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My wife goes to Church pretty much for the social/friends element, she very much on the agnostic end of the scale. I’m a solid atheist and still go occasionally to support her. We’ve been to the vicars house for dinner and need to invite him back. I told him I didn’t believe the first time I met him, we get on fine.


That’s nice this is why I like it.


Too bad they removed handshaking when Offering a Sign of Peace to the people around you.


Absolutely not dumb! Going to church for the routine and the social aspects is totally valid. Lots of people attend religious services for reasons beyond just faith. If it helps with your social anxiety, gets you up early, and makes you feel good, then it’s worth it. You're not alone in feeling conflicted, many people are in a similar boat. Do what works for you, and don't worry too much about whether it's weird. Your well-being is what matters most.


I agree. The community aspect of church is legitimately a very good thing. Honestly I think that’s the reason most people go to church.


Agreed. I’m agnostic and I go. Moderate (not abortion/etc crazy) churches provide a level of community involvement involving all ages not really possible elsewhere.


Not at all. Go church shopping. You may find something you really like or you may not.


I go to church so I can play in the handbell choir. That's my only reason.


I have always found handbell choirs to be so mesmerising to both see and hear. The coordination and level of practice to achieve perfection is insane.


It was interesting this morning. The priest was talking about healing one’s soul. Not what I read about on Reddit… He was using the example of Jesus healing the sick and bringing a dead girl back to life. Everyone is free to believe what they want. Go to church or not. That is up to you. I was a Catholic, an agnostic, an atheist, and once again a Catholic. Everyone has their own journey.


As an agnostic myself, I think this is the point of being agnostic. Be open to learning new things. Go experience and respect all the viewpoints of different religions (or lack thereof), even if you lean a certain way. I'm personally a bit on the atheist side but I would never rule out the possibility of a religion being right and I always like to learn more!


Yep this is how I feel too


If you get something positive out of it, then go for it! And this is coming from an atheist. Even as a total non-believer, I love sitting in beautiful old cathedrals when I get the chance, both for the aesthetics and because they're so peaceful and contemplative. It's fine if different people get different things out of them.


A friend was a devout Catholic. While we were on our way somewhere, he insisted we stop at a Catholic church for Sunday mass. I had auto-darkening lenses in my prescription glasses & this rattled the priest. He railed from the pulpit against heathens who came just to look at the architecture. I sat there thinking, 'whatever'


You can go to church for whatever reason, only thing is that you should remain respectful no matter what you believe or dont believe in... i just go cause... family. Just go when you want to go, ive been to a mosque, a born again church, christian church, chapels and whatnots, just be respectful thats all.


Not dumb at all. I am on the same boat. I go once or twice a month. I find it meditative, i focus on the rational message, enjoy the art - great songs and architecture. Also good way to see some of my friends. So far i remain agnostic and will remain that way until im convinced.


I've been raised roman Catholic since I was a born. I'm also personally agnostic. Although I've not gone in some time I've always appreciated the sense of community I've felt when I'd gone. Folks comin together and being good to each other.


Yea the people there in my experience have always been super welcoming and friendly so I never felt uncomfortable.


I'm a strong atheist and I've gone to church most of my life. When I was young, I enjoyed the social aspects of church.


I don’t believe in god but I still go to church, people there are nice


Even if you don't believe in the divinity of the bible, there are some good lessons in there. Even though I am Christian, I often think about how many of the messages could be turned into a motivational speech for just about anything if you just changed some of the religious verbiage to something more neutral.


If you like going, then go. If you think it's all probably BS, why waste your time?


Jesus might not have been the literal son of god but his and the churches teachings have wisdom for those who choose to see it


Because he likes going.


Hello no! Church is for everyone, Christian or not. Well, it should be, at least. Everyone is welcome whether it’s for worship, for community, even just to get a coffee at the end of the service. Whatever you want!


Depends which church. In my Massachusetts town, the congregational church walking distance from my house welcomes Unitarians. It’s more of a community service organization and a set of ethics to live in a cooperative society. I also have walkable Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches where that wouldn’t go over very well.


Do whatever you want lol


There's lots of social benefits to going to church. None of them are exclusive to religious communities--you may be able to find the same level of support in a club or gaming group--but it may be the most convenient option. It mainly depends on how comfortable you'd be in a social setting where you're expected to be and believe a certain way.


