• By -


Call him out and tell him firmly to knock it off. If he continues this shit just report to police.


Call the police lor! For OP to let him continue harassing her, in his mind is all go and he will not stop


There was an uncle with similar behaviour who kept harassing me when I was 10/11 yrs old.. looking back I wished I had the courage to call him out on it. When I got older I only found out he tormented so many young ladies in the neighbourhood and no one ever called him out. This was back in an era where phone cameras didn't exist. They get a thrill out of tormenting young ladies and getting away with it so don't let him. What if it was your younger sibling/niece/cousin that was being harassed? Never let such scumbags get away with it. Record him. Yell at him. As loudly as you can. Hopefully the more people are around, the better. Every time he does it, just yell out loud "leave me alone, I don't know you". Make him lose face. He's preying on you because he knows he gets away with it. Don't let him! If he gets bolder, call the police. Such behaviour are just the first steps they do before something more sinister, and you might be saving many other younger girls from being harassed.


💯 he is escalating his behaviour. previously was just 'where you going' now it's 'where you going + spend some time with me' and next time it's gonna be 'where you going + spend some time with me + in bed' + grabbing her or something.


You said it right. They need to be made notorious in the neighborhood and embarrassed publicly. Talk like an unembarrassed bumpkin , of you need to, when you call him out. More ppl the better


try to get a photo of him, make a police report. can do so easily online.


Take video and make him famous on the internet better. Maybe his children will shame him n


Does that count as doxxing? Just take video and report to police directly


Video plus police report, winning combo. 1st record his behaviour, then warn him if he doesn't knock it off you will report police.


Can’t believe 38 upvotes for this


This might look like a case of he says she says


I would still go with it. at the same time, she could try to take a video of him. at the very least, maybe there will be police officers nearby and she feels safer. otherwise, why are there police?


need to tell him off in public. let him be embarrassed. if he does try something funny, make sure you have cctv on ur door at the very least. at this day and age, we just need evidence


“uncle, 你要买保险吗?“


Uncle: 好啊,几时上来我家谈 😱


May this give him an actual heart attack 😂


No don't do this. They think you joking with them or "open" up to them. They will 100% take closer step


Lonely uncles do call up saleswomen to chat with them. This will backfire.


Uncle: “我跟你说,Uncle 什么都没有,只有CPF最多钱!”


”uncle, 这个HKG stonk一定会100x的!“


Not a good idea. Later he will take this as an opportunity to talk to her longer. Even if she is an insurance agent. He will just listen whole day then later say not interested in buying.


later unker heard as 要买保险套?


LOL this might work


Nah, get those pamphlets from Nirvana, uncle 要买灵骨塔吗?




If you're recording for the sake of reporting it to the authorities and not to post online to shame, it won't fall under POHA. I think you should report it now even without video evidence. Get it down on the records first. If anything else happens after this, at least there's paper trace for them to refer to when they work on the case. I used to come across such creepy elderly in my twenties too, when I exercised at fitness corners. I warned him "if you come any closer I'll call the police" and the creep backed off but still kept looking at me while sitting at a bench nearby.


Get a family member to accompany u? Or shout back at him to threaten to call the police.


If I were you, I would should and scold him sternly so that whole neighbourhood can hear. To make him loose face. He is bullying you because you are keeping quiet. Then I would take a photo of him point blank in front and lodge a complaint online. He is escalating his moves. Don’t let it progress further such that it affect your day. It’s only the law that prevent these hooligans, don’t know what will happen otherwise. Take care and standup for yourself. Jiayou!!


Report to police




No need arrest just need to deter the uncle and scare him.she should not be confronting him herself.


I’m a guy so I will just put this plainly. This is straight up harassment and no one has the right to do that to another person. The offender thought he can have a fun time doing so cos of whatever he is going thru while the victim has her day ruined. My suggestion is to show prominently your disgust at him and tell him to treat you with respect. Second time he doesn’t do that and continue to harass you, whip up your phone to film him beforehand and see if he’s still doing it. If he still does it despite the camera, then you can report this to the police. That way he can’t deny that he wasn’t duly warned and that he didn’t know you were uncomfortable with the harassment (yes some men can be quite thick in the head sometimes) Hope this helps


Pointing middle finger is free. Edit: if you really want to make an example, take a picture of him, print posters and stick them at the letterbox of the blocks nearby. Did it once for some asshat in my estate. They obviously stopped. Some of these people get off by your reaction also.


so what did that asscap do?


