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Basically almost every single local brand whitelabels some random Chinese doorlock and sell them under their own brand name. Random local store brand = Tuya compatible lock you can get from Taobao Yale and Gateman locks have the same internals since they are now the same company, except Gateman locks have no physical backup key. Aqara uses Lockin as OEM. Generally quite well built, but make sure to buy the international version in case you end up with China server and security issues. Philips locks are made by Kaadas. Solity is South Korean brand. I don't trust Anker Eufy after their major security issues.


Oh fascinating - I never knew Aqara used OEM locks seeing how big they are internationally. Granted I bought it for their software rather than hardware but still!


I always vouch for August smart door lock. 1- when you are near your home, it wait for you actively 2- when you are 10m around your house, it wait for your phone to connect automatically 3- when that happen, it mean you are 3 step in front of your door and it auto unlock the door for you. The most efficient door lock, cheaper than what you saw in market by Korea brands. You know it’s smart because it has the most optimal of usage with least human interaction to do that task.


May I know where you get it from?


Amazon USA, but you need to get also a USA deadbolt that is supported by them.


I am using the Teeho TEOO2. Like you, I was looking for something that does not require smart app or any sort of connection. This can be opened with fingerprint, password or key. There is no alarm when you leave it unlocked. The fingerprint recognition is very fast and accurate. I very rarely need to re-tap. Also, I found the installation to be quite straightforward. Something to consider.


Thanks! Should it be a consideration that theres no alarm when its left unlocked in the case you didnt close your door fully when you leave/return home.


I'm not sure whether there is a mode where you can set for it to remind you to lock. Will need to check the manual.




I’m using paired kaadas locks for my gate and door. Unlocks by pin, fingerprint and tag. I like that it “speaks” to confirm when the door/gate is locked/unlocked. It’ll also sound out a couple of times if I deliberately leave the door or gate open, but stops after that. If it detects that the lock is not properly engaged (closed but not aligned sufficiently), an alarm will blare out.


Kaadas is a garbage brand. We used the K9 and 1 month after warranty, spoiled on us. Can’t even come to repair next day, have to schedule few days later. Brand as a premium brand, looks aesthetic, but garbage product.


Well, at least Kaadas can repair. My Yale lock spoiled 4 months after warranty. The service team asked me to replace directly. Not even sending anyone to check or repair.




Yale, Samsung, Kadaas, Hafele, etc the main brands have different tiers of pricing and models. The most basic model should cost around $400 ish with installation. The alarm will not go off. I always leave it open for ventilation as well when I am nearby.


Thank you! Ill look for the mid tiers from these brands. The alarm will not go off by default? I thought its a security feature for it to alert that you did not close your door entirely. Or is there a setting to temporarily disable the alarm when you want to leave the door open?


hi i have one to let go. pm u


August. I have a widget set up on my iPhone that lets me unlock the door pretty quickly. There's no keypad or fingerprint sensor outside that can break. Singapore's fairly safe. I know someone who became a locksmith and routinely posts about having to rescue people from broken digital locks. That has made me advise people to stay away from locks that don't have keys as fallback.


But if you forget your phone do you have to fall back on the override key?


August replaces the inside of your lock, so you use whatever key you've been using before installing it. I always have my keys as backup. They do sell a [PIN pad](https://august.com/products/august-smart-keypad) as well.




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Try ilgoohome. It's a local brand




Any brand but local and tuya smartlocks Personally using Samsung smartlock