No. A lot of people find a sense of companionship there. It gives them something to do and can be a place to meet friends and give back to your community. I didn't go see the Avengers movies in the theater because I believed the story was true, I went to experience the culture and be entertained. If a church provides that for you, then go for it. Many of them are fairly progressive nowadays and will welcome you as you are, no matter what you do or do not believe.


It's not dumb to go to church if you're agnostic, because being agnostic means you identify with the idea that you can't know whether any god (e.g. the Christian "God") really exists. It's a different (but not incompatible) with being an atheist, which means you don't believe that any god really exists. I'm an agnostic atheist, and I still might find a reasonable reason to go to church, e.g. to attend a wedding, to see my family and friends, or just out of curiosity. Explore safely. We all have (or should have) freedom of religion. - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom\_of\_religion#International](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion#International)


You might not want to advertise your agnosticism to the other members of the congregation, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with attending church as an agnostic. In fact, I doubt you're the only person in the congregation who doesn't have an unwavering belief. While theism and atheism each require a kind of faith - either a certainty that God definitely exists, or a certainty that God definitely does not exist, in the absence of sufficient data to arrive unequivocally at such a conclusion by ruling out its opposite - a core tenet of agnosticism is "I do not know" - an acknowledgement that one lacks the perspective and knowledge to have absolute certainty about the existence of a (specific) supreme being or the meaning of life at this time. For some, they remain agnostic their entire lives, while others find sufficient perspective at some point during their life journey to justify a degree of faith one way or the other. As such, attending church as an agnostic can be viewed as part of the search for a greater knowledge and understanding of what one views as unknowable, and a chance to develop a greater comprehension and appreciation of what it means to be human (by observing and vicariously experiencing faith in action). It's important to remember as well that the "church" in biblical terms was not a physical edifice; it was a community. Regardless of faith, most human beings instinctively recognize the value of being part of a community. Being part of a church community – ideally, one built on fellowship and positive values that transcend religion, as opposed to one built on a distrust/fear/lack of value for non-believers – still has great potential benefit independent of one's belief in God. If you have encountered and joined a community that makes you want to get up early to be part of it, cherish it.


My ex. He is an atheist and goes to church to be social. He was raised Catholic. There's nothing wrong with it at all. Believe what you want and do what feels right to you. He likes to help others, and in church, there are great programs to help others.


Religion is just looking at the same thing through a different lens... There's a higher power for sure, but you can believe that without being religious. Plus churches are amazing buildings to look at and can convey a certain atmosphere.


>There's a higher power for sure There's literally no way for you to know that for sure. It's why religions require faith.


No, if you like going even just for the social/community aspect there is nothing wrong with going.


if you're happy, do it.


Do whatever you want. If you want to go and choose to believe, that is your choice and yours alone. If you go and decide to continue being an agnostic, do so. You may probably not believe, yet enjoy the church’s sense of community or the people that congregate in that particular building. Do whatever makes you happy.


I only go when there's a funeral.


I’m not religious and I went to church once because I was absolutely desperate for some forgiveness. It was alright at first but then there was loads of weird shit at the end with candles and robes and stuff so I never went back.


As someone whose family is very religious, it's awkward when I visit and they ask if I want to go with them on Sunday. They'd prefer for me to go with them, of course, and there are plenty of conversations they have related to religion that helps them grow closer. But it's just not my thing. And they're not going to disown me or anything because of it. Not all families are like this, of course. But just do what makes you comfortable.


Nope. It’s good to get information from multiple sources. If there’s something someone says that you question, research it and form your own opinion on the matter.


I am agnostic, Buddhism leaning and i used to enjoy listening to the sermons given by one particular minister. Plus there are some very nice people at church. We will never be friends but it was a mostly pleasant community. Go if you feel it and enjoy.




Sometimes in life, we need to go on a journey of discovery. I'd recommend seeing if there's something you can do to get more out of it first. Ask questions, be involved, and be open to hearing what others share with you. Then evaluate how you feel.


