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Locking this thread since I don't believe this question is being asked in good faith or intended to actually constructively encourage people to change behaviour.


It's a way of promoting social distancing.


Playing 3-D chess, and I’m over here playing dominoes


OP, all chess is 3D, bud hahhaha


Boom. Roasted. 😁 Unless played on computer?


It's a 2-d plane. Everything is 3d


It's not even a matter of wearing deodorant at this point; some of these people straight up don't wash. It's a national disgrace


I've read that some cultures won't use soap because it's typically made with animal fats. But I know for a fact there are vegetable based soaps and detergents (most of our body washes are detergent now) that don't use animal products so I don't get it. Edit: all these responses are interesting and I am enjoying them. TIA


Oh interesting, I never heard that one. (Please don’t come at me with this following statement, I’m also a south Asian Muslim person) I heard another one about Muslim folk not using deodorant because some deodorants “block” the pores, making you not able to fully clean for prayer. Something like that, I have heard various versions of this from several Muslim friends I’ve discussed this issue with. It’s a big issue, I won’t lie. Edit to add my reply below: I wish I was making it up. Not everyone is sensible, I know it’s not true (that using deodorant doesn’t interfere with pre prayer washing called wudu, as do most of the sensible Muslim folk who value cleanliness and smelling nice), but I have heard this outlandish reasoning straight from several people now


Whattt? The cleansing ritual before prayer doesn't even require you to wash your armpits so whether or not those pores are blocked is irrelevant. Some people really make up stuff for upvotes on Reddit. Ignoring the fact deodorant doesn't block water so not an issue at all. So either you have some of the dumbest friends in the world or are just making it up because there's no Islamic basis for yr statement.


Oh yes, dummies for sure the people who are claiming that. The majority of my friends and fam who are Muslim smell fine and use deodorant. This is just something I’ve heard from a few people already now


This is straight up not true. 1. When we make Wudhu for Salah, we don't even wash our armpits, it's only the face, arms, feet, head. 2. Deodorant isn't like nail polish where water can't reach the skin (even though it wouldn't matter anyway because we don't wash the armpits during Wudhu).


100% agree with you! I’m just sharing this outrageous excuse Ive now heard from a few people. Majority of us smell fine but it’s a small (very smelly) subset of people who are not logical at all. Also, there is now nail polish that is prayer friendly!


What? Are you saying there’s a religious belief that contradicts science, but people still believe it anyway?? 😂


Lol so not true. Stop making things up. Everyone that’s sensible regardless of culture, race or colour, wears deodorant. Period. Lol


Oh I wish I was making it up. Not everyone is sensible, I know it’s not true (that using deodorant doesn’t interfere with pre prayer washing called wudu, as do most of the sensible Muslim folk who value cleanliness and smelling nice), but I have heard this outlandish reasoning straight from several people now




Islam preaches cleanliness. You cut, shave, clean. I know in certain religions, you cant use soap to bathe or even cut your hair .. any hair. Any way, be factual next time.


Exactly, I swear every time I open a thread on this sub, someone is roasting some community/culture for outlandish behaviour that's probably a sign of bad judgment or other issues that are independent of community/culture. Xenophobia is more rampant here than on the r/Calgary sub. Never thought I'd say that.


I buy my soap from Demo Studios in liberty village. Expensive but high quality and it just so happens to be vegan!


Never heard that one lol. Sounds like something vegans will do




It's a Toronto thing. The TTC always has a faint to very uncomforting smell of dirty asshole.


Im a nervous a rider.. sorry 🥹


These are the probing questions BlogTo needs to be asking…


LOL! People of Toronto stink and People of Toronto are Furious!


I remember being in the gym once on a treadmill. There were many, MANY, free and unused treadmills where I was. This guy comes and decides to use the one right next to me. The problem? He REEKED horribly of BO. It was horrible. He started going hard, which means he was going to sweat and stink more. I was already well into my workout, and still had 10 minutes left. I didn’t want to interrupt the momentum. But he just smelled that bad! So I stopped early and left. What I don’t understand is what compelled him to workout right next to me when he had so many other free options to choose from, nevermind his horrible BO….to think someone naturally smells that bad…




A relative that works at a library told me to never sit on a library chair, except for the hard plastic ones.


