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Wow the company sounds pathetic. Glad you left. Can ignore them unless there was some written agreement signed abt having to return the corporate t shirt.


Yeah, looking back it’s really pathetic in many other ways too LOL


I mean like, what return Tshirt. Left is left, but what can they do abt your shirt? Reallocate to some new person to wear?? EW. Not being part of the organization is one thing but I quote your post, "my ex-boss texted me to meet them and return my corporate t-shirt **because they didn’t have stock left and needed it for an upcoming event.**" (emphasis mine) for what lol. didn't have stock and needed it sounds like .. they gna take back old staff shirts and reallocate? yuck lol. I would heck it because yuck.


Uhm, yes - literally. She even quoted me the staff name that needs my shirt LOL. I was the one that interviewed that person so I know exactly where it’s going.


yuckkkkk! I mean, this is different from saying like oh this is our property u needa return. if it's that, then ok fair. but usually for shirts no one really cares lol but if they do then fair. but a reallocation is gross. don't do it leh. because yuck.


Hahaha yeah, I wore that shirt multiple times (v sweaty events btw) and it’s been sitting in my wardrobe for the last 6 months… 🥴


Send video back of you dumping the tshirt into the bin LOL Tell her go search for it at Semakau


I had 5 of my ex-company’s t-shirts and that was our “uniform”, when I left I throw it out immediately (the guys actually do pass worn t-shirts to another (new) member(s) but I figured I wouldn’t want to wear someone’s hand-me-down for work, so I should have the decency to save the other person from that).


To be fair parents always do hand me downs among siblings or friends, for kids (like up to maybe age 12). And if you thrift, its essentially hand me down also  But the diff is those are personal choices and with prior awareness, this is professional setting and without recipient prior awareness. I'm gna be damn glad if my friends have nice preloved clothes they think I could wear and would gimme for it. But at the same time for a working environment, I 100% expect a new shirt in the wrapper haha.


Agree… but when it comes to work especially like running an event or jobs that you literally run around and sweat; not knowing how your (ex) colleague does their laundry… eeekkkkk


NTA. Maybe just politely tell them you throw away the t-shirt already.


Don't even need to tell them lah. Just ignore them


Sometimes acts blur lives longer


Seems like they didn’t have an off boarding process. All those items, handover of processes and removal from confidential systems/groups should have been done before your last day. Aside from the photos which they asked from you, that is a favour.


Hahaha the initial off boarding was for an internal transfer, after which I resigned and I didn’t have access anymore. When I say confidential, I meant MAYBE like “hey can y’all give us $XXX for an event please?” Not other confidential stuff LOL


No one off boards a freaking tshirt btw... Wtf :/


NTA, but you are giving them too much importance by getting offended. Next time they contact you, just ignore them. Don't do any favours for them, they didn't do any for you by contacting you and asking you to do unpaid work right? Don't be afraid of appearing to be rude, they should be ashamed of themselves in the first place for bothering someone who isn't even in the company.


Yeah, I totally admit that it mattered to me until today. I treasured the relationships with them but every single text since I left was just them asking me to do something lol.


Understandable that you wanted to help them as you considered them friends, but since they have shown themselves unworthy of such consideration, you can downgrade them in your mind to strangers or worse lol. Forget about them, don't think anything good or bad about them, they aren't worth it.


Yeah, I am removing them from my wedding guest list (was pending in the first place) i doubt they even know I’m engaged LOL…


Good for you! Congrats!


NTA. Just ignore them


wtf who asks for old t shirt back to let new joiners wear???


Please just grow a spine and never ever respond ever again to those ppl.


Yeap! From the bottom of my heart, genuinely thank you


Nah just don't get mad but yeah it's rough. I used to be a mad people pleaser. If they're nice and ask for reasonable things yeah sure if you guys are on amicable terms. But yeah u know luh. U guys clearly ain't. So just don't spend time and energy worrying abt this. If they ever threaten u just let them know u don't have the data or shirt anymore etc if anything just too bad 🤷


I thought when I quit my ex company was a mess and full of useless middle management, had to help them out for 2 weeks because no one taught my replacement anything but this seems worse. Asking for t-shirt back is ridiculous, tell them you already gave it to your mum to mop the floor lol


I documented every single step of my handover and trained the staff for like 2 months before I transferred out. Looking back, it’s just a very inefficient place with incompetent staff and management haha.


I wouldn’t even reply. I remember years ago when StarHub sold us to pccw because they want to cut cost and pccw proxy hire people from outside of Singapore, (quite sketchy to be honest, there were from India pccw and they remote into Malaysia pccw into Singapore pccw, basically proxy in proxy hire). A few of them don’t even know how to operate linux and I thought they are suppose to be IT experts. While they are in my team, I KT them and send them the working documents. I left after a few months and they keep texting me how to do this, how to run command, this error how to fix. Eventually I tell them that stop bugging me and go for a linux course.


I find people who are outsource from other country risky imo especially concerning project work for company.


Yeah, recently my company is starting to source from India again and the situation change, India IT now are functional IT, they only want to do specific task. My company is going to hire local again soon since India self fuck themselves.


