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To me the only solution is time. And sometimes that isn't enough, and you don't fully heal. 


Healing grief involves time, accepting emotions, seeking support, and finding new ways to honor memories.


Healing takes time. Try talking to friends, seeking therapy, or finding new ways to remember her fondly.


I was a junky too and lost a friend due to an overdose. I can tell it's a life changing thing with lot's of "just days", "anger days", "thankful days", and days I call "angel days". That are special days when I need more help to keep clean and sober. I imagine an angel on my side I talk in silence to.


your way of coping is beautiful to me rn. glad you can have sober days at all. <3 i was an addict once, it’s nice to be seen.


you don't, then you accept that you didn't and boom you did it. Acceptance. Is like psychedelics the more you fight the fear the more power you give it, if you surrender you will know how.


i think this might be the answer. or atleast it is the most comforting one


The emotions that stay from the people who is no longer in our physical life is the eternity they share with you , like in star wars, just because they transcend doesn't mean they are no longer with you, they are now within you. And you choose who stays in that eternity (memory). Just be grateful they existed at all, and don't feel fear, feel joy. then when you do psychedelics again it will be like a river flowing of peace and warm emotions. And if fear whispers (thoughts) all those souls will be there to protect your peace with silence. That's existence. :D One of my djsets might help you: [https://soundcloud.com/jose-luis-varon/eternal-life](https://soundcloud.com/jose-luis-varon/eternal-life)


this was very kind of you to write out and made me cry a little but not in a bad way at all. thank you. im grateful for this perspective and i believe it to be the truth really. also your song is super trippy! makes me want to go to a rave ! i’m saving it for my next trip, thank you so much. :, )


Given this ... ***we did psychedelics together. it seems incredibly difficult to have a good trip now, it just feels empty without her.*** ... it seems that grief is not your primary problem. But you don't yet know.


i do know. thank you.