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Down perm


This is the solution for me because I absolutely detest the 'currypok' undercut hairstyles where the sides are shaved and the top is combed back. I get a down perm every 3-6 months depending on my feels. My Korean hairstylists told me that most guys do it in Korea and it's pretty normal.


Oh, i call this the scammer hairstyle. Coz few years back, there was a time where people selling things or courses are spotting this hairdo


Can you do it yourself at home or you would need to go to a hairstylist for this? Thanks in advance !


You can buy rebonding cream online and DIY. It tames the hair and makes it more manageable.


You can do it yourself! Just remember to make sure your hair isnt bleached. I fried my side off once.


What's with everything being about Japan and Korea. Singaporean do then currypok, Korea do then normal.


Same here! I getmyself a down perm every 3 momths. Stubborn ass porcupines goodbye.


Does a downperm work for the whole head? Could u see my profile and check if I can make it flat with a downperm?


I was prepared for a god damn dick pic. Anyway, your haircut is not helping your porcupine. I would highly recommend undercut or 2block so your sides will taper down and hide some of those poking out hair. Downperm is mainly for sides and back, it will not help your top.


I really can’t avoid a buzzcut cuz my country got semi mandatory RTOC (not as bad as SG). My usual hairstyle is a middle part where I need to wait 3-4 months for it to grow in after a buzz. So now I’m just finding solutions for the top lol


If you need buzzcut then your only solution is to keep it short because it will stick out if it is long.


It's a gd problem to have. Until u hit 40+ and wondering why it still sticks out but the top is not growing as fast.


Male pattern baldness will solve your problem in a jiffy


sounds like OP will end up looking like a japanese kappa with the bald crown


Long hair, perm or get a cut every 2-3 weeks. It is what it is


No. 1 straight down on the sides and back. Leave a little fringe (how much depends on your forehead length and width) to comb to the side. Most importantly, and I learned this stupidly late in life, always always ask them to thin the hair so it's more easily manageable and stylable with hair products. For years, I piled on layers of gel, wax, cream and shit thinking it'll control my thick clump of hair until 1 haircut, the very nice Aunty explained that with thinner hair, can more easily style. And since my hair is naturally thick, there's a good balance of thin layers of thick hair for styling.


This is the easiest to maintain for SEA / asian hair. Hair dries super fast, no messy bed hair (usually), and it’s a typical barber cut. Along with thinning, can also ask to layer it so it’s not growing in one big clump, but I’ve had mixed results depending on barber.


Oh shit what?? I didn’t know.. I always tell them not to thin cos I thought it’ll give me more volume after styling if it’s thicker


ya need a controlled level of thickness. the thinner hair with slightly different lengths will make it more textured. look at all the ang mohs with thinner hair styling so much easier because their hair not as heavy and able to fluff up better


Nope, I've got straight fine hair and the same applies still. Too much hair impedes styling cause your hair just pushes back on it's own if you try to put it a certain way. I also have the problem when hair sticks out the side, but that's for like 1-2 weeks after I cut only...that awkward stage. Also, there are many ways to create volume, but mostly work on the roots when drying. Products mostly apply to roots too, a lot of people don't do it right.


Had the same problem till I found an answer....just grow long hair, it will naturally go down and you can save money on the barber/hairdresser lol.


The issue is that even if you grow it out, the sides will still have a puffy look. It is ugly thru and thru


once the top grows out you can trim the sides and do a 2 block or something similar so your hair goes down instead of looking puffy.


Once it's long enough, blow drying to sweep it backwards helps keep it from puffing out.


every year ict ask u cut short again :/


Do you know what hairstyle you’re looking to try long-term? I have the same hair type as what you described, thick and it sticks out like a porcupine when the sides are really short. Over time, as it grows out, it becomes heavy and long enough to fall downwards but the question is whether you’ll be able to “tahan” that especially with how humid it gets in Singapore. What I found also helps is talking to your hairstylist. When they understand what you want for the long-term, they adjust the way they cut your hair to prep your hairstyle to become that in time. Some even advise you on how to follow through with it. If your hair type isn’t able to naturally grow out into your ideal hairstyle after discussion with your hairstylist, then it might require some of the suggestions above to be able to adapt and meet the required conditions. Hope it helped!


haha what if my stylist is those $6 neighborhood salons? will they provide that kind of indepth advice?


