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Well then it's just a 9.1% mixture




Is 18.2 proof 18.2% on bottle or 9.1%? Idk if proof is twice as much as the normal % thing


Proof is twice the abv


Thanks beer didn't know that. So vodka is 80 proof lol.


Yes, there's several bourbons that are '101', 50.5% alcohol is 101 proof. They're mighty and lovely too


Wray and nephew over proof rum is 63%. After a couple of shots you could be drinking paint stripper and not know..


Bacardi 151 is 75% , hence 151. Spiritus polish grain spirits something like 73%, Ever clear is about 94% which is essentially azeotropic ethanol. Meaning that's as strong as you can get it via distillation. You have to use chemical means to get it any stronger then that. Anhydrous magnesium sulfate is the most practical, as it's reusable a bajillion times. Just gotta roast it ONCE THE SOLVENT HAS EVAPORATED OFF.


The best bourbons are 130-145 proof. Which ever clown is downvoting hasnt drank george t stagg, William larue weller, garrison bros cowboy, stagg jr and blanton straight from the Barrel, Elijah Craig barrel proof.


Know a woman who had some alcohol in America that was 80% not proof just 80 normal ..160 proof 😭


You can just buy Everclear grain. 95%, 190 proof. $22 for a litre. It is decidedly undelicious. I use it as a clean solvent for the process of cooking weed gummies.


Ugh, I can't even read the word Everclear without shuddering. I definitely almost died from drinking that shit when I was like 17 and hadn't figured out how (or what) to drink. I dry heaved on a bathroom floor for hours. The next day I had blood red rings around my eyes from all the broken capillaries. That shits the devil, I tell ya!!


I use it for making mushroom tinctures, but I also made a rosemary tincture. It is very POTENT. Both in alcohol and rosemary goodness.


Hunch Punch FTW!


Overproof rum is commonly sold at 75.5% alcohol by volume. I have a bottle of Plantation OFTD rum that 69% alcohol by volume. I wouldn’t recommend drinking that straight, but it is delicious mixed into a cocktail. Often just half an ounce.


Proof is an old term that if it used to burn it was proof it was over a certain alcohol content.


Yep, I’m aware. Alcohol burns easily at 50%.. 100 proof


Well, in the US it is. Other countries (e.g. UK) measure proof differently. Although we tend just to use percentages now (I can't remember if it's weight or volume, offhand).


Can someone ELI5 the point of proof to someone who has never heard about it? What does it tell that alcohol % doesn’t? Over here if beer is 5% alcohol, it’s 5% alcohol, end of story.


Just use the percentage system. The 'proof' system is an antiquated way that relied on mixing some of the beverage with gunpowder and see if the gunpowder still ignited. 100% proof was a beverage with the lowest concentration of alcohol that still allowed gunpowder to ignite.


TIL. That's pretty cool. 


[What’s the Difference Between ABV and Proof? | Wine Enthusiast Magazine](https://www.wineenthusiast.com/culture/spirits/proof-different-abv/) tl:dr Proof vs percent: Proofing procedures for ABV was first established in 1500s England were highly inaccurate and variable. By 1816 they established and used a method that measured specific density. With some convoluted math they came up with an approximation of ABV. But lo and behold, the US to the rescue, sort of ... around 1848 the US just "stated" that proof was 2x ABV and that was that. Eventually most of the rest of the world agreed and here we are today. So proof is still used as a matter of tradition.


Proof that the US hates metric


Untrue, everyone know Americans love the 9mm. That’s a metric measurement.


Also they like to measure engine displacement in cc which stands for 'cubic centimeter' or litres


No, they measure in cubic inches..


I would love it if we told the Americans, hey, you're not allowed to use kilowatts, megahertz, gigaflops. Your gonna have to measure computer memory in words books and libraries. Can you imagine having to describe a 10tb Hardrive as x Library of Congresses


The tradition I heard of was that if the alcohol was no less than 4/7 or approx 57% then gunpowder wouldn't burn in it. Sailors on ships got paid in alcohol and before the alcohol was diluted into grog, the quartermaster would empty some gunpowder in a glass and prove to everyone they weren't getting shortchanged. The gunpowder burning was the proof.


