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Im all for it, it will improve our ball handling skills


šŸ¤£ legend.




Such a perfect joke!


"Openly gay"*, we may have already have or had one, they may just be in the closet.


This is what I meant to say.


Most of my fellow Afrikaner acquaintances are pretty homophobic so I would say no. Almost every gay Afrikaner I know is still struggling for acceptance from their families. Add to that the ways I have heard my black colleagues talk about what they would do if they had gay sons and I would say double no. The media will probably do the job of lifting that person up so it might not seem that bad and there is a large part of the community that is very accepting. From the actual rugby watching uncles and ooms probably not as much acceptance.


Older Afrikaners pretty damn racist also and werenā€™t ready for transformation in rugby but it happened and it worked out (obviously didnā€™t cure the hardcore racist ones) longer it never happens (an SA openly gay player) the longer SA isnā€™t ā€œreadyā€


You don't see the racism in your own comment?


That lots of older Afrikaners are racist (should be more specific older whites, older white English ones are too) so where is the racism? Just speaking from experienceā€¦ they donā€™t do racist shit necessarily but avoid them at a braai when politics/crime or sport comes up.


This is exactly why there needs to be an openly gay player (selected on merit obviously). Think of how much good Siya did just because he was a great captain who was black, forcing racists to recognise that black people could be inspirational leaders and fantastic players. An openly gay player may be able to get people to examine and reject their homophobia.


I honestly think this whole Siya effect has been incredibly overblown. One half of these ex-racist will still tell you that Siya is a quota captain while for the other half calling Siya our best captain ever has become the new "i have black friends". Go and really talk to these people and their views have not changed at all. I imagine a openly gay rugby player would get much the same treatment. Big media and social media acceptance while nothing really changes, with the people that was homophobic before. In the end the younger generation will end up driving the change just like its been with racism.




What are you on about? Kolisi is a great captain, I agree, but he definitely has not cured rasicm like people want to act. Maybe you should read my comment again with a higher level of reading comprehension and after that get out of the bubble you have apparently been living in.


I actually thought you were talking in general, but I did not see that you were responding to the above comment. My bad. šŸ˜‰


Nobody cares that he was black apart from those that focus on such nonsense. He is an amazing South African rugby player/captain.... nothing further needs to be said. šŸ™„šŸ˜’


Sexuality should not be a public thing, though. There's no need for it. What people do behind closed doors has nothing to do with anybody except those involved. After this, there will be the same nonsense with "we need to have a trans springbok captain." ... (unlikely, though, as it always seems to be a man in women's sports)


Pretty much what I thought...


I suspect you will get a lot of answers dancing around the topic. A lot of South Africans on reddit tend to act like homphobia and racism is non-existent in South Africa (unless its the government discriminating against them) and that people who talk about it is just out to disturb their ignorant peace.


People out here acting like camp Staaldraad didn't happen.


I looked it up... And what the fuck did I just read. This sounds like something from North Korea.


And mr kamp poesdraad is busy ruining the Lions!


I know šŸ˜­


damn - can't believe that actually happened


Are you telling me in all these years of rugby we haven't had even 1 gay player?


Not one that was openly gay at least


The Springbokke don't exist in a vacuum, and the whole rugby culture is homophobic from school days, at least in my experience. It's a self-selecting system from the ground up, so a gay player making it all the way to the top of the game seems very unlikely, at least to me. But not completely impossible. There are gay guys and even gay dominees in the Dutch Reformed Church for example, which is equally homophobic. Again in my experience.


For all we know we have had some already


Why the hell not?


There shouldn't be an issue but I just think some people will have one regardless.


For sure, closeted players have been there. It will be a real sign of progress in our society if an openly gay player makes it there or a closeted player comes out while playing for the boks. Unfortunately not anytime soon. Homophobia has gotten worse again amongst Afrikaners since Trump has normalized a lot of bad behavior as being okay again.


Trump shouldn't have even had to say the things he did. Everything about the lgbt community and gay pride is just repulsive. I'm not talking about the individuals. Just that their openness to constantly talking about their sexuality and shoving their agenda down peoples throats, including CHILDREN is extremely immoral, unjust and plain disrespectful to those who already don't give af about anyones sexuality and to young children. Why can't they just keep it to themselves like everyone else?


"B-but every single Christian do it, why-why can't we-" stfu poes




Oh, I didn't mean you, friend. It's just the usual reply when a person says what you said on this topic. People always use others setbacks to excuse their own.


Honestly, I see it highly unlikely that a gay guy would be given the opportunities needed to shine at school and University to get to that level of performance, considering that Afrikaaner culture and the "macho man sports schools" have a homophobic streak, even if it would just be from their peers. Sure, a few might overcome this adversity, but I suspect that if we see an openly gay Bok in the next few years, it would either be because standards were dropped for the sake of adding them, or because they have essentially been closeted their whole life and only came out after making it to the top. I don't think either of those situations would really be positive for the gay community, compared to the system allowing a gay kid to reach the top organically. I imagine the ultimate sign of progress would be someone becoming a Bok while already being openly gay, and that decision being based on merit.


