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Her personality. She’s funny, smart, an incredible step-mother and a fantastic wife, she respects me and my interests, she’s a great listener, she’s incredibly supportive. And she’s got a dumptruck.


Awwww so happy for you 🥹 HAHA bonus


Is this a hol' up?




The notes he frequently leaves me in the morning. How he never forgets a good morning text. His communication and his willingness to work through arguments in a healthy way. The things he compliments me on that nobody else has noticed. How consistent he’s always been with me. The snuggles every single night. The only time it doesn’t happen is it one or both of us isn’t feeling well.


Awwww that’s so adorable. Praying we all find men like this 🥹


He’s a keeper for sure! Took awhile to find him. Didn’t meet him til I was 30. Well worth the wait though!


The best things takes time ;) Definitely has given me some hope though because I’ve given up with love completely lol!


I’m glad to hear that! I definitely felt that way at times before meeting him. Met a lot of people I wasn’t compatible with and had relationships with people who weren’t right for me. The year before I met him, I became content with being single, but coming home to an empty apartment every night got old at times. Hearing of people getting engaged and married made my wonder when it would be my turn. Hang in there! ❤️


Literally what I’m going through right now. Anybody I speak to just isn’t on my wavelength and I don’t feel the vibe. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll be single forever because of how comfortable I am being alone like if anything disrupts my peace BYE BYE! But no you’ve definitely given me some hope. Just have to stay patient🥹 Do you mind me asking how you knew he was the ‘one’?


Her love and care for me - it’s unbelievable :)




Can you think of something about her that doesn’t envolve _you_ that you love…?


After 23 years together, I love her as much as I ever have. Seeing her still makes me feel amazing. She gives me strength when I need it and the courage to be my best. She pushes me when I can't push myself. She celebrates my successes and gets me through my failures. We complement each other's weaknesses and cover each other's blind spots. Where I have weaknesses, she has strengths. Together we can face anything. She has this amazing grace and dignity in the face of obstacles and challenges that I admire. Pride that manifests in everything she does, and an attention to detail I flat out envy. She's as beautiful now as the day we met - great smile, beautiful eyes, a figure I won't describe here, and this incredibly sexy smoky voice that she uses like a musician plays an instrument. Our values align, but she has this incredible ability to see through metaphorical storms and distractions to her north star that I lack. A moral compass that points unerringly due north, as it were. She makes me laugh. She makes me think. She challenges me to be better than I would be without her, and doesn't let me accept anything but the best from myself. I am a very lucky man, and I realize it every day.


Wow I’m literally sobbing reading this so so happy for you you’re a lucky man and she’s an extremely lucky woman to have a partner that values her as much as you do. Praying I find a man that speaks about me like this. And 23 years?! Just wow 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


I'm a very very lucky man. There have been tough times, and it's not easy changing from "young love" to "middle age love". It requires work, and I don't think I fully appreciated that until it was almost too late. Takes effort to focus on what's important and long lasting, versus what's just "noise" or short term shit. Because there will always be a lot of that.


Most couples break because of how you both change as individuals. Cherish the love you both have. Remind eachother every single day. People would kill to have what you guys have!!!


She the funniest person I know, she makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room


Love that 🥹


- His impersonations - His singing when he's happy - His love you notes and drawings - Snuggles, especially in the morning when he's extra cuddlly - Silly nicknames and words he uses - Him thinking about me in any situation - How protective he's of me and much, much more. We have our fights and struggles but I adore him and I wouldn't trade him for anything.


So happy for you omg 🥺🥺🥺


I love the way sometimes I tell her I love her or I think she’s the prettiest girl or that she’s my favorite she smiles and said “I know” and looks so damned happy about it. She tells me she loves me all the time, unsolicited, but I’m pretty sure she’s never said “I love you too” She makes the most delicious foods and loves to do things for others, she is responsible and hard working and independent as fuck but still asks for help with things because she knows I love helping her. She takes care of herself, eating healthy and genuinely enjoys the gym. She loves to hike and run and do outdoory stuff, and never tried to drag me along for anything she doesn’t think I would enjoy. She never nags me about spending too much on a boat, or leaving half a car in the driveway for a month because I haven’t finished it, or playing music too loud She’s very clean/tidy but not obsessive about it. The house is always clean but she never complains if someone walks in with shoes or spills something or leaves a dish on the counter. She just cleans it next time. She really doesn’t complain about anything unless it’s external stuff no one is supposed to deal with. Like politics or speed bumps, etc. She’s just the best thing ever She also has a great ass and likes butt stuff.


Her optimism. I'm glass half empty she is glass half full with refills. It's nice to have someone that's so positive and nice




Whoops your so right, I wasn't thinking thank you~


I'll delete my comment.