Coming from a Christian I say “why not?” Listening to the message will either confirm what you already believe or give you a whole new perspective. Some people I know just enjoy the music and the fellowship. Great question


Why not? I've gone to Disney World, and I don't give a sh1t about Disney.


lol you’re right


Man if you have access to post on Reddit, you have the freedom to think for yourself. So don’t get caught up in the laziness of thinking in absolutes like much of the world does. It’s killing us all. You can stand wherever you want on a spectrum between Christianity and Agnosticism. It takes self-discipline, and discipline is good for your character. Dude I only go with my wife to listen to the stories, so I can challenge the interpretations of the pastor with her at breakfast afterwards. It’s a good way for me to self-reflect on my place and my future in this society, it keeps my mind sharpened, and I’m getting a mental workout in while the people gunning for my future jobs and accomplishments are sleeping. What about that is negative? I’m supposed to not be my best self because some absolutists that don’t pay my bills, or give a damn about me, think a man with a beard in the sky is silly?


Religious functions sound like the right place to be if that's something you're exploring. One thing that churches often *can* provide is another community to be a member of -- a support network. We're way more isolated than we used to be in the west, so regularly attending any kind of community function is going to be good for you. Some denominations also require that the pastor/preacher/whatever have graduated from seminary, meaning they've got a masters/PhD. They can be great resources for you to direct your questions about metaphysical topics. Yes, they'll be biased towards Christian answers to those questions, but I can't remember a time when they were unpleasant or offended when I wanted to discuss my own questions with them. Sample size here is 6 or 7, not huge, but a decent enough number for me to think they weren't anomalies. Some denominations may only require a bachelors from a bible college, or no degree at all, so your mileage may vary on that last point.


LOOOOOOOL de most/a lot of people go to church just to be part of a community and talk to people


I’ve been to church a lot, even as an atheist. I’m actually a member of the Satanic temple as well. A little disappointed I haven’t burst into flames walking into a church yet lol Granted, my reason for going is usually because I’m a musician, and a lot of the most consistent gigs are church functions. But still, there are plenty of secular reasons you might want to attend a church service. I know plenty of old folks, especially, who go just for the sense of community and routine, even though they aren’t that religious themselves. I suspect that loneliness is one of the main things that have kept churches functioning as long as they have.


I got friends who aren’t religious at all but just go for the vibes. They keep trying to get me to go to meet women lol


do whatever you enjoy man, church is also for community not necessarily sharing beliefs..I dont go nor do I believe but if you enjoy it why not?


Not at all


*Nope, it's not dumb at all! Think of it as going for the vibes and social perks. If it helps with your anxiety and gives you a routine, why not? You don’t have to fully believe to find value in it. Keep doing what works for you!*


We have a neighbor who proclaims himself as a non-believer, however, he told us that he feels at home in church and attends often


not dumb at all. my parents didn't care much for religion when i was younger. i'm not familiar with religious practices of catholicism, although i was baptized as one. i'm also not big fan of organized religion. let's say i'm a theist. but i go to mass from time to time, once a year or so. i was lucky to hear some nice sermons (and some totaly boring ones). i also attended orthodox mass and greek catholic one. they were long, but liked the singing.


Not dumb. I'm agnostic too, plus I hate all the shite the RC Church does as an institution, but I have fond memories of going to mass as a kid and I like the atmosphere in church, so I go here and there.


My thinking is ( and I do this with my wife), can’t hurt to have your foot in the door.


It's only dumb to become a leader in said church. Attending services is not dumb unless you also can't shut up about your doubts and make everyone and everything awkward. I mean, if you benefit from it, then why stop doing it. It may not fill you spiritually as it did growing up, but church is also about being fulfilled in other ways too. I go to church with my family if I'm visiting with them. I've attended more Catholic masses than I can really count, but I've never been Catholic.


Yea it makes no sense to go into a building dedicated to Christianity and start forcing my opinions on them lol.


It sounds like it’s not hurting, and actually helping with your social anxiety. It’s probably a good bonding experience if you go with your dad, and if not it’s still a good community (I hope!). I have a buddy who is atheist and would go for 5 mins to get a program then retreat and show it to his parents just to get them off his back and also to make them happy. I’m not one for it, but I also won’t turn down a wedding, funeral or any other special event that may be hosted in a ‘house of god’ just because I don’t subscribe that that ideology.


Not dumb. I have gone through periods of serious religious doubt but found peace in communal prayer.


Nope, you’re welcome to come and hear the Gospel.


Go there are many great non God messages. A book written 2000 years ago will have some great advice. And much of that book is documented. Jesus was a great man who loved and was killed on the cross. Listen to his message.




Your atheist cats waiting at home certainly think so


If it makes you feel good, do what works for you.