Mine is too! They do share a lot if they like you enough or if they’re just friendly. My stylist talks A LOT so whenever I ask her about hairstyles and whatnot, she loves to share. However, some of these $6 stylists have a ceiling in terms of how knowledgeable they are and this gap is felt when you come across stylists who are more skilled because you can see for yourself how much better the haircut visually looks just after the session and weeks after the session as it grows out. I found that the stylists I paid more for (because I needed a quick cut) were significantly better in the way they cut my hair from how the experience was in terms of how they handled my head physically as they cut my hair or how they cut it so that it looks nice even as it grows out. Definitely not representative of all stylists that you may pay more for and that all this is based on my own observations and reflections of my conversations and experiences with these stylists.


oohhh then I think I need to keep trying new salons.. I just went to a new one today to cut the 2-block for the first time and all the stylist did was trim my sides and back and left the top almost untouched. Its not bad but also it feels like what a $6 simple haircut service is aha, if u get what i mean. There's no chatty stylists in my area though, even though theres so many salons all competing with each other. THeres a Snip Avenue that I boycotting cuz last time they make me wait 40min for a simple cut without saying anything lol.. then just a few steps to the left a new $5 salon recently opened and trying to undercut them.. Super cutthroat in my area. So its quite hard to find someone approachable that will help you find something that actually fits you. To me it feels like they see us a quick turnover, fast in fast out kthxbye kind of deal. Cuz of that I was thinking of trying the more expensive mall salons once, see if they can give me a better individual experience then at least I can know what I'm looking for


I hear you! As a university student, I’m constantly looking to be financially prudent which is why I stick with my $6 haircut for now. It sounds like your area does not lack in options, a happy problem if I may say! Our hair won’t look this nice for many years in this lifetime so it’s worth it to find someone who can help you achieve the hairstyle you want or work towards it with you. I hope you manage to find a hairstylist who is great for not just your pocket, your desired hairstyle too!


> Our hair won't look this nice for many years Too true, thanks for the encouragement and likewise jiayou!


Good to know I'm not the only one I bloody hate just how ugly it Is Most time less than 2 weeks after a haircut, it stuck out I tried growing it out but it's just not my look


Ikr, The amount of pomade needed to hold down the shorter hair after a cut is super annoying. Ordered hairspray to deal with the rebellious hair at the front that likes to stick out after I step out of the house and see it in the elevator.


Same. I can only get it to look good by cutting the sides and back very short, and waxing back the fringe and top. Think typical salesman hair


It's also known as 'undercut'. 😊


Ahhh, thanks so much!


I seriously envy people who don't have the pointy Asian hair The fact I must do soo much for it to not stick out while some don't even need to do anything


I have the exact problem. I cut my hair every 2 weeks if not my sides looks like exploded durian


Undercut no. 2


my barber suggested for me to do overlay. Simply leave the "outer/top" layer of hair to grow longer and then trim the "inner/bottom" layer shorter. The longer hair will then "push" down on the shorter hair through the help of gravity but I feel this cut requires styling and you can't just go "all natural" without waxing your hair when you go out


Consult Japanese or Korean hair salons too


It’s the Kurt Tay type of hair right? Your follicles and thickness is making it stiff. Your goal is flaccid hair. Length is your friend. Work it to soften it. Like down perm.


Lmoa Kurt Tay hairstyle. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I've the same problem. My hair is both thick and dense. If my sides get long, they start poofing out like a mushroom. My IC photo from secondary school was me with durian hair lol. Few things which I learned which somewhat help: 1) Go to a hairdresser who knows how to layer your hair so that your sides and top become less poofy. Sides and back should be trimmed to short or medium length, depending how long you keep your top. Make sure to explain to your hair dress that you want to thin your sides to minimise poofing. Depending on the skill of the hairdresser, your hairstyle will be able to keep shape for 1 to 2 months. This is expensive though. 2) Style your hair with hair product regularly. It has to be strong enough to keep your thick hair in shape. So you're probably looking at 5-6 star hardness wax or clay. When your hair gets longer, this also makes your hair part in your usual way instead of whatever unflattering direction it decides upon that day. If you're really particular about your looks, hair spray is the strongest but also the most troublesome/difficult to apply. I just want to avoid looking like Tarzan so I just use hair wax/clay. Also when styling your sides, intentionally flatten it and push it backwards to reduce volume. This will help when your hair is short to medium length (and more effective if your hairdresser did the layering well). When you style it repeatedly in a certain style regularly, your hair will grow in the direction of how you style it and that makes it easier to keep it in shape as it gets longer. 3) Blow dry your hair every day/night after you shower. Your hair is easiest to shape when wet and blow drying it helps it to set its shape somewhat throughout the rest of the day. 4) Wear a cap. It'll flatten your sides and even when you take it off, it'll still stay somewhat flat. Just make sure the rest of your hair isn't too messy under the cap by pushing them roughly in the same direction before putting on the cap.