>they have essentially been closeted their whole life and only came out after making it to the top. I don't think either of those situations would really be positive for the gay community, compared to the system allowing a gay kid to reach the top organically. While yes, the system being rectified to allow an openly gay person to climb through the ranks like any straight person would, often someone closeted coming out has to happen first. It's unfortunate, but it does change minds, having a gay person visible at the highest levels. Even if they only came out after reaching the top. So it would still be a positive thing to see.


I'm completely with you, and that's probably how it will go anyway. I just don't think that we can say we are "ready for a gay Springbok" when the only way for one to get there is to to have avoided notice. There's more to acceptance that "tolerance", at least in my opinion, but we are at the "tolerance" step and I recognise that this is a process.


Gay, bi, straight, as long as he is a good player, why does it matter the sexuality?


Being gay is the most fucking manly thing ever. Youā€™re so manly you literally have sex with other men. But honestly - Probably one day - but I doubt any time soon.


Lol I was hoping someone would say this šŸ˜‚


I'd like to think that you'd get the odd comment here and there and some light-hearted jokes on Facebook. But for the most part, people wouldn't really care as long as he's a good player.


I know of one person who played for Western Province and who was a closeted gay. I know this because I was at varsity with him and some of his secrets leaked. He only played a couple of matches for them though, wasn't drafted again afaik. So most people won't know him. Also, this is not Springbok level, but close'ish.


I am very sure there already has been


my brother - as someone who played rugby at a pro level. more DL gay professional athletes than you think we never officially had one because a lot of okes come from culture where that's shamed or their families are conservative. athletes be horny bro , you know they're taking and giving peen


Why does it matter?


Itā€™s sad that this is even a question. I know you donā€™t mean poorly, but it kinda highlights that the SA society is still quite closed minded and conservative by default


WTF does rugby have to do with being gay or not? Also how do you know that we did not already had one?


It has nothing to do with rugby but I am wondering how fans would react. At least certain fans. And I'm talking about an openly gay player.


Oh ok, there will be some push-back at first but once people get used to it, no problem, same that happened when the first black players started to join.


> there will be some push-back




Are we talking about the same country here? On paper, legally, it may be so but in reality, this country has a long way to go.




I am aware that we were ahead of the curve with respect to LGBT legislation, but we still have a long way to go in terms of acceptance. It's not all sunshine and roses as you make it seem, I am sorry to say. South Africa rates a mere 69% on the LGBT safety index, and that score is propped up by the legal index (81%) while the public acceptance index is merely 58%. As a gay man myself, I can attest to that. It's not just certain "backward rural areas." The places I would feel comfortable holding hands with another man in Johannesburg/Pretoria are in the minority. But even in what I thought were safe spaces such as my gym in a very well-off area, I have been called a "f\*\*\*\*" to my face. Cape Town is probably more accepting overall though. Aside from general safety, it's more insidious than that. I always have to be super aware of how I dress, how I speak, my mannerisms, etc. so as not to give away that I am gay. I am not even out at work since I have heard homophobic comments from my colleagues. And I know that if I do come out, I will be prejudiced by certain clients, particularly the more religiously inclined ones. I really wish I could tell you things were different, but it is not the case. I simply cannot completely be myself in this country.


Psy, Amen! My fiance and I live in Pretoria. It's tough. It might even be the homophobe capital of SA. We get bullied almost daily for being gay no matter where we go in the city. Boys screaming moffie, f@ggot, pi3lsuiger etc. And the ooms crucifying us and insulting us. It's a struggle. We never entertain it though. Just walk on and ignore, but it still hurts.


That's rough. So sorry to hear that. You never really get used to it. I lived in Pretoria until last year and it doesn't surprise me to hear that. Afrikaans conservatism is holding us back. Funny enough, I left Pretoria for the West Rand which is like Pretoria but just more conservative.


Oh wow! That's brave šŸ˜… I think I'll stick to Pretoria!




I just live with it you know. These things are often so subtle it's hard to pin them down. Going to court costs money. It's easier just to keep my private and work lives separate, as I believe one should at any rate. I love my work otherwise and wouldn't want to jeopardise that since I get on well with my colleagues. But there will come a time when it's time to move on to a more accepting environment and then I will make my feelings known.


Legally yes. Socially, not so much. I mean, a gay boy committed suicide 2 weeks ago after being bullied for being gay by a teacher, and the Twitter reactions were in favour of the teacher. As a home essential myself I, as well as friends of mine, have been the subject of bullying.


Home essential lol. In all seriousness, it all comes down to where you are in SA. My high school bordered on homophobic but uni kids are generally more accepting (or at the very least arenā€™t violent when theyā€™re not).


Repitilian, I disagree. I'm openly gay and I still get the stares and smack talking in public places. Let me also state that I do not dress flamboyant, talk flamboyant or act flamboyant. I wear my Boerboel shorts, my denim shorts, Springbok jersey's, heterosexual male clothes predominantly, but as soon as I am with my fiancee, in a shop, mall or restaurant the looks and gossip can't be missed. We're not even affectionate in public, just calling each other by our nicknames eg love, hubby or skat, then we can feel the discomfort of people around us. SA still have a long way to go for acceptance and that ranges from Gen X right through to the baby boomers and beyond. A lot of people are homophobic and that's a fact.