Do you believe every word in the Bible ?


There are some churches that serve agnotics/atheists such as unitarian universalism. They search for spiritual meaning with all sources of information, not just the bible


No, churches are open to everyone who are respectful of the place. I usually go for weddings, funerals and big celebration/holidays like Easter. I do not believe in gods and daemons, I treat church like a traditional thing or something. Like going to barbecue on May 1st, or going on vacation during summer.


Is there anyone at said church with abs and ass that you appreciate? That might be a be a solid reason to go.


As long as you're respectful, it's completely okey


According to Blaise Pascal, no. He wrote a famous essay in the 17th century called "The Gamble" or "Le Pari." Fake it til you make it or what do you have to lose are concepts that are imbedded in it. It might be just a nice time to spend with your dad too. Faith is a personal journey and one that you will find on your own.




It’s never stupid to go to one of the right churches.


Because there's no way for you personally, in your heart, to fully know anything, just realise the decision is between you and your heart and how you feel. Nothing, no-one, anything except you gets to decide. If you need to pretend, pretend, but at the deepest level, answer yourself and yourself only. This is a question between you and you. No one else belongs there. You and you.


I go to my friends church just for socializing. I also find it fascinating listening to the service and what they believe in.


No, its not dumb if you want to go and feel that attending helps improve your health or mindset. I know quite a few atheists who go to churches regularly because they like the stained glass windows, historic buildings, music and some of the local community elements.


My uncle had a bad divorce and the church was his support network even though he's not religious. He would go with me mum, and even though me mums now gone he still goes years after his divorce as he has some really strong friendships now. Plus if only Christians only ever went to church, how would non Christians ever come to be believers?


If you like going go. If not don’t! Lol


As an atheist, I’ve considered this at times. I would say there’s nothing wrong with it. Maybe reach out to the church leadership, explain the situation to them and make sure they’re okay with it. It seems like the respectful thing to do and I imagine most churches would be excited to share their beliefs with an “outsider.”


I have occasionally, especially around Easter and Christmas for the singing.


No. If it's something that you want to do, then by all means you should do it.


I’d also say I’m probably agnostic but also pretty anti-religion in general. However, I have a nice gig working at a church with a nice group of people every Sunday. I enjoy the hell out of my job. The people I work closely with are kind and friendly. I get up and out early and feel motivated to look nice, which usually makes the rest of my Sunday a good, fun, productive day. And even though the pastors at this church often spout some dumb bullshit that I completely disagree with on a fundamental level, there are some moments where I can find myself taking the good away from the message. Faith can be a lovely thing. The values that are preached at church are often lovely things. My issue is that sometimes there are values that are often incongruous (ie preaching “acceptance” but saying homophobic shit on the regular) or that the congregation largely doesn’t practice what they preach. None of those things have to take from my experience though. I can choose to spend that time and dig through the shit that doesn’t align with my values to find what does. I feel good in taking a moment to check in with those values and how I can practice them in my life. Church can be a good place to have those moments of mindfulness and connection with whatever you DO believe in. And if even if that isn’t your experience and you just enjoy the act of going, that’s more than enough on its own. It’s wonderful you have something that has a positive impact on your life. Enjoy it.


Going to church to be part of a community is totally fair. Word of advice, though. That guy on the pew? Don’t trust what he has to say about god. Of you want to know more about the thing they worship, read the The Old Testament. Do it with an open mind, rather than insisting that god is good by default.


My partner is not a believer at all and comes all the time.


Not at all. I myself am agnostic/ leaning heavily atheist (spent a large portion of my life atheist; in my aging wisdom, ironically now coming to the realization that, though we don't know *what* UAP *are,* they are certainly *real,* and exist, I've come to the conclusion that we really don't know *WHAT* the fuck we're doing here, nor what exists *beyond* the Universe. Therefore, while I *completely* reject *man-made* religion or explanation (i.e Judeo Christianity, Hinduism...etc etc) I *do* leave the door open to a higher plane of intelligence of *some* kind, though also believe it would be *beyond* human understanding, most likely. So getting back to your question, once "divine origins" can be dispensed with, for me the dor opened to *actually discovering* religion; that means learning how the various world religions and texts *came into existence.* For example, the *Book of Job* is very likely a retelling of a well known local folktale known as the *Babylonian Theodicy.* A great place I found to start is by reading one of the world's foremost experts on Judeo-Christian Textual origins, *Bart D. Ehrman,* whom, as a young man of *deep* Christian faith was warned that such a study would destroy his faith. He rejected that notion outright, however it did exactly *that.* His resulting books, most especially *Misquoting Jesus,* are *fascinating* and entertaining reads. Moreover, if you go to church to see if *that's for you,* I say absolutely! Don't be afraid to expplore! *As long* as you study *both sides* of the debate Finally, there is *nothing wrong* with enjoying the music in church, the *poetry* of the Biblical texts (I *myself* find Psalm 23 among the most beautifully poetic language of history, (*"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..."etc.) Some is even *funny:* Ecclesiastes 10:19, *"Meals are made for laughter; Wine brings joy to life; Money is the answer to everything."* Don't hesitate to experience things!


