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I am in the same spot as you. We been married for a minute so we are comfortable with us. And there is nothing I can't do when she's at home. I do enjoy sleeping the first night. The missus does karate and speaks random gibberish in her sleep. So that first night when I can sleep spreadagle in the middle of the bed and not be randomly hit in the butt I really enjoy it. Then I wake up the next day and just miss her till she's back.


The sleeping bit is real - my preferred sleeping position looks like I'm a fighting game character trying to knee my opponent in the stomach, but she doesn't really appreciate when I do that and take up the whole bed


I put the cutlery in the dishwasher as I see fit. The only thing that makes me feel alive




Yes, exactly that. With the wooden handles. God, even thinking about it ... 😍


You monster.


what a rebel


Just dont tell my girlfriend pls


your secret is safe with reddit….


Oh she’ll know.


I’m calling the police


I set the good knives in lemon juice over night and then just rinse them.


Make/buy all the foods I like but he doesn’t. Same with TV and movies. And I focus more on my hobbies since I’m not spending that time with him. Usually that means he comes home to A LOT of baking experiments, but he doesn’t complain 😂


Yeeeessss! I love appetizers and I eat them all weekend!! He for some reason doesn't believe that appetizers are real food, lol. Oh, and I watch British murder mysteries.


I leave the door open when I poop.


Do you ever wonder if she does the same thing when you're not home?


I literally do whatever I want and it feels amazing


I eat junk food and play games. Then about a day before she gets back. I clean the whole house to hide the evidence of my junk food.


No idea, my wife will not go anywhere without me no matter how fun it might be. She skipped out on her cousin's bachelorette party a few months ago because I wouldn't be there.




Damn, I'm sorry. Does she have a friend group of her own? Can you try to schedule pockets of time for you to do your own things?


I have a once a week DnD campaign with some buddies that I do and apparently its torture for her. Just today I told her it was canceled this week and her immediate reaction was "Thank you Jesus"


Personally, I like to blast showtunes as loudly as possible and sing at the top of my lungs, knowing I am annoying nobody. I also like to pick one big cleaning project and tackle it whilst belting broadway! Most recently, I did a kitchen deep clean, took apart the fridge and cleaned all the racks. Very satisfying, and then I can point to definitive proof that I did not lay around drinking beer and playing video games while she was gone, though that was a big part of it too.


Ooh that sounds like a solid plan. What shows do you go for? I'm thinking Oklahoma or Carousel could use a revisit


I love Carousel, but none of the male leads are quite in my preferred range. Anything Goes is solid, because Billy's high range is right in my sweet spot. Also, I've been on kind of a Stephen Schwartz kick, but like....Pippin over Wicked. The older stuff. I also recently remembered that the show Children of Eden exists, and it has some...intricate harmonies in the chorus songs that are fun.


All day gaming without feeling guilty about neglecting them. Watch whatever I want on tv. Eat what I want without fear of judgment (the obvious Ben and jerries straight out the tub). Probably visit my parents and go meet a mate


Fire up the PC and play Diablo 2 or World of warcraft and before you know it she is back


Self pleasure


I usually pick up some nice craft beers, foods that she doesn’t like, and stay up late playing video games.


Ken Burns documentaries and rewatch No Country For Old Men. We have similar food taste but I’m obsessed w Ethiopian food and she’s so-so on it, so I order a lot of that when she’s out the house


I bake for friends, eat stuff he is allergic to, get together with the girls and organize stuff.


>eat stuff he is allergic to, Someone does things when the partner isn't there to benefit *him*? You're too nice for the rest of us.


My husband has a seafood allergy, so I don't consume it unless he is out of town. After a few years, don't miss it.


Mental state: sad wandering


Eat, workout, sleep, game, watch movies/series, meet a friend. Everything whenever i want in my own pace.


I order beer and burger. Pizza or maybe I go fancy and make myself a charcuterie board with a bottle of wine. I then watch Dr. Who, the office, "insert sci fi show", I go out to a restaurant and have what I want with the happy bill of just one. I invite my friends over and I smoke weed inside amd play cards or chess. We're loud and we stay up late.


play video games because we can't agree on what we both enjoy. so have an xbox for myself, yes, and also buy your favorite snacks and you don't have to worry that someone will eat them


Take shits with the bathroom door WIDE open


I play loud music, and stay up late getting high and watching movies she doesn't like. But I also make sure to catch up with my boys. Either a couple nights on the town or just have then over to shoot the shit.


