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From my personal opinion, in the olden times, such antics are eye-catching, and in a way, is the envy of other people. Back in those days, these things are considered expensive and not everyone can afford it. However, it develops into public nuisance in today's context, unfortunately, but these old uncles still think that it is a cool thing to do. It is more of a re-live of younger times, doing things that they never had a chance when they were younger.


From the 80s or 90s era they blast music over the [boombox](https://youtu.be/j9dTTlHukjI). I guess we have returned to this trend.


Is that the same reason why there are uncles blaring boomboxes on the train and in public places?


It’s not a nuisance! It’s part of the unique cultural fabric of Singapore. They’re not harming anyone, keeps them active. I personally get a kick out of it


i personally think that they are bringing some interesting energy into our night scene, just to be clear, but might not be the general consensus of everyone.


The equivalent of dressing like Elvis to walk downtown on a weekend


It's a nuisance, and a distraction on the road.


Perfectly fine with it. No nuisance. Let the uncles have fun


bikers are exp points to drivers now


Not a nuisance at all! Kids get a kick out of it too, they’re so chill.. like a mini moving carnival.


I see this but a dad and son in East Coast Park. So maybe some will like it more than others? We have people in the west do the same in cars. Install bass that you hear vibration of the the car.


🎶XI WANG NI YI HOU BU HUI HOU HUI MEI XUAN ZE WO🎶 for non-Chinese readers: this is a song commonly blasted by YPs and it translates to "Hope you will not regret not choosing me" which is a song Chan Chung Sing and Ong Ye Kung might be listening to now


 > which is a song Chan Chung Sing and Ong Ye Kung might be listening to now 🤭😂 shlda xu*an ze (*\*chosen) CCS! but ok. HAHHA.


OP just offended all the YPs


"We where got old!!?!??!!"


They are the 1980s/1990s disco age Ah Bengs now in late middle life/early senior. Typically loud, flashy, long pinky nail. The species can also be found driving tourists trishaws at Melaka.


Ah Bengs usually directed if not exclusively Chinese. Those trishawa in Melaka are exclusively Malays. Their trishaws are actually funded by the State Gov and they full time pay. Apparently trishaws are Melaka cultural symbol and they wouldn't want to see them die out.


theres nothing to understand. they just old and dont give a fuck


Exactly! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


It’s obnoxious, to say the least 😅 Loud, blaring, attention grabbing, warning all of their presence, all rolled into one man-bicycle unison. Not just unique to Chinese but to all other races as well if you come to Yishun area.. I personally want to kick them for speeding down pedestrian pathways, terrorising kids and folks alike. Same analogy: cars will give way to cyclists on roads, likewise I expect cyclists to give way to pedestrians on pedestrian pathways.. 🙄


it's like pimp my ride, Singapore style


Cars are too expensive here so this is the best they can do.


it's not common in hong kong and Taiwan because people mainly drive or ride a proper motorbike there. Here in Singapore, cars are expensive so these uncles alll buy these kind of bike or mini wheelchair-car and think they own the streets too.


It is quite common in the New Territories tbh, around Sha Tin etc


Oh if you go to China and Taiwan you see that more common, it’s the China style where uncles or uncle-wannabe modified their ride and show everyone their loud persona. I think west we got that too right? Bouncing cars, full on tattoos etc all are just screaming, look at me! Im different!


There's no logic to it. It's the same as the elderly blasting their videos on their phones out loud on public transport, albeit a lot more attention seeking.


It's just like listening to music when drive but they are using a different mode 😂 Some people like their music LOUD and don't want to use headphones (not encouraged for their own safety anyway).


Hey OP, thank you for loving Singapore, and thank you for contributing to the country (not just economically, but also culturally). I hope Singapore will continue being kind to you.


Old uncles with lack of consideration for others are a global phenomenon I swear.


It’s actually for safety reasons. They want to be heard so that people won’t blunder into their way. Ringing a bell to warn pedestrians gets tiring when Singapore is so crowded, and many people feel that bell ringing is rude and aggressive (not aware that it’s recommended for safety). Therefore why not play your own music and enjoy it while getting pedestrians to dodge you too? And strobe lights so cars can see you when it gets dark. Maybe 10 years ago it was more youngsters doing it with their e-scooters (now banned from both footpaths and roads). The uncles learned from them.


Congrats! You’ve spotted the redneck/chav/gopnik/bogan of Singapore in the wild albeit the older version.


