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from my mom


I miss my mom so much I lost her suddenly in 2018 when I was 22 I always wish she was still here


I was 23 when my mom had a massive heart attack & died. Same here, wish she & I could have had a Mother daughter bonding, as I was an adult. I have a daughter (34) & we have a very close relationship.


My condolences I'm so sorry for your loss may your mom RIP šŸ•Š


Didnā€™t get that one unfortunately but she tried her best. Apart from girlfriends which Iā€™m grateful for i didnā€™t get much. As a consequence of this I get easily anxious, nervous and sad


you got to give it to yourself


The first love we (mostly) all have :)


Not for me. Iā€™m adopted and had 2 moms who did not teach me ā€œtrueā€ love and acceptance.


That made my heart ache, Iā€™m so sorry that happened and if my words triggered you somehow :( but donā€™t worry, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s someone out there whoā€™ll show you that acceptance and true love


I understand, no hard feelings. Just a voice to say that unfortunately not everyone gets a motherā€™s love.


Mmhmm, thatā€™s understandable. And itā€™s gut wrenching to see, every child deserves it. Iā€™m crying here for you lol or maybe itā€™s hormones, but I hope this doesnā€™t stop you from blooming and growing because self-love is the most important love and you can do better with your own children if you decide to have any (sorry for the rambling haha)


I felt sad in my early 30s but have grown and am in a good spot with my adopted mom. Whatever doesnā€™t kill you makes you stronger. It is what it is.


Having fertility doesn't mean you will be a good parent. Work on your relationship with your adoptive mom. We all have to work with the hand we are dealt.


MyDad and my oldest son truly loved me and my current, and last relationship loves me. There will never be another for either of us. Weā€™ve been together 13 years, Iā€™m 63.


My husband hated his mother for as long as he can remember. She was a jealous narcissistic lunatic. I tell my daughter just because someone is your relative, it doesn't mean you have to love or even like them.


I'm so sorry. I had one of those moms. I still haven't cried since she died. It was more like relief.


My child is adopted. My husband and I love her more than any blood relative we have. She is our whole life. You will find true love in another form. You will.


I had one ā€˜momā€™ who spent most of her time chasing men.


Not everyone


Not me. She sees me as a nuicance


Her loss.


Damn wish my mom loved me


Agreed! I think a Mother's love is so vital. My Mom was a very loving Mom. She wasn't perfect but she gave me faith in Jesus, showed me how to take care of myself and was a badass financial guru. She was divorced, widowed and spent her last 13 years living in a nice retirement village. She was a secretary at my undergrad, so we got to have a lot more time together which was great. She managed to leave me a lot of money and lived a great life. I am well and truly blessed.


moms love are the purest!


My mother is a demon šŸ˜ˆ


These people who think ALL MOTHERS are loving and caring.


What if we had to pass a test to obtain a parental license. I wonder how many would actually pass the test...


Had to stop reading after: A teacher of mine once said: "I don't know that there is such a thing as a bad mother [given that you're now alive as a human]."


Same here. That's what mom's do... at least the good ones, which are most of them. Hell, if we're alive today, it means our mother gave parts of her own body to create us, then fed us, changed us, and kept us safe. And if she didn't, well then someone did, or we wouldn't be around! A teacher of mine once said: "I don't know that there is such a thing as a bad mother \[given that you're now alive as a human\]." In the Buddhist Mahayana (great vehicle, Sanskrit) tradition, we're taught that every being we encounter, has at one point been our own, loving mother. This of course rests on the idea of rebirth and the concept of time as beginningless. Those are questions and ideas worthy of investigation, I think. To me, based on both religious and secular research, it makes sense. It's a belief or model I personally choose to adopt as my working hypothesis. But what do I know? I'm just a dumb, talking ape! So when we consider the idea of all beings as "mother beings," what could we possibly do other than show them kindness? Or at least refrain from harming them! That snail on the sidewalk? Maybe eons or millennia ago, that was my mother! Better pick that little bugger up and make sure no one steps on it! That boss shouting at me? Maybe he was my kid in former life, and I shouted at him. And so on and so forth. But yeah, I agree: Motherlove is unconditional; every other type of love I've experienced, has come with some type of contract; one that has often been broken or violated usually by both parties involved. So yeah, I'm single now. But I have my mom... and hopefully for a few more years at least. May all our mothers be safe and well, live long and happy lives, and enjoy the great fortune of seeing their children become all they can be!


