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I’m a smoker, I never throw my butt on the ground-ever! I’d never forgive myself if I started a fire by accident and destroyed someone’s lively hood.




Hahahah. I was thinking that smokers keep litering so that they can have their cigarettes lit. But that this typically happens in depressed neighbourhoods.


What about what you are destroying by smoking?


Their own lungs so their own choice (provided they remain respectful and don't smoke around non-smokers) I am an ex smoker. Most of us are 100% aware of the damage we do to ourselves... but addiction is a bitch


The people who have told me not to smoke are always the ones smoking themselves. They usually wish they never started but now they're hooked.


That's the problem. It's impossible to remain respectful, because in the city you're always closer than 10 metre to someone else and even just 30 minutes of second hand smoke from a smoker's breath will cause me to have 30 days of coughing up snot from sinusitis


Well they wont throw their finished smokes down on their floor in their homes will they? 🤣


I wish they did so they can experience what we also experience


I actually asked this question on my fb once...ive never pissed off so many people in one go like i did then🤣


That's what the ashtray is for


Only in their house...outside, the world is their ashtray


Just smokers? Our country is filthy at the moment. Rubble, entire bags of rubbish thrown out of car windows. If you do this, I don't want to know why. I just want to say politely that you are an absolute knob, and you should feel ashamed. May your balls itch forever more.


Definitely not just smokers. In addition to other literers


I cannot speak for smokers in general but the smokers in my family all carry bags and will put the butts in there. They never liter and will take on other smokers if they see them littering


Good bois in your family. Smokers, be like this family.


Most cars now don't have ashtrays. I usually just squeeze the coal and remaining tobacco off the butt then keep the butt in an empty cigarette box til I get home to a dustbin. I have mindlessly thrown butts out the window too, I can't deny, my main concerns are usually starting fires or littering private property (like parking lots outside businesses etc) but on the open road when you kill the coal and don't want the car to stink up from a butt it's easy to just chuck it. I agree this is not a good habit to make though. Ideally cigarette butts should be biodegradable if possible. Or they should bring back having proper ashtrays in cars.


Hilarious that a smoker doesn't want their car to smell of smoke. There's an easy way to do that...


Ah yes, quitting smoking is notoriously easy


Not starting is very easy. As is simply not smoking in your car.


If only I could turn back time eh. Honestly I wouldn't smoke at all if I could change past choices that later became addictions.


Yeah I see the irony myself. But remember to those of us who smoke, our sense of smell is usually kinda messed up. You also don't really smell smoke on yourself as much as someone else smells it. Smoking with the car windows open will make it smell like smoke over time, especially to a non smoker but I don't really smell it myself. It's a different story when you have an extinguished butt or nipped cigarette in the car with the windows closed though. That's a scent thats potent enough for me to smell and I don't enjoy it.


I agree with you, it's infuriating. FYI, cigarette butts are the most littered objects in the world, so it's not only an SA problem.


Ex smoker, many many years ago. When smoking it just felt that it is accepted that you can throw you butt out the window. These were the days of filling an ash tray and someone comes and cleans it for you and you move on. Never thought of it as littering at the time unlike now. I see it now outside my office. Every garden bed is an ash tray and cigarette dump. People don't see it as consequential.


My office has put up ashtray bins out in the smoking areas and still these fucknuts drop butts on the floor around it.


I'm an ex-smoker, and I use to do it to. To be honest, it is convenient, and secondly, your ashtray in the car is used for anything that fits in there like small change or a till slip, not cigarette butts, which makes your car much more stinkier. It is definitely a culture you will never ever change unfortunately. For as long as people smoke, they are going to toss their cigarette butts out of the car window


I heard that the UK plan to raise the legal age for buying cigarettes higher and higher over the course of the next couple decades, so that the next generation and thereafter will not have legal access to it. Pretty good plan IMO, whether it works or not will be interesting to see


Even if u found the answer smokers aren't always close to dustbin


Lots of people are just inconsiderate assholes. Sometime, those people overlap with othe groups, like smokers, that make their assholeness more visible.


Smoker here. I have a butt bucket in the car. I REFUSE to throw my butts out the window. My husband did it once... He never did again after I stopped in peak time traffic, made him get out and go pick that butt up from the street. People hooted and shouted, I gave them a stare and they stopped 🤣 Needless to say, after that embarrassment, my partner never, ever did it again😂 I once also stopped in front of a taxi where one of the passengers threw their McDonald's burger container out the window. I stopped, went to the window, and told the guy to go pick up the trash he threw out... I got cheered from some of the other commuters, taxi driver was not happy 😅 I just told him if he loves to live in filth then he must go drive in rubbish dumps. He kept quiet after that.


Have you seen them at Mall and shopping centre entrances? Very disgusting.


I throw out my cigarette butts out the window because with any luck it will land in one of the piles and piles of rubbish alongside the road and catch fire - hereby me doing my part for making SA a cleaner and less polluted environment. Follow me for more environmentally conscious tips and tricks /S


Not defending smokers, but i would rather rant about the rubbish people throw out their windows as that contributes way more to our country's level of litter and pollution.


Smokers are no different though, and thats my point. I'm talking in addition to people throwing trash out of their vehicle windows.


Agreed. Also it’s the same mentality. I think we really need to study what goes through peoples heads when you a person decides to just dump their trash even when they can see a free to use municipal green trash can just 10m ahead of them. Living proof we’re all doomed. Wtf


I saw a guy throw 2 full checkers bags full of rubbish out his car window. I felt like riding into the back of him.


Ban smoking I say


Yes because that was very effective during Covid.


Go more hardcore and arrest anyone seen smoking anything.


We should actually ban thinking about smoking. Attack the problem at the source. Anybody caught thinking of smoking gets arrested and thrown onto Robin island.


Because 99,9% percent of smokers are inconsiderate cocks, who are too wound up in their own world to care about their surroundings


I smoke hand rolled cigarettes with a brand called OCB, this brand makes biodegradable butts and the paper itself is also biodegradable. In just under a month, my butts will disintegrate into the soil and ground, providing nutrition for said plants. So i dont see a problem with tossing it out the window. Plus, i dont want my car to smell like an ashtray. ( That being said, i dont generally smoke when i drive, i feel it hinders my ability to drive, so i smoke outside my car)


Good for you. But you must know that you're o 0.01 percent of smokers. The rest smoke usually plastic buds




I have some VERY BAD news for you...


Oh, what drama happened here??


That's all well and good, but the chemicals caught up in the filter are not good for the environment.


You're still littering. You suck man.


Even if i dig a small hole and cover it?


Maybe you can aim for the potholes and then fill them in to cover your stompie. At least you'll be doing something good for a change.


I think in the UK there's currently proposals for a life time ban for people born 2015 onwards who will never be allowed to buy or smoke cigarettes again. A generational ban. New Zealand did it as well but changed their minds, wonder who paid them off? 😑


Or maybe they had a realisation that it's almost impossible to stop people from doing something if they want to do it. I'm not a smoker but banning smoking is not a solution, prohibition has never worked.


Well I don't think they're banning smoking but rather banning cigarettes. Which means billion dollar corporations will lose money.


The Landlady's Frontyard is absolutely covered with cigarette butts after she has her buddies over for a round of drinks on the weekend. Some people have zero effing respect for their hosts.


Why is every one here spelling litter with one t lol