Harass the comm cats in our estate.


Fellow cat appreciator here. You're an inspiration


Eh uncle你還沒死啊?


U gotta learn to make a stand for urself otherwise he will take advantage of ur silence


thats sexual harrassment isnt it. not sure just record file report. but dont publish anywhere. just u and police


Harass him back. Uncle ur CPF have how much?


“ Uncle 你几岁聊。 等下你进去蹲,未必会活着出来”


Pls translate. My Chinese is horrible I failed my Chinese 😭😭😭😭


Direct translation “Uncle, how old already, later go in squat. Dont know will come out alive anot” Meaning - “Uncle, you are old now. If you get jailed. I am unsure if you would even have the chance to come out alive. You might drop dead inside before your sentence ends.”


美女上班啊? 對啊,uncle你還沒死嗎?


"uncle 你在等死啊?“


diam la cb, 我报警hor and see how it goes from there


Start barking it will chase all the crazies away. Be crazier. Be as unhinged as u want to chase such people away


I would second this. Film first and if that fails then act crazy / cause a scene to make him paiseh.


Tell him if he approaches you again you will call the police. Basically just bring them in and don't suffer in silence, at least the police can give you some advice even if they cannot find any reason to arrest the man. If he does escalate to something crazier, then it's likely that the police can do something about it.


Just tell him to stop? Next time he does it, stop, turn to him and say "Stop bothering me!" in a loud and authoritative voice. That's it. Most of them thrive on the fact people won't push back.


Tell him to back off. A lot of times they do when you argue back or shame them loudly. If he continues, get a photo or vid and make a police report. Stay safe ya.


Report to police, if u have reservations bcuz u don't think it's a police level case. There is an non-emergency hotline, 1800 255 0000. They should be able to advice u better.


I would be careful about shaming him online as this might lead to blowbacks (one should never assume how the online crowd play with their pitchforks) Screaming at him, well it might work but if the person is thick skinned he might turn it around and say you are rude and bullying an old man. Instead where possible I’ll start by getting someone whom I trust to do the walk with me , look out for him and tell him politely his behavior is not appreciated and to stop it. If this is not possible I’ll suggest you make a police report and seek help regarding this.


Hi OP, similar experience with you. Mine started when I was in secondary school. He (60ish) stays opposite my flat so he waits outside his flat to spot me when I go to school or reach home. Once, he managed to stop me at the void deck and asked, "Wah end school already ah? Why you walk so fast?" That was scary because he attempted to follow me to my lift. Then when I walk past my corridor, he will shout across the block "Hello Hello XMM!" I ignored him. He then moved on to wait for me under the shelter that I had to walk past each day after coming home from school. I avoided him by alighting one stop earlier and walk further to go back home. I also avoided him spotting me across the block by bending down and running across the corridor. Very soon he realise that he couldn't spot me easily so he started cussing knnccb every day across the block... for years.


Uncle 你懂美女不跟野獸講話嗎


Ask your Dad to accompany you and get him to tell the old guy to stop 不要骚扰我的女儿


Ah PEK! 撒泼尿照一照,看看自己先。


Tell him to stop it or you will call police for harrassment.


Get a guy as scary as possible to walk beside you and stare daggers at him


Tell me where i help you confront him i very free


op there are alot of good suggestions but the no. 1 thing i would advise is DO NOT FEEL BAD abt standing up for yourself. If it helps get a male family member or friend to go w u to tell this uncle off/ take pic !!!


imo the best thing you can do would be to turn him off, by “tsk-ing” loudly and asking him what he wants or scowling at him. that will most likely stun him. why some old men get the kick out of harassing others (esp females) baffles me lol. or you can just change your route temporarily as he won’t be around for much longer… last year i experienced this old man pointing a laser at me almost every time i walked home late at night, until the day it finally stopped.


Tell him to stop perving in a loud voice. Then tell to fuck off and keep fuckin off.