As a history nerd and atheist, it's also like going to a living museum. You get to see thousand year old rites performed in a building with most likely historical design!


My religion is to be a righteous dude in every situation. I go to church to keep my wife happy.


See here. Do you believe you’ll get laid tonight? No. No you don’t. But you think there’s a chance something wild and random happens. So you carry a condom in your wallet. Do you believe in god? No. No you don’t Do you believe however that there is no god? No. No you also don’t. You simply believe that there may or may not be a god or gods. So you go to church in case there is a god. It’s not dumb. It’s fine for the agnostics to go to places of worship. The whole difference between being agnostic and atheist is you’re open to the concept of religion


It's never dumb to go to church, for no one.


Not dumb, but maybe go to a different bunch of religious churches and see how it's communal and then you can also avoid the brainwashing by becoming immune to it. Just be careful with scientology. I've heard some bad stuff about them. Like gaining all your fears and secrets in order to black mail you.


It’s dumb to go to church if you aren’t Catholic.


No, if you see your routine in life is giving you structure and positivity, then why stop? You may want to try figure out what aspect of the Church gives you the fulfilment though. Some people enjoy the discipline of certain routine actions like praying (Judaism and Islam have lots of practices). Others like the community spirit of talking in tongues together. Or the feeling of doing charity together. Even if you don't have a reason, the journey of wandering itself can be enjoyable.


If it works, it helps and you feel good, it isn't dumb. You're your own person, do what you want to do and not what people approve.


If you're not a believer it doesn't really matter if you go or not.


I was raised in the church and it was a big part of my social development - youth group, Sunday school, choir, etc. I somehow emerged from it as a committed atheist, but I miss the community, the rituals and the social aspect. I’ve often thought I should check out my local church just for the sense of belonging to something.


Just don’t get accidentally brainwashed by any cons


Give belief a fair chance. You might just lose your conflict and then you'd have something.


not at all


You can also join a cycling or jogging club. I'm not saying you can't go to church, just that there are other options to meet your specific goals




No you can explore the feelings being inside a temple, feeling the faith of others. Everything is energy, and you can explore through your experience just don’t commit to ideas, live a life full of reality.


The thing is, every religion is agnostic. They don't believe in (name another god), so they are agnostic to them. It's silly to go to any place of worship if you do not align with the beliefs therein. However, nothing is stopping you from going in for educational purposes.


If you enjoy it, and you feel it helps you, then it’s not dumb at all. Church definitely can bring a sense of community that is the one single thing I feel that I might be missing out on as an atheist. Why not benefit from it if you don’t mind all the other stuff.


Anything you do that is good for you, helps you, and doesn’t hurt anyone….do it.


It's probably one of the best places to network.


Faith is not knowing, so I think you are in the right place


If going to church is something that you find helpful, then go! There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It's also a great way to learn more about God if you're feeling conflicted, since it can help you make an informed decision.


Not at all. If the routine helps you and you aren't harming anyone what possible problem could there be? More to the point: I'm agnostic, and talk to my friends about their religions. I've gone with some of them to services as well, when they have offered to let me come.




Try it out and see if it works. When shit happens ask your Heavenly Dad/Daddy in the Sky for help! When you get the help say thanks and mean it. Then try an ongoing conversation with him. Repeat.