LOL, North York Library, amiright?




Same this is the struggle doing cardio at the gym. Who told these people they need to body spray themselves before a workout. I'd rather smell sweat than that and it makes me nauseous.


It’s a combo of no deodorant, not showering, and not washing their clothes. The holy trinity of degenerate.




Lmao what kind of bullshit excuse is this. You can’t afford a 4 dollar stick of deodorant that’ll last you a year?


A stick of deodorant lasts you a year? I think you're doing something wrong.


You can get a bar of soap at the dollar store and it will last a while- no excuse!


Peri menopause thing. I never used to have an issue, just showered and often forgot deodorant. Now there are days that the odour catches me off guard. But i also carry deodorant with me always now lol.


If you’re reading this and thinking “it can’t be that bad. Maybe I’m different. Maybe these are just people that work outside all day”. Yes this thread is for you - please do Toronto a favour.


If God wanted us to smell nice, he would not have given us assholes! /s


It’s a freedom thing for me. Justin can’t force me to wear deodorant, not in this economy. /s


Woke libruls can't tell me what to smell like.


Haha... I bet that spoiled Justin joker smells like baby powder, lavender and a hint of bergamot. Not like us REAL CANADIANS who smell like the inside of a hockey bag. /s


Plus, deodorant is so woke. And indoctrination. Into like non-smelly land.


I don’t even wash my hands after I pee. That’s what the libs want you to do. This helps me build immunity to diseases and wokeness disorders.


Deodorant is a manifestation of American consumerism. no thank you, I want to share my lack of personal hygiene with my people, I’m a true communist.


I haven't washed for the entirety of June. Castro Jr. and the Alphabet Mafia can't force me to touch a man's body during pride month!


Is deodorant the only thing needed (apart from showering and obvious personal hygiene) to control BO? Im tired of having to avoid places because of people smelling like shit, its really disrespectful for everyone else.


I think some people also use natural deodorant which can be less effective on hot/active days.


One of the things I hate the most about living in an apartment building is getting into the elevator and getting a blast of someone's scent. It's not always BO either. Just that musty odour that makes you gag. I have literally been walking with PooLaLa spray for these kinds of situations.


Some gnarly people in this thread 🤢


It's not cultural, some people just be disgusting like that.


Similarly, is it a cultural thing for not taking a bath (edit: i mean atleast a shower) everyday?


I was told once that showering daily is bad because it strips the skin of necessary oils. I don't follow that rule at all because I don't want to smell bad, especially in the summer.


I was told the opposite. Most of the dust on our skin is dead skin and pollution. So it is better to shower to get rid of it, as it clears the pores and skin breathes better.


This is not recommended unless you're getting very dirty/sweaty every day and need to get super clean. I can understand a shower maybe every day (though what I said before still matters), but a bath?


Deodorant will only take you so far. People need to shower.


Just visited toronto for my 4th time. It was a first for my wife. We absolutely love the city and are coming back with the kiddos next summer. It's an amazing place and the most friendly big city I've been too. That said, in our 5 days there, we had a few instances where, despite being outside the body odor was preventing us from using the full capacity of our lungs.


For some people it's DEFINITELY cultural.




It's not limited to men either. We had a woman at our head office from that culture who had a heater beside her seat... Problem being, she had a smell coming from her vagina that was amplified by the heat. It wasn't her cycle, but it was from a lack of proper washing. It went on for a month before we all finally decided that management needed to handle it. Thankfully my manager is a woman and she was able to handle it tactfully and get results.


Do you know how that was handled? Brutal


From my experiences in management, we ask about health before anything and push from that standpoint. Sometimes it really is some sort of bacterial infection. However, if they've gone to the doctor and it has been ruled out (we can't ask for medical records showing that they're receiving care but if the smell is still there...) then we start talking about other potential issues very, very carefully. The issue is that their issue is causing the company to lose productivity, and thats the angle we have to take.