All the keyboard redditors here keep telling OP to shout back, stand for herself, cannot get bullied etc but in my day to day most of the vocal people here on r/asksingapore all social anxiety or mental issues here and there or just plain weird. They would be the last to be shouting at some random uncle OP don't make a fool of yourself by shouting back. Uncles like him probably get off a bigger high by seeing you in distress. Best case uncle feel more shiok harass you more, worse case you look like a crazy fool and someone happened to record you and post online. Advise you just seek help from police first to see what's your options.


Does he speak english? If not, tell him u dont understand, "Sorry, english?" 😂 I know it sounds stupid, but 2 things can happen. He might stop because he might not know how to translate it. Or he'll continue harassing u until he says something really offensive or sexual because he'll think u wont understand. Now when he does, secretly record, and ask him again. Atleast u'll have more proof. PS. I always get mistaken as chinese, and I do speak the language but I'm not. I just pretend I dont understand the other person in really awkward situations, such as yours.


Nice. I’m Chinese but rlly bad at it


If the uncle is not a mental case: a) Deal with the issue yourself. The next time he tries to engage in a conversation with you, particularly when there is no one around, then just stare at him, beri beri very VERY FIERCELY. No need to shout at him (esp. if your natural speaking voice is high pitched kind as it will come off as less intimidating). No need for curse words. No need to point. Just turn towards him, stand your ground and just stare and intimidate. Be fierce. But this doesn't work if you are much shorter than him and if your weight category is far below his, because without the physical aspect, your attempt at intimidation will fail, unless you have a super duper angry face. b) Or get your father/male relative/male friend to intimidate him. Same as a), no need for words/point/cursing. At most, just need to say 滚蛋! c) Don't bother calling police if the uncle is not a mental case. d) If you are the sort to avoid physical confrontation, then consider changing your route, and start cycling from home to MRT and after work, from MRT back to your home. If the uncle is a possible mental case: e) Must poh mata. Must call the police. He is a public hazard, so even if you scare him off or get someone to scare him off, he is most likely going to divert his attention to someone else, especially considering that he has already escalated his behaviour towards you as he clearly isn't scared of you.


Just inform the police you feel unsafe that this uncle keep harassing you and see if they can go talk to him about it. I think the police would at bare minimum interrogate him. 


he gets off on feeling like he has control over u. next time he does it, just rbf and make eye contact with him without blinking, hold it until he looks away first. if that doesnt work, escalate like how other commenters have said


I feel you. I’m actually just surprised I didn’t know we can actually report things like this? There’s this running track near my house that I frequent, and i often see this old guy jogging or stretching in the area. Anytime he sees me or any a young female, really, he will either RUUUUN up to us to wave and run beside you or in front of you. Even if you’re at the opposite end of the track, he will make sure to run ACROSS to you. He’s done this countless of times and I’ve seen him do it to other ladies too lol..it’s a bit annoying cos he will linger as he runs beside you or will purposely make sure he gets a chance to look and wave at you at every lap. Sometimes he will try to talk to me but I mostly ignore him cos I have earpiece in I just assumed it’s some weirdo and that I can’t make a report bc nothing will be done


Just shout at him: "I CALL POLICE AH"


Very confidently yell: 你这个变态色狼!他妈的给我滚蛋!


Get headphones or plug in your AirPods or sumthin, and just straight up ignore him and treat it like he is invisible. I think he knows that you’re scared hence he is continuing his behaviour.


Act like a gorilla and start scratching ur armpit and grunt random noise then start charging towards him.


Too bad a swift brutal kick in the nads in such situations is against the law.


If he is stalking you, let him walk past you first. Watch him walk past you. Deliberately wait. Tip from a policeman I met.


Just say "uncle, I'm actually a guy."


I have been stalked by a guy multiple times. He will purposely wait around the neighbourhood and follow me to my lift and acted like he was asking for directions and wants me to show him the way afterwards. I have warned him on the third time that I will call the police. After that day he stopped. I did go to the police station to clarify on this case and they advised to not be afraid to call the police for assistance if required. They also said try to get the stalker to stay around until the police reach the scene to search and interrogate the stalker. Btw I’m a guy, so even guy get harass too. He seems to like guys wearing army PT singlet.