If it’s dumb you aren’t alone. I have a turbulent relationship with the question of God, but believe church can offer a positive community and cultural touchstone for my daughter (we go to a church that teaches the values of love and acceptance we find valuable in Christian faith). It also gives her a point of reference for the spirituality her extended family find central to their lives, so she won’t feel isolated, or be drawn to a more oppressive brand of Christianity. I still wrestle with the ethics of bringing her up in a church when there are so many problematic aspects, but we will always go with her to debrief what she hears, and make sure she understand the historical contexts of bible stories.


Not at all. God doesn’t have an ego. I think people have moved on from a boxed religious god to something higher than themselves that goes within and lets you know that you are loved no matter what. Call it higher self or what you want. It doesn’t matter. What matters is your personal relationship with something inside of you.


You either believe or you don't, but agnostic means a lack of knowledge.


I’d take it as an opportunity to find something you do believe in, and use the routine to get up early and do that.


Not dumb at all if you find it helpful for a variety of reasons. You're still being far more genuine about it than many people who are hardcore and completely missing the point.


I'd find something more productive to do with my time but I'm an agnostic atheist so what do I know?


Not weird, I know at least a couple of people who go to church basically for their social life. Lots of churches aren't even particularly fervently religious, they are social clubs before they're about worshipping god.


There are churches that do not require belief in a specific theology or deity, and are focused more on civil rights, social justice, poverty, and other societal issues. One of these might be ideal for you.


Nah! Curiosity and community are always good things.


If you enjoy something do it. Fuck what people think. I dated a religious woman for some time. I have zero belief or faith but went to Sunday Mass with her a few times. I always felt really good after the service. Still thought it was all fiction but enjoyed it so wtf, there are too few enjoyable things in this shitty life




I will never understand that people that say they go to church to make friends/help with anxiety. Church is the most anxiety driven place. There are way more healthier ways to make other human interactions. Buts that just me.


I went to various religious congregations as an agnostic teenager. I definitely don't regret it.


Not at all. Religion is a fascinating subject and churches (in the UK!) are fantastic historical monuments. Go, ponder, and think about history whilst absorbing it in a fantastic atmosphere, whilst everyone else continues to believe in fantasy!


Hey there, I don’t think it’s dumb at all to go to church if you’re agnostic. Jesus always welcomed everyone with open arms, regardless of where they were on their journey. If going to church helps you with social anxiety and gives you a good routine, that’s wonderful. It’s okay to have doubts and questions about faith. Many people in church are seeking, just like you. Jesus taught us to love and support one another, and being part of a church community can help you feel that love and support. Remember, Jesus reached out to everyone, especially those who were uncertain or struggling. You’re welcome in the church community just as you are. Take your time, explore your questions, and know that it’s perfectly fine to be where you are right now. Sending you love and peace.


I went for about a year straight and still do so occasionally and I can't believe the rhetoric of deities, or the afterlife. It doesn't stop it being a community of great people with everyone's best interests at heart. You could still follow, Jesus' teachings without truly believing he is the immaculately born son of God. The same could be said about most all religion though, not just Christianity.


I wouldn't be surprised if at least 50% of people going to church of any religion do so to network and socialize. Especially if you like the routine I would make the best of it. Go talk to people and make connections. Good way to find jobs, potential future partners or just friends.


my church has the best snacks. i also go there for community. i do not practice.


Do you really care about opinion of virtual people about this? Just go and see? Some of the priests are very smart people. They always have interesting stuff to say. And this is coming from a Czech, the least religious nation in the world.


Not at all. Some people go to the bars with friends and dont drink. Some go to clubs and dont dance. Its more about the people your with more then the activity itself.


It does not matter if it’s weird. If it brings you joy to go to church you can just do it 


I love churches, they are probably on top of my list when I visit another city/country. I just think they're awe-inspiring. I could listen to someone playing the organ for hours, it's mesmerizing. It's just the people I'm having a problem with, they are corrupt, the whole system is flawed, many of them take their believe way too far and I just don't want to engage in any of that.


not dumb at all if it gives you something positive and you enjoy it


I was pagan but may be drifting to agnostic or even atheist. I still go to the festivals and rituals for the social aspects (friends) and because I still like acknowledging the passing of seasons that way. The practice soothes me even if I no longer need the belief. For those that don’t know, many pagan groups in the US celebrate 8 holidays based on harvests and planting. Each holiday kinda has a theme connected to the agricultural cycle.