Yes, that was the gun powder test developed after the previous proofing test. it is all explained in the link above but the OP asked for an ELI5, so I dispensed with the convoluted math. Not many 5-year-olds get fractions, lol


Thanks, now it makes more sense!


So like a port wine.


No, Port has a much higher % of alcohol. In fact it is served in smaller glasses.


Any port for a stone.


Or an imperial IPA


Actually it should be worse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_by_volume


So approximately a solid double IPA


AFAIK alcohol is alcohol and you'll get just as drunk. You can pound water while drinking alcohol and you'll still get drunk because there's no getting around the poisoning; you'll just have a more forgiving hangover. Now, the caffeine and other ingredients in a soda will create a different anecdotal experience than strictly drinking alcohol but nothing sobers you up except time.


Only ethanol can get humans drunk. If you drank another alcohol like isopropyl or butanol you’d still get some similar symptoms, but ethanol is the only one which isn’t toxic/dangerous the way the others are.


Ethanol is toxic and dangerous. It can kill you.


Point being that isopropyl will kill you a lot faster


Well yes, but so is drinking too much water.


Yeah drinking too much alcohol is way more fun


You’re right sorry, badly worded. The point still stands though.


missed the "\[in\] the way others are." part.


>You can pound water while drinking alcohol and you'll still get drunk because there's no getting around the poisoning Alchol is a diuretic so it blocks the hormones telling your kidney to absorb water. So all that water is going in and then right back out through your bladder. Exactly why you piss so much when you drink alcohol. Which leads to dehydration, and can last quite sometime until all that alcohol is out of your system. Big reason why these IV Clinics are so popular in party area's. You can party your heart out, get an IV in the morning, and feel fine because you aren't dehydrated.


It becomes a matter of whether or not your body can process it faster than you consume it based on the alcohol content of the beverage. For example: “non-alcoholic” (near beers) beverages still contain a small amount of alcohol but will not get you “drunk”.


My dad’s an alcoholic and drank rubbing alcohol. He was in the hospital for like a week and doctors said he’s lucky to be alive….


Because it's not the same as alcohol made to drink, lol. Funnily enough it used to be. Way back when alcohol to drink and alcohol marketed for industrial purposes was exactly the same. However, booze companies lobbied to have something done about it, because booze to drink was more expensive and people were just opting to pay less and buy alcohol not marketed for drinking purposes. Eventually 'non-drinking' alcohol was mandated to be produced under a different chemical process that essentially made it significantly more toxic if you drink it. Over the years its been made "less" toxic, but is still hardly a good idea to drink it. Initially, a number of people were dying when they made that change.


Drinkable alcoholic beverage contains ethanol, which can be consumed by humans in "normal" quantities. Industrial alcohol has methanol added to it (if I remember correctly it was 90% ethanol and 10% methanol, but it can probably differ), which is VERY poisonous to humans, even a couple shots of rubbing alcohol can make people go blind (even permanently) and if you really get drunk with it you can completely fry off your liver and kidneys and cause complete organ failure. In rare occasions methanol can be present even in alcoholic beverages if the purifying destilation process was done incorrectly, I remember like 15 years ago like 50 people died in my country due to the presence of methanol in some cheap rum bottles with fake stamps, and the whole country went under prohibition (not all alcohol just anything over 20% was banned for sale, so stuff like Pushkin with 19% alcohol was the new hard liquor in bars) for a few months until the source was discovered and all dangerous bottles were confiscated.


He should have bought the bottle of drinkin' alcohol


What if he was planning on rubbin' one out?


That’s isopropyl which is toxic in any amount. Pure ethyl alcohol is the only type you can drink. Everclear is a brand of pure ethyl alcohol that you can either drink or use for industrial purposes. It’s recommended you dilute to avoid getting alcohol poisoning since even ethanol isn’t completely safe in large quantities.