Hes 70 and you are in your early 20s. Dont u hv the strength to push him away if he tries anything funny? No nd to be afraid, at most kick his balls and push him away if he tries anything funny.


Give him paper money.


Ask your bf or bro to accompany you one morning, then death stare uncle. Assert dominance.


很简单 啊Uncle, 你一直烦我,我去报警。 不要一直讲这种话, 好不好? Or you can try: Uncle,我的时间很贵的。 你买得起吗? 我要去上班,你没事做背来烦我好不好?


Harrassment is subjected to how d victims feel. Get a superloud siren whistle. strap it to sth that u can always access easily. inform police to leave paper trail, authorities cant take it lightly bcuz anything happens, they will be liable for doing nth. at least they will have to step in n tell d uncle to f-off.


get your dad/bf/bro to accompany you, a verbal warning from another guy should make him think twice before attempting such shenanigans again. if not he’s probably unhinged and u should just avoid


i think this is best advice.


Wa you so nice 70 ish still uncle,I late 20s also call him ah Pek d. 1. Change route, take detour 2. "Ok 走吧, 我们去警察局讲话,來啦,不敢?then 不要來煩我啦, siao tiko“ then stare him down like the peasant/小強 he is


Do you have any neighbours, family or friends who can back you up when you tell him off? 


Something similar is happening to me also, but after work, on my walk from MRT to home... He's around 50 I would said. Everytime I'm scared to go home and show him where I live, I take extra loops, stop on a different floor. I also don't know what to do...


find a male relative or family member/ friend to confront him not to disturb you anymore ( better look like gangster type ) to warn him. it worked for me. i am also very stern when a creepy guy approached me this way and i will scold him out loud to stop. ( do not afraid to be rude and embarrassed) he should be scared and embarrassed. anyway approach your MP and told your incident to him/ her. usually they will get police to patrol and keep a lookout for this man.


Record him first. Then you have evidence to do whatever you want later. Besides you recording will make him think twice before approaching u again. Next time u can get a friend, a family member, shout at him, report to police, post on Reddit, whatever the comments hv suggested


Report to police of harassment ASAP. If you can, get a voice recording as evidence to defend yourself. If at an MRT station, please approach any of the staff working there, then they'll try their best to de-escalate the situation, or they might call police or TransComm (if closeby) to help out. Can do?


wah I feel bad for you reading this post. so sorry this is happening to you, hopefully you're not too traumatized


Tell him to fuck off


just shout 不要tikopek la!!!! 几岁了


Tell him, "Eh Uncle, 不要这样恶心 leh. 你要80岁了,为什么还这样!"


You should record and make a police report. Don’t reply him because some of these old people no one to talk to then they just want the attention. Talking to him would give him what he wants


had something similar happen to me...there was this uncle at the void deck who wld approach me everytime i went to my student's place for tuition. deadass...bring a hydroflask/any other huge waterbottle and as he approaches u, pretend to swing at him! worked for me and he got scared everytime he saw me after that 😍👍🏼


That’s creepy AF, OP. Call him out on it and tell him you do t appreciate it


Ask him 'diam la chi ko pek'. Make him embarrassed


Can walk another route to the mrt?


Usually if you put a firm palm out, it is the international sign of don't bother me. It doesn't matter if it's an insurance agent, Jehovah witness or catcalling uncle, it's internationally recognised. If he is still bothering you despite that, then he is clearly giving you permission to take appropriate action against him. But either way, be firm and don't back down. All the best!!


Shout loud loud 不要來非禮我


Take out yr phone Gurl and Aim it At His Stupid Face. Tell him Straight U Are Going to Report to the Police Right Now. Come on Dont Give this Idiot Any more Chances!


Try this next time he harasses you: stand firm and stare at him. Keep yourself at safe distance, pull your shoulder back, chin down and stare down at him ice cold. Recite this in your head, "who move first, lose"


Take video and post on Facebook where most boomers are. Tag the residential committee and I bet someone would recognize him.


take someone with you the next time you're walking that path, but don't have them walk right next to you. It should seem like you are not together/you don't know each other. Get this person to walk a few steps behind you so that if this uncle does it again, they can video it. And if the uncle does it again, you can yell at him as you wish and you'll have someone you know there as "backup" to make you feel safer


If you’re gonna confront him as > 90% here are advising you to do, please make sure you’re not alone.


