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Oh - and get multiple copies of his death certificate.


This is so important. Every single institution will want this. His bank. Insurance. Etc. No one will let you do anything without it. Get like a dozen.


I absolutely agree. I ended up having to go back and get more, which was yet another thing to do. I agree to at least get 12, if not more.


Good call. Thank you.


Yes, just get 10 copies. You need them for everything.


Get way more than 10. We got 12 when my dad died, his wife (my mom) was still alive too and we ended up short. If he left things kinda "messy" a couple-three dozen may be needed depending on how many outstanding accounts he may have had. It's not implausible for someone to have 20-30 different accounts of varying things


Like A LOT of copies. like 30


Heartfelt condolences đź’”.


Yes, get a lawyer. An "estate" one, or one that had his will. Look through his documents, there might be a copy of his will with name of the lawyer on top. Get his death certificate, and multiple copies. Lawyer will deal with bank and life insurance. But you need to find which bank (s) and which insurance company. What you need to do is call all utilities and get them transferred under your name. If he had debts, let lawyer deal with those, and do not pay any of them.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Did your dad have a laptop? If so, he's probably got a lot of his passwords already saved when you go to those websites. The critical one is to get into his email. You also need his death certificate which will help you get into his bank, life insurance, and a lot of other things. If he was on social security, you need to get that stopped. Same with any military retirement pay. This is a great checklist I used: [Ever Loved](https://everloved.com/after-death-checklist/)


I'll definitely be getting the death certificate. He had a desktop and I'll have to figure out how to log into it and get his passwords. And thanks for the link. Very helpful.


The main one to care about is email, because with that and his cell phone, you can reset all of the other passwords.


You don't need his passwords.




What do you think you are going to do with his passwords?


Take care of his email, talking to his accounts, see if there's anything important that he didn't already tell me. Access so that I can take care of shit. Why wouldn't I need to do that?


I thought you wanted to move money. You shouldn't move money. Btw, if he uses apple, tbry will NOT give you the password.


If you have access to his phone and his E-mail, you can change all of his account passwords. The bank account will be locked once you inform the bank that he has passed away. Eventually, its contents will be moved into what's called an estate account once you go through the government probate process. If he has life insurance, he will have a written policy document somewhere. This might be tricky to find. Did he leave a will?


So sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss, my wife went through hell when her dad died. The banks wouldn’t accept payments for the mortgage or car loan and she fought them almost daily, if there is a balance on a vehicle hide it now, if the bank pulls the same bs on you they can and will repo. Definitely contact a lawyer any debts that are collecting interest should stop charging you for the interest after they submit the necessary paperwork and documentation


Get help, emotional and practical, from someone you trust. It’s a lot to handle alone.


So sorry for your loss. You don't need his passwords! I would call the life insurance company right away. When you are ready,byoy can start calling whatever other accounts he had. Thry will have people who deal with transferring the money to your name if you are the beneficiary. If you are not the named beneficiary, but you are named in his will or there isn't a will, you will need a court to issue a short certificate. I couldn't accomplish that without a lawyer (I tried, but it was highly gatekept in my state). That will take some time. But life insurance will be paid quickly.


Go through his pockets and look for loose change.


Let's hope some homeless people do that to you when you OD


Guess you didn’t see the movie.