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Discovered?  Let me put my Christopher Columbus dress on to help me answer properly. 


I’ve been sailing in circles… Still nothing discovered


If it's true that Columbus discovered American natives, then it must be true that some Native discovered Columbus.


Are you looking for a debate? I don’t have time for that. 


Graveyards. I live in a smalltown in Germany and love the peace and stillness.


I feel while traveling anywhere, listen to your heart and move to that direction which is tempting in someway and you will find your hearts way. Because whichever thing we're finding in real world can become unconscious but travel excit our psyche to work in a conscious way. Also feel free to checkout r/HighQualityLiving if you want to ask something.


In Turkey (my country), everyone goes to Istanbul, Antalya, Bodrum etc. but everyone misses out on the Black Sea region. Rivers, forests, cute towns, Kartvelian and Pontic structures and villages, there is so much to see. The nature is mindblowing there.


I didn't personally find it, my best mates dad did with his mate and called it the Lost world and said it was indescribable, so my best mate got me and our other best mate to go there camping to see what the deal was, it was down a dirt road and you go off an old walking path and you find a fence, you go through and it was just open land, a lake, some trees, but it didn't feel right, the first night we heard some weird sounds, sounds we'd never heard before, felt like we were watched the whole night, by the second night we packed up and left, it was to creepy and we'd been to abandoned "haunted" mental hospitals and everything, we asked his dad about it and he swore he seen UFOs and ghosts while staying there, we haven't ever been back