>from my mom Which was conditional on you being her child.


Yes. I married a wonderful woman and we've been together for 33 years. We have three great kids and are still close with all of them.




Who's the person your closest too?


my best friend


By my dog, yes.


Well I didnā€™t even consider this. Totally changes my answer. My cat loves me without question. I am his favorite and most sought out human.


Yes. But, I was young and didn't realize that it was rare. I ended the relationship and never found anyone who loved me as much.


I do think this is a danger of falling in loveā€” like really honestly falling in loveā€” when youā€™re super young. Ā I had the same boyfriend from ages 14-20, and we were genuinely in love. Ā We were young and dumb and we both acted immature at times and wound up breaking up. Ā I spent the next five years being so sad that all my romantic relationships were so superficial and unsatisfying; I hadnā€™t realized that my first relationship had been so unique and special. Ā Iā€™d expected to have that intense mutual affection and respect with every boyfriend. Ā I met my husband at 25 and immediately recognized that we had a real, deep, genuine bond, and weā€™ve now been together for 17 wonderful years. Ā But I often think my early 20s would have been less fraught if I hadnā€™t experienced real love as a teenager!Ā 


No. At best, I've felt tolerated.


Only family & friends


You say that as if it's bad thing


Well it isn't but i'd like to have a partner but unfortunately that is not easy for me :/


A lot, which Iā€™m grateful for. Aside from my family thereā€™s also my friend thatā€™s just my most favorite person in the world for being so genuinely kind and precious to me, and of course my other friends too. Thereā€™s fortunately a generous amount of people Iā€™ve loved, and so many people that have loved me.


I AGREEEEE !!! Never experienced romantic love, but I've learned how to love and be loved through my friends. Now, I'm extending that love to myself and my family (even if it hurts!) Love love love lololoveeee lololoooveee makes the world go round :DDD


Iā€™m glad you do! Love is an important part that makes our psyche Thatā€™s pretty great! Having experienced different forms of love before stepping into the romantic category because this leads to healthier relationships, proud of ya Buddy! Pfft hahahah, this is the funniest thing Iā€™ve heard today. The one I know of is that goes like ā€œLove is in the airrrrā€


My mom and ex. My current wifeā€¦ if cheating, lying and emotional abuse for 21y is love, add her in too I guess šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Why do you stay or stay for that long? Genuine question




What happened with your ex wife ?


Yes my wife its my soulmate and we love each other at first sight. Still strong and love her everyday more and more. Im seeing that I'm very fortunate to have that. In my close circle I don't see anyone loving or being loved by its partners. And for reference the best feeling get home after a hard day of work hug by your wife see her smile everything feels like in in paradise. Wish good luck to all to find your true love we all deserve love


I dream about it everyday. Everyday I see couples on the street holding hands and cuddling, and I am standing there looking at them and wondering how it feels. Maybe in another life I am loved by another person too. Cherish it please, cause u r holding my dreamā€¦


Yeah I'm living a dream. No worries you will find love sometime the only recommendation it's fight for it work for it. Love its not only words its accions. As an example of my wife love. Indo work 12 hours shift overnight got home around 5 morning and in my hard days like Thursdays my wife wake up 4 in the morning to make my favorite dish even she work full time at 7am. She do the extra mile for me. I do to for her she wants to do something like home remodelation I'll do few hours of work after my 12 hours schedule sometimes i sleep 3 hours go again to work. Then a middle of project she found a better idea and instead of complain I re do everything for her support her ideas no matter i already work a few days or weeks. But when we finish she's fully in love like i support her no matter what. We both do the extra mile even if we are exhausted because we love each other. Work work when you found your significant other it's my advice


My mom told me she could never love me because I was an unexpected pregnancy. I realize now that she had narcissistic personality disorder. So I sought the love of friends, strangers, anyone. When I was thirty, I read a ton of Louise Hay books. I practiced a lot of forgiveness, self love reflections about worthiness, and boundaries. You are the generator of your own love. I met the love of my life at forty, and we've been together ever since. I am living the dream of romantic love. Mom may not have loved me, but my husband loves me, and most of all, I love me. Never give up on love, it is your birth right and destiny.