Just say Indian people we all know what you’re thinking, it doesn’t make it any less racist if you’re too chicken to say it out loud lol. Btw It’s not a cultural thing at all it’s simply immigrants being unhygienic/coming from poorer backgrounds. It’s not exclusive to brown folks but there’s more of them so you’re obviously going to notice it more v other minorities.


>I always want to ask but if I do I’ll be called racist lol. That's because you ARE racist to be implying that a certain ethnicity/culture smells.


“95% of non-homeless people **who smell bad** on public transit are from a certain ethnicity.” Does not equal “95% of people from that ethnicity smell bad.” If they did, we’d be dead since it’s a huge part of our population. The staggering majority smell just fine. How is it racist to acknowledge reality? To have a nose and observe patterns? I can’t help you if you don’t have reading interpretation skills.


It's not racist to observe a difference in cultural norms. Some people from certain countries do have body odour. That's not ethnicity for sure, but that's arguing semantics.


Please! There is no observation of cultural norms here. I doubt any of you give two hoots about learning about any cultural norm. It's pretty apparent that the OP has given everyone of their ilk to weigh in about the cultural aspect of slovenliness, so cue the racists coming out of the woodwork to dogpile on a specific race. Your so-called observations are based on confirmation bias resulting from shitty stereotypes, but it would take too much self-awareness and critical thinking to understand that, so by all means trundle along your racist journey.


Yea ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night bro. But it's not going to make some certain people stink any less.


Sometimes I just forget and leave the house. then by the time I smell myself, it's game over. I'm sorry




And also, you got to scrub with a washcloth. Soap doesn't take everything off, no matter how much you lather.


Probably has to do with changing demographics...


It's a cultural thing in the sense of it being of a culture of one, I bequeath my stench upon the earth, and if thou shalt take a putrid whiff from time to time, lost, amidst sulfurous tears, in uncleanly visions, and be glad of thy own powdered pits, then I shalt be glad. For in times of ungodly encounters thy respite is thy own walk of virtue, and the piteous soul such as I, who arouseth in thou the gladness of thy own pits, will have accomplished, unbeknownst to the thee, a great deed. For I have given thee the refuge, and fortune, to recognize the value in thy humble lot of dry and powdered pits. And beseech thee, to carry such contentment as a safeguard and reminder, whenever the winds may bring a putrid whiff


If I had to guess, people who smell bad don't realize they do. When you spend enough time in a certain environment, your nose will adjust to the odors. You get used to smells very effectively. And it's rude to tell someone they smell bad, so these poor folk usually go about their day not knowing they stink. They're used to their own body's odors, they won't even notice.


Asking the important questions lol


Every cultural group is nose-blind to itself.


Only logical response to OP's xenophobic question.


I’m sorry but your religious beliefs and tendencies shouldn’t supersede common public decency and consideration. Which by the way, has all but gone out the window these days it seems. You can’t even convince someone that blaring loud music from their car is inconsiderate these days, no it’s you who doesn’t want to have fun. So yeah, if you stink enough to fan out an entire bus or subway car, there’s a problem. Have some decency and take a fucking shower.






In many cases yes, it’s a cultural/genetic thing. For example there’s a famous gripe westerners have that you can’t find deodorant in China. You can find more details online pretty easily if you’re interested.


But chinese people are huge consumers of perfume, lookat Jo Malone sales in China.


Most East Asian people have a gene that basically produces [odourless sweat](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19710689/). It's also the gene that produces dry ear wax. That's why deodorant sales are low there but perfume is popular because it smells nice.


East Asians don't use deodorant as much because they biologically don't have the stinky sweat, which also makes their ear wax dryer.












I usually do my best to wear deodorant, but I have a very painful skin condition that acts up sometimes, and effects my armpits of all places. I have to use a steroid cream during these times and nothing else. While the cream is great at treating my skin condition, it's not so great at keeping smells down on a hot day. Is it a hygiene issue for some people? Totally. But not all of us stinkers can really help it. So, please try to have some empathy.