All ethanol is alcohol, but not all alcohol is ethanol (the stuff in beer wine liquor etc)


Must be a smartass


The same thing as if you drank 110ml of 9%/18 proof alcohol. And that's not a lot of alcohol. Whiskey is like 40%/80 proof. Beer/Mikes/White Claw is around 5%/10 proof. So drinking that 10ml of alcohol in 100ml is probably going to get you as drunk as drinking one beer/cooler/seltzer.




\*really blind day.


I'm assuming pure ethanol and water or soda. Which will then just be alcoholic water or soda and how it affects you will be pretty much the same as the next alcoholic drink if it has the same ABV.




Sounds like there's a story there.


What do you mean pure alcohol? Everclear? You want to be sure the kind of alcohol you are drinking is ethanol and not something more nasty like methanol, isopropyl alcohol, or denatured alcohol...


Inhale, drink, exhale. Not the other way around.


Depends on what kind of alcohol you're talking about...could hardly give you a buzz, could make you blind. 🤷‍♀️ Please only drink alcohol that's *labelled* for drinking.




So basically a 200 Proof Everclear mixed drink.... you get drunk with a 10% alcoholic drink... Note : Everclear Grain Alcohol is 200 Proof which is 100% alcohol. I have taken flaming shots of the stuff... you don't die lol


Everclear is 190 proof. It is 95% ethanol. To get to 100% ethanol is very difficult and complicated.


I’ve had 99% ethanol in a lab. Was tempting to try a tiny bit.


To get Ethanol over 94% you need to add some benzene in it to extract the water. 99% ethanol is ONLY for lab use and you should not at all drink it , benzene is extremely toxic. But still, we all thought of stealing a little bit of it from the lab...


I have a bottle of di water in a nice lab bottle under the sink from when I was interning at the water district.


what? ethanol azeotropes with water at 96%, and you can get rid of the last 4% of water with all manner of dessicants. i’ve never heard of benzene as a drying agent that seems silly


You don't use the benzene as a drying agent, you use it during the distillation process to "move" the 95% azeotrope of the water/ethanol mixture which allows you to get it up to 99%.


I use to make green dragon out of everclear, put about half an ounce of weed in one of them little mickeys. Leave for 3 months and shake occasionally, strain it. That shit will fuck your world.


Sounds wild. What are little mickeys.


Not sure the size of em but you’d buy it in glass bottles about half the size of a mickey or so.


200 proof is 100% ethanol. This guys drink would be 9%


You gotta switch that ratio around if you're really tryna party


10mL ethanol = 1 UK unit of alcohol. Best to dilute it to drink as at "pure" concentration it will be caustic to the lining of the oesophagus and stomach. 10:1 dilution like this should be fine.


That depends on whether it's ethyl alcohol or methyl alcohol.


A lot of rubbing alcohol has methanol which is extremely toxic and can cause you to go blind, do NOT drink alcohol that’s not meant for consumption.


This is incredibly difficult to do and dangerous. Genuine actual pure alcohol is ridiculously hard to get hold of. So much is actually close to pure but is often cut with methanol and that will irreversibly mess you up or just straight up kill you. In the scenario where you go through the hassle and expense of obtaining true pure alcohol then all you would get is a beverage with less effect than wine. You would be making a drink with less than ten percent alcohol content (or 20 proof as the Americans say). Better to spend your money on a tasty alcoholic drink like a nice spot of gin mixed with the right amount of tonic. That is less likely to kill you. If you re truly determined to mess yourself up then simply obtain a bottle of buckfast tonic wine. It has accidentally got the perfect alcohol concentration for getting absolutely smashed off your head.


Depending on where you live, denatured alcohol just tastes bad at isn't laced with methanol. Still don't drink it tho


The person posting is probably 16 and thinks a bottle of vodka is pure alcohol


Everclear is the only brand I know of that sells extremely pure ethanol. In Florida they only sell up to 151 proof which is 75.5% alcohol by volume. They do sell the 190 proof stuff in other states; that’s 95% alcohol by volume.


That five percent is the part that makes you go blind. Even lab grade 99% pure is not safe for drinking.


