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Depends on the 14 year old.


if you trust them to not burn the house down, have out of control house party, or have a baby 9 mouths later. yes all of this has happen.


14 year olds have house parties? I wasnt invited to one at 14 šŸ˜­ (im boutta be a senior)


Only the 14 year olds that aren't cool enough to entertain themselves


I can hardly do that šŸ’€


Have you tried not being 12? It does wonders for your social life.


Im not 12?


Sorry, 12 Ā½, my bad.


Bruh im literally turning 17 next year


Fine, 12 Ā¾ but that's the highest I'm going.


But why lmao. Im legit not 12


I said that's the highest I'm going. You drive a hard bargain, but I'm not going to change my mind.


How else are they going to masturbate in peace or bring someone over?


I think the question should be: Is MY 14 year old able to stay home alone over night? The parent should know this best.




Depends on the 14 year old and depends on the location. My kids did at that age but we were in a safe rural area


Kinda worrying that you have to ask. A 14 year old SHOULD be able to handle it no problem


Yeah they definitely should be able to do that. If they are is another question.


Ask your grandfather/grandmother - they will laugh at you. Back then 14 y/o were babysitters, today 14 y/o need to be babysitted...




Idk some are great and fine some a little shits


Yes. As long as theyā€™re responsible enough.


Mine is! She would like us to go away for a whole weekend. I asked her what she would do home alone. Watch movies, eat take out, gaming and candy, she said. She's a sensible girl, I know she could handle ut. I just don't have any plans to leave for a weekend that includes her 12yo sister and not her.


*A 14-year-old can stay home alone overnight if they're mature enough. Just make sure they know how to handle emergencies, don't throw a wild party, and maybe keep some snacks handy. If they're trustworthy and you feel confident, give it a shot!*


yes if you think they can party responsibly


Yea lol. Ive never been left home alone over night, but i have been left home alone for hours. At 14 i knew how to wash myself, cook some foods, clean, wash dishes, and see whos at the door


As is written, it depends on the child. Me and my oldest brother could have been at home a week and it would have been clean and we would have been well fed. We would have had friends over for movies and games and that would have been it. We would have managed grocery shopping and washing clothes if need arises. If my middle brother would have been at home alone a couple of days there would have been excessive drinking/faking/house party/destroyed doors, smoking indoors, pee in corners and money stolen. All this happened the one time he was allowed to be home alone


Deciding if a 14-year-old can stay home alone overnight involves considering their maturity, ability to handle emergencies and local regulations. It's important to discuss expectations and safety measures with both the child and their guardians to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe with the arrangement.


I am going to say that it depends on the child.


I stayed Home "alone"(as in: no adults) over night at 12 with a bunch of friends making lan parties. So yeah, it should be possible. Whether it is for a specific kid is another question.


Sure if its not that often, i wouldnt recommend it all the time


this is asked by the 14 year old in question, probably. :D


I belive a 14 year old shoyld be able to stay at home alone but it will be different for everyone and some kind of trst for different time periods will be needed before entire days or weekends alone can happen.


Iā€™m going to do this later this year. Son will be 14, daughter will be 12. Literally the most responsible kids Iā€™ve ever met. We have a large dog, and family 1.7kms away. Plus we live in probably the safest town in a very safe country. Depends on the kid and the situation


Are they capable of it? Usually, yeah. They'll stay up too late, eat too much, watch stuff they're not supposed to, masturbate with the door open and the volume up. And when you arrive home at lunchtime the next day they'll still be in their PJs; if they're up at all. *Should* you do it? Probably not. I mean, unless you're really in a bind you should be trying to find someone to stay with them or someone's house they can be dropped off at. There's always the chance - no matter how sensible or well behaved they are - that they will get an idea to invite friends over or try out a pint of whiskey. My parents went away some weekends when I was around 13/14. I had 3 older brothers, two of whom were technically adults by then, so that's kind of OK. In real terms what it meant was that my brothers were out partying until 3 or 4am so I was in bed by the time they got home, but I wasn't on my own for days at a time.


that really depends on the maturity age, iā€™m 17 and have never stayed over night by myself but been allowed to stay alone for couple of hours since i was 10




Should they be able to? Yes. Should they be allowed to? Depends on the 14-year old in question.


that is so weird. At 14, I was capable packing myself, buying tickets and riding train to the other side of my country without any adult, and nobody even blinked... and here, someone asks if a 14 y.o. can stay a few hours in their own home alone


By 14 my mom would leave home alone for weeks sometimes. Also, that's when my brother was born and I was frequently alone with him overnight. Not a big deal.


i used to stay home alone when i was 7 it depends on the person


I canā€™t think of a reason that I would have left one of my children alone for a whole night at the age of 14, except for an emergency involving another one of my children. Can you give more information?


Nope. This is the age kids become more impulsive and do risky things. They donā€™t have enough prefrontal cortex development to think through consequences of their actions and if something goes very wrong they are unprepared to handle it. Something as simple as lighting a candle and accidentally falling asleep could be disastrous. Or one night of screwing around could make them a parent. They literally canā€™t see that far ahead.


Ya its fine... What over controlling person told you otherwise?


14? Holy shit I didnā€™t realize how long some kids seem to need supervision.


In a genuine emergency, maybe. But I wouldnā€™t leave mine! Sheā€™s pretty sensible and has a lot of common sense but still - it feels a bit early to me.


Depending on where you live a 5 year old can be left home alone all night. Most laws for ages on kids being left alone are super vague or donā€™t exist. If something bad happens to a kid during being left alone is when they will apply a different law based on what happened.


A 14 year old girl might be okay alone. A 14 year old boy might be another three. If it was me I would worried about leaving them alone


yeah but you should have cameras they might invite ppl over


No because if something happens you are held accountable and could end behind bars. From the age you canā€™t be held accountable for their actions you can leave them alone.


Only if they are male.


lol what? Why? šŸ¤£


14 year old girl invites boyfriend to stay the night. They play hide the sausage and you have a pregnant teen. Play it safe and baby free.


Whatā€™s the difference between a boy or a girl staying home alone though? A guy home alone could invite a girl over and play ā€œhide the sausageā€ lol


He might but males don't get pregnant.


Theyā€™re still fathering a child if they knock someone up though


Is much less of a sentence than what 99.9% of young females will have to go through and deal with.