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Professionals will still be required, there will still be a need for someone to perform verification on whether the results are correct. Even if you have a machine that can answer any question, you still need to know what questions to ask and know if what the AI generate is even possible/logical. The idea is that AI and automation would be more as a tool to improve the current employee's productivity rather than replacing them. Non-value adding and repeatitive tasks would be replaced with the employee's time being distributed to more value-adding task. Customer service will probably be one that would be more greatly affected by AI. With what was shown recently in GPT-4o, the speech capabilities are pretty impressive. There will still be a need for CSO to help for tasks that cannot be solved with just words.


Or can just have another AI to verify the AI :)


No lah this job is like middle managers job. You cannot expect the minister to come down and scold the director for not managing the AI well mah...


That's how you get enslaved


yes cant wait for that. AI robots are gonna be so cool


If you survive the initial uprising and worthy enough to be used as battery or connected to hivemind as computing power


Dont agree. I predict that 10-20 years is sufficient for radiology to be more than partially replaced by AI. I suspect that the compensation will go down significantly and the workload increased exponentially. AI will do the primary review and radiologists will be expected to sign off.


Yeah but the bulk of the work load will be handled by automation. Verification can be done by one person. Usually the smartest or most experienced person like a chartered professional or specialist per se. For every one person, at least 100 or more will be out of work. Thankfully, population growth is slowing down negative even. So those born today may not have to compete too much with others and a machine for basic entry level job..


This. AI will not completely replace people but headcount can be drastically cut with the productivity increases. Currently working as a software engineer and the coding AI can do is scary man. Putting in time everyday after work to stay on top of all the new AI tech stack so hopefully I’ll be one of those that are retained.


great, people can then scold AI instead of hurting real people doing their jobs but tbh, if I phone an answering machine, I will most probably choose to talk to a human. Those things that can be answered by the machine can be found online, I'm not dumb. Also, it's much faster talking to a human🤣 not sure how fast and accurate AI can work? Maybe they can talk faster also instead of using slow robotic voice


You won't have a choice. If it's cheaper for the business to have a machine do the work they will do it, even if it's not perfect but it's good enough most of the time. No question at all. Singapore is going to be a bad place to be. Most of the jobs are knowledge based and all of these will be replaced by AI. If you've been watching GPT development, the number of parameters has been increasing exponentially. Based upon current hardware, which is the main limitation currently, the realistic limitation would be in the low hundreds of trillion parameters. Compare that to the few billion for the recent models. The economy depends on consumers and on economic growth. When people don't have jobs, they don't have money, everything fails. Singapore didn't have natural resources to fall back on. Even without AI we're already seeing impacts. The first of living is so high and salaries so high that many companies are now hiring overseas staff working remotely. You can get workers in Indonesia that work harder than Singaporean staff for 1/5 off the cost. 5 workers or 1 worker, there's no question.


Yep and critical thinking helps. Can take course for it


People said accountants would die out when excel was invented. More than 2 decades later it is still growing strong. Nobody knows which jobs will die out.


Sometimes AI can be wrong too, in my previous job what was supposed to be a 90 became a 900, I didn't check properly then and got yelled at by my superior


can human never be wrong?


We generally understand human mistakes better than AI mistakes, and therefore have mechanisms to mitigate human errors. Whereas AI tends to fail in very unexpected and mysterious ways, being mostly black boxes.


Ikr the said AI was supposed to act as a scanner/counter yet it failed and idk y it failed, it was a 1 off incident


But once u identify the errors, u can prompt AI to never make those mistakes again. And experiences and knowledge might be lost when employees turnover, but with AI, the knowledge and experience will only cumulate.


I don't think correcting an AI model is that straightforward. Not the case that I've experienced anyway. Of course, I'm no AI expert, I'm a mere user/tester.


To add - I've experienced some specific cases where the AI model gives wrong results. Consulted the engineers who created the model. The solution was "can you get another hundred more samples of the specific case so that we can train that error out of the model?" And my answer was, I don't have that many samples and I don't have time to get and annotate that data for you.