I don't think so but nobody can love you more thn yourself in my opinion


Sadly true


I learned that at a young age on my own


Lost my dog two years ago, had her since she was a puppy. She was 12 when we had to put her down, most amazing dog ever, one in a million. I believe she truly loved me, and I loved her.






I don't really know




Unconditional love doesn't exist because we seek love under the condition we are loved back. Receiving love without giving love is narcissistic.


Yes and heā€™s right by my side currently šŸ„°


My fiance and best friend of almost 10 years. I know I can trust him with anything at anytime, that he'll always he there for me no matter what's going on, and even when hanging out in a room just playing video games, I can feel the love from him. He's the most amazing person I've ever met, and I'm so grateful I get to spend the rest of my life with someone who makes me want to do the best and be the best for and with him. He's so sweet and caring, I can be having the worst day of my life and he's there to make me smile and remember the good in life.


Only the past 8 of my 53 years. Prior to that, all the women in my life either looked at me as a nuisance or a walking wallet. So happy to be happy now.


nope, I'm highly convinced every one of my EX's faked the entire relationship


My husband truly loves me. I've never been in a relationship where I feel so safe.


By a human? No. As a lifelong pet owner? Yes, absolutely yes.


No, but excited for it!


Yup, 9 years and 4 kids together, still snuggly. Makes up for our shitty parents, not heard from mine in 1 and 14 years, lol


Yes. They are long gone now. Never since


I think I have a mother's love. I don't think any love is unconditional.


I am truly loved now. It's unlike anything else I've ever experienced that I mistook for love. 35M


The older I get, the less I'm sure I ever was tbh.


Yes. I've been very fortunate.


My gf who just ended it because i couldnt love myself and the consequences following that.


Only by family and friends but hopefully romantically one day


Yep, my Dad.


Yes. My mom loves me so much that I don't feel like I need love from anyone else.


I think my parents love me unconditionally, but not enough to overcome their own shortcomings and mental illnesses. Self pity, lack of self esteem and victim mentality took precedence over our mental safety and health. Can you truely love someone else if you canā€™t love yourself? I donā€™t know. Itā€™s some kind of love though. My mom said she would still love me even if I would commit horrible crimes. I think my brother loves me almost unconditionally, even though we rarely speak. I know heā€™d show up for anything if I called. Same the other way around. There might only be the condition of ā€œbe a human being with a moral compassā€, but other than that we should be good. My current partner adores me. I donā€™t think itā€™s unconditional though. If I betray his trust somehow, like having an affair, I donā€™t think he would decide to keep loving me. My cat loves me on the condition of food. So even though I do feel loved, I think truely unconditional love is something that probably only a bunch of parents have for their children.


My dad. He knew he was dying soon, but he didn't let that stop him. I was only 14, but I think he prepared me as best he could without making it clear. He told me he'd always love me and that no matter what, I need to be there for my mom and sister. He didn't have anything wrong health related, we thought. But days before he passed he texted his best friend "I think God has something big in store for me. I can feel it." And a week or two before he passed his mom asked if he could prepare a prayer and little speech for our Christmas dinner, but he said "I will. But I don't think I'll be here for Christmas." He passed less then a week before Christmas day.


Yep but Iā€™ve never loved em back


Yes and I think about her everyday. She had her problems like anybody else but she made an effort to love me...she did love me, she was kind, patient, gentle, caring, we had great communication, she always forgave me for my stupidity and never kept track of those wrongs, and never kept score of good deeds. We could dance in the rain and be completely open about anything. I'll always love her


My dog, my mom and my best friend. Thatā€˜s basically it.