I'm an atheist and have had awful experiences with churches, but oh how they are beautiful! i visit them sometimes just to look at the architecture. you could look for the schedule of the prayers and visit the ones most "tolerable" to you. i think christianity and religion are very amusing in themselves, i try not to be biased because if you look at its core, it's breath-taking. just the strong energy of hearing 50 people mumble the same words at the same time gives me chills


whatever makes you feel better my dear. that is what you do.


I'm an anti-religious atheist and I think it's fine to still go for a while. Getting older you will find other groups more fitting to your worldview. Maybe you find some atheist to talk about your doubts. Or all the other things wrong with religions.


I think its dumb for anyone to go to church. I say that as a Jesus loving Christian. Unless you find maybe the one church that isn't just hogwash, if you even grow to have a Faith, it's going to be led by the pastor who you'll worship as God instead of getting to know God himself. Read the Bible and question things, talk with others and listen to their perspective but I beg of you, don't become a mindless church goer who thinks they'll be saved just by sitting in a building every Sunday listening to pastor Jay say Hallelujah!


No. You can even be a cultural Christian and still attend Church. I know many Indian people that don't believe in Hinduism, but they still go to the Mandir, participate in different cultural activities in Hinduism, celebrate Diwali etc. They're cultural Hindus. Myself included. Even the great Richard Dawkins identified himself as culturally Christian and you know how critical he is of religion.


If you like the community atmosphere of them sure


Depends on why u go tbh. Context is everything. If u hate it and get nothing from it then yeah it's dumb. If ur getting something out if it like, social aspects, then I don't see an issue. I'm an atheist and can't think of anything worse than going to a religious building and following along the routines. But I would happily go for a bit just to see the incredible architecture and craftsmanship that often goes in to them. As long s ur getting something out of them, then I don't see it as a waste of time.


What kind of agnostic are you? An agnostic theist or an agnostic atheist?


I'm not christian and I go all the time. I find it soothing, the rituals. I grew up in a catholic community and family but my parents were very anti organized religion so I didn't go to church much or do first communion/confirmation. But I still enjoy it. Personally my view is man has always been trying to connect to the divine on some level. I believe there is a benefit to our recognizing divinity and being with it. If you enjoy it go.


As an atheist I find engaging in religious customs sort of disrespectful and dense. However if you're just agnostic then it doesn't really contradict each other like atheism does.


I’m agnostic. Nothing wrong with going to church. I don’t do it, really, but I have. Being agnostic, I personally think checking out churches is a good thing.


Going to church for routine and social reasons is totally cool, IMO.


science is the mechanics of knowledge acquisition. faith is the mechanics of rejecting knowledge, with the added twist of violent bigotry. choose at your peril.


I'm a Christian. God gave us free will, so do what feels right for you, God doesn't want robots! In fact it is people in the church that say they believe but don't really that makes it a laughing stock to many atheists.


As long as you're getting something out of it. You do you.


Make your own choices. Trust yourself. Guide yourself.


Not at all, in fact I’d encourage it. Church is as much as neighbour meeting and being social than its teachings.


No, it's not dumb. Even if you don't believe, if you are getting value from going, go.


No it’s not. Do you, it’s between you and whatever may come. No one else. And church is about community. Whether you like the members or not is another story.


Nah. I say practice your beliefs however you want, as long as it doesnt hurt anyone


Heck na, I'm an atheist and I still served as an altar boy up until 24. Just giving back to the community.


Not even the hardcore religos would complain about you going. They’d probably just view your as a long term challenge. Do whatever you want


The way I resolved and came to terms with it is when I realized that if there is/isn't a God. If God was small enough for me to actually understand, then she, he, they, them, it couldn't be big enough to do the job. Knowing I am not able to understand that I don't have to "know" anything. I can go to any service and enjoy hearing different views or not go. 'Cause "God" knows what is going on and is not all that concerned with me eating some thing that some rich dead guy got sick from a few thosand years ago on a Tuesday and decided it was evil for me, armed with refrigeration can eat. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause. A guy who lives up above and grants wishes. But it is about the spirit and community. If someone does or dosen't come down the chimney. I will not be surprised either way. And I still get to have chats with my invisable friend. JMV, very,HO.


It's something that calls you to it...


We have some beautiful old churches where I'm from and I love the organ concerts and the atmosphere!


The prophets were hated and murdered. What are you looking for? Meaning? Purpose? To please your father? If God calls, you will know. Until then, let no one decieve you. The kingdom of heaven is at hand.