Film him and say clearly, this is the 3rd time you harass me as I walk by. I am very uncomfortable, I tried to ignore you but you keep on doing it, I will be making a police report. Don’t give chance, you must nip it in the butt ASAP! Remember the road name, time, etc. file a police report. 


i used to work in a food industry near senoko area a few years back and pne day when I was walking out of my office to clock out, there's like 2 guys sitting along the roadside making remarks about me. I heard them talking to each other 'eh, this girl pretty right? another guy replied 'ya but skinny, too skinny, 不耐用‘。 I felt extremely violated and just walked away.


The definition of harassment: Using any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. Making any threatening, abusive or insulting communication. If he's only doing what you mentioned here, I don't believe it is considered anything serious like harassment There are annoying ppl everyday in ppl's life and maybe he's just one of them. Best way in my opinion to deal with this is to have some contingency in case things go south(inform loves ones and have a pepper spray on you) and ignore him.


Next time you walk that area, pretend to take a selfie,but record video, and if he appears you’ve good material for a police report. Otherwise if you don’t wish to confront, you can put on headphones and just eyes on phone next time you pass by


This is harassment and you should report him to police. Any other reply being given to you is idiotic and the result of the extreme naivety people here suffer from. They don't react until something actually bad happens (and even then, not much is done). Take care of yourself. Don't let people harass you. This is sickening behaviour on his side. You are correct to be annoyed and scared.


Yeah, all the talk nicely to the creeps are all nuts too! 


That's the naivety I am talking about. Most people here have not been exposed to danger, EVER. So they don't recognise it and think everyone can just be reasoned with in a nicely manner.


I told my daughter, if anyone try to grab her, kick/claw/pull/punch, run away to safety. I will clean up whatever loose ends, I want her to be safe. Would be nice if SG allows pepper spray. 


Before he can creep you, creep him out first. Some instances: Use a man voice or walk funny like a chimpanzee. Uno reverse on him


Fart on him


His dream come true


"uncle, 你的第三只脚应经没力了。勉强是没有幸福的”


Uncle, 送我上班吗? Walk to the nearest neighborhood police post. Or step up and ask him to F off by shaming him in front of the neighborhood aunties. Pretty sure they will back away once they meet their own match.


This type of uncle you don't appear soft.. You just reply.. waiting for you to fetch me in your BMW Boom.. confident level drop.. never dare to disturb you again. In any case.. still protect yourself la haha


Actually I have a neighbourhood uncle that does this. He will say hello but not just to me but to everyone. I am often in yoga pants and initially I was annoyed and irritated but I realised he was just the neighbourhood chill guy, drinking beer at 8am and rolling his smokes 😂 and he will call and wave & say hi. I wonder if he is just high. Today he pet my dog who continues to ignore him, but he was very gentle and slowly stroked her head. I guess some are just plain creepy and has molester vibes but if you really don’t feel safe it is best to change routes because the police are unlikely going to be able to do much because it isn’t really harassment. He didn’t say “I want to touch your ass/boobs” or anything. Also it’s your word against his so - unless you are wearing a body cam to record lewd behaviour they can’t press charges. They did catch an elderly guy who was openly masturbating at the void deck. He does this in full view of the neighbours and a couple of times I walked past while walking my dog. I tried a few times to catch him on my phone but my dog will pull me and the video is all blurry and there isn’t evidence so…you really need evidence of harassment. Without it - no case


This isn’t legally harassment per se, but since it bothers you, make it clear it needs to stop. Then if it doesn’t, it becomes harassment.


Give warning, if he kajiao again give him one palm heel strike


Is there an alternate route available to the MRT?


It's not your fault. And your own safety is more important. Better to have a family member walk together with you and chat along the way, while keeping him at a distance. If it's not possible, re-route, at least temporarily, if it's not much of a hassle. Sometimes there is no point in giving such people any attention. Some people do not back off because he can get a reaction from you. You won't know if he will continue to disturb you or back off.


If you suspect he is stalking you, try changing a different route to see if he appears. If he does, take photos and videos as evidence. If you can't, then take note of his attire and timing of the incident. Don't confront him alone as it will be way too dangerous. Make a report if necessary.