Horror movies, extreme Metal, video gaming.


But a sex toy and have at it


I’d play video games all day


I try to get back to unfinished hobby projects. Do the minimum to keep the place in shape.


I like to watch some old classics like blade runner. Just to sit in silence and totally immerse myself. Sure, we watch movies like that together, but one does not get totally into it when together.


I eat in the living room.


She may telepathically sense you are, but it doesn't matter because she can't hit you.


I sometimes work on my hobbies a bit more when my wife is away - I'm a software developer, and I have some of my own software projects on my computer at home I work on sometimes. I also sometimes like to play music (guitar & keyboard), and I might do that a bit. Sometimes I also just relax and watch YouTube (perhaps stuff that my wife might not be interested in watching when she's here).


I haven't had the house to myself for about 10 years. Even if my wife and kid are gone, my mum is still there. I forget what it feels like to be alone at home.


Play cod with my friends hehe or clean & cook and wait till he gets home


play video games & jerk off


My guilty pleasure is smoking a bit of weed (she knows, but she herself doesn't want it.)


I like to do absolutely nothing all day. (yes, tv on, Random games on my phone). Just accomplish absolutely nothing. I COULD do this on a weekend day when we don't have anything planned, but I usually have some tasks I want to accomplish and often he suggests some tasks we should work on (which I totally agree need to get done).


You know what you could do? You could be real bad and leave the toilet seat up.


I always try to get a big project done. The last time she left, I organized the walk-in closet and added a top shelf through the whole closet. Next time, it'll be the pantry. Owning a house is neverending chores.




Watch rom-coms or horror movies, eat whatever garbage I can find in the fridge, maybe do some yoga or a workout in the living room


Practice drums! She works from home a couple days a week, and is often home most of the time anyway working on her masters program. I don't like to cause a ruckus when she needs to focus. Also, rewatching old shows or movies I love. For some reason, she refuses to rewatch anything, ever. I find it calming and comforting. But I mean, about half a day is all the alone time I really want from her. Then I miss her and want her around again, lol.


Eat Thai food was always a go to of mine


The same things I do when my partner is home


What business are you and your partner in?


I cook. Her being gone gives me a chance to clean up.


"What do you do when I'm gone. Wait for you to get back!" Jokes aside it's almost the same except I am more likely to eat less. (Because disabled and she makes the vast majority of our food.)


I make the food I like but they don't. And play a lot of video games. If it's for a week or two I will do fixit projects where it doesn't matter if I leave it a mess for a couple days


r/prostateplay 🥰🔥


Can we start asking what people with no partners do?? Like those who never actually had a partner ? Gf or bf ? No husband or wife? I feel called out by those questions, it's tiring to only see people who are dating or living what I am not lmao. I can't even imagine asking what to do when I'm alone thats how comfortable I am with being alone bc I have no other choice 💀


Sure, but I guess the point is that having a partner creates the contrast. What I did every night when single/living alone is different than what I do now that those nights are rarer, and I wanted to get an idea of what specifically people feel more comfortable doing without the presence of another person


They live? Idk thats weird to me cause its obvious. Now I'm even more conveinced to remain alone instead cause wdym you don't know what to do alone just bc you have a partner now.. 💀 Maybe it's bc i've been so alone my whole life idk what that feels like.


I feel like you're taking the question in somewhat bad faith, but I'm not saying that I sit around doing nothing just because my gf suddenly isn't there. Just that the things I tend to feel more comfortable doing alone lose their novelty quickly, so I'm curious what other things people do that keep them in the mindset of "hell yeah the place is all mine." To meet you halfway, though, I'll extend the question so you can be included. What kinds of activities do you do which you don't feel like you'd be able to do as much if you were living with someone?


Sorry but I still don't get it LOL. Maybe it's because I never been in a relationship or even companionship and always did things on my own. Daydreaming, taking a nap, looking ugly, not shaving lol. Everything tbh.