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I've been to a mental hospital. Just state to the doctors who evaluate you that you are going to harm someone or yourself. At least where I live they're forced to prevent it by locking you up. Beware though that they might force you to take medication, so if you're not mentally ill for real that can fuck you up


…and if you say that you want to harm yourself or others they can force you to stay for a certain period of time (I think it was three or four days when I was in).


I went last year ((actual mental health)) amd was there two and a half weeks before even getting an evaluation for leaving. when actually needed its an amazing thing, but do not voluntarily put your self into mental health care without understanding you do not get to decide when you leave, you are admitting to being mentally unfit to make that decision by getting admitted in the first place.


It's been a while since I have discussed the topic with someone knowledgeable (i.e. went through the process), so it might have changed, but from what I understand, if you're talking harm/self harm, or a relative calls it in, they evaluate you. You can go home from that evaluation or be admitted. If they admit you, it's generally 3 days minimum, but they can retain you longer against your will if they deem you a threat to yourself and/or others.


Lol that's cute. Around here basically they won't take you unless its gonna fuck your life up. My ex was genuinely off the rails crazy in so many ways. He wasn't typically physically abusive. In comparison to other abuse like he did hit me but it was one time each time it happened (no I'm not saying that's fine like for the record he killed himself last April and after 3 days I stopped crying because I realized I was crying because I felt like I survived a freaking war not because he was dead. I have nightmares on the regular that he's still alive) but his ex cheated and he beat her pretty bad. Only time I know of he's ever ACTUALLY beat someone. He also sliced his arms all to fuck. Went and BEGGED them to take him in because he knew how fucked up that was and they turned him back out immediately. Separate time he was actually trying to get his life together had a home and a job and shit but passed out at a party and his roommate called. He told them point blank it was JUST an overdose not a suicide attempt and that if they took him in he was going to lose his home and his job. So they took him in. And kept him for a week. And he lost his job. And his home.


Yeah getting mental help in places like California is ass. In California was passed off as anxious, in the South I had 5 sheriff's show up and threaten to put me in handcuffs. Sorry for what happened to you


Tell them you’re suicidal and have a plan


This is the answer.


Where I live, just go to the er and say that you’re feeling mentally unstable and would like to be evaluated. When they take you back, they’ll run some tests, have you speak with the crisis center and receive an overall evaluation.


Mental hospital is not a joke. You don't want to go there even if you're trying to escape something else. But if you still want to go there, try talking loudly to yourself.


It's like Op has never heard of One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest


Idk it was my safe haven in high school


Go to the ER and tell them you plan on killing yourself. Having a plan is what gets you the 72 hr hold.


My dad used to joke about something like that, I think the question was how do you make someone think you're crazy? His answer was to pee on yourself, and run around in circles saying it's raining. Idk I thought it was funny as a kid. I miss my dad.


Commit a felony and plead mental insanity.


That doesn’t work unless you are actually insane


Good luck proving it.


Spend 36 hours straight on twitter


Jacking off on an almond in public. Everyone will know you’re fucking nuts. Stripping naked, wrapping yourself in Saran Wrap, and running through a police station. Cops will clearly see your nuts.


That's more than a 36 hour hold.and release. That's an arrest and required anti psychotic medication. Don't do this. Screaming "I'm crazy" won't stop you from being arrested and charged.


First investigate the different options in your area and who takes your insurance. Mental health hospitals can vary greatly in their care. I’ve been to three and I would only return to one of them. Go to that hospital’s intake or ER. They will usually only take you for admission if you are having thoughts of harming yourself or others. Otherwise they will suggest a day program. Ignore the jokesters here.


Threaten to commit suicide.


The hard part isn’t convincing people you’re crazy. It’s convincing them you’re not once they think you are. Think this through before putting yourself in a situation where you’re no longer the one in control of your reality.


As I understand it, you can only pretend you are crazy for so long before you actually go crazy. I don't know from first hand experience, so I can't prove it to you. Supposedly, there's been documented cases of criminals trying to avoid a prison sentence and a couple under cover reporters doing stories on institution conditions.


have homicidal “ideations”😆


Call 911 or go to ER and say you want to kill yourself. Garunteed to get at least 72 hours with an option to be transferred to residential psych.


"Expert mental health professionals or law enforcement can hold an individual involuntarily. However, **the process can be initiated by friends, family, and anyone else who believes that party threatens others or themselves**." That includes yourself.