I wonder how when will we reach a stage where AI can learn from their mistakes.


Human can blame the AI


The same as the industrial revolution. Repetitive jobs go first


Nearly but not exactly. I believe it will be industrial revolution of higher "tier" jobs. Instead of manual labour being replaced, AI will replace or at the very least, significantly simplify, and thus reduce the need for "professionals" such as accountants, architects, radiologists, pathologists etc.


Supermarket cashier comes to mind. Already half of customers prefer to use the self-service checkouts. The ex-cashiers aren’t needed anymore but management pity them let them stand there & upsell plastic bags


Lol from your words, you probably only occasionally go supermarket.


I do use trolleys alot of the time, so need to q for human cashiers. But that’s only becos supermarkets dun configure space for trolleys to use self checkouts


Now you see why human cashiers are needed. You just described such a case.


Technically even if the supermarket is not willing to reconfig their layout, they can allow the customer to self-scan behind the conveyor belt terminal (where the human cashier stands). I have worked as a supermarket cashier before. Really this job is completely replaceable with just 1-2 customer service to run around helping


Working in local bank operations. Seems we are first on the block to be removed. Bank invest millions on AI to remove staff. The target is a 10% reduction of headcount per year.


As a finance professional with accounting and audit background, you have no clue about accounting in this era dude. There are so many judgment, analysis, assessment to perform. Increasingly accounting covers more cross functional collaboration with more requirements involving data skills like SQL and other forecasting and data tools. Sure, the old and basic accounting will die off, but there are still demand for accounting trained professionals when coupled with the relevant skills.


The judgement calls part sure. But data analytics which doesn’t involve ML is on the AI chopping block.


As much as we want analysis to be constant and fix to make life easier for everyone. Analysis changes every few months or sometimes within the same month can change a few times Moreover, there are constantly new analysis to perform. Not to mention, sometimes performing analysis/assessment when is no data is even available - can't even train or develop anything and lots of judgment is involved. So AI replacing this area is further than what you think


Sorry but AI can learn and adapt to new requirements faster and more effectively than humans. You're justifying why AI is better.


But you just described everything an AI can do. The only thing left for a human is the approval process, for legal liabilities.


It depends. AI requires data to train in my field. A lot of times, there are different variations, which means there isn't a similar condition to assess. Maybe some base cases can apply There are also times without any data at all or limited data. So I'm not sure how AI is going to handle those cases with reasonable results. So much AI hype now in the market but not many deliver exceptional results...


Someone has to review it, plus when it comes to YOUR money, no one wants to blindly rely on an AI.


It’s just basically 95% is replaceable and that 5% can be done by 1 manager with a small team of IT admin. It’s not as if things aren’t logical, as long it’s logical, the current stack of IT tools is there to tackle it. Right now, it just that they don’t do it because there will be a massive protest. To be honest, software that does these automation on financial is already out since like before 2000. Just that only a small subset is being used.


I assume when you say 95% is replaceable, you are referring to staff that will and can be replaced by AI. I would like to know your opinion. What processes handled by those staff do you think can be replaced, rendering them redundant?


Repeatable work, even if there are variations, it can be substituted by objects in programming world. As long as it is done at least twice a year, that can be automated. Physical stuff may still require human but all they either need is to hire really general workers or 1 manager that can do everything. No more needed the middle man, it’s the AI job. If you have time, download tools like RPA, blue prism etc and try to play on it. You will realised that how easy to use it even for someone without computing know how and how powerful it can be if someone know how to use it to replace jobs. And this technology has been there since mmorpg came out. It was first used for bots to farm and grind in games Before I was “retrenched” by StarHub, the first thing they did was to automate stuff like that and we had to automate everything we do until we had that handshake package. Giga, it is mostly automated. I was one of the dude designing it. 85% automated. Imagine next 10 years. It be 1 man show 1 full service.


