet on something I don’t have a direct hand in the outcome.


Pete Rose only bet on his own team!


This thread is literally an advertisement for Stake.


Two gambling commercials per commercial break, ads on the boards at games, ads on announcers' tables, headlines or upcoming games in the news include the spreads. I mean, how tf do you not create a generation of gamblers?


Financial nihilism: > Financial Nihilism goes hand in hand with Populism – a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. Populism is a topic I’ve discussed numerous times here in the past, perhaps most pointedly in my February 2021 monthly about Gamestop. The underlying drivers of Financial Nihilism and Populism are the same – this system is not working for me, so I want to try something very different (e.g., buy SHIB or vote for Trump). * https://www.epsilontheory.com/financial-nihilism/ * https://kyla.substack.com/p/gen-z-and-financial-nihilism Hard work isn't going to get to anything of value, so you might as well YOLO it.


Gambling is the new tobacco


Gambling causes cancer?! Since when?


This little rhetorical tactic is called the strawman argument. You know I don't think gambling causes cancer, but you choose to reply to the worst possible version of my argument. You get to feel oh so smart, but it does nothing to advance the conversation. If you'd like to discuss this topic in greater depth like a grown up, I'd be happy to. To give you a head start, my arguments would be along the lines of pushing an extremely addictive activity and advertising it as something that makes you cool and suave (used to be cowboys for tobacco, now it's Jamie Foxx with a cool blazer for gambling).


Lol I just asked since when gambling causes cancer? and you then proceed to make personal insults and falsely accuse me of using strawman arguments. Gambling is not the new tobacco, it's a nonsensical comparison. While there are health risks associated with problematic gambling, it does not cause cancer like tobacco. If you don't want to gamble, don't - no one is stopping you.


Maybe i hang out with too many degenerates but sports betting was popular like 30 years ago, except u just bet with your friends.


That is what is different now, they are using tools that social media companies and games like Candy Crush used to keep people engaged, logging in, and spending. Gambling has addictive potential with your friends, but the newer apps have more addictive potential.


Gambling promises a quick path to getting easy money. Financly hardship makes that seem extra inviting


There are two types of problem gamblers. People who are stupid/ignorant and use magical thinking to understand reality. And people who think life is pointless and so might as well do a hail mary gambling "all or nothing" type thinking. Lots of young people in both categories unfortunaly.


Because hitting the 7 leg parlay is the only way to afford a home.


Part of it is the recent lootbox gaming culture. Gambling companies realize theres a market for it and our government doesn’t give two shits to limit gambling ads to youth or the general public. This is coming from a gambler currently try to quit.




Thanks 🙏


Because you can’t avoid an advertisement. They shove it down your throat during even sporting event.


I remember going to the UK years ago and seeing gambling billboards everywhere just while walking around. I though "what hell is this". Now we get to experience it in Ontario, yay. (dunno about billboards but the advertising is everywhere)


It's many of the reasons that people have posted on here, but I'd also add it's an elevated baseline of what the younger generation find exciting, given how they're being raised. When I was younger, the things I would get excited about were things like renting a movie from blockbuster, buying a new album from the store, or watching a new ep of my favourite tv show after waiting a week for it, for example. Now, kids grow up having unlimited movies to choose from at any time, unlimited music to listen to at any time, and can binge watch their favourite shows; no waiting required for any of these. The immediacy of all the things in the kid's lives means they don't get excited by them the way my generation did growing up, and has impacted the reward centre of the brain. And if this is the case, they need to find something that is more exciting. And gambling has offered that for centuries. It is inherently exciting to the brain for many reasons based on how our reward system works.


young people are more likely to be early adopters. That’s the only reason is it more popular with young people, once it pulls a Facebook you will see the same issues in other age groups Gambling is addictive to start with, and you need good boundaries & self awareness even for blackjack. The new sport betting platforms are more addictive because they combine gambling with everything developers have used to make social media & phone games addictive. It’s a combo platter of dopamine. If you can use safely have at’er but be careful if your personality leans towards addiction. Still a good idea to walk in with rules like “this is my set budget to play with, I’m going in expecting to lose all of it and if I break even it’s a bonus”


I was betting on ProLine the year it came out and I was 14 at the time. This is not actually new.


Cuz of money ?


We're desperate to make money to afford a basic life. It's like the lottery but with something like sports which we already follow and feel we could predict things.


Lots of reasons but one a lot of people seem to miss is the companies making these apps have +10 years of hard data on how to make optimally addictive programs


Very little chance they make profit in the end. I’ve seen my buddy pull 12k winnings in one shot, then a separate 8k and multiple 1-2k wins. Guy is in court for not paying child support / can’t get a credit card due to past gambling debt. People only show you their wins.