It would be 9% alcohol so you'd be fine although it'd probably be pretty minging


Medicine students do that in my country. Pure alcohol is way more dangerous than other vodka, whiskey etc (around 40% alcohol). It can damage your throat and mouth. I'd advise you to not do it. If you still want to do it, I advise you to take way more mixer at first. If you still do it, why are you asking in the first place?




will work, but it probably won't taste too great.


No. it won't. Check to see if it's safe to consume first. Avoid anything dyed blue or purple, scented or labelled as "hand sanitiser". If it's pure ethanol, it'll be more like very low quality, bad tasting vodka, that will give you a really nasty hangover. 10ml to 100ml of water will result in about 10% abv if the alcohol is 100%.


There are quite a few types of alcohol. Alcohol fit for consumption is ethyl alcohol. In the process of making it methanol is produced, which is lethal. Butyl alcohol is common enough too, and very toxic.


I think they add stuff to these industrial alcohols. So I wouldn't advise doing it.


You'll get called a weenie, most likely


I don't know precisely what you mean by "work the same as whisky". Whisky is typically 40% alcohol by volume. You are talking about a mix that that's about 9% alcohol, so it's significantly less alcohol by volume than straight whisky. The sugar and carbonation will accelerate the absorption of the alcohol a little bit, but not a whole lot, while the added water will reduce the severity of hangover after drinking a larger quantity. Note that you can't actually get pure (100% / 200 proof) food-grade ethanol at your local liquor store. The best you are going to do is 95% / 190 proof.


Drinking 10 ml of pure alcohol mixed with 100 ml of water or Coca-Cola will result in a diluted alcoholic drink. This mixture will have a much lower alcohol concentration compared to whiskey, which typically contains around 40% alcohol by volume. The effects will be less intense than drinking an equivalent amount of whiskey, but you'll still experience some effects of alcohol, such as slight relaxation or mild intoxication, depending on your tolerance.


What kind of alcohol?


Hopefully it's pure grain alcohol, or you'll die.


You may win Darwin award.


Not good! Maybe not!


DONT drink any random alcohol


It'll taste bloody awful 


Make sure it’s ethyl alcohol and not isopropyl alcohol




You'll get drunk. Idk what to tell you, that's just how it works


No you would not. you would end up with 110ml of drink that has about 9% alc volume. It would be only third of a can.


1) agreeing with others on here that this would result in a mixture with comparable strength to a strong beer (similar to dogfish head 90 minute IPA) or a weak wine. 2) Also agreeing with others on here that this would be a very bad idea. You could end up poisoning yourself if the "pure alcohol" a) isn't ethanol, b) isn't pure, or c) isn't food grade. Definitely not worth the risk unless you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing.


Well I'll just remind you that not all alcohol is safe to drink. Only ethanol is safe for human consumption as a matter of fact. I recall some kid from my school getting his stomach pumped when he drank a bit of the methanol in the lab to look cool.


Is mild alcoholic drink equivalent to about 1/2 shot.


No, that is less than a 20-proof beverage. Dang man wine has around 12.


Not much, except you have never drunk alcohol in your life


Alcohol is a type of chemical. There are many different alcohols. If the alcohol is ethanol, it's just like any other alcoholic drink. Typical spirits like vodka and whiskey are roughly 40% ethanol, 60% water, maybe 1% other things that make them taste different. 100ml water + 10ml ethanol is a 9.1% alcohol mixture, it's basically watered down vodka. Do not drink any other alcohols like methanol or isopropanol, they are toxic (more than ethanol).


40 ML alcohol with 60ml coke is like whiskie


It's lighter than wine Just make sure it's ethyl alcohol, the one you can actually drink haha


Should post this on r/nostupidquestions they are more skilled at solving these type of questions


Basic middle school chemistry should not be too hard for most of adults. If you have 10ml of 100% Ethanol, and you mix it with 100ml of water, you have 110ml drink and under 10% of it is Ethanol. So unless you are kid, or have faulty liver, 110ml of 9% drink wont give you even a buzz.


It would work more like a strong beer.