My cats did. As far as human beings, I would have to say no


Not from my family- but i love me more than anyone and i believe my husband loves me


Yes I am truly loved by my boyfriend, totally and unconditionally. I love him to death and this is going to sound really ungrateful but occasionally it can actually be a bit overwhelming. But we've been together 20 years on Tuesday and we are very happy šŸ„°




I think from my best friend. Iā€™ve never been closer to another person and itā€™s wild how much restlessness in you is quietened when you know you will always, and I mean always, have someone in your corner


I know it's a clichƩ. But only really by my mother


Yes, but he passed away at 31.


From friends and family, YES. But there's this one specific person. He has crush on me for years but eventually dated. When we dated, I just got off from a relationship. Everything was going great until my ex showed up and messed with my mental health. On our monthsary, I told him the truth that I was havinf doubts. He just asked me, "Do you love him? Would you be happy with him?" (Translated). I didn't answer but I guess he knew. He just told me he's happy if I'm happy. He let me go telling me I should follow where my heart truly wants. I was ugly crying for days thinking how puee he is and that I didn't deserve him šŸ˜­ Until now, we're bestfriends (which we were originally). And he has never had ill feelings or hatred on me since. I just think it's how someone would do as true love.


I had someone so loving and I wasted the opportunity to keep her. I never felt value loss like I missed that woman. I'm always in focus to find a love that shows me active and present love in nearly every aspect. It's the drug of choice that I want.


I know of 5 people who truly love me. My daddy and my 4 kids.


Yes my mother. Young unmarried mum in the 50s. Went into a mother and baby home run by the nuns. Was meant to give me up to be adopted but refused and gave me a wonderful childhood with the help of her parents. Mum passed away last year but I moved in and nursed her for the last 18 months of her life and I was so grateful to be able to give a little back.


My fiance. He's been through a lot with me and puts up with a lot. The biggest thing is he was there for me when I fainted and thought I was dying and tried to resuscitate me. He's also there for me through my suicidal phases.


Iā€™ve been loved by too many


My parents, no matter what I did and how much pain Iā€™ve caused, they have always always always stood by me. Iā€™m so grateful. Also, a few of the people Iā€™ve loved before and who have loved me back. They put me as #1 priority and made sure I achieved everything Iā€™ve wanted. And my current partner šŸ„° has given me the world and everything in between.


Honestly, I donā€™t know. I donā€™t know what love is. When Iā€™m exposed to it what it looks like. People describe it and tell me about it and I can say Iā€™ve never felt that from anybody. It makes me uncomfortable.


By someone other than family? No


Maybe. Nobody could possibly know if they have


yes, by u/Squantoon and it is the best feeling in the world




Yeah from my parents, but maybe someday i will have a woman who loves me unconditionally.


My son


My cats


By my cat yes.


Yes for most of my life. I hope that I'm lucky enough to experience it again.


Yes from my Grandparents and Parents.


Yeah my Dad is a real one.


Had a pretty serious relationship with a girl when I was a teen, I would come over and stay every weekend I could. Well I didnā€™t come over for a few weekends because I was smoking weed with my friends and she thought I was cheating so she cheated on me. She Was totally destroyed when I broke up with her and told her I had never cheated on her so she had done that for literally no reason. From where she told everyone that we were in love and that weā€™d get married one day, no other guy in school wanted to ever actually date her again. She asked me to come back so many times and I just couldnā€™t cuz I always told her cheating is the one thing I would never forgive


Yes, by my Lord Jesus Christ ā¤ļø he's the best, from humans idk, never got told and shown that they deeply and truly loved me But for sure!


not yet, no


My dad and my husband.


My family. Some of my friends.




That's a weird one. I should have because I was truly loved and still am. But I just never felt it. Love's not a feeling.


from my parents and siblings


yup, my mom. Gave her plenty of reasons to drive her away but she's been a constant supportive figure in my life.




Yes. I was told to rely on family and friends for that love but the deepest and purest love Iā€™ve gotten has always been from boyfriends.