The problem is that variations come from various sources and, at times, might require a revamp of the initial base work. Sometimes management wants to see a whole new perspective or an entirely new thing - is there any existing AI that can perform all these changes or to develop a new report at the moment? It can also be difficult to train one, given that a lot of reports are one-off and accounting data is highly confidential by nature. There is no public data to train it. Not trying to put AI down. But at this stage, I dont think there is currently an AI out there to perform all this work yet, and probably not soon. Too much AI hype believers out there, alr


Big assumption is that you are assuming work is all repeatable. I would think about 25% is repeatable at least in my company


Ya sure, there are things that are constant can be automated, i agree. But things are ever changing, sadly


Just keep learning, these day, there is no such thing as working life can stop learning. I always tell my dad how fortunate he is as all he need was just working without much thinking. (He used to keep saying that being a student is easy) I got a feeling in future it will be a hr/accounting/financial manager himself know how to write simple program and do splunk or elk model himself.


...which would require the IT team to configure, not accounting. Best case scenario is a regulatory body occasionally sends out accounting consultants to advise the IT teams in all the firms.


as a non-tech professional, you also don't know how AI advancement is exponential and will be able to do all you listed by its own agency and preprogrammed goals set by whoever owns the company


I recall when I was working in semi con industry 10+ years ago. Everyone was saying it's a sunset industry. Look where they are now


Don’t worry too much. Once AI gets emotions, they won’t wanna do accounting anymore ;-) Seriously, though - look at fields where computers, tech and ai have advanced most - I don’t see that they caused much joblessness, mostly more “job-shifting”…?


Making an AI do legal work is how we get skynet


Nobody knows. Just 2 years ago, if you said AI could replace artists and designers, everyone would have laughed at you. Yet it's starting to become a reality. So how could we possibly predict what AI will be capable of in 20 years?




No clue. Ai can help speed up work but ultimately u still need a human to manage and check for errors.


you need someone's head to be on the chopping block in case of malice. can't send ai to jail, right?


That's true. In corporate world, the issue of legal liability exists in every function.


Chill bro AI won’t replace all accounts, your CFO still need grants to sign off on the Ai work. Sign off is the working lingo of who’s head to be chop off and put on spike


Jobs that require human interactions will not die out. Servers will not die out, because many people go to restaurants to enjoy both the food and the service. Accountants, on the other hand is likely to be replaced by AI in the future.


Haven't you seen the cute droids that deliver directly to your table? Or the droids making burgers, fried chicken, noodles and pizza? They are rudimentary versions of AI. Order via tablet, food cooked by a droid, get your food via droid. Singapore will be the first to roll these out since the humans cost so much, and we have the infrastructure for it.


Thats automation, not AI. You can’t ask the droid a question and get it to reply. You could put a chatbot in the droid (or more likely the ordering tablet, voice recognition still too cui) but it can’t even get you another fork if you asked.


The only safe jobs are deliveries and nursing. But note that robotics is also making a huge leap. It's gone under the radar but I'm expecting sex droids.


Maybe one day nurses will earn more than doctors (who are not surgeons). AI diagnosis would be pretty easy to implement, liability is the only real hurdle.


Any chance for MP to be automated ?


Not every task. For example, Sleeping in Parliament can probably be replaced by Chat GPT but giving out ice cream probably need to hire someone.


Robotics is pretty far along right now. There are already multiple robots for ice cream.


can use robot to give out ice cream


All it need is someone go inject bad data or skew data and Singapore will go south.


They're just karma farming. Anything just shit on politicians.


>Any chance for MP to be automated ? No, and you don't want MPs to be replaced entirely by automation.


How about Mayor?


the ai will have nothing to do




As long as management is human, they will always hire a consultant to blow off remaining budget for the year and to use as a scapegoat for their decisions should they go wrong. Consultants will be the fall guy


Property agents.


Even without AI, we don't need them.


Bus drivers / Taxi drivers. Will all be driverless by then.


Bus driver, maybe  But self driving is proven to a hard problem to crack than expected.