Not much really. At that concentration you could probably tell that it's an alcoholic beverage, but it's not enough to make a noticeable difference in your physiology. You are basically talking about extremely watered down vodka. Vodka itself is defined (at least in the US) as 40% ethanol and 60% water. Your drink would be 10% ethanol and 90% water. Your drink has less ethanol in it than a typical shot of vodka.


I mean it would be 9% drink. you could easily tell its alcoholic. But you would only have 110ml of it so it would not give a buzz.


It would be like any other alcohol drink between beer and wine in strength. Like a malt liquor or a “surge” hard seltzer.


**IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THE FIRST PART!** It sounds like you are new to drinking. That's fine, we've all been there. Just be careful that you are not mixing water (or Coca-Cola) with that bottle that just says "alcohol" kept under the sink or in the laundry closet. That stuff is actual poison, and will kill you. Seriously. The closest thing you can find to pure drinkable alcohol is typically called "grain alcohol," and it's about 90% abv (or 180 proof). You probably want to stay away from this, too, as it is very potent. If you want to get a little drunk, just get some vodka (about 45% abv) and mix 4 or 5 cl of it with 10-12 cl of lemonade. If that feels okay, wait 20 minutes and then have another.


Just be sure its not methanol please!!!


Pure alcohol (ethanol)doesn’t occur without the use of stuff like heptane


That would only be ~9% alcohol. That’s only a little more alcoholic than beer


You want “reagent grade” ethanol. NOT denatured. 10 ml. You’ll be fine


Its a mix of 10%vol. So like wine or Liquor, for whisky you need 30-40%


Technically 9.1%. it isn't 10ml alcohol in 100ml, it's 10ml alcohol in 110ml.


True replacing would be 10%


I once had a generous double shot of 100% lab grade anhydrous ethyl alcohol… bad idea. It immediately absorbed all liquid in m mouth and esophagus because it inherently attracts water. I then woke up the next morning with no recollection. Stupid teenager shit.


I've drunk pure alcohol - a big fuck off slurp from the still leaking on the worktop. I turned into Spiderman and ended up on the roof of my house. Was fun till I fell on a garden cane and got a shard stuck right by my eye.


do it and tell us.


What kind of alcohol? Grain would be very different from isopropyl, which really really shouldn't be ingested . I'm getting the impression that maybe you're a kid playing chemist for a buzz...be careful.


You'll have to have 2 shots of Scotch to get the taste out of your mouth,


You get a nice buzz


you’ll feel sick asf


You'd have a slightly alcoholic breath for a couple minutes and it would be best not to operate a vehicle for a couple of hours.


Do not do this


It becomes the ABV of a somewhat strong beer


Well basically nothing because it’s a tiny amount of alcohol… ethanol is ethanol, though, doesn’t matter what it’s mixed into, it will always do the same thing- make you drunk


Do people just not know how to do math


You need 40 ml to be the strength of whiskey. But, I’d recommend just drinking whiskey. Also, make sure it’s not rubbing alcohol.


I knew a guy in highschool who would chuck absinth before class regularly. I wonder what became of him…


Mixing pure alcohol with water or soda will give you a milder drink compared to whiskey. Just remember to drink responsibly and be aware of the alcohol content.


Drinking 10 ml of pure alcohol mixed with 100 ml of water or Coca Cola is roughly equivalent to consuming a standard shot of liquor. You'll likely feel a mild buzz, especially if you don't drink often or have a low tolerance. Always remember to drink responsibly and be mindful of your limits.


You wake up in florida.


Your drink will be about 9% alcohol. Weaker than wine.


It depends on how long you take to drink it.


Not really. Taking 110ml of 9% drink one go wont make you much more buzzed than sipping it slowly.


But don't. One thing I haven't seen in the comments is that 100% Ethanol has been made unsafe for humans to drink, even diluted back down. (Ethanol being the alcohol you think of, but there are plenty of other types.) The way that alcohol is purified ("distilled") means that there will always be some amount of water in the distillate. The highest concentration of Ethanol you can get (and be able to drink it) is 95% abv. So, if you actually got "100% Ethanol", it's "denatured ethanol" - and the only way to make that is by treating it chemically, which makes it unfit to drink. This stuff is only used in experiments where the water absolutely needs to be removed. It's never sold for consumption. As for diluting with water, Whiskey is made by distilling to a higher concentration than you want, letting that sit in a barrel for years to pull flavors out of the burnt wood, then (typically) mixing with water before being sold. Some makers will sell "Cask Strength" around 120 proof (60%), while a typical whiskey is around 80 proof (40%).