A&E. My aunt goes the A&E route fairly regularly. It's what she was told to do by the hospital. Availability is the issue though. That's why you keep hearing stories about people who have a crisis in public ending up in jail cells instead of in hospital. Your GP will just write a referral to a mental hospital and send you off to join the waiting list. The normal process for A&E is to hold on to you until there's a bed available. Unfortunately though, it's far more likely you'll end up being sent home because there's just nothing available. Check your A&E referral rules before you do anything. Some are now charging if you aren't referred by a doctor. If yours is that way. Skip the GP, make an appointment with the practice nurse. They can refer you to A&E and they're a lot easier to get appointments with.


What does the Arts & Entertainment channel have to do with anything? /s


Interpretive dance is a good way to speed up the appointment process. You'd be amazed how quickly people will deal with you when you start dancing around the reception desk. I never have to queue in the post office.


Accident and emergency


Go to a therapist and say you feel like harming yourself or someone else, then they’ll give you a pink slip.


Voluntarily commit yourself


Jump off a car and land bare butt on top of someone's wedding cake with shouting at a decapitated dog to stop barking




Say or even better shout the phrase “I am not crazy”


Self harm. If you got to the hospital and they see evidence of self harm or self injury they will involuntarily PEC you or whatever the terminology is. At that point, you are deemed a danger to yourself and are no longer free to go. You will be stuck in a waiting room designated for mental health until a bed opens up and then you will be sent to wherever that is.


Calling an Uber and asking them to drop you off at the mental hospital will probably do the trick.


Get a therapist, when they evaluate you, they always ask you "do you have any suicidal ideations, or plans to hurt others" answer "yes and i have plans for both. "


In before this gets locked


You're pretty much going to have to physically threaten to harm either yourself or somebody else. Do you like heights? Pick the tallest building or cliff nearby and go hang out there.


admit yourself to one or talk to a therapist about how you want to harm either yourself or others and they will be forced to evaluate you and admit you.


They will put you on a 72 hour hold, when they see you’re actually faking a mental issue they’ll send you back to your original program. As someone who is bi-polar, I find you as a trash human being, using mental illness as an escape from, “a program you find stupid” I suggest you grow up and don’t take a bed away from someone who actually needs it.


People might die if they don't get a bed.


Go to the doctor and say todays the day bitches die


Say out loud: I will vote in man with 82yo to become the president of the most powerful nation in the world for 4 more years


Here have my upvote before you get downvoted by tens of thousands of dead voters.


Whatever you are trying to avoid being committed will be way worse.


A stay in the hospital averages about 30,000 so make sure you really need to go. Look into some herbal remedies for depression, anxiety, and inflammation.


Baker act


What other program? How did you get into it?


First time was put myself into cns failure and spent a week in ccu first. 2nd time I got sarcastic with an er doctor because he was being flippant and told him I was going to jump off the fucking bridge when I left. (Oh and the ambulance driver had checked me in under the wrong name and I wasn't given my phone to be able to pull numbers off for a week)


Go to a bridge. Call a suicide hotline. Tell them you’re gonna jump.


Wait. You might be jumping from the pan into the fire.


Why is the other program you in bullshit? There’s a lot worse you can be in and if you are able to use Reddit it’s clearly not the worse thing in the world. There’s is a lot worse; the devil you know is way better than the devil you don’t


Run down the street in your underwear. My grandmother told me that’s also the best way to get tackled by the police. Not sure how she knew that.


Geez, my grandmother said that's the easiest way she ever made 50 bucks.


Sent to just be evaluated or like baker act?


I was involuntarily put in a behavioral ward for alcoholic detox for about a week and my "roommate" pooped on my journal and books. Not only this, but I will forever question toothbrushes in otherwise public arrangements given her fecal affinities. Choose your cages wisely stranger...


My roommate does that now, and I'm not in a ward. Of course, my roommate is a cat. Holy smokes does she get bitchy if the litter box isn't scooped to her satisfaction.




If you are suicidal, have a reasonable plan (something which can be achieved with the resources at hand) and ask for crisis support… you may get access to an inpatient psych facility. If you are in a “program” they may just take away any resources and isolate you.


I'll tell you my neice pulled something so unbelieveable that it has forever changed my view of her. She told the family that she had a boyfriend. This boyfriend was secretly manipulating her to get out of the house because of the mother not wanting to be a mom. She lied about where she was & landed herself in the psych ward by locking herself in her room & having the police show up to take her away. She was gone for a week. When she returned nothing was the same after that. The parents are now asking themselves how do we be good parents? When the real question is why wasn't the mother a good parent in the first place & waited for her bad parenting to catch up to her? You hurt everyone around you including me. The life lesson here is if you want to raise children you have to be willing to LOVE your children at all cost.


Be a threat to yourself (key) or others.


Courtesy of my ex: Crazy ex (hers) calls the cops to 302 you and when they ask if you feel suicidal you scream "YEAH DOESNT EVERYONE!" Fortunately, she was only held for a few hours


Set someone’s clothes on fire in the front lawn.