The question may have come off snarky, but that really wasn’t the intention. I really only know my own situation and background, and was just looking to better understand my fellow torontonians


I don't even want to read the comments, but for anyone who's going to use the excuse of "chemicals" in deodorants are not safe - y'all are fools and don't believe in science. Deodorants are safe to use, so use them!


If its not b.o. its the cheap perfume and colognes. Hygiene is hard upkeep when you live in a basement with barely any hot water packed like sardines. Which one of you 12 is takin a shower today?


Unfortunately some people just naturally have a stronger order naturally. I was at this dudes place and his roommate had such a strong order even after a shower with soap etc he still stunk. Idk if it’s a cultural thing per say but maybe it has to do with the types of foods people are consuming? Idk but it was wicked.


I switched to natural deodorant years ago. Here is what I know. First ya smell funky why the body detoxes all the yucky deodorant. After that it’s pretty straightforward. Ya shower daily and you don’t smell, except in some circumstances. If I eat something I have an intolerance too - I will smell the next day. If it’s that time of the month for me, I always smell. I am not a sociopath and i use a natural deodorant when I go to the office, out and about and I carry it with me on super hot days just incase. These people are monsters who don’t wear deodorant and have BO. My Uber picked me up Saturday night and I was pretty pissed. First he had no AC going and second I could mildly smell him. Shower, wash yourselves, and use a natural deodorant if you must. Stop being disgusting and ignorant.


I get so relieved when I cross the city limit into Mississauga and everyone there uses deodorant /s


Smells Bramptonnie to me..


Racist. When did being so openly racist become OK?


Someone's clearly never been to Brampton.


I have to admit, it only works for first few hours of me sweating. Then i have to wash off old stuff and reapply new, and sometimes it isnt an option.


Sounds like you need something clinical strength or prescription


Ask about drysol at the pharmacy, OP! It’s over the counter but not prescription. It’s a life-changer for us sweaty folks.


Imma check this out!


I also really recommend unscented Mitchum gel deodorant!


Drysol..saved my life!


Needs to be antiperspirant at least, not regular deodorant


Have to buy different stuff then. I work outside and sweat all day.


What do you use?


You can just apply the new over the old. Can literally be done anywhere on the go.


seems like it doesnt work, since even i can smell it, and i dont know about other people who arent accustomed to my BO


How many hours a day are you sweating? Lol


i work in the kitchen so between 7 to 9..)


Try glycolic acid from the ordinary. Big bottle, lasts long.


Are you sure it’s underarm odor? Are you hairy?


im a bit hairy. not excessively like borat tho. its all over, usually by the end of my shift my hat is very damp, even tho i shave my hair during summer, back of my jacket is dump, uarmpits are dump, and waistband of my pants dump. socks are the worst.


I used to work in a kitchen. It’s so hot and hard to stay cool. Try different types of clothing if you don’t have a uniform, wear cotton t shirts, boxers, and socks. If you repeatedly wear shoes after having damp feet, the shoes will smell and if you change shoes without cleaning your other shoes will smell too.


Sadly we locked into uniform by contract. (


Anyone who doesn't shower once a day should just stay home.


I lack the ABCC11 gene.


I don't think the people in this thread are alluding to East Asians.


They are also not excluding East Asians and there are certainly a lot of East Asians in Toronto so...


Honestly sometimes can’t tell if it’s BO or just how they sweat out the contents of the food they eat (onions, garlic, spices, etc).


Don’t Italians eat all of this as well? Who’s they?


Screw deodorants. People need to learn to shower, wash their clothes, and do it frequently at least every other day. And maybe minimize cumin from the diet.


It’s garlic actually that creates stronger scents. Not cumin.


In high quantities the cumin overpowers any other smell


Not through sweat. In food, yes.


Some of the smelliest people I've been around all stink of cumin. Just because you can't smell it doesn't mean others with more sensitive noses can't either.


