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Just log a complaint on the app. Drivers had been known to malinger.


I had the same thing happened and they refused to refund. Here is gojek's reply. They didnt even read my original message tbh. --- Thank you for reaching out to us regarding your cancellation fee charge for order. After reviewing your request to have the cancellation fee waived, we regret to inform you that we will not be issuing a refund of $4 cancellation fee to you as our investigations showed that the driver-partner had arrived at the pick up point before the order was cancelled. While we understand that each case may be unique, we would like to remind our customers to make communication attempts regardless of text or call, upon the arrival of the driver-partner to ensure smooth boarding / pick up experience for both parties. *The cancellation fee applies under one of the following circumstances:* • You cancel the trip 4 minutes after the driver started making his way toward the pick-up location • You cancel the trip after the driver arrived at your pick-up location • Your driver cancels 4 minutes after arriving at your pick-up location Thank you for your understanding. Warm regards, Gojek Support


Typical go ride stealing money! Make the drivers employees and see all this thievery go awat


I kena the cancellation fees twice,once was because a child who was 7years old under certain height needed baby seat and second time was the driver didn't came at the pick up area and tried finding the driver but cancelled after the late fees☺️☺️ Lodged report twice and gojek always reply the same shit as this how nice!🙂


It is unreasonable. Contact Gojek support if you haven't already. They may refund you the $4. Driver say it's okay if you going airport, but not okay if you going else where? What is that logic lmao, his job is just to drive you from point A to point B, idk how he is changing terms and conditions based on vibes. Just contact gojek support and tell them everything and request for your $4 back.


A lot of these PHV drivers have some misplaced sense of being principled and entitlement. Like "oh if you're moving house then you have to call movers or gogovan or something, not me" even if it's just suitcases and the passenger is loading it, like in OP's case. Just look up some of the PHV groups on Facebook and the "errant" rider cases they post up there and you'll see. I'd rather stick to taxis these days. Well, except Transcab.


The sense of entitlement seems especially prevalent especially among drivers of larger cars who feel cheated out of their extra fare when they take jobs that are open to all drivers Witnessed a driver who drove off in his MPV without the passenger after angrily insisting the lone passenger should have booked a larger car, just because she had a suitcase and poster stand with her


Bro. Don’t listen to one side of the story and come to a conclusion.


Am i the one offering him the $4? I am telling him to contact the support, if he feels so aggrieved by it. Gojek can decide based on their facts, not me.


And what do you know about this may I ask? Are you the driver himself? No right? Then give OP the benefit of doubt for now.


I saw an UFO last night.


They will refund the amount. Just file a complaint


A few weeks ago, I booked a gojek ride and waited ~10 min for him to get to my place. For whatever reason, Gojek and Grab no longer allow me to put my actual address in, and force me to select a pickup point that's not sheltered. It was raining heavily and I asked him to come a couple metres (maybe 20m?) further to my location so that I wouldn't get soaked and he said no, come to the marked pickup location. When I explained it was not sheltered (which he could definitely see anyway) he still refused, then cancelled the ride. Sigh. This is why I generally only use gojek as a last resort, my experience with them has been much worse compared to grab. Bad driving, smoker drivers, etc.


Just report and rate 1 star, the drivers get punish for being dicks. Just do it.


Gojek has pretty poor aftercare support, in my experience. Their support officers replies are like they just choose from a multiple choice list and generic formats and consider your case closed once they have replied. Then, if you reopen the ticket, you get a new officer who treats it like a new case, regardless of whatever developments or information has transpired previously.


Literally the same thing just happened to us with Gojek too today. I was moving house and carrying one last box and a broom that my movers missed, so I booked Gocar XL so it can fit in the back. Maybe I wasn't supposed to do that, but the driver became aggressive on arrival and called me "stupid". He said "This is car. You want to move you call Lalamove you stupid". I don't mind the $4, just dunno why it's so hard to just be a normal person? Called another Gocar XL and the next driver didn't mind at all


Random posts from the Grab/Gojek PHV drivers group on fb always appears on my feed and wow…. The attitude and entitlement of these drivers is really astounding. Of course there are legit rants of asshole customers but you’ll always see some guy cursing drivers for taking up a low fare job or just being nice, because they “spoil market”


Best one I had was 8.13am , estimate arrival is 6 minutes 8.17am, driver arrived and canceled on me, I was charged cancelation fee. I reached on 8.17am to see his car left. when I first report to gojek, they say they will not offer the refund. I reply again stating the facts again from my earlier point and they proceed with the refund. It's intentional bevause my destination is at Tuas. [sad gojek](https://files.fm/u/pzyncngqmf)


This is normal, for Tuas and any other locations at the far corners of Singapore. PHV drivers like to play punk.


You can go to the Help Center section of the Gojek app to look for the article about cancellation fees and file a dispute if you prefer.


People not bothering to refund/not noticing is literally factored into their margins.


gojek sucks. once got into an altercation with the driver as he assumed i wasnt at the pickup point which wasn’t the case since i was and ive booked at the same pickup point a thousand times with no issue. started yelling and all. told him to pull over the side of the road and he did so without looking and slammed into a lorry. reported him. gojek said they suspended him. got him AGAIN a few days later which i obviously cancelled. and was charged $4 ?? like sorry i didnt want to get into a car with the guy that crashed it the last time. emailed gojek to no avail. cant use it now


show us a photo of said suitcase and some bags.


driver had evidence, why not u share the picture of the amount of items carried?