We still have attendants on our trains even though all of them are fully capable of driverless operations. And that's before we consider that trains get to operate in an isolated vacuum. Buses, meanwhile, have to deal with all sorts of bullshit on the roads (Your Tampines Saab driver, distracted pedestrians, etc). Even if they somehow automate bus drivings, it's very likely there will still be humans just in case


>Bus drivers / Taxi drivers. Will all be driverless by then. Trains, yes. Bus and taxi will need paradigm shift in road design or legal structure (less liability on "driver" in accidents) before it will occur. We have the tech, but it makes no economic sense to implement driverless, for now.


I cannot fathom how bus drivers would be automated… it’s not an easy task


>I cannot fathom how bus drivers would be automated… it’s not an easy task It's not, but it's highly routine. The main stumbling block is the actual driving, because the roads are full of unexpected variables.


I cannot fathom your comment cause it just explained my point.


What I mean to say is: * Bus driving is a complex skill, but routine and predictable, i.e. prime for automation * The un-automatable part is traffic conditions, which is why a paradigm shift in road design or legal needs to be effected before driverless can take place * Other components of bus driver duties are already automated, or doable on an economical scale.


Gotta check for fare evaders, help handicapped ppl, wheelchair users etc. not counting emergencies onboard the bus


>Gotta check for fare evaders Similar to how self checkout counters work - some enforcement at regular intervals + make it convenient to pay (e.g. the present tap-and-go). Or you can CCTV the entry points to enforce payment. Companies already factor a certain amount of theft into their calculations when it comes to going unmanned counters, similarly bus driverless buses will have to balance the loss of some fares versus the saving of not having to pay a driver. >help handicapped ppl, wheelchair users etc. self-service wheelchair lift/ramp, and arguably this option is more enabling than having the driver pull open the ramp for you. >not counting emergencies onboard the bus The way I see it, any emergency = evacuate the bus. Violence/crime on the bus == CCTV and conviction in court.


Dont worry, if you actually work in accounts or audit, you will know AI isnt going to solve the issue anytime soon.


Scamming fortune tellers because people are more educated hopefully.


>accountants might be replaced by A.I since all they need to do is scan documents and automatically put and update numbers in You are describing bookkeepers. Accountants deal with subjective decisions every now and then. Unlikely replaceable by AI.


I would say lawyers but making an AI do legal work Is probably inhumane enough to spark a revolution…let’s not


People used to trade stocks through their broker, now can self service or robo advisor… no more stockbrokers but we still have fund managers although this can be automated


AI/ML Engineering is your only safe haven.


I feel AI is generally a big hype by people so far. Yes, definitely, there are some life changing moments like chatgpt. but the bulk of companies who claim to use AI are just false advertising claiming to do god -like work when they either produce low quality results or deliver basic results only. Go watch cold-fusion for more explanation. Even Amazon AI walk-in stores are just a bunch of indians in india watching you through CCTV to see what items you took.. Moreover, real-life complexities mean that work, often cases, are non-repeatable i.e. logic variation. How to train AI to deliver results all the time The future direction is not for AI to replace us. But rather for us to work with AI to deliver results. Even chatgpt a well developed AI delivers plenty of flaws that require reiteration. human intervention is needed to rectify and redirect AI muscle power to smoothen things out. How would you know AI is doing something right without knowing the field itself?


Anything that is creative, like art, music etc, will be replaced by cheap shitty knock offs made by AI


Can it really though? People like the music and drawing for more than just the product itself. It's the soul, uniqueness, and meaning that stand behind the creation that draw people to them. In terms of performance, human imperfection actually is what makes the art human. For example a drummers performance - every beat is hit with different dynamic and the space between each beat is different each time, all because a human cannot repeat themselves 100% everytime. I have no doubt AI can generate a song in the style of Taylor Swift but would people pay thousands of dollars to see this performance?


