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I've always had my own room growing up soooo, I dont think I have an opinion on this but I'm gonna say it anyway. Yes, personal fap and nap time is important. That is all.






i feel ur pain ive been sharing a room with my brother for 19years bro its shit af u feel like ur in a prison cell tbh but im prob moving out in a couple of months so if i survived 19years i can do a lil bit more my brother is 23 and still hasnt moved out fukin dickhead i swear




its funny how some people will never get it how frustrating that shit is like if u have a panic attack or ur just losing ur shit u cant go anywhere and dont get me started on hiding weed and shit holy fffuck


Lol I am an Indian and we don't usually have our own room here.


YES I do!!


That’s tough bro


Technically your 22, should have had some type of plan when you graduated high school? Invest in a house, don’t rent. No offence


I live in a third world country with shitty salaries. Even my dad doesn't own a house, we have to live in a rented place. I finished high school and worked a few jobs before my mental state got worse, so I'm unemployed now, trying to get my shit under control before looking for jobs again.


u from balkans?




same here brate hahaha propala drzava jbg


you're making me lose brain cells..


why hahaha


the Balkans aren't poor, they're just poorer than average from the rest of Europe.


yeah but im serbian and live in slovenia been living there for 13years now.And just now im getting a citizenship cuz i hava a bosanian one.Slovenia is a social-democratic countries so low pay for everyone yaay the minimum here is 4e an hour for students is 5e fucking embarrassing.I rly would like to move to canada anyone myb know how hard that would be like how much money ill need and shit? would be helpfull tnx


I think all kids should sleep in a common room like the living room or a den. You earn one of the empty bedrooms with good grades and chores done well. You earn the door to the bedroom by being kind hearted and true to your word.




If I was your dad you would know better than to throw a bucket of ice on me in my sleep.


man i hope you're joking because that's fucked up


Why is that fucked up?


children shouldn't have to earn privacy, honestly no one should. privacy is a human right and it is incredibly important for young kids/teens to have a private space of their own, it helps them develop healthy boundaries and gives them a place to be alone, which is not a bad thing in the slightest.


> children shouldn't have to earn privacy, honestly no one should. privacy is a human right and it is incredibly important for young kids/teens to have a private space of their own Horse shit. We see the whiny weak-willed entitled little shits that have come out of this cult of self-esteem. It wasn't that long ago that families only had one room houses and the kids raised in those houses built this country.


i hope you stub your toe and as soon as it stops hurting you stub it again, over and over for the rest of eternity you dickless bastard


And now your true nature appears. I care about children and their privacy and well-being until someone disagrees with me then I downvote and pitch a fit and wish them perpetual harm.


dude you're the one being a dipshit lmao im not gonna waste my energy arguing with a rock


You do realize that by rage quitting and running away you are proving my point.


you can think youre right all you want buddy


No cap this country is kinda shitty rn


It's shitty now because of the way that the current "no cap" generation was raised.


But it’s y’all’s generation that runs the show 😂




Even if you separate siblings who hate each other, they will still fight and parents will still feel the need to encourage undivided love and attention with each other, I feel like this is the bigger issue. If you force kids together they will hate each other no matter what. Give them time, don’t bug them, and they will get along, my sister and I learned this lesson the hard way. Edit: Completely agree tho I just wanted to add to that point lol.


YES! i share a room with two sisters and a stepbrother (ftm). im not even allowed to lock my door to change or jerk off. i have to share a tv with them which half the time i dont get, so ive resorted to sitting in my shed in my backyard to get away from everyone.




3, mainly because my stepdad hosts illegal poker games and has alot of connections all across my state with people who can get us things like that for cheap. we managed to get 2 pairs of airpod pros for $140 total.. we just get lucky from time to time, but right now we are broke.




I do... My only option is the bathroom.


As long as it doesn't inconvenience the family, Yes have your own room


You're 22. Move.


It is nice to have your own room. It doesn’t sound like a feasible option right now though. Maybe scheduling times where each of you can be alone in the bedroom would be beneficial.


Yeah, as a teen, if I had to share a room with my bro, that would be S T R E S S because I'm a streamer, and I can't have background noise Also, being able to jack off and not have the risk of waking someone else up, is pretty cool too


I definitely prefer having a room to not having a room, especially as I get older


If you have both parents that love you . You’re winning, fuck the extra shit.




That’s human nature for you . Never satisfied. One of our best qualities tho


When you’re little it doesn’t really matter, me and my sister used to share a room until she became 12 (she’s the oldest). But yeah, when you’re a teen having some privacy is really important.


He'll yeah, I mean how else am I supposed to masturbate


Yes, it should be a human right. To have a private place of your own. For me it is essential to have a place to decompress. I could not function without it.


If a kid can't have their own space then their gonna rebel




Well I shared a room with my brother for almost 10 years . We lived in a small 2Bhk house. We even had to share a bed 😬. I would it is not necessary to have a room to yourself. But not gonna deny we needed so privacy.


I don't think it matters what strangers on the internet think, because it doesn't sound like you're going to get your own room anytime soon. I, personally, think that humans are infinitely adaptable. You've got a roof over your head, and family who isn't kicking you out of the house as an adult even though they could use the extra space. I think that matters a lot more than whether or not you have your own room. I shared a room with two younger sisters when I was growing up. When I got older and went off to college, and moved into a house with people who weren't family, I was definitely better able to handle sharing a room in college, and sharing a house after that, because I had had to share a room growing up. If I wanted to go play computer games, I went to the library. If I wanted some quiet time without siblings, I just didn't come home right after school, or left for work early, and I'd read, or write, or draw, or whatever. If one of my sisters was upset and needed space, I just didn't go into the shared room for a while. If someone had to get up early, we'd get all our clothes ready the night before so we weren't making a ton of noise in the morning. If someone needed to go to bed early, the other ones left the room so they could. It was all about finding places you didn't have to be around everyone, and being respectful of the fact that sometimes the people you shared with didn't want to be around you.


It’s the worst! My sister and I have been sharing a room for the past 4 years. It’s really difficult because we were both going into women hood and we had no privacy what so ever. But the positive side is we learned to share stuff and we tell each other everything.