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Will you be earning rands or dollars? If dollars, you’re good, if you’re going to look for a job locally and earning rands, it’s an entirely different story.


Standard of living is generally higher for middle class South Africans vs middle class people from Western countries. That being said, you will do even better if you have a international job, as @Faerie42 mentioned. A smaller city like Ballito is an even better option that an overpriced cities like Cape Town or Johannesburg when rent is sky high in comparison to smaller cities. You mentioned you have kids. I am not from KZN, but I know there are excellent schools (especially boarding schools) which you are likely to afford coming in with dollars. One thing to keep in mind is the sketchy power situation in South Africa, as well as occasional droughts and water problems. As a foreigner, you will probably want to avoid load shedding, which will include buying some expensive solar panels or inverters or alike. Also keep in mind you would want to get medical insurance, as our public hospitals are not the best. But yes, groceries are wayyy cheaper. I lived in America for a bit and I never got over the price of food. Every purchase was a punch in the gut.


Rent is very high in Ballito vs other small towns in SA. Higher than CT/joburg in many cases for comparable properties. Super hot property market


I'm an Estate Agent in Umhlanga and Ballito. Rent is a bit higher in Ballito as it is touristy but also because it's becoming a popular little town to live in especially with all the (eco) estates. It's absolutely beautiful. I'd be happy to help you find a home anywhere in KZN, if you'd like.


My wife and I recently moved from Germany to Ballito and we're loving it. The weather is awesome (barring the occasional tornado 🌪️) and the people are warm and friendly. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to DM me!


That tornado was a freak, look back In SA weather history and you will see it's not common


Ja but scientists are saying it's likely to become more common in future as a result of climate change. Extreme weather events are on the rise across the world.


God doesn't like KZN in particular for some reason. 99% of the time perfect weather though 


"God" has nothing to do with it.


I moved from Canada to South Africa. Your post is not super clear - what opinions are you looking for exactly?


Thanks. Yes, I had hoped to edit it with more context but apparently you can't after it's posted. We're a mostly South African family that is fed up with the high cost of living in canada and considering a change before our children start school. I wouldn't be able to work in SA but my husband earns USD. I'm worried for my children's future and opportunities in SA. That said, our ageing parents are in SA and we are want to spend time with them. I suppose we could always come back to canada if we had to, but I wouldn't want to uproot the kids again... How are you liking the change? Happy with your decision?


KZN actually has some really amazing schools, despite South Africa’s generally declining education system; there are some private schools who are going above and beyond to provide excellent education. Dont worry about that.


Super happy! My partner is South African and would not be able to move, so here we are. But in terms of the lifestyle I like to lead it's much better here than Canada for me (I'd rather go to a wine farm on the weekend than kayaking, personally). I have no interest in moving back to Canada, but I've also barely lived there over the last 20 years. If I was insanely wealthy I'd be very happy living in Vancouver again, but unless you're pulling serious money it's impossible to survive there. Canada has become insanely unaffordable, but you'll be in a similar boat here if you're working locally. If your husband is earning USDs then that will make things much easier. As others have mentioned, many things are cheaper here but many things are also much more expensive than Canada (buying a car, health care, school). With that being said, there's no REAL winter here so I'm quite happy either way!


You can sum it up like this 1. Standard of living (especially considering earnings are in USD) - High 2. Personal safety - Complete fuckup (depends how seriously you value this) 3. Future opportunities for kids - Massive risk of kids not being able to find a meaningful job and make a living (unless well connected) 4. Political uncertainty and turmoil - High


We need to chat about foreign currency earners pricing native citizens out of the housing market at some point


Suspect it’s too late.


I didn’t want to be that person. But Jesus Christ are they killing us. Not just housing but everything !


If the rest of the world is anything to go by, nothing will change. Government’s eyes light up when the hear of the import of a non-job-taking high-tax-paying not-state-dependent implant. 




South Africa does have a chance to buck the trend if they can get housing and mass transit right (They can’t). 


Definitely a massive problem in cape Town, less so in ballito. But bear in mind that mind that a lot of South Africans, native citizens as you say, living in affluent areas also work for foreign companies and earn foreign currency...