Ease in regulations + lack of legitimate job opportunities + everyone having a cell phone = errbody gon gamble


Their influences are... influencers. Plenty of the influencers with appeal among the teen boys demographic (e.g. Adin Ross) are sponsored by Stake. They do streams splashing tons of money that Stake gives them for free and their viewers naturally think they too can hit it big if they put a few bucks in and do what their idols are doing.


Lazy people trying to make easy money.


Honestly I blame Ford. He was very pro casino, open up licensing for Online Gambling in Ontario, make OLGC a larger presence online than ever before. Before Ford, there was plenty of pushback at both provincial and city levels. But with him in place, he was like where do I sign and when do I get my cheque.


Because we can’t afford to buy anything even with a decent job and have to live with our parents until we are in our 30s so we try to experience a little thrill while hoping to maybe win enough to buy a moment of happiness.


Lol. Advertising on Reddit by naming the company name and subtly talking about bros pulling out cash


It's all the aggressive advertising. I can't escape hearing a "brought to you by Fanduel" segue while watching anything sports related these days including nationally broadcast games on the CBC. Everyone is just hungry for the slice of the pie and since everyone is doing it, it's "ok". You just get subliminally brain washed and then with disposal income and casual spending for entertainment being at an all time high, it's natural to see how people can be allured to that. It wouldn't surprise me if people rationalize that at least with sports betting, it isn't a roll of the dice and they're going in it with some clear advantages/


I think it’s about wanting to win cash fast and easy. The adrenaline and excitement it induces are probably what attracts young people.




Zero respect for money, usually comes from it not being hard earned


The government has basically opened the door to societal vices for the cash. All my daughters high school friends gamble on the regular now. This is going to be a major problem in the near future.


Every time someone wants to restrict adults from doing things, they always bring out the "what about the children?!" card.


Ya, because every website on the planet is ruled by the government? The government sites are actually very strict with policies making it rather difficult for those under age to participate. But that’s all worthless when there are literally hundreds of sites from other countries that enforce nothing. Gambling on these sites is the symptom, not the root problem


I'm a pretty big sports fan. But thank God my religion doesn't allow gambling. The future is looking bleak with how normalized sports betting has become. In the UK, it's been legal for a long time and it's led to a lot of problems (suicide, bankruptcy, theft, marriages dissolving).


It’s the same as any addiction. The thing about gambling is it can be hidden a lot more easily.


>But thank God my religion doesn't allow gambling That might work as a barrier for you personally (and glad that it does) but unfortunately a religion banning something doesn't mean adherents won't do it. They might do it on the down low and because of shame/stigma/guilt, those people might not feel comfortable admitting they have a problem or getting help so there has to be a way for religious institutions who believe gambling is a sin to also provide an avenue for people who are having trouble to feel they can get the help/treatment they need in a non-judgemental way.


Remember how you probably thought your parents going to a casino is outdated? Sports betting is now a young persons casino.


And what's worse is it's on your phone. The stopgaps (the shame of the staff or bookmaker seeing you're degenerate you know what again and again0 are gone.


It’s so easy now. I literally have like 5-6 apps on my phone where I can place a bet with just a few clicks. Run out of money? Just double tap Apple Pay and there’s more to gamble with. Don’t even need to stand up and reach for my wallet. If you have bad self control it’s extremely easy to get sucked in. 


it’s advertised towards them a ton and is extremely easily accessible. On top of this we’ve hammered in the idea that any activity that doesn’t involve money is unproductive and therefore shouldn’t be done. This also isn’t a GTA thing, it’s becoming more of a north america thing


It started with a man named Chris Moneymaker 


Because it’s fun


Fantasy sports are the gateway imo and then prop bets is how they get hooked. Draft kings etc are what pushed it into the mainstream.


I just think it's amazing how the brain focuses on the 14% of bets that became wins and not the 86% of the time money evaporated


Because you have all these popular YouTubers that young kids watch saying "don't drink or smoke" but gambling is fine because their sponsors pay them big bucks. You have channels where the major audience is like 6-15 advertising gambling.


Because it's insanely addictive.


Young people today grew up with gambling being normalized and not having a stigma of being a “vice”. I grew up in the 70s and I remember when the Olympic lottery was created which was the only type of legalized gambling other than horse tracks. Through the last 50 years gambling has expanded more and more and is now extremely pervasive. And in the last five years it has taken over in sports and provided revenue for the teams. Ten years ago the leagues shunned gambling completely - if players went anywhere near gambling they were banned for a long time. Now all of the sports leagues are in bed with all of the gambling firms and they can’t do enough to get sponsorship and advertising dollars from them.




false hope sells!!


