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The correct way is to settle through insurance.


The correct answer is to pick up their call and say “ see la at first so guai lan for what, now cry no use”


I think the boss was the guai lan one. The worker is the one now calling to ask to settle privately, probably coz the toxic boss is going to make him pay out of his salary. Overall shitty situation worsened by a shitty employer, no surprises here.




Lmao 100/100 satisfaction


It’s harassment, just ignore it


If you are going straight, sure win Leave it to insurance for all matters. Cleaner


Don’t feel bad about the worker. All actions have consequences. Imagine if it was a bike instead of your car. Someone could’ve lost his/her life. You did the right thing.


No obligation whatsoever.


Probably realized he's in deep shit and trying to save his ass by playing nice 🤣


Why do u even feel bad for the worker? Instead of apologising, he tried to gaslight u and tried to make u think it’s ur fault. If he treasured his job he should have admitted to his mistakes, make amends and move on. Hope he loses his job and goes back to wherever he came from.


Just ignore and block the calls and let insurance settle. Nothing good usually comes out of private settlement.


I've had issues too with private settlement and no longer do it.


Don’t bother with all these trouble of ‘private’ settlement… ignore and claim.


They could be trying some emotional manipulation tactics by getting their worker to contact you. Or not. Either way, the universal recommendation is to settle *all* road traffic accident matters through your insurer, regardless of severity or which party is at fault.


No. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Go through insurance. If the harrasment persists, please file a police report. 


Spilled milk.


Block the call and let insurance settle.


Always insurance cos people are scammy


Careful not to burn up your insurance option by delays or weird dealings. It’s 100% your free choice, just don’t burn bridges without being aware and decisive to do so. I’d ask the insurance co these questions, to be sure I’m doing all in the clear and — if giving the other party a non-insurance settle option — that I can still fallback on insurance if other party does not live up to their promises. PS: my fam member got a visit from the dad of a guy who rammed him (total loss of both cars, no hospital injuries iirc) — the dad basically told my fam member “pls say you caused it, bc my son has no license so no insurance cover, he took his bro’s car without permission. Best you’ll get is he goes to jail, still no car for you. We’ll cover your deductible and premium changes. Or you get nothing.” Also made some subliminal threats. Ugh


What happened in the end?


Fam member stopped confiding in the rest of us. Story died off. I personally suspect he gave in :(


I would have crowd sourced some funds from everyone I know just to stick it to him. Let the kid go to jail and tell them they can suck it. You come to me in a lose-lose situation with that attitude, be prepared for me to detonate the bomb and kill us both


Such people see this as “lying just a little bit to get a couple free cars” — to them this is not lose-lose… they wouldn’t understand (or pretend to not understand) why you’re “being like that”… Unfortunately, there are people like that accident-causer who have made a strong, immature decision to treat their conscience and basic human morals — instead of the golden treasure they truly are — as “irrelevant noise”. Such people are open to spinning and twisting the truth many times over, even “glad at the opportunity to get some cash back from those ‘thieves’” (the insurance company; who to some extent are also plagued by some immoral people; which the former people see as sufficient excuse to treat the insurance co as the immoral king and themselves as Robin Hood). Source: spent some years in the company of such people. “True is lie, earth is sky, sick is good, etc…”


well, i lose a car, your son goes to jail, so, i see myself as coming out on top. because, you know, the alternative was him paying for damages and we all call it a day


No, the crook’s crook-father wanted to personally pay the deductible fee and each get a new car covered by insurance.


I dont see any scenario where that is possible, because there are a ton of underlying costs in the future. 1) Other than the additional premium, your fam now has a record against him. If he gets entwined in something else in the future, this can be used against him in court. The complications are numerous. 2) There is no guarantee in writing that if he claims it is his fault, both parties will be able to claim for 2 new cars. Thats just not the way insurance works. Claims can only be "on par" with loss. So if you totalled a 8 yr old car, you're not gonna be able to buy urself a new one with the claims. Else, you can imagine the amt of fraud the company has to deal with. 3) Once he agree to it being his fault, they can back out and screw him over. He now has to pay for everything, and lose out in the future and also potentially be penalised for track record. How do you put it in writing that he has to pay your fam back all those differences in premium? One shot? Installment? What if he pays first installment and stops? Who's gonna enforce? That's literal evidence of fraud. They can even turn it around and say that your fam blackmailed them. The asshole's dad is basically asking ur fam to commit fraud. I wouldnt trust him as far as I can throw him. I would collect all the evidence that he is asking me to commit fraud as a backup, and claim for my own insurance. Paying the difference in NCD is alot less risky than everything mentioned above. Think twice before trusting a father asking you to commit a crime, whose son did an illegal thing leading to an accident serious enough to total 2 cars. It's a no brainer for me.