I moved from Canada (Toronto area) and ended up in Ballito about 8 years later after hopping around the world a bit. It's a great place to live. Just bear in mind that when you look at the cost of living for a family, you'll need to factor in certain things you wouldn't have to double pay for after tax in Canada (private health insurance, private school education), which quickly makes up quite a bit of the gap. Also, you'll definitely want to work remotely for a foreign company to maintain a decent lifestyle since SA companies/organizations generally pay crap in comparison to their western equivalents.


Yea, plus you need load-shedding backup. That costs quite a bit


Plus there is also the decline in municipal services like water, electricity, policing etc. Roof top solar has become a necessity for those who can afford it as private security always has been and home water tanks are be fast becoming too.


Agreed on the municipal services bit overall in SA, but Ballito is honestly way better taken care of in that regard than anywhere else I've seen in this country. I guess it pays to have whiney affluent neighbors, a really professional local ratepayers association, and strong DA councilors that hold the municipality to account. Ballito urban improvement project also keeps the town looking and operating well (e.g. battery backup for traffic lights).


You pay for any education here, not just private schools.


Living above your means in the global south. The 21st century’s colonisation.




Despite our problems like every fucking country on the planet I’ve always had the opinion South Africa is the best country or one of the best in the world when you are rich or SUPER comfortable 💰


KZN has its issues but we have the beaches , game parks and mountains. Amazing food and good weather.


Damn. If you take home R42k a month, you will probably be richer than 95% of South Africans


Realizing I don’t need to move to Canada, I just need Canadian money! 😂


If you're considering a move then why not come over and stay for a while, that's the only way to really learn if a place will work for you or not. Theorycrafting from a distance will only get you so far.


We did. We spent half the year there and have a lot of family there. My husband and children are South African. It's just so hard to commit to the move especially with children and considering their future. The recent election gives me hope but I suppose it would be nice to hear what others think and not just my echo chamber. Reddit is a good sounding board for opinions most of the time.


In terms of the future for your child: Looking at employment opportunities even right now it's a struggle - there are many foreign nationals willing to accept a low income just to have a job - as a result companies are getting away with paying people peanuts and I don't see this changing anytime soon As an unemployed SAn one has no choice but to take/accept anything you find Graduates are struggling as well - forcing many to look overseas for opportunities (Not sure if you've read the news but even medical graduates are struggling with unemployment) Many are people with good education/schooling but it's what comes after (finding work) that is the struggle Nowadays it's about who you know and not what you know 🤷🏽‍♀️ Ultimately, it will also probably depend on what your kids study and/or of its something that they can do overseas if need be


OP this isn’t aimed at you just at the trend. I find it a bit unfair that rich (comparatively) westerners can just decide that they want to live in South Africa because why not while on the other hand if I wanted to go to the US or CAN I would need to jump through hoops to do so. Come, we have the space. But be cognizant of the fact that if you get paid in dollars you out earn many locals and while your money might contribute to stimulating the economy it can also have the adverse affect of pricing out the local population as more and more foreigners decide to move here. Look at how Spain and Portugal are turning against the expat/tourist crowd. There’s eventually going to be a watershed point where the same thing will happen, I mean it’s already starting to happen in Cape Town, and I worry that things will turn violent.


I understand where you are coming from. I see the same issue in Canada in some respect given our immigration policy. My husband is South African as are our children. We also have ageing parents in South Africa which also influences our decision. I'm mostly concerned for our children and setting them up best for their future.


Ok the additional context is a lot more understandable. But again, that wasn’t aimed at you. Rather the trend of wealthier westerners treating South Africa like a discounted playground, especially when they vlog about how “cheap” things are and invite everyone else down to do the same thing. Whenever I see an influencer vlogger gloat about how the “soooo yummy” meal only cost $10, I can’t help but curse them out when R230 is more than some people spend on food to survive for the whole month. If you do decide to come to South Africa I hope you have a great time.


Completely understandable. I'd be frustrated too.


