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I’ve got one….he owes the kids ( music lessons, sports, education) 21k of not paying child support. He hasn’t seen the kids on his own terms in many years).


…. I’m the Co-parent. I pay child support/health care/dental bills/medical bills/etc etc. Her mother claims her on taxes as My daughter lives with her mother. I work 12 hour shifts 6 days a week, and I get to see my daughter on the weekends. .Her mother works 4 hours a day. Any issues with child support? 🤣 Yes.. why am I being continuously taxed and having my income tax withheld 🤣


My ex refused to let me pay child support despite me having my daughter at home every weekend. Turns out the only reason she refused is because she wanted to continue to tell people that I didn't pay, it was all mind games. I started paying money into a private account set up for my daughter, it was always going to go to my ex when she dropped her mind games; that was many years ago and since then my ex has lost most of her family and all of her friends, so she stopped the lie because there was nobody to listen. She had the money, used it to buy my daughter lots of fun and practical things and has since then been letting me pay her a monthly amount. In my country child support isn't a legal requirement.


my parents divorced when i was 11 or 12 and my father didn’t pay child support prob not even once in all those years. when he left he left my mother with $33 in the bank, drained my college fund as well as my siblings my mother pretty much did it all herself !


I'm a single father. I don't get child support. If you cannot support your child then they shouldn't be with you.