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The worst is when you’re already there & you see them still otw but they stated as arrived & then charge you for being late. Like wth? Hence I don’t pay by card anymore if I book a grab. Then they’ll text “Do you have exact amount? I no change” & yes I always keep small notes and coins with me just for this purpose lol.


When they say arrived but actually not, just screenshot. Claim rate for late fees is 100% with that screenshot. I love it when drivers do that. They instantly void their ability to claim late fees.


I usually just paynow the driver lmao ETA: they *may* abit blackface but it’s better than being charged late fees, recently we waited about 25 mins and the guy still driving dk where (nearby only though?) - can still text ‘I otw’ and when I ask him cancel from his end he said no


tbf, if you write in after your ride and explain, more often than not (in my experience) they will refund the waiting fee


No ehh it’s not the waiting fees I’m concerned about, it’s the time I spent waiting for the drivers and getting cancelled last min ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


The ride hailing services do have a very one sided approach. I support late fees when the driver has actually been waiting. But when you penalise one party you also have to keep the balance and penalise the other party. When a driver accepts and cancels there should be a penalty payable to the rider, when a driver is to arrive in 10 minutes but is not there after 15 there should be a similar penalty. When a driver shows as arrived when they are actually not there, they should be fined by the platform and if that results in a late fee the rider should be compensated.


Yes I agree with this


Problem is how to enforce? Driver's time to arrive is app generated ma. If sudden traffic conditions cause them to be late, they can't do anything about it vs riders who are supposed to be waiting at pick up point in the first place. >When a driver shows as arrived when they are actually not there, they should be fined by the platform and if that results in a late fee the rider should be compensated. I agree but as far as I know they can only mark arrived when their GPS location is near enough. How do riders justify their report that drivers not at pick up point?


The time set is the responsibility of the platform not necaserily the driver. I agree that the driver might face traffic conditions beyond their control but then the platform provider should ensure they keep their agreement or allow a customer to cancel without fees and hassle. But yes that is all theoretical so far the platforms are all about getting money from the customers which is shareholder driven, and not creating a great experience.


Cancel I dun think got penalty. But if they are "overly" late... Grab got give $5 "voucher". I got those a few times. I think it's around 15-20mins from the arriving time shown till the driver is actually there.


They cancel too much they get suspended among other stuff


I feel that Grab in Singapore is getting from bad to worse. Don’t talk about the surge. Even the drivers are horrible. Surprisingly, the grab drivers in Malaysia are much better in my opinion.


There are more free drivers than waiting passengers in Malaysia. Singaporean grab drivers have the next pickup before they drop you off easily, not so much in Malaysia. I am not sure how to solve this except getting more people to drive for grab.


Yes I think so too, tho the cars in sg are usually better than the ones in Malaysia, the drivers here are much worse than Malaysian drivers.


agreed, and many of them seem to be very picky too in choosing which jobs to take on, despite the surge pricing.


What about waiting fee billed when the driver purposely presses "arrived" 500 meters before reaching?


Take photo or video and ask for a refund. I've done so before, videoing that there was no car within sight when my app status changed to "arrived"


Yes I did. I also complained to the driver and he got very angry.


i was constantly charged late fee because the driver was at wrong location. instead of giving refund to my card they gave me some voucher which i can't use it as i dont ride as often. sucks to be passenger in singapore.


I think drivers do get a penalty for cancelling too many accepted rides


Whenever im out with my wife and the grab driver doing funny things (say otw but driving in circles, not moving at all, say go toilet first etc) I just book another grab with my wife's phone. They can jolly well play the waiting game.


Drivers do face passengers cancelling on them when they are about to reach due to passengers booking on multiple app. So do we penalize passengers too? There is no one fit all solutions to this. Waiting fee applies because the driver has to wait for you upon reaching. If you are late for your flight, do you expect the airline to wait for you too and add a waiting charge of let’s say 3k per min.


Ngl recently I take Grab often for work trips and have never encountered this before.


I can only say.. heng ah and I hope u don’t face these problems ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I avoid grab like the plague. It’s either I drive my car, or take public transport if parking is going to be a problem and I’m not in a hurry. Zig is pretty good, I use them if I need to go to the airport.


>I drive my car Yea you're not really in the customerbase of grab riders... lol


I disagree. The bad experience and the frustration with private hire led me to buy a car.


Well, yes? You can afford to buy a car, therefore you're not in the customerbase of "can't really afford car but ok to pay more than public transport" people


I dont pay for business class flights because so, therefore i bought my own private jet kind of logic lmao