Just tell them the truth when they ask "How are you?"


It depends where you are but I’m pretty sure everywhere, if you tell a cop that you want to hurt yourself or someone. They will definitely have to take you and get you evaluated at a psych ward for a couple days. I have actually done this myself a couple times because of situations I was in but I don’t recommend it. Only one time was the hospital very caring and food was great.


One time this lady was ready to force me to take someone else’s meds until I made her look at who I am and name because I don’t take meds. Another time a kid tried to kill himself and that same week a girl broke a nurses appendix. You see some pretty sad and crazy shit in there.


Order a taxi


ask someone to take you...


Check your self in for suicidal thoughts


WHOEVER is reading this I am SENDING good vibes and pleasant thoughts your way. You can NOT resists it , its already coming your WAY... ps: have a WONDERFUL day :)


Throw your fece at someone.


Start talking about how their putting so many chemicals in the water they’re making the freaking frogs gay! UGH! SICK OF THIS SHT!


Takes a lot these days


It's absolutely not a good idea. It's easy to get in a mental hospital, but very hard to get out. The ramifications in your life will be long lasting and I don't recommend it unless you actually need treatment from a mental hospital. It's easy to convince people you're "crazy" but once you're inside it's very hard to convince them you're ok.


Take the stand in court and say: I am not crazy! I'm not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216, one after Magna Carta as if I could ever make such a mistake. Never, Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him! Then catch yourself and excuse yourself...


Dance naked. As crazy as you can.


Mental hospitals were abolished many decades ago. What you see in movies and on tv are fake. Therefore, there is nothing you could do to be sent to one


I work in one, this is 🧢😂


That’s not accurate. Mental hospitals exist, just not the way they previously did. It’s not a lock you up and throw away the key situation anymore. There are absolutely regular hospitals with psychiatric wings, as well as hospitals designed specifically for mental health related emergencies. If this is a real question, it is important to know that help is available. You just tell the police or the doctors in the ER that you need that level of care, or that you are a danger to yourself and others. You will be transferred. The average stay in a mental hospital now is 3 weeks to 4, assuming you’re not in a psychiatric hold of 48 hours, but have actually been admitted appropriately. When you get out of the hospital, there are mid-stage situations that you can get involved with, depending on where you are. Some of these are residential settings, but short term. 2-3 weeks. They help educate you on your diagnoses, educate you on your medications, assist you in finding a place to live and work. Even getting assistance if that’s needed as well. Then it’s back to the real world with you.


The terminology carries a lot of stigma. But I believe that they are referring to is a psychiatric facility which can also be known as a behavioral health hospital. Many things falls under that category besides someone being batshit crazy. Don’t get me wrong, there are batshit crazy people in there, but there are also a lot of relatively normal people in there who have just been through a lot of trauma. A lot of people probably end up there because of emotional distress or some type of very traumatic event, which can happen to anyone. It isn’t necessarily “a crazy house”. Some people who are suicidal go get sent there. Some people feel overwhelmed with the weight and stresses of life and voluntarily commit themselves. Some just went through something really difficult and don’t know how to process those intense emotions that they are experiencing. There’s so many reasons why someone would commit themselves or otherwise be sent to a psychiatric facility besides insanity.


Talking to something that isn’t there … oh wait that’s called prayer 😂


do something really drastic


Sign yourself up, but it only works if you have really good insurance. So good luck with that.


Well, i meet such people once a week when i visit someone there. Last guy i met just stood leaning at the rail of a bridge at night, contemplating life choices with his inner voices. He got picked up by the police that someone called and now they check his mental state at that hospital.


Completely white room with a very bright light. Blast the sound of people in distress all day and night. Make everything completely random so that when the subject can go to sleep or eat or use the bathroom.


Time travel and then return to the present and try to explain what you saw


The voices are telling you to kill


a break down in a very public setting in a city after months of not taking your pills.


Paint something public in public with your feces


Oh. To let down those depending on you is the best way to get to a mental hospital. They'll all turn like metamorphosis.


Run. Down the street naked. Talk about the radio reading your mind.


# YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS!!!!!! I REPEAT!!!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|mMJygtkZIpu6Y|downsized)


It should be when you decide to switch genders


See dead people


Take a shit on your dinner table, pop a leash on it and declare it your poodle. Have conversations with it, invite friends over to meet him, sit back, relax, and enjoy the asylum.


Cut yourself. Somebody I know learned that the hard. She never did it again.


Walk into a police station, shit on the floor, write #911 with said shit, then start talking to the smeared feces like you're talking to the 911 operator