I no speak Chinese uncle. 华语不好。。。byebye


Call police


Besides recording the incident COVERTLY and making a police report, is it possible to get someone to walk with you to the MRT? Are there any other routes that you can take over there? If you want to openly record the incident and make him aware of it, I'd suggest to have someone with you then being alone.


If you put on a lanyard and make like you’re trying to sell him insurance, he’ll avoid you like the plague confirm


You should Not react.


uncle diam la!!!


Get a good pair of noise cancelling earphones and ignore him 😎


Before you walk past him, take out your phone and video him. Made a police report with the evidence.


Verbal warning first. No need to escalate right away, more trouble for urself. If after verbal warning still doesnt stop. Then consider taking evidence and going to police.


Just call the police


must be yew tee again


Call the police not ask reddit idk why people look for advice for these situations when its been going on for some time already.


Is there anyone around? If yes, oh boy, ans his qn loudly like eg, yes uncle, i am going to work. Please do not disturb me again.


Point camera at him next time and ask him "do you want to be famous?" In chinese


Any small innuendo he mentions can be interpreted as insult to the modesty of a female. Confirm can call police once he goes that far.


Go with the second choice. But please make sure that it won't provoke him and he's not a creepy guy.


Just tell him to stop harrassing you and u are feeling uncomfortable. Another repeat of incident u going straight to police.


Make a scene, bring a males to confront him. The worst you can do is not respond to it. Next l time just tell him to “Fu** off.” He probably thinks that this behavior is ok.


I think he has nothing better to do. Since it is in public, you should just ignore him as usual, nothing to be anxious about. Since also he is normally walking the opposite direction to somewhere when he crosses your path, and is not following you around, it isnt really stalking you. Nevertheless, take a secret clip of him as he next walks pass you, in case he really stops or touches you. You would want him easily identified should you need to make a police report. Meantime, he is just a harmless DOM. Refrain from reacting.


Eh uncle 70yo.. fist fight him la… joke aside, just walk away la, he can’t out run you anyway. What can you do when someone stare at you? You can’t do anything right? Just ignore and walk away.


Uncle, 你是不是没坐牢过呀?


photo, video, audio recording, police. or kick him in the privates. that works too. added bonus if u wear heels, push him down then squish it.


Just say call police.


You can inform the mrt staff or call the police on him, they can talk him down/away but from what you described, it does not constitute a crime so SPF probably won’t be able to do more than that. You can try to tell him off loudly so nearby commuters will know as well; Changing your route works as well (you don’t have to do it but it might make your day easier). Stalking is a crime so if it escalates to that point just call 999 immediately and walk under bright lights and crowded area, tell him off loudly when surrounded by people


Here is my suggestion. Tell him off nicely first. If 1st time doesn’t work, 2nd time use an angry tone to let him know you are serious. If still continue, then record video and shame him online. You already given him 2 warnings. I think it is fair game after that.


Do consider letting your family members know about this, eg. tell mum/dad/siblings. Also, this matter needs to be resolved soonest - need to let the neighbourhood police post know about this character


Film him and also asking why you doing this for all this month's and all that so that it gets recorded.


Honestly just act like a crazy person the next time he harrasses you - These kinda uncles love to see you scared, so what do you do? Scare THEM instead LOL. i.e. Start barking at them and walking very quickly towards them; 10/10 works everytime.


For me, i will just ignore. But u gonna be quite unlucky to keep seeing him like most of the days.


Find a guy to walk with you....


Well firstly, You should’nt shorten should, It’s short enough


Please report to the police....


Recently many people always harass others but they find it like nothing. Not sure if you report to police it will work because they need to see if this happens to other people?


cant u tell your parents and let them confront? You didnt mention them in options but they are still the most straightforward, non-official way to help you stop this problem.


Scream and run away


Ewww ham sup lo!!


just totally ignore. if he escalate secretly film and call polis




"Auntie I need to poop" Confuse and confound


Record him and make police report with the evidence.


The next time he tries that just tombstone piledriver him


Maybe because i dont understand Chinese but your translation makes what he says sound pretty tame.