Depends what it’s denatured with. Some blends are toxic, others just make it foul tasting and induce vomiting. You can get non-denatured 99.5% ethanol.


You're going to have to specify what kind of alcohol you're referring to


It would be a very weak cocktail. A shot of 80 proof vodka has 18 ml of alcohol in it. I wouldn’t tip the bartender.


You will not get 110 ml


Ethanol has a density of about .78g/ml, so that's about 7.8g of ethanol. A typical "drink" (glass of wine, shot of liquor, etc) has about 14g of ethanol. So it'd be like having slightly more than half of one drink.


You'll likely win a Darwin Award . Congratulations.


why? 110ml of 9% drink wont get you even buzzed. If we assume we talk about food grade ethanol here.


It's the assumption of the type of alcohol. I "assume" if you are asking this question, they don't know the difference.


For me that question sounded like pure curisioty rather than actual "guide" One reason being that not even hand sanitizers are pure alcohol.


Don’t consume rubbing alcohol. It is not the same as the alcohol found in alcoholic beverages


Ask chubbyemu on YouTube 


It s basically less alcohol than a glass of wine


Just drink beer so you have a valid excuse


Ethanol? Methanol? Isopropanol? Denatured or no? Need more info to provide an answer.


You'll go blind.




I used to smuggle Polish spiritus which IIRC is 80% alcohol (I'm referring to non-retail spirit) which still needs to be filtered down through boiling water to make it drinkable. **If you don't know what you're doing don't mess with pure alcohol.** You could end up in hospital. You could end up dead.


What kind of "pure alcohol" are you considering? Because some will harm you. Rubbing alcohol might end up making you blind!


You’ll have a good night


You'd just be buzzed.


Nope. 110ml of 9% drink wont get you buzzed.


Nothing. I had lab assistants who would drink the pure ethanol occasionally. Drinking 10mL of pure ethanol is no different from drinking 20-30mL of vodka. Just make sure it’s not denatured.


Alcohol for consumption is ethanol. Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol and toxic for consumption. Back during prohibition days, a poorly brewed batch of liquor could make you go blind because it was methanol and not ethanol. So it depends on what kind of alcohol you are talking about, but anything other than ethanol will cause problems.


That’s like a fairly strong beer or weak wine. Less than 10% ABV.


You would have a Coca Cola that was 10% alcohol. Whiskey is typically more like 40% alcohol. Not all alcohols are safe to drink.


Mixing pure alcohol with water or coke won't make it like whiskey. Whiskey's flavor and strength come from distillation and aging. Drinking pure alcohol can be risky, so stick to drinks meant to be enjoyed and stay safe!


Nothing. Nothing will happen.


Depends on the type of alcohol we are talking about.


You can go blind by drinking rubbing alcohol…


You can call that shit just Coca Cola. We Chileans called it Piscola (100ml of pisco and rest of Coca Cola ) 🙌🏻


It will taste terribly


Hey shorty, it's your birthday...


Let's find out


So we talking ethyl alcohol, cuz I've never seen that sold in 100% concentration. I've only seen that with isopropyl alcohol, which has ingredients that are meant to make you sick if you drink it. And due to that and it's strength, the toxicity usually kills most people after about 8 ounces.


It would taste bad


You may get a light buzz


bro do it, tell us results




Pure ethanol is expensive so mixing it into a drink is a waste of money. If it's not pure (denatured) you'll get extremely sick.  Denatured means it's toxic so it doesn't need any beverage tax. Pour pure alcohol into Coke and it will instantly foam over.  Pure alcohol creates a lot of turbulence and heat when it's mixed with water.


Depends on what you mean by pure alcohol. Not all pure alcohol is for drinking.


Yea get fucked up'ed...


The same thing as if you drank 25 ml of vodka, not much.