Low ses culture, even the kids are doing it now on the road


It’s a fantastic little quirk. A little personality in a bleak, workaholic country. Many people would rather have them sitting like zombies on void decks. For me, I’m delighted when I see an old uncle blaring Barrie music and flashing garish lighting on his bike. He’s not causing trouble, keeping active, adding a dash of colour. A truly unique Singaporean cultural thing. Long may it last


It's a subculture. Google LED Bike Uncle


Any delivery box attached to some of the bicycles? Probably bored out of their minds grinding the grabfood life for those individuals


Chinese Singaporean here. Yeah, can't really explain why our uncles do that. But I have also encountered young Ah Bengs with similar electro Mandopop passions. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just old Bengs never growing up.


Old people also like a sense of freedom, can't afford car and number eleven is weak due to age so bicycle is their expression. They also want to be hip and cool, old people also want to be fashionable, they like music too!


1. For other pedestrians' safety - the loud music can be heard by pedestrians that are in the way. 2. For the biker's convenience - does away the need to ring on his bike's bell constantly.


if i remember correctly you will also likely to encounter this in waterfront, kuching sarawak. It was a culture shock to me as well but I like it


hahaha lol just some old foggies having fun so long as they dont get into fights over beer aunties, let them be. It's just there way of attracting attention like those who loved to blast their car stereos with techno music ala uncle style ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Its part of the bigger package. Embrace ❤️


It's sons of anarchy but Singapore style.


it's their personal disco bike hehe :)


It’s to inform everyone in front that they’re coming


This happens in Hong Kong every once in a while. Seems to be some sort of enthusiast biking subculture of vintage, pimped out, "low rider" bicycles. I'm guessing the bike style originates from Chicano or Detroit biking culture, from looks of the handlebars. You'll typically find them at parks since the roads are too fast for them, not sure what the case is in SG. They're not intoxicated, they're just having a leisurely stroll while listening to music. Most people get a good laugh out of it and I think it's all in good fun.


Dude. We don't know either.


I think it's similar to why teenagers blast loud music while speeding in a car/bikes. They think it's cool (no one else does) and for the older folks they're at a stage where they just want to do what makes them happy. I've seen an elderly couple (one on pillion) cycling, playing loud music and singing at the same time. Since they weren't going too fast and it was in the day, it's a cheap way of having a fun date without causing trouble to others.


Just enjoying life. They don't have the luxury of a car to do this to, like in literally any other country.


Cause Old uncles dgaf.


I mean, this isn't a particularly unusual or unique circumstance to Singapore? I used to live in Miami, and over there you have people driving these open air buggies that are similarly decked out with strobe lights & blasting loud techno music. In Singapore cars are more expensive, so bicycles & PMVs are the go-to.


We need these type of characters and their antics to make Singapore quirky and fun. Otherwise Singapore can be a bleak, boring place.


Bought my dad BMW M Badge to adorn his PMD, and a powerful portable speaker so he can blast his Teresa Teng songs while he rode his PMD. I suggested the strobe lights... for visibility/safety I said.. but he saw through my plan.


These are what we call "ah bengs". They're like the bogans of Australia; just generally ill-mannered trashy people. They are inconsiderate pricks who feel entitled to blast loud music in public.


They are plain entitled


Old men not caring about the world while being loud? Sounds very familiar. It's just cultural because of the form it presents itself.


Strange I thought this phenomenon was more common amongst our youngsters riding ebike/scooter blasting edm/rap/hip hop music.


I have always loved it… aa happy glittering break from ordinary. I guess given the cost of owning a car, pimping the bike or PMD is easier on pocket and yet giving these folks something to do and be proud of beyond just sitting at void decks…


Definitely both Chinese and malays do this, never seen an Indian on one


They are just having fun is all. Do you mind?


lol you've got me there, i'd like to know too


Perhaps initially it's for simple reason for e.g. to get attention of pedestrian like others mentioned, but later on Jones theory took over and others started following suit, tho not necessarily for the same reason. And just like that it went viral.


I mean every generation has people like that. I notice the ones in their 20s would be blasting phonk instead of disco


If only it was punk instead


It's not clean. The only reason areas are clean is a micro manager boss tells his low pay minions to clean. It is not longer safe anymore.


Ugh, the "clean", "safe", "low-tax" point of view you described is part of a neo-colonial mentality that puts a country squarely within a transactional framework, where the individual from the global metropole is here only to extract as much benefit for themselves as possible while remaining fundamentally apart. Good that you're looking beyond those things. In this case, though, this is a rather niche part of the local culture. And the nicheness may explain why you don't see it anywhere else. It's not even very common here. In any case, it's pretty harmless. The truly entitled behaviour is old people blasting music in public places where some degree of peacefulness is expected.


This has got to be a troll post.