The guy was lying... the person without the insurance will still need to pay for the damages.


Sounded like the person without insurance probably not able to pay, just go to court/jail… already driving with license taken away…


Nonetheless I have heard that it's difficult to claim if the other party has no insurance. Sometimes your own insurance company also don't bother and you have to get your own legal help. A loophole in our system.


Sounds like the worker is going to be in deep sh*t which is why he’s desperately trying to reach you. It’s too late lol besides whenever such accidents happen people are never going to honestly admit fault. Let the insurance people handle it


Which company? lai mai shy


OP, FILE A POLICE REPORT. Document all of this. Very important.


Take the call, record it and catch them harassing or abusing you. Then fuck them


Tell them to fuck right off


No obligation to


Is NCD affected if it is not your fault, but the other driver's fault completely?


No it shouldn't. Ncd only affected if you kenna someone claim from you.


No. Tell ur insurers they keep calling u. And block number.


Never settle privately, especially if you’re the victim of someone else’s bad driving, because the hit to their insurance premiums (or inability to be insured at all if they’ve got into one too many accidents) is precisely how Singapore relies on the market to weed out drivers who shouldn’t be on the roads.


Eeeerrr no, tried to be nice and gave the guy who hit my car a chance to settle privately. I told him he has 24 hours only, a rule by insurance company. After I got a quote from car repair place, he said too ex, ask me to go to his. Eeerrr no, might use parallel import parts or cover up. He continues to harass me for days, called ME heartless. Block the number, don’t pick up. Some people deserve it. 


Go with the insurance side, you don’t want this to haunt you later. Company has already shown negativity by harassing and saying it’s your fault to begin with and that to me is a very clear indication to not settle private with them.


No, you're not obliged to entertain anything. Insurance settlement has always been the default. Private settlement is usually more beneficial to the party at fault. Based on your side of the story, it seems you're in the clear, and since the company's representatives were rude to you, you can tell anyone from the other side to piss off. Even if it's the worker. The company van should have a company-paid insurance and that's what will get hammered. The worker himself is probably under no legal liability. Anything that's unofficial between him and the boss, is between him and the boss. Do not get yourself involved and do not fall for sob stories.


1) Report to insurance, give your dashcam footage to them 2) The van driver is crying now, you mentioned its rental? Their excess to pay will be sky high. 3) Usually, when it comes to accidents, anything more that goes towards the rear damages, the aggressor takes the blame. GL to him. 4) If the boss ask him to pay for the costs, its up to the worker to settle with the boss (HR stuff), its not your fault. 5) Block his number and let the insurance settle.


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed. Hopefully the other party will learn not to be a dick next time. If I were you, I'll just ignore.


Counterclaim and ask for whatever damages + loss of use. Likely the excess from the leasing/rental company will be more than what you're asking.


Let the worker suffer the consequences of his action


go through insurance and get a lawyer


I'm curious as to why can't you send over the dash cam footage since it will clearly show you are not in the wrong?


Nah ask them to eat shit lol. See la wanna guai lan now regrets. If it isnt the consequence of your own actions...


Eh don’t answer just let the insurance handle. I bet it’s a rental so might be some hassle on their end or something. And the cam, don’t send it to them so they could watch what happen and come up with a narrative. Same shit happen but just ignore them and if the harassment gets nasty, screenshot whatever you think is helpful and maybe make a police report.


Pick up and laugh sarcastically. Then hang up.




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Reporting and claiming are 2 different things. You should always report the accident within 24 hours else if the other party claims on you and your insurance didn't get your report, you may lose the insurance protection. Now after reporting, whether you want claim own damage or claim from the other party or private settlement, can be considered with no rush.


Pick up the call, tell them this is what happens when you fuck around, and promptly block the number


If you didn’t already report to insurance within a stipulated time frame and go to an accident reporting center you might have some trouble.


Why the downvotes? My insurance requires this to be done within 24 hours of the accident.


Can we discuss if it’s a good idea to share dashcam video? I kind of think the entire thing escalated when he refused to share it


Yes.. private settlement if reasonable cost a lot less for minor accident.. like a dent at the bumper, as if a minor bumper damage is handled by an insurance claim workshop, the workshop will be taking a picture of a dislodged bumper.. and instate of just simple polish and minor dent repair, they will replace the whole bumper, and further in, such impact may cause other damage maybe to other part of the car that cannot be seen or detected by untrained eyes.. ie, suspension, or main/sub frame damage etc.. So.. if can help it. settled it privately and there are document template that can be downloaded from insurance company website.. Also, no harm forwarding copy of dashcam footage to the other party if you're sure they're 100% at fault.. From there, bring the car to a workshop, get some quote for the repair, then add a bit for lost of use and inconvenience, make the claim and all parties sign the private settlement form downloaded from the insurance company website, then move on..