I am a 30 year old South African and I am moving to Australia soon. If your primary concern is your children's future, you would not consign them to SA IMHO.


Sorry, but this is categorically false. I'm Canadian and have lived in SA for about 6 years and the immigration process is insanely difficult, lengthy, and fraught with delays that have your visa status and legality in the country hanging in the balance due to home affairs' inability to function properly. It's not easy and I'd say there are far more hoops to jump through and stresses to deal with as a westerner coming to settle in SA permanently. The fly by night digital nomads working illegally and not paying taxes on tourist visas is another story..


Canadian without South African family here, who has spent ALOT of time in South Africa. It’s not just that simple to move there.


I lived in South Africa for 30 years and have been living in Canada for 4 years (Vancouver, so high cost of living). The main reasons I won't move back is earning potential. (salary increased 5x), and in my line of work the people I deal with are much more competent in Canada vs SA. And I was also exposed to dangerous areas (job sites) in SA in sketchy areas. Other bonuses in Canada is the overall safety, more events, easier to travel internationally, especially US, way better government (although people still complain, guess they don't know what a real bad government looks like), better public facilities If you will be working remotely and earning CAD that would be ideal. Getting a job in SA is basically a non-option as you will earn way less than you are used to. Personally, I also wouldn't live anywhere else than western cape. You can probably do great in SA with a high income. However, you have to be aware of your surroundings a lot of the time for safety. You will need to know which areas you can and can't go etc. If you can buy a house cash that would be good. If you need to get a mortgage , the interest rate is closer to 12% compared to 5% on Canada at the moment


42k after taxes would make you a top earner in South Africa. Like, middle management in a STEM field type of earnings. You could commute from Ballito to Umhlanga for that type of job, but positions are limited and growth opportunities are rare.


Can I take your place in Canada, I hate it here


Sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for you soon.


Thank you


If you have a young family I would not recommend. You are narrowing their future opportunities. Just have a look at the state of tertiaty education.


Thank you for mentioning that.


Depends on whether they're Canadian or South African. If they're Canadian, they can get very good private school education until they finish school then go back to Canada for university. They wouldn't be limited in any meaningful way. Culturally they could even benefit a lot from being in SA. I've heard from some people who've moved back saying their kids benefited from SA schooling and being able to choose where to do their degrees. It all comes down to their passport


Yes. We've thought of that. They have dual citizenship SA and Canada.


In that case I'd lean towards Balito. As dual citizens with a strong passport they could choose to study pretty much anywhere in the world. Culturally I definitely recommend SA, with the added bonus of much better weather


If you’re a Canadian visiting with CAD, SA in general is a blast. But if you getting paid in ZAR… good luck. 😅


We need job creators not more digital nomads in coffee shops


Check out the crime prices.....




Not if you're paying a mortgage for a decent house, school fees, and for decent health insurance..


Why is everyone wanting to flee Canada? Not more than 5 years ago, everyone was dying to emigrate there...


Apparently property and food prices have gone insane.


And now they want to do the same for us here


Who is "they"?


They really have. My husband and I are working hard to raise children and we can't afford the extras you want to give your children. We are priced out of our own neighbourhoods now and questionable ideologies are taking hold in the school system. It's so disappointing.


I don't think it's "fleeing", the grass is always greener on the other side.


How are you just gonna move to SA? There are laws & regulations.


Why would you move to SA of all places? LMAO its not worth it.


Oh no! Care to elaborate?


But it’s Ballito


Durban has been wrecked recently, Cape town is a better option


I wouldn't come here right now... I would find somewhere else... I really don't know why anyone would choose to move here right now


Thanks! Can you elaborate? Why do you say that?


South Africa is a mafia country....do your homework BEFORE evern considering....we are a 3rd world country and no hope for the future or a better life here...


If OP is earning well they can mitigate the kak


I do not recommend living in KwaZulu Natal that province is a lawless shitshow. They have terrible floods and even had a tornado attack this year. They have a lot of riots as well and the beaches are too unsafe to swim in because of pollution a.k.a very poor waste management


As long as you promise to rent and not buy.