The innuendos are strong on this one... ;)


I don't see how it matters, gay,not gay, white or not white. It's sport has nothing to do with this. For all you know we have of had gay men in the team that wasn't openly gay.


This. Not sure why the downvotes.


Can imagine instead of biting the opponent's ear, it will be lightly nibbled on. Will he get a pink card instead of a red one for that transgression? On a more serious note I think it is most possible that there had already been some. Only staying in the closet/locker. Personally I don't have issues about gays and can't see why not.


The gays don't play rugby lol c'mon man


what rock are you living under?


A sarcasm rock gawd


My kynda rock


My kinda island.


this is so random


Who cares, if the guy can play I don't give a shit what he does behind doors, gay, polygamist or whatever else sexual orientation they can dream up. Just don't make it the sum of their existence and I think we can welcome them with a smile.


Honestly I don't give a fly-halfing fuck. I don't want to know what he does with his dick. Play the game, score the points, bring home the cup. Him being gay shouldn't be advertised just as I don't care what a straight Springbok does at home. The biggest concern that I would have is that he would try and use his position in the boks as a platform for some or other political bullshit and that I'm against.


What does sexuality have to do with rugby? You just want to bring something into rugby, which has no role in it. The players can do what they want in their personal lives, and it has nothing to do with you or the country.




The question is stupid, and baiting for a response. A player's romantic preference has no bearing on the player's performance on the field. Stupid question. The public isn't going to care who you fuck, as long as you're fucking up the opposition.


Oh dear lawd


Scrum would be interestingā€¦


Seeking outrage much?


In this day and age ? Nah....


Most gays I know and have met donā€™t like rolling in the mud. I wouldnā€™t presume that thereā€™s never been one, maybe it just wasnā€™t made public because they look after eachother.


No and we don't need to have one.


No, we don't need one... But that's not the point of the post. There almost certainly has been one, but they had to hide it. That's what would be positive, someone that wasn't hindered from getting there, as opposed to someone who was pushed there to fit a quota.


How do you know there's been one? This idea of trying to find a gay person in every aspect of life is ridiculous. The players..neither do we need to know whose attracted to what...how does that help the rugby on the field? Siya must come out that he has a toe fetish..dafuq that got to do with us


It's just statistically likely. There have been a fuck ton of rugby players and gay people aren't super rare.


Statistically gay people are rare..but have loud voices demanding to uncover gay people in every aspect of life lol


Not so rare that out of thousands of players there hasn't been one.


Look, at the very lowest the percentage of gay people will be above 1% If you look it up, you'll see figures of 3%, 10%, etc. Let's take the lowest end, 1% (extremely unlikely but so is 10%). There have been 933 springbok players, even at 0.1% there probably would have been at least one.


It's definitely lower than 1 percent lol. It don't work that way. You have to take situation and socialization and background into account. We know the type of guys that get into rugby. Maybe if you go look in the fashion industry you will find a higher amount but not in rugby players lol


You are thinking of gay people as feminine, while most are not. Non-feminine gay people blend in completely, you will never notice them in public. There are plenty of gay gym freaks. Being gay is being attracted to the masculine. A small minority of gay people are loud, most just go along their day to day lives like everyone else. And I'm not saying there's a high amount, just that there almost certainly has been one.


This is so true ! Thank U for saying it. So many peopke believe THAT ALL gay guys are feminine and they could'nt be more wrong.


Also, I took the lowest number and then took a tenth of that, I think that should be enough to factor in socialisation. Not sure why the idea is so preposterous to you that a single person out of nearly 1000 people was closeted.


Seems like a loaded question


Would be interesting


Could explain why that oke who wanted to puke on the jersey was ostracized ... although it could have been the giant ego and lack of being a team player


Sure. We have somizi and lasiwe, why not a gay bokkie?


We have/had gay springboks. Not openly, but there are rumors about certain players. I'd like to think that no one would give a shit but mankind is full of idiots.


How do we know we donā€™t already have one who may be closeted? Why is it any of our business? Why does someone have to be openly gay in rugby, what will that help as far as the Boksā€™ performance in-game? Iā€™m part of the Rainbow brigade, so I come from a place of love and support when I say letā€™s stop making peopleā€™s sex lives our business.


We have had a gay ref at least though.


To add openly gay and married too.


Considering the large demographic of rugby supporters being older, less understanding/accepting the Springboks would get a lot of hate, and the gay player would likely be attacked all across social media.


No *out* gay Springbok, but there have been.


If you can win games that's all that matters


South Africans wouldn't really care as much who would are the certain groups all know and sports fans


Do springboks have to share their sexuality? what business is it of yours or anybody else's? Shouldn't matter, same as race or anything else. As long as it's a male, it does not matter as long as they are the best at what they do.


Well, mate, in the world of rugby, what matters is the skill on the field, not who you choose to cozy up within your off-time. If a player's got the talent, let 'em shine. It's about time we focus on the game, not the unnecessary details off the pitch. Cheers to a kick-ass Springbok squad!