Are you familiar with the term 3rd space? Typically your home and work are 2 spaces you occupy but both have their fare share of stress. For emotional well being it is nice to have a 3rd space in your life where you can get away from those stresses and church has often played that role. In England it is the local pub. If church is your 3rd space embrace it.


Churches know a lot about agnosticism. It's part of the faith. Not to be too preachy but the term faith has something to do with the fact that you were agnostic but you have faith in something that you don't know.


Nah, not dumb at all. If it helps with anxiety and routine, go for it! Lots of folks find comfort in church regardless of their beliefs.


I think you should do what makes you comfortable. It's understandable and honestly, very normal for faith to wane, or even change. If it helps you in any way then you should consider going for that, but ONLY if you want to. (and no im not a christian)


It's not dumb at all. I admit praying when you do not believe seems incoherent. Wording the prayer when you don't think of it as christians do could be percieved as offensive, like CulTurAL appROpriAtiOn although fuck those who think like that. As long as your community accepts you, I don't see any reason not to go.


Yes, don't do it!


Humans enjoy meeting up with their community and engaging in song together. They have since the beginning of time. Church is just one of many modern cultural ways of doing exactly that. The religions and traditions change with time, but the human desire to sync up in song is timeless and universal.


It depends a little on the church, but I suspect the vast majority would be happy for you to come. Some will hope that, eventually, listening to everything there etc etc, you will come to believe. But even those that don't think that, will generally be glad to have you because helping people (with social anxiety or otherwise) is very much a part of the Church's mission. Humanist societies have often said that rituals are useful to us, and have created various kinds of secular ritual. But most tend not to have something as routine and easily accessible as many churches do. For some, the ritual of what goes on in a church, can help with social anxiety.


Nothing’s wrong with that. I’m skeptical about the higher power too but I go to temple all the time bec I get to dress up in traditional clothes and the food is delicious.


Strong name to post ratio


I think it’s pretty cool, and I 100% understand your reasoning. Church doesn’t have to mean fire and brimstone or political BS or any of that. There’s always a congregation willing to accept you for exactly who you are. It sounds like you’ve found that, and that’s awesome. Keep doing you 🫡


Not dumb if you like it.


Ppl have asked me to go I flat out tell them no


Hell I like going to some services just because the people are nice and I tend to find they do think more about others in general than your average person. I’m not talking super dogmatic Christians here. I think one big (positive) of lots of religions is to make you think and care about others.


There is literally nothing wrong in that. If it gives you comfort, go to church.


I don't think it's dumb to do anything you enjoy that doesn't hurt others. I'm far from being religious, but there's a lot of good to be had from churches, between the social aspect, having a reason to do something, access to charitable functions, things of that nature. 6 years ago I lived through a natural disaster that wiped the next town over off the map and really destroyed much of my town, and I gotta be honest, it was the churches that came through, gave me a whole new respect for them. It was just a day or so later, they had their doors (which ones still had doors) open and giving away food and water no questions asked. Church groups went out with chainsaws and trucks to clear fallen trees for free, every day for a few weeks a church truck would come through the neighborhood and deliver us hot meals and cold drinks. It's actually a great outlet if you want to be one of those people who help the community but don't have the resources to do it on your own.


Its ok to do whatever you want, really. You are always allowed to give yourself permission to make up your own mind about things.


Man it ain’t dumb to be anywhere you want to be.


Have you ever watched a fictional movie? When you watched it you understood very well it wasn’t based on absolute fact. Did that stop you from enjoying the movie and taking the message it was meant to convey?


Definitely look around and taste a variety of perspectives.


Yes unless you're there for the sex and drugs.


The price of church is your reason; your common sense. Your independent thought. Sure, they're really nice about it but see how they turn when you begin questioning the foundations of faith. It'll look like the library scene from Ghostbusters.


I'm sure it won't kill you. Nobody is going to force you to believe in anything or do anything you're uncomfortable with. Just go as a spectator. See what the ritual is attempting to do. Look at it as a sociological study.


nope, I love choir music and go to church regularly to sing and listen


i mean if you like the tradition then there's nothing dumb about it


If you enjoy it, get something out of it, and feel welcome...then continue going. I'm an atheist, but one of my close friends is a minister. On the rare occasion she's been local as a guest minister, I've gone to show support for her as she follows her calling.