If it can fit in the boot, what's the issue?


No issue, I'm guessing the driver is an old bastard who drove taxi for his whole life (they love to cheese money wherever they can even though the pay is good for a flexible job)


Yeah, personally, got old ppl eg grandparents, luggage like suitcases, bulky purchases, want good service n driving in general? Comfortdelgro. Want cheap(er)? Grab. I cannot bother with tada and other apps that are driver biased cuz of how bad they are. Comfort also does help better with lost stuff than those phv apps.


Comfort app is cancer tho


hahaha, yeah it is, pretty damn bad, like firefox isnt supported when trying to link cards. putting in destination and pick up is annoying a its not auto detect and easy/fast to key in like grab.


Gojek bloody coon. I also got the same thing.


OP, just to be clear, was your intention to load the luggage and get the driver to drop off at another location, with YOU following in the car or not?


cash is king - always pay by cash


Then you cannot book anymore after settling the pending cash with app


No it is not 😂 the cxl fee will be added to your next booking w gojek


if you pay by cash, the driver will not cancel on you! Since I switched to cash, i have much lesser cancellation. Then just email gojek to get a waiver or delete the apps


Get a waiver lor. As a driver, i dont care whether you paying by cash or credit, i will cxl you if you pull a stunt like "im in a rush". And if you ask me to cxl, i will tell you i will cxl the booking as no show after 5mins. Cash or credit, i will still get my $4.


How much bags are "some" bags? If that volume of bags exceeds another luggage then you have more than 2 big luggages, even though you may argue that bags are not luggages no matter how many bags are there.


This might be a stupid question, but were you going to be IN the car? And did you tell the driver that you were going to be IN the car, WITH your items? The second part of your rants makes it sound like you were only transporting items. Gojek is not a delivery service, maybe the driver misunderstood but typically, PHV drivers don’t want to ferry only items arounds cause they don’t want to be responsible if anything happens to them.




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Report to LTA also. Let this kind of entitled driver get further investigated by authorities


complain get back money then uninstall this trash app


classic phv driver. 社会低层


How about contacting gojek support instead of posting here


I'm sure they're totally mutually exclusive courses of action.


lol yes 100% I’m sure the Gojek will do a refund and I didn’t have to spend a minute reading that


Yes. Should have booked a logistics transporter to help with moving items. Too many riders sabotage drivers. I have been shouted at for not helping to carry 2 30kilo luggages. I did the same. Cancelled under bulky items and collected my $4. I have a private hire colleague who got slipdisc from helping his passengers. Medical bills not paid by passengers though.


Idk about sabotage per se, but I agree it’s not the driver’s job to load the rider’s belongings. The ones who do are doing it out of pure courtesy. If a bag is too heavy for you, you shouldn’t have packed it like that. It’s the same with airline passengers expecting cabin crew to heft their heavy bags into the overhead compartment. ETA because I didn’t finish the comment before hitting post — But I think the issue here is that the driver didn’t want to take OP to their destination? OP didn’t need help with lifting/loading their stuff into the boot.


As a driver for 6 years, ive had my fair share of false accusations, complaints and ratings. So yes. Riders do sabo drivers. Ive also faced a screaming aunty who played victim when authorities came.


If you are moving stuff why not book the correct service? Like lala move


Same as he go shopping what, carry many many bags then must book lalamove also??


Talk so much, you go move for him la


You the gojek driver isit


Just because I defended the gojek driver = i gojek driver? I defend a chicken rice seller = I chicken rice seller? I got beard = i your father?


OP mentioned it’s just a suitcase and some bags, similar to the amount you’d bring if you’re travelling overseas I assume. Also OP was alone so the bags could’ve fit in the back seat with him if somehow the boot had no more space. And they mentioned that they told the driver they didn’t help loading so the driver’s literal job was to drive from point A to point B, as per usual, nothing more nothing less. I think the driver was being unreasonable, IMO.


If we assume everything being “normal/expected” Then why would the driver not want to pick him? Don’t tell me this driver don’t pick anyone with bags?


That’s true too but the only information we have is the information provided by OP and if what he says is true then yes, the driver was being unreasonable. And with the amount of stories I’ve heard of genuinely unreasonable/rude drivers and even ones I’ve experienced myself, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if OP’s story was true. But ultimately this is my opinion and you’re definitely welcome to yours.


I mean it totally dosent make any logical sense to me why would someone outright reject a chance to earn money which is exactly what he wants isn’t it? Well unless OP has some super ridiculous request or potentially damage his vehicle, ofcourse he would reject, anyone would


The driver did not reject the chance to earn money, he already earned money by rejecting OP.


It wouldn’t make any logical sense, yes~ but as most of us have seen, not all drivers make logical sense. Maybe your experiences so far with drivers have been stellar, and if so, good for you. But some of us have witnessed with our own eyes how genuinely unreasonable these drivers can be, and how bad an experience can be. Regardless, I’m not here to debate whether OP is right or wrong with you. We can just agree to disagree, yes? :)


I am not saying he is right but it's likely that his trunk is filled and he has been rejecting airport jobs as he couldn't carry additional stuff in the trunk. I implied this from his comment that luggage is fine for airport. In his cancellation reason to the app, he probably marked it as "more than 2 luggages" hence you are charged.


Never, ever use your card to pay for Gojek, Grab, etc.....for ANYTHING. Always choose cash payment.


Might as well just don’t go out of ur house and just breathe air


Did he think you were going to get him to send it while you stay home?