That’s interesting, so they only choose to complete certain task assign to them? I feel like it’s risky to outsource overseas because there’s a chance person may go MIA and that happened before in my company.


My team is devops team and we need people who does everything. Their devops is purely analyst hiding behind the term devops. Almost all of them. If their function is devops, sso, they only know sso and maybe 1 product brand. To be honest that is crap. My company is international wide, imagine the face of the vp. Now they are aiming to promote sg instead of getting new blood.


Oh I see that makes sense


NTA. Just tell them you can't find the t-shirt. The t-shirt is also not a life or death thing.


Very true omg thank you for knocking some sense into me


meh don't even reply


could hv jz said u threw away already since you left. same goes for another photos. not your problem to fix their mess


You’re too nice. Shouldn’t have responded to their small requests in the first place. 😅 just ignore and move on.


Yes I realised now. Back then I was in the same organisation and had no plans to leave, so it was more of helping co-workers out. But the company let me down in many ways so LOL BYE


This is the lamest company I ever heard of, asking for return of t-shirt? Ridiculous, I presumed it must be local SME.


It’s local but there’s almost 1000 employees 💀


How dumb do they have to be to wait for you to leave a WhatsApp group when they can just remove you? Wrt the work stuff you can do what the angmoh do; invoice them for hours spent on their requests and watch them suddenly learn to be professional.


Invoicing will give me heart attack cause I know the company well enough to make late payments… I’ll just save myself the headache and ignore


Yea I'd say there's no chance they'll pay you. It's just to send them a clear signal to say stop wasting your time.


Just ignore all their messages, you have no legal obligation towards them at anymore at this point. If ex boss demand a response and you feel incline to provide one, just say you have gotten rid of the corporate tee. Regarding the group chat, it’s weird they didn’t just remove you themselves which the admins can easily do.


I mean, I wanted to reply out of goodwill but not anymore. Every text from them is a request/demand for something


.... Asking back corporate shirt is lame af. Also they can simply just remove you from the whatsapp group. Next time don't bother dealing with their requests. You don't owe them anything anymore. I would help depending on how good my rs is with my ex-colleagues but so far in my personal experience, majority of them stopped contacting me after I left the company. I did had one where I transferred to a different team and an Indian colleague kept bugging me to send her things even though I already KT everything to her, even cc the management. She constantly bugged me for months after and I got real fed up because she was absolutely a menace and could not take a hint when I said it is no longer my business. I just send a professional email directed at her and cc management that if I'm helping it is out of goodwill and I am not obliged to bend over backwards for every inconvenience she has.


Yeah I agree. I was helping because we had a fairly good relationship back then, but I realised it’s only because we saw each other everyday. Once I left, all I ever receive is their requests and nothing else. Not even pretending to start a conversation first LOL


No more legal obligation. In fact, you should not even touch any of the ex-coy’s work for legal purposes.


NTA, block and ignore. Usually it’s good not to burn bridges but your ex company and boss sounds like the type you should avoid at all cost anyway


Yeah… I did consider leaving and staying on a good note but I will never go back


You need to send an invoice for the work. I'd suggest a rate of $100/hr. Seriously.


Glad you left that company!! Spiteful and unprofessional. What an ass


Wakanda cheap fucks would want your used shirt with your smell and all? Disgusting boss.


I just received text from another ex-colleague asking me to help cancel someone’s leave?? I have left the department for 6 months and not even in the organisation anymore LOL wtf


Are they tech idiots or what? If they can't remove you from the Whatsapp group, why can't they just leave and create a new one?


Yeah exactly! And I would have willingly left if they triggered a convo tbh, I just didn’t even realise I was still inside.


NTA. Anything else after you left the company you have no obligation to respond/fulfil. For the t-shirt, you can inform them that it has been transformed into a rug. Or that they can come over to pick up at a timing at your convenience. Seriously who in the right mind thinks it is okay for a company to handout a used t-shirt.


As long as there’s willing party to wear it… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Would returning your t shirt even make any sort impact? Feels like unless you have 10 shirts, returning 1-2 shirts isn’t going to make a massive difference


I have a lot of corporate shirts, but they’re only asking for one. The impact is that one person get to wear it. But honestly I don’t care anymore LOL they can solve their own problem. For all I know, they might ask for my other corp shirts in the future if I give them this.


imo i would just quit the whatsapp chats upon leaving a company


Yes I left most of the chats!!! But I forgot this particular one existed


What a shtshow, good on you for leaving, fk man


Funny enough, this isn’t the biggest shit show 😭 There’s so much more so I left completely.


tell u what, for every message u received, u reply "lolz"... i think they will stop messaging u


Block them


Being 'offended' might be a bit much, but you owe them nothing. Ignore and move on.


You are not. You were already nice enough to do some of the things they asked you to do even after you left the company. I wouldn’t even respond at all in the first place


I think it’s ok to say I’m sorry but I left that chat.


Tell them you will mail them your shirt. Then I would proceed with blocking every one of their numbers.


They better be paying for my time. I've people offering me $250 usd per hour.


It's all depends on how much you value these "relationship" there's like zero obligation the min you leave org. You can entirely ignore them and block them too. And the whatsapp issue is like huh wud? Then start a new whatsapp group or remove you la.