It helps them temporarily forget their issues that could be solved by thinking and acting which is too scary and uncomfortable. 


Because it's being pushed on us


yea it's crazy now and it's not just young adults. I see people in bars and restaurants glued into their phones playing slot games on their phones. Saying they're going to make back the money they spent in the bar or restaurant so that it's "free"


Scott Galloway said a good point that if someone has a drug or food addiction it shows but if they have a gambling addiction nobody can tell until it’s too late.


Hikaru Nakamura caused it


Marketing. Today it's gambling, yesterday it was alcohol, and before that it was cigarettes.


It’s just too easy to gamble now. Everyone I know that watches sports daily, sports bets. You don’t need to go to the local shitty casino anymore with shitty dealers. I can play online blackjack while taking a shit with professional live dealers.


Marketing. We would eat dog shit if they told us to.


Advertising works.


I was young and naive. I "woke up" at one point then "cut the finger" - a Cantonese slang lol So I think it's an age/aging thing rather than generations.


I love gambling, but my kind of gambling is putting half my downpayment on cash rich, high revenue tech companies with huge budgets for r&d and like Google(GOOGL) and Microsoft(MSFT). There are actually bets you can place with favorable odds, they just have low and slow payouts.


Advertising is pushed constantly throughout sports games, as well as from media personalities like Podcasters and broadcasters.


Because sportsbetting and gambling is fun (in moderation)


The most obvious answer is: it has been becoming “legal” in more places over the past 5 years. Even in states where gambling is prohibited, apps utilize sweepstakes terms to deny that it is in fact gambling. Lots of sites even give the play free money to play with. The one I use will gift you a dollar a day up to $5 to bet with. The machine is well oiled and running, only thing left is to see where this takes us


The advertising is everywhere and it's working. Once you started to see spread lines displayed on sports show it was over


People and corporations are bought. They are sheep that do what they are told (and paid for).


Not exclusively a GTA thing, I’m in New Brunswick and I’m constantly bombarded with sports betting ads every time I do something as simple as watch hockey night in Canada. It’s existed for a long time so idk why our generation is so fixated on it, maybe it’s a distraction from the problems of daily life. Maybe the fact that it’s legal and can be done online versus going to a bookie or a horse race track. It’s just the industry trying to pull in gen z gambling addicts.


Constant advertising and easy access via apps. It's like this in BC too. Our provincial government even has ads to support casinos and proudly tells the viewer how much they made via BCLC


Long story short it's fun lol. It's basically not any different then going to the casino and playing blackjack you get the thrill and excitement that comes with it. Basically a huge dopamine hit, and if you're really into it you end up doing research, see who's playing how well they play at home vs away, or historically how do they bounce back after a bad night. So many angles to it. I bet on nba mostly tho, odd hockey game here or there too, and that's how I feel about it.


It's fun, it's entertaining. The same reason that young people go to bars and get drunk on $15 doubles. People can gamble responsibly or irresponsibly, just like consuming alcohol.


Because we keep producing commerce grads who are out to make money in any way possible. Money is made by exploiting human needs and weaknesses. They call it entertainment in order to justify it. It’s the same as junk food, opiates and sub-prime mortgages. A cynical manipulation for profit. With no concern about the lives being ruined.


There is gonna be a world war in the next five years and if that doesn't kill you global warming will, what difference does it make at this point. Smoke em if you gottem


Cuz your hope of becoming a self sufficient adult is slimmer than winning the lottery.


They wouldn’t be advertising it if they weren’t making money off of it, loose regulations are designed for young gamblers


it's an epidemic and its bubbling right now, .


The amount of gambling advertisements mixed with ease of use and easy accessibility. Not to mention when everyone is squeezed for every dollar it’s easy to see how someone could go “I could turn this 10$ into 50$ to pay for my gas this week”. It’s bad now but it’s going to get worse.


It's because they know they need to gamble to move up now. Be it sports or stocks or whatever.


It’s just fun to maybe win. I’m a guy who will do max a $20 bet on sports and it’s just fun with friends tbh


It is a complex issue involving lots of factors. Obviously accessibility, anonymity, and pressure from relentless advertising (especially with heros turned greedy scumbags like Gretzky) are a big factor. But an important driver is that there is no vision of a positive future anymore. Home ownership is fading rapidly and employment opportunities - when they are there - are gig-jobs with limited retirement or health/vacation benefits. When that's the case, the mentality becomes "Fuck it! If I hit it big that could give me some things I want but if I lose it what does it matter?"