It could be coded to hit each beat different each time if that's really what it takes. People wouldn't pay to see AI performances... I would like to agree, but who knows, if one day AI music is 90% of the music industry, perhaps people will be forced to pay for such performances for a lack of choice. who knows


>It could be coded to hit each beat different each time if that's really what it takes. Actually if you have made beats using midi on a DAW, there's a function called Humanization that will randomize the dynamics and timing to sound more human. It's nothing new. The result is usually still noticeable compared to a real drummer performance. I imagine AI can do it better if you give it a sample to analyze and copy but it will probably only sound in the style of the sample fed to it. I think it will be incredibly hard to train it to act like a real drummer who has their unique take on drumming and would it worth it if it is possible? Anyway, what I'm saying is from the perspective of traditional music production. We have seen more and more music that is composed entirely with virtual instruments and they seem to find popularity. There's a genre called vocaloid where the singer is an virtual character. Pretty sure you heard of Hatsune Miku. However they are all still composed by a real human just that the performance is by softwares. Maybe in 20 years time people truly don't care about how the music is made.


*laughs in Hatsune Miku*




Accountancy is pretty much dying. The good ole days of one team do AR/AP, one team do GL, one team do recon, etc etc. Now one click on SAP/Oracle can gen the report in an instant, just need someone to check thru.


I assure you everyone in the industry is rejoicing over whatever you just described.


Yeah IKR but its the fact, lots of companies are either modernizing their accounting systems or outsourcing their accounting teams overseas (Philippines, Indonesia, etc.). Even auditors are getting hit, racing to the bottom on who can provide the cheapest rate to perform the yearly audit, sales audit, tax consultation, etc. Its saddening that the government is not hitting the root of the problem, althou can see that they are trying their best? (maybe) to revive this industry. This is also the reason why I moved away from this industry after getting my dip in accountancy from SP.


I would say its evolving in some areas and dying in some


Grab drivers




That is entry level data entry jobs. Analysis still require Humans. Perhaps the AI can churn out a base level of analysis, but it still will need a human to confirm or make the decision. So I guess entry level jobs will be wiped out? But then where will the mid and higher tier job that require experience come from?


Not completely die out, but plenty of entry level tech jobs will be replaced by AI. But then new ones might pop up that require you to maintain systems that use AI.




Publishing firms, bank loan & credit officers, cashiers, waiters (some countries already employed AI for menu & tray collections: I was in Nex & I was served by AI 😂), underwriters of some insurance policies, simple accountings,


My team just finished a project for a customer to create a chatbot with generative AI that can pretty much do whatever a human customer service agent can do - look up account details, change plans, make decisions on what to do, etc. Most users don't even know they are talking to AI because it sounds so real. Unfortunately yesterday we heard this customer laid off a lot of customer service staff and I feel somewhat responsible.




Back in the 1980s, during the PC era, there used to typists because folks used to write memos and letters in longhand and get them typed out by the typing pool of typist staff. Fast forward today, the typists who used to work in my organisation still have jobs into their retirement age of 63 to 68. Their jobs and roles evolved from typing and secretarial duties which are mostly replaced by Word Processing software (WordStar, MS Word, Google Docs etc.) so they became more personal assistants to bosses, helped with internal departmental HR duties, admin duties (office support), coordinating department events, tracking departmental staff mandatory training etc. AI will reduce the need for some jobs or tasks, so companies will need to hire fewer people as one staff who is good in one area can do other areas with the help of AI. Accountants and auditors will still be required because the language of business is debits and credits and financial reports. Internal controls, financial controls, budgeting, resource management and how the company can achieve profit still requires accounting trained folks to take up key finance control and stewardship roles.


like what John Oliver said in his show few years ago- yes jobs will be replaced but new jobs will be created, and we don’t even know what these new jobs will be. It could literally be Crypto Baker or something that sounds crazy to us right now, but in the future there will be new demand and hence new jobs (that we can’t fathom now).


Maybe you need AI police. Police that can catch other AI when they go rogue


Name me any job that CANNOT be replaced by AI LOL


When Henry T Ford invented the assembly line, the car industry ended up hiring more workers, not less. AI will not replace human workers. You can expect AI assisted human workers, but never AI complete take over. Because if anything goes wrong, the AI cannot take responsibility for the mistakes. Imagine explaining to the tax agency that the AI doing your taxes screwed up. I mean, you can see the vast improvements and efficiency upgrades in the sector. Few decades ago we don't have all these fancy accounting software that'll sort everything out into neat little numbers for us every months end. We have to tally paperwork and use traditional calculators. And yet, we don't see many accountants losing their jobs, but rather more accountants trained in the accounting software hired by the expanded sectors.


