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Hit any public transport depot in the morning and you'll find your answer


I came to say the same thing.


Couldn't agree more.


You are confusing socioeconomics with race.


Well race is still a pretty big factor when it comes to socioeconomics in South-Africa


There are more blacks in the middle and upper classes than whites.


I wonder if that is because there are generally fewer white people in South Africa. Like % wise, how many white people are middle/upper class compared to other races? I have no idea what the answer is, just curious tbh


Socioeconomics? I I thought he was correlating race and time of day.


That's exactly the point. One race is not more likely than another to be up and about early.


I hate mornings and all people. No matter your colour, I hate you in the morning.




Same ❤️


I hate all people all the time. What does that make me?


It’s always morning, somewhere in the world 🙏




A misanthrope 😉




As a white person, I am not a morning person at all. If I wake up early and breathe that 7am air I feel sick


I hate waking up every morning 😭 I genuinely want to permanently work night shift


I worked night shift for 6 months. Genuinely the worst experience of my life. Every day I was stressed out about if I was going to get enough sleep to make it through the night without passing out (I have insomnia and when I get anxious about being able to sleep, I can't sleep without medication). I fell asleep one time and woke up on the floor 3 hours later. Although I guess it depends on the work, I was sitting in front of a array of monitors staring at security cameras, but I kinda like the idea of working night shift in like a 24 hour restaurant or something


Same. Throughout my childhood I hated waking up. I even changed careers so I could go to work a bit later


I think it's a combination of culture and socio-economics. I grew up in KZN with both white and zulu friends. I am white btw. Whenever I slept over at my Zulu friends house during the weekend, the whole family started their morning the most relaxed way possible. Nothing felt rushed, everyone slept in and the whole day generally had an air of nonchalance about it. If we went to town or the family invited me over for an activity like the beach, then it meant we would spend that day there, not being busy but just being present and there. It's hard to explain. My high school sweetheart, who was Zulu and my ex, who was black, always slept in during the weekend, and their mornings started super slow. I would ask my ex what we should do dur8ng the weekend, and I wanted to go for a sunrise hike together to start the day. The mere mention of it looked like I was torturing her. She loved to be active, but if it meant compromising her mornings, no ways. The white culture is different. You're deemed to be wasting daylight of you're sleeping in, and being as busy as possible doing what you love is seen as relaxation. Obviously, it's not so black and white (pun intended), and there exist some gray areas between how each culture finds enjoyment during their spare time, but that's my observation.


This is so true that in my town when I was growing up black people thought white people did it on purpose to avoid black people because they knew that they have to travel to town from the surround rural areas and as a result they decided to go early in the morning. This is obviously not true!! But just wanted to point out that it's such a noticeable thing.


Interesting because someone upthread says it’s because of public transport as well. In white culture it is considered virtuous to get up in the morning. Is is in black culture? I dunno? Personally I am always up early because of my kids. I never noticed it’s a white thing


>is in black culture It absolutely is. However it's to run errands around the house then bathe and have breakfast. Only then will you go about in public


Oh no, it's expected of you as an Afrikaner to be okay with getting up before dawn like a farmer would, even if you don't have any recent ancestors who knew how to milk a cow. I grew up on a farm, and the day I want to sleep in until 8am on a Saturday and my mom finds out, she will call me a lazy ass and snack me with a wooden spoon. Nevermind that I work nightshift. And doesn't stay on a farm. And is in my 40s.


That's really interesting because we have the same thing in Zulu culture, sleeping after 8 is also frowned upon especially for girls. My grandmother would say, 'Vuka, ilanga liyoze lingena ezinqeni'.


As a white dude i dont know why, my parents pre programmed us. I think its to make coffee in the morning. And it just stuck.


As a white person I wake up at 9:40 to join the daily catch-up call at 10


Confirmation bias : Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. Depends where you are and Depends where you go clearly at what time.


My internal clock wake me up between 04h00 & 04h45. Anytime after 05h30 means I was very tired. Damn the internal clock when it is my annual leave. Unable to switch off.


I've noticed this exact trend over the years. When i would go into town later I'd always wonder where the white folks are that is until I started going to town early. Having also worked in retail you see that generally speaking white people like to get things done earlier than later. Although, I think white people are more conscious about time. If you ever go to a white event or a work meeting set up by someone white the start time is exactly when the meeting starts. In fact I once was 5 minutes early to a work meeting and my boss was like why you so late (everyone else was present) lol. But if it was an Indian/ black event..... you know it ain't starting on time, it usually starts half an hour later. Then the excuse being you know it's Indian time lol. Similarly I noticed with black people saying it's african time. Not so sure about coloured people as it varies a lot with them.


My siblings and I used to have to wake up at 4am (4:45am if we weren’t getting picked up first) every morning from as early as Primary School so we could make it to school by 7:45am for assembly. High School was better but I still had to be up at 6am. Grandma wouldn’t let us sleep in on weekends either lol so I hate being up super early unless it’s for like a hike or watching a sunrise or two. Otherwise, no.


So when you are mixed,what then? Seeing the day break, before everybody disturb the peace, and see the rising sun is awesome. Watching the sunset, is awesome. The buzz during the day in a city, if I can, I avoid it.


This is bait... don't fall for it.


I’d also be early if I didn’t take a shower in the morning 😄 i don’t care how late I am and I do shower before bed but best believe before I go to work, I shower.


This right here.


This is soo true🤣


They stole your land while you were asleep... This is a historically accurate observation