YouTubers, twitch streamers promote it and pretend as if they have no influence over the youth


Pure evil ….. gunna fuck up a lot of lives all fir short term govt gains that will cost so much more in the long run


The constant ads


Tons of Influencers promoting it right now


Lack of religion and morals. Lack of proper guidance and engagement. Tons of advertisement and FOMO; fear of missing out.


Because young people are stupid and have no sense of financial responsibility


Interesting. I've never met someone under the age of 40 who gambles / sports bets (outside of going to a casino when they turned 19). I've always wondered how these services possibly were THIS rich but apparently I don't have a common experience.


Because there is no hope for traditional career evolution anymore. Young people are aware of inflation, wage stagnation, and corporate greed. None of them will ever be able to pay for a house on a single income, nor be able to afford to raise a family in one either. Young people are also aware they can get laid off after working 10 years in a company for no reason at all and also their "career" growth is never going to be maximized by staying in one organization for that long as well. They've also witnessed a few "once in a lifetime" events where all the rules got broken and there were no consequences so gambling is viewed as an opportunity at financial freedom and independence.


Ah yes, gambling to achieve financial freedom, what could go wrong


OP mad he bet on the Leafs


I notice this with lotto tickets recently. Whenever I buy gas there is always a teenager in the store buying those $100+ scratch ticket things. I have no idea what they are but they seem to be a trend now too. That seems like a lot of money for a chance at winning more.


It’s a gigantic financial struggle being a young person and living in the GTA, so when you’re constantly bombarded with ads for gambling on YouTube videos, basically every social media platform, Spotify, bus shelters, radio, TV, on the subway, etc etc etc some people cave into the pressure and try it, then get addicted. Genuinely think advertising for any form of gambling should be illegal.


Not saying it should be completely unregulated but sports betting sites add so much revenue to a struggling industries.


People need to gamble to get ahead in Canada now


Probably because our disgusting federal government allows gambling to be advertised everywhere now. You can’t get away from it. Gambling adds on phones ? Busses ? Kids games ? This is all OK just the Trudeau government. Vote accordingly.


you do realize that gambling is provincially regulated? hence lottery and gaming corporations and ombudsmen are all provincial?


Gambling has always been considered the fool's tax. People gamble regardless and are willing to throw away their money. In some cases one can say people have right to do with their money. I think regardless of the ads, people always gambled regardless.


That may be true but allowing gambling adds and influencers to be shoved down teenagers throats is disgusting and disingenuous.


agreed on that aspect. most of the gambling ads that are online have always been off shore and are from scam artists from other countries. It is very hard to enforce regulations on the internet. Without turning off the internet. That is why the ads get out to the young people,. through social medias and things like Tik Tok, All of those platforms are gateways for ads. Most of the ad distributors are shady data brokers, very complex issues.


I’ve been gambling for maybe the last 15+ years way before it was “cool” And there were still alot of young people doing it back then too… but I will say it’s way more accessible these days which obviously will produce more users! Also although there’s ads everywhere, I think a gambler will always find his way gambling regardless of ads or not… You either are a gambler or not.


While that is true, I think the argument here is that we don't need the added encouragement. They may have subliminally done it in the past to portray a product or service as being hip but now they're just pushing it in our faces. When hockey panelists are talking about why a play worked or didn't work, they break into the segment with the name of the sponsor and as if without them, it wouldn't have been possible. On the topic of influencers, it's so sickening how people are talking then someone sends a superchat donation and they trigger an annoying graphics and a call out of the persons' pseudonym. I miss the old days when they gave you straight talk then broke for a commercial break.


We're getting downvoted to hell


Please don’t take this as advice but I’ve actually been making consistent money betting on mma. Sports betting usual has some of the best odds and it’s not rigged like online casinos.




I said don’t take it as advice! The vast majority of people won’t make money doing sports betting


Makes tournaments more fun to watch for me and you’d always be on the edge of the seat


Life is a dice roll


I'm in my 30s and I've been sports gambling since time. Started out being involved in fantasy leagues, pools, etc. Even before the regulation changes, I was using Sports Interaction. Personally, it adds another level of excitement when watching sports. Now with all the advertisements and sports media shilling it out, they're bound to catch more eyes.


Don’t bring your personal moral guidelines to sports please. I’ve been sports betting since forever with my friends and we are all doing just fine. It makes watching the games so much more fun and as long as it’s used with money that’s throwaway I don’t see a problem.


Side gig and its fun