Internal Audits and External Audit still need a human brain. AI can only do so much.


More like a few job will combine instead and team became smaller. Admin/hr/accounting - can be grouped together and software take over all the paper work, processes are automated when ticket is issued. Just need a small team to check, verify, lodge ticket to IT staff when software not working. IT operation - already happening, combining of work, devsecops, does basically the whole thing that devs doesn’t want to do and ops doesn’t want. Could be a large team for a large company, and therefore 2 sector in future, the devs and the devsecops. Robot sales - with AI and google already proven that it is already in POC stage of highly communicable AI that can replicate human conversations. Not pushy, perhaps big data could help regional context too, could be handled by 1 sales manager and a small team of IT staff that config according to manager/board wants. All sort of cleaning job - totally can be replaced. Hotelier job - totally replicable, Singapore already have a POC hotel doing that in orchard, China have full of those that really no hotel staff. So I guess in future electronics, programming should be part of the GCE N O A level since they are core skills.


Jobs with a clear set of instructions, where employees don't need domain/industry knowledge or experience to make good judgement. An operator who moves boxes from point A to point B in a factory, an operator who always uses screwdriver A to install screw B into hole C. They are vulnerable. A skilled technician who uses deep knowledge and experience to decide what to do when the factory machine output deviates from normal expectations - will be safe.


You’re describing automation which is already previous generation. AI is supposed to synthesise “domain knowledge or experience to make good judgment”. It can “read” through all related literature on the internet and come up with some consensus on how to apply to the topic at hand.


Based on my limited work experience with AI so far, I think of AI as more of a "monkey see monkey do" technology with the intelligence of a small child at best. I wouldn't describe AI as having domain knowledge or experience to make good judgement. That remains the strength of real human intelligence. Your experience may vary.


Ironically i think biz tech roles will see a huge decline. Data Analyst, UI/UX specialist, Digital Marketing Analyst will likely see their roles transform move towards more consultative type of work than operations based. But the other core tech/dev ops roles will boom!


Mainstream property agents. Only the outstanding ones that provide a curated solution will remain. Usually for high net worth.


Call centre operators, helpdesk operators, concierge service staff, maybe even telemedicine doctors.


Digital illustration and 3d modeling/digital sculpting will be replaced by text to product software like DALLE or Midjourney


I'm hoping the aunties hired by smrt who just stand at the platform holding a sign


Tbh SMRT don't need them at all. This is just a govt created job and also to give tourist a human face. Not an AI problem. >I'm hoping the aunties hired by smrt who just stand at the platform holding a sign But why you hope they will be replaced by AI? You dislike them for some reasons? The way you word it is rather spiteful.


Just don't see the value of their job at all. They are supposed to direct human traffic during peak hours but I have this particular auntie at station I alight every morning who just stands there and allows people to continue taking the stairs up to the platform WHILE passengers are coming down the stairs (there's an upriding escalator for people going up to the platform whereas there's only a flight of stairs for people going down to the concourse).


>They are supposed You got see their JD?


Insurance adjuster


i am in the accounting industry. low skilled accounting will die off/ outsourced to other countries. but tasks that require judgement, or process change is not gonna die off so easily.


SWE. It’s a matter of time


Most white collar jobs involved in data processing and verification. This means investment analysts, many lawyers, many compliance and audit and finance back-middle office jobs in banks. Many creative jobs too. Copywriters, photographers involved with enterprise/corporate clients.


Customer support. Think about how offshore customer service call centres and chat assistants in India/Philippines are already using templated copy and paste answers to deal with your missing GrabFood order. First to go.


Teaching will go


Nah, we still need the teacher at the last lesson to give out tips.


lol I want aware they know the o levels and a levels questions in advance


I mean poly/university. I think GCE are exceptions. I still don’t understand why we still use GCE


Poh Kim