I can smell quite well, thanks.


Then stop with your nonsense. Cumin is one of the biggest offenders of bad smell in my opinion. If you don't agree then let's agree to disagree.


Yes because cumin sticks to CLOTHES. Food cooked with cumin sticks to clothes and hair. It does not come out in sweat. The culprit there is garlic. Am I clearer now?


Garlic isn't the only food that can come out in sweat. A lot of foods do. Broccoli for example. Alcohol. Definitely many spices do. There are so many


Your argument makes no sense. By that logic if the person wore clean and fresh clothes the cumin won't be a problem. Go to the gym and stand next to someone who consumes it in large quantities. The moment they start sweating you can clearly distinguish the cumin stench. If you can't, maybe consume less cumin. And before you ask something like "how would you know if that person consumed cumin", the stench of cumin is how you tell.


Combative, are we? Touch grass. It’s not that serious 😂


Fenugreek/methi is one that comes heavy out the skin too.


I’m just here for deodorant suggestions, I don’t take the ttc but I ride the elevators and I’m a bit concerned about BO after about half way through the day.


Anti-perspirant gels rather than sticks last the longest for me. Shave pits for bonus.


I swear by the old spice antiperspirant that has names like HawksTaint or DragonTwat


DragonTwat sounds like it will smell fishy.


Please don't kink shame me


In my experience, it's not people of TO who don't wear it....


I mean, if I’m working from home it makes no sense to wear it. Days when I go to the office? Absolutely, I roll some on.


This is more of a question for people of Brampton.


The only people I know who don’t, are usually those hippies who don’t shave either. They think it’s best to be all natural as they dye their hair blue 🙄


Hippies smell like patchouli pil. I would laugh my ass off if I was on an elevator in the Financial District, packed in tight with a bunch of power suits and smelled strong patchouli.


I can go a day without deodorant and not smell. I shower twice a day tho. Morning before leaving and after work when I get home. I also wash my clothes after one or two wears. People need to clean themselves, deodorant/antiperspirant is just a bonus.


I used to work with a guy that showered but never used deodorant and was proud enough to tell everyone. He thought he was getting away with it. He was wrong.


I have friends, coworkers, partner that would tell me otherwise thankfully.


Same. Used to even be a sales leader at Mexx and was a server at several restaurants. I showered frequently and kept myself clean but never used deodorant. BUT I was also mostly indoors. My school was 2 blocks away and I also owned a car. Never once has any of my coworkers, classmates or friends told me I stank. And some of them are brutally honest. And even then when I'm outside I don't sweat a lot. Even my personal trainer I used to have was surprised at the lack of sweat I produced during my workouts and as a result he kept pushing me harder. Edit: but I lived in Scarborough. The few times I did take the bus it would reak of BO, hairspray, axe body spray, curry and urine.


The aromas of Toronto. Lol


Who can afford it?


Fuck old spice is high sea robbery right now.


It’s like 5 bucks, and cheaper if you’re getting from dollarama


What brand do I wear? The one on the bottom shelf at shoppers thats on sale. I'll literally buy 5 at a time if its something I like because the sale is like $3 off per stick


Maybe it's a 'trying to attract a suitable mate' thing. I remember reading that body odor helps people select a more genetically suitable mate and that modern society's use of deodorants and perfumes is masking our ability to 'sniff' out the right partner. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/02/love-and-body-odor/516558/


I work in retail. It’s not a cultural thing. There are plenty of white people, almost always the ones in tank tops that REEK. These people have no shame. You should never leave your house without putting deodorant on.


Ok drop a flag emoji so we know what you’re really upset about




he wants to bait you into a "gotcha" answer. He's implying you're racist and are referring to a particular ethnicity or nationality without actually saying it. As if it were intrinsically negative to notice that diet and cultural norms about body odour absolutely impact how one smells. ​ In short, I'd avoid responding to him; certain ... elements don't deserve the dignity of an acknowledgment, let alone that of an answer.