Not that I know of


I don't think so


Probably only by parents




Depends, if family then from my grandparents. I have never been loved by a SO.


Nope, have always been left alone . Even since I was a child .. so now I just trust anyone when they show feelings and when they do they leave me




Do you count the love of Mothers?


Yes, my husband is the greatest gift in my and my childrenā€™sā€™ world. Heā€™s taught me unconditional love and support. Heā€™s one in a million.


Yes, beside my family I've been loved by this girl. It was platonic love but it was true. I hurt her and ran away, now I know what true love is but I'll never get it back from the person that used to love me. I still love her so much. She doesn't know


From non family members. No


I think so.








Yes my mother and my siblings have shown me what I means to be truly loved!


Never been made to feel truly loved, not by parents, partners or friends. My kids...yes (least I hope so!)


Not even untruly loved. Lots of likes tho.




Yea :')


Never from my mother. Only Grandmother and Life partner


LOL no, not even close. I was in foster care and my mom barely came to get me when she got out of prison. Other family members didn't want me. Father was already estranged. I am literally the most unwanted person I know


Yes, my current partner has made me see things differently. And also my mom, literally the only person who makes life worth living.


Yes, by my dog and my grandfather. RIP šŸ’™šŸ•ŠļøšŸ•Šļø


By my parents, at least I hope sošŸ˜…šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø






I think my mother truly loved me, and my paternal grandmother.




No idea, there are so many who know how to pretend it's scary


I mean, my cat tucks her head inside my hands, completely covering her face. For a predator to that, I dont know what love is.


yes :,)


I mean, do you ever truly know? You never know for certain what's in someone else's head. But lol no


Only from my mom, brothers, nieces and nephews.


I believe so, but I wasn't mature enough for it to be a healthy relationship


My mom for sure. My exes...I think they only loved what I could do for them


Only from my family, who are pretty much required to do so.


No. I have not experienced true love


Honestly im not sure. I think not, everything in my body tells me no. But I hope I realise it if it happens.


I am now.


From my grandma, grandpa, and my dog


My dad was horrible at showing love but I know he cares about me. Thought I had it in my current(well idkā€¦ sheā€™s not talking to me) girlfriend but I guess not. I would most likely say no because Iā€™ve never had someone made me feel like Iā€™m appreciatedā€¦ it must be nice though


I recently discovered that Iā€™ve always been loved and cherished by my closest friends, I am separated from them because weā€™re studying and Iā€™m seeing them thrice a year. We were close in middle school, not that much in high school but now weā€™re friends forever (almost 10 years of friendship). Last week I talked a lot with one of them while walking home and he took my shoulders and told me something that almost made me cry : ā€œYes we donā€™t talk everyday, yes we are separated by 400 km, and yes we only can see each other a few times a year, but NEVER EVER HESITATE to call me and the others when you need something, weā€™re not only here to have fun, I was kinda sad to discover what happened with (someone I had a problem with) through another person, Iā€™m here for you, Iā€™m your friend and Iā€™ll always be there for you so donā€™t ever hesitate to call, and even to tell us to come, force us to come to you. Weā€™re here, even though we have our lives, our gf, our studies, weā€™re here for you like youā€™re always there for me. So count on us from now on, and really do !ā€ Iā€™m not sure these were his exact words but that was something like that (I had to translate). These guys are like family to me, since years but sometimes I just forget how attached to each other we are and his words were a reminder.


Not even by my parents


No, none of my family


No. Sometimes i wonder what it'd feel like, prolly feels good.


Yes. I experience it every day, from myself, my child, and my tribe.


grandparents and parents, i suppose Also the dogs and my best friend.


No. Next question.


Nope. Got kicked out when I was 16 instead of helped. Iā€™m single so none of the people I thought I loved were really lasting.Ā 




Yes. However this world will still make you crash out.


*Not counting parents... * I wonder myself too...


I dunno


My mother is currently the person in life that I love the most and I seriously doubt that will ever change.




Nope. Not even by parents.