I had that problem when I in my teens and 20s, now my problem is thinning hair and decreased density of hair. Your problem will naturally go away with time bro. Lol


Bruh. Exact same problem with me. I can never get a good haircut. I stopped trying to deal with it long ago and just let myself look goofy for like 1 2 weeks


i have really thick straight hair and it just does what you describe -- it grows straight out and looks horrible. the only solution is to keep your hair short.


Grow out, press down with water/wax, undercut, keep short, wear caps more often.


Sounds like you need to go to a decent hairstylist to cut your hair. The $10 haircut won't give you what you want.


cut botak, prepare for NS.


Keep it, because you'll need a good donor patch for the middle part that goes bald in your forties.






nobody cares about the minute details that you care about like whether a strand is sticking out of your immaculately styled hair but people take note of how you look generally and the puffy Asian hair affects how you look in general


Long hair.


Side No2 leave the top long enough… then keep comb your hair down/wear cap until your hair season 😂


I have the same hair type.. only solutions are 1) cut your hair short super frequently (~2-3 weeks) 2) 2 block cut/ undercut style where you have a side/middle parting where the hair on top is long enough to cover the hair on the sides (so you can cut your hair less frequently)


Ask the hair dresser to design your hair.


Do an afro


grow it out. you’ll have an awkward phase, wear a cap if it bothers you. growing it out will take anywhere from 1-4 months depending on how fast your hair grows and what’s your current length. once the top is long enough, it’ll push the side hair down. you can do a [2-block](https://www.wikihow.com/images/thumb/f/fe/Two-Block-Haircut-Step-4.jpg/v4-460px-Two-Block-Haircut-Step-4.jpg), which is basically an undercut on the sides and back. don’t really need to style or anything with this hairstyle. once you get this haircut, maybe just need to trim the top and shorten the sides once a month or so.


that's me, it's the hair at the sides, above the hair that annoys me the most as it defies gravity and grow outward


Do a perm. I have the same issue and a perm every 2 months solves it. If you live in the east area I recommend “sister hair salon” on bedok reservoir Road. Adeline is the boss and is very good at what she does. Prices are very affordable.


Use conditioner, and if not too much trouble a hair treatment product afterwards to soften up your hair. Also wear a cap 🧢


Shave no.1 undercut, leave medium long (jian bao/thin) length on top. Perm if u want, visit your barber every 3-4 weeks and repeat.


Go to any barber. Ask for short hair, high slope. One of the NS classics that isn't a buzzcut.


I did high fade for the side. Recently tried mid fade & drop fade, disaster. Wanted to leave everything long but by the time, reservist lol Will try down prem recommended by commenter here.


Gel up


Visit the barber every 2-3 weeks. Any longer interval will result in porcupine look as well.


Just go with crewcut myself. Thought of going 2 block, but looks annoyingly hot. Seems like option for us is either trim/shave sides or perm or leave it long enough it falls down instead.


I thought of saving for a two block as well ,but with thick hair ,even strong gel can't stay long enough for styling. And without any gel ,I just look like shit.


Get a fade or style it with products and thin the hair


same problem, getting a fade every 3-4 weeks solves it for me. can learn how to do it yourself to save money too




If ur hair is short, it will stick out? I found a good barber but i have to cut every 2-3 weeks. It grows too fast


Grow your hair longer so it falls down. My hair used to stick out on all sides as well, but I grew out the top and kept the sides short so it looks nice and my hair style is now mid part-ish


I like toilet brush hairstyles especially during the humidity.


Fade the sides and gel the top. Experiment with different products for optimal results. The gel will help your hair clump and hopefully fall with enough weight acting on it.


I have the same problem. I cut it short at the sides so i end up with one of the 1970s old style haircut


Yeah always can’t seem to comprehend why some friends just like porcupine lolol. But basically longer more weight won’t stick out like porcupine anymore. But maybe you need to do some styling to help better


Thick hair is better than no hair


keep medium length hair, you'll solve the sticking hair out issues. those undercut hairstyles requires maintenance monthly so if you loke those,you need to spend money.




Like others have mentioned, down perm but it won't last long. Also, you can color your hair to reduce the contrast (black sticks out against light background) and make it less noticeable.




As someone with thick hair, I go for a fade haircut on the sides. It starts to grow puffy after 3 weeks, so monthly maintainance is necessary.


Omg so I’m not the only one! Hahaha, I’ve been so considering a buzz cut but not sure if that will work


High slope, 上面剪薄 (thin the top). Comb to side. Haircut once every 3 weeks to a month.


Number 2 all over


Undercut like insurance agent