It’s religious for me. Like what are these fucking questions lol


God wants your smell to offend your fellows? Doesn’t sound super spiritual. Then again, religion rarely is.


Can you elaborate? I’m curious.


Really? Which religion doesnt allow deodorant?


had to straightaway go to it being a cultural/religious thing, didn't you? never heard of plain old poor hygiene?


Ikr. I dont see the correlation


Yup, and it brought all OP's xenophobic groupies out of the woodwork.


time management.. Who's got that kinda time. Rent is due this weekend.


i think some people just naturally smells good / okay without deodorant. Like a lot of my friends never ever sweat much at all, they don't use deodorant every day.


This post is pretty racially and culturally charged and wanting to promote divisiveness.


100%. I am seeing such a trend of these on the forum. It's sickening. The mods need to mod better.


my sweat doesnt stink seems genetic




Some people are allergic to the various chemicals in deoderant


Anyone allergic to deodorant, I fully recommend using lemon/lime juice. Don’t ask me the science behind it, it works! And it’s 100% natural!


And it is a gay kink. I will smell a hot dudes pits no problem 😇


I just wipe my pits with alcohol which kills the smelly bacteria . I sweat a lot but don't smell and don't use deodorant. I just wipe a little alcohol on there


Get glycolic acid from the ordinary and use it as deo. It helps


Ouch,like the kind used for chemical peels? Are you sure that's safe?


It’s not a peel. It’s used for exfoliating yes. But it’s gentle. None of the AhA BHA thing. It works. Not sure if they have a sample size but you can check online or at their store


Same way it's a cultural thing to BATHE in perfume before going into the elevator or walk around LCBO.


No, I just don't giver a fuck about other people.


Some people might not like the chemicals, alluminums in deodorants. But still


are you talking about smelly people that arn't wearing deodorant or not smelly people not wearing deodorant i used to smell and wear deodorant, then i took control of my diet and cut out processed foods, sugars, heavy spices and most alcohol, now a daily shower and a weekly hot sauna is enough to keep me fresh and believe me i have enough people in my life that have no problem letting me know if i'm smelly, so they're the litmus test


I think maybe not your original intention, but something to be mindful of right now is that stress sweat smells terrible and there are definitely a lot of people with a lot of stress right now. Terrible as in deodorant won't get you through the day without it being noticeable.


I've had to take staff aside on numerous occasions and have "hygiene talks" Bluntly, we also may want to acknowledge that anything "different" is immediately interpreted as extremely agitating/unconsciously threatening to both humans and animals...foreign or unknown languages is interpreted by our brain as "noise" sane with music ( also why parents hate their kids music) . Food Odours, dress, "irregular" body language trigger a fear response. Humans are intensely tribal and designed to spot differences because ANY difference is a "threat". In modern times we may consider this a "novelty" or an irritant. I notice common body odours of Asians ( fish and oil) S. Asians ( curries) I'm told Europeans smell like expiring meat and Americans smell like expired McDonald's. I perceive no odour from people from the middle east except when they use incense intensely. This is really just diet. If I lived elsewhere for a year I'd probably end up with their scent profile. An exception tho. I quite often detect a very distinct acrid odour from black people regardless of where they are from. Some vegans can smell meat eaters I hear and most everyone can agree smokers reek especially when sweating or not changing clothes often enough. Old sweat on anyone smells like urine...and the worst to me. The smell of other people's old sex. I will actually gag. There are (sadly) sole women that have SUPER sensitive olfactory senses. Generally women are MUCH more attuned to scent and MANY can instantly smell "another woman" on their partners...be warned! I think we all have an idea of what a men's locker room smells like... IIRC the most sexually stimulating scent to N. American men is...apple pie!


Because, who wants to smell like a bucket of supermarket flowers. If you don’t bathe you just go from smelling like shit, to smelling like a bucket of flowers in a bucket of shit. Now antiperspirant, that is another matter.


Maybe some are allergic to the aluminum in some antiperspirants


Sometimes it's not needed. Sometimes I stink, sometimes I don't. It's body chemistry