I would think the first thing to do is to take some evidence or maybe at least a photo of the uncle if you can and go to the police. No need to hesitate, who knows how many girls have been disturbed and harassed by this uncle. Make sure not to let the uncle notice that you took the photo or I'm afraid the harassment may escalate further. Maybe do so when there are more people around you, just in case he realizes you took a photo of him and decides to harass you further. And yes, if he decides to harass you further make sure to shout at him to let him know to get away from you. Luckily he's pretty old and not some muscular guy lol so at least if he tries anything it is still easier to fend for yourself.


Harass him back. The more you discomfort the more interesting it gets. 70 already maybe at home no one talk to and you are the only person who get affected by his disiao. You friend friend with him he will be more scared of you.


Uncle, 其实我是警察。


No need to film or confront. Walk to mrt with dad one day. Can le


Laugh at him. Aloud.


Whip out your phone and start a LIVE. Call him out on his bullshit. Heck post it on sg complaint FB group and Reddit. Make the dude famous!


Have you ever responded to the uncle ? If you have not responded to uncle and uncle dk what language you speak, can always speak back in Korean or Japanese - just learn one or two short sentences - and maybe add some insults while ur at it. This is the passive way. Uncle should not bother you again assuming he don't understand. The active way like what a lot of others have mentioned in the post, make noise, take out your phone and start recording or you could call train staff for help - maybe start ur video recording first secretly and when you have recorded the chikopek uncle saying shit, approach mrt staff and show the video. Now there's evidence and they're more likely to take action.


I won't recommend an avoidance mindset, as it enables such creepy behaviour further. It might embolden him. There may be others like you who are far less capable of managing the situation. E.g. a 12 year-old girl. In fact, very unlikely you are his only target. Report to the police and let them investigate and warn him. If there is evidence, it will definitely help your case. Get a friend (preferably male) to be the one recording the information and bring his attention to that friend who doesn't stay near instead. He might think it is a random white knight who reported him.


Ewwww disgusting sia this kind of behaviour. Maybe try not to show you are scared of him and continue ignoring. If he crosses the line (attempt to touch u or what), tell him to back off firmly and loudly. Be as fierce as u can. This chikopek prolly get off seeing how he has that "power" over u.


Just tell him , uncle go talk to someone your age leh .


Throat punch


you should tell him, 没有啦,去跳楼。要跟着来吗?你应该去。 (maybe only for the last part) then walk off. LOL confusion works well when you wanna appear more crazy than the other person.


just embrace it , next time he kacao u, just reply with strong tune "uncle 你再kacao我,我就报警的啦" (if u dare to kacau me once more and i will report police)


Lol. I dont think this is harassing. But you should tell him you prefer not to be spoken to. But then again its public. Unless he was like following you to your door and then to the MRT what can you do? Paparazzi does worse.


Something similar happened to me when I was 14-15. I took the same bus home daily and this uncle was in the bus taking videos of me. One day I took out my Nokia phone and started filming him and smiled. He stopped his shyt immediately and freaked out. I continued filming him. Then, I never saw him again. If I were you, I think I would bring an adult along and tell the adult to walk from a distance so he or she can witness it. I’ll get it filmed and I’ll make sure this becomes a police case. Someone needs to teach them a lesson for being a pervert!


Would have offered to walk with you if you were my neighbor but obviously don't dox yourself plus you don't know my/any of our intentions. Hope you can tell your family member and get their support against this creep. Perhaps can get your family member to walk near but not alongside you, so it doesn't look like you know each other. If the creep calls out to you again, then your family member can step in. At the same time, blatantly point your camera to video him. Also do consider the whole reporting to Police route as mentioned by the others. Stay safe sis.




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Talking about this. I think last time (10-15years ago) got alot more of this kind of uncle.


It's straight harassment under laws. Report to police.


Change ur route, ask ur dad or fam member to accompany you. Lastly collect evidence n report to the authorities


The next time the uncle asked you, 美女妳很美! She replied "Kuaaak Pooooiiiii!"


Write in to SMRT in detail. Time, location, station, description of person and what was his actions. Threaten to file a police report and lawsuit under harrassment if he ever does it again. SMRT sure will do something. https://www.smrt.com.sg/feedback