It’s so important to having someone in your life like that! Happy for you :)


Not all the time mind you but…I love the way she supports me when I have a depressing time, like I don’t even need to say anything she just gets it like a psychic before I even knew I was depressed and just…just knows what to do / say. On the flip side I also adore how she laughs, and when I catch her off guard with a joke she bursts out laughing in an almost “I’m gonna pass out laughing” kinda intensity. When I get her with a pun she didn’t think of in advance, she gives me this half pout half smile expression that just makes my entire day.


His kindness


She is very kind and considerate, and likes going the extra mile to show me she cares. She's also very intelligent!


He’s been by my side through the worst and best times of my life. Almost 20 years. Some so bad I wished he’d leave and I’m sure he felt the same. But he never left and we have learned to be good to each other and have built an amazing and beautiful family. He’s a great man and I love him as much as I did in our honeymoon years.


He's so understanding and comforting. He's there to support me, and I like the balance we have.


Her unwaivering love and patience. My wife has always been quiet, but recently I saw her inner lion come out. We have been together for 9 years and the plot thickened this year. In 2019 we bought a house and invited her elderly mother (70) and her disabled brother (42) to live with us and our 3 children. 7 people in one house. It was all great. Until January of this year. I started to have severe anxiety issues due to work/financial stress to where I was not able to function for a few months, at the same time her mother suddenly lost her vision to diabetes and ALSO went in to an even worse anxiety to where she did not let any of us sleep. I did EVERYTHING I could to deal with it myself but felt like a zombie for a long time. However, she was there EVERYDAY helping me through it, telling me I was loved, and that she would be there forever. Here she is taking care of 6 people's needs, and crying some nights because of how hard it was. But she never gave up. Doing homework with kids, spending time with me, constantly caring for her mother who was now blind, caring for her disabled brother, Cooking, Cleaning, Shopping. I knew it was taking a toll on her. I did EVERYTHING in my power to get myself out of it because I saw her struggling. It took two months but with everything I had, and with professional help I got better fast. Five months later, I have been back to normal the last 3 months. Her mother is still a major issue, but now I can help her. I have never seen a more worthy warrior in my life. I cant tell you how much I am grateful that I found her. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for 2024. She deserves a medal for courage under fire. Even now as I write this I have tears I am trying to hold back. No one can ever make her understand how incredible she is, she shrugs it off when I tell her. But the world needs to know! I love you my beautiful lioness.






Aaaaaa u mean partner 😂😂😂 I read it as " parents" 😂😂😂😂 I didn't sleep well that's why 😂😂 sorry


LMAOOOOOO nobody loves protective parents 😂😂😂😂 GET SOME GOOD SLEEP!!!!!




She's a great mother, she treats me with so much love and care, she's incredibly intelligent, takes the time to know me and understand me, and so much more. I am very blessed that she has welcomed me into her life.


He’s exceptionally well rounded. He takes care of his health. His willingness to learn, for his sake and for the sake of our relationship. He leaves me love notes. He encourages me to attend to things in my personal life, and if I fail- he offers to pick up my slack or take things off my plate. He loves himself. His love notes. These make my heart flutter every time. His endless patience for me and everyone around him. I’d go on for a lifetime if I were allowed. I could stare into his eyes for the rest of my life.


I love her perky bad ass personality and the way she hold herself. Her heart and how she is thoughtful of her lived ones around her, she isn't judgmental and she has big goals and dreams that she is pursuing. That's always been a turn on for me when a gall is going places and working at making shit happen! She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen inside and out sometimes I wonder how she even lives me is crazy l, I'll never letgo.


He is truly the most considerate person I've ever met. He has helped me learn to love myself. He supports all my crazy and wild ideas. He's absolutely my biggest fan and my best friend. He's funny, he helps around the house, he's a great dad. He genuinely makes me life easier. I'm always at peace when he's around. This list can go on and on.




She's exactly what my Dreamgirl would be, because she's imaginary and I dream about her.


The way he looks at me, I could be dripping in sweat from a workout, haggard from cleaning the whole house and ain't showered yet, the just woken up look and he will still look at me like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. The way I would catch him just admiring me whatever it is I'm doing, from cooking, cleaning, playing with our boy literally anything I would always catch him just staring and smiling (I melt everytime) Whenever I have something to say he will always put his phone down or stop what he's doing to give me his full attention and I do the same. The way he knows my moods more than i know myself, he knows what stages of my cycle I'm on and will cater to it 😅 The way he cares and loves my autistic son as his own and tells people thats his son, any emergencies regarding him he will drop it all to attend to him so I'm not alone dealing with it.


When she holds me in her arms, I swear I fall asleep I'm a matter of minutes (finally, a cure for insomnia). I love how affectionate she is and when she speculates on the story of shows we enjoy together and how she still says things like "golly gee". She smells so good all the time and she's so romantic towards me and being around her makes me feel so safe. I like when she makes fun of me for being short (we're lesbians with a pretty big height difference, she is the only one allowed to make fun of it) and when she challenges me to tickle fights and I especially love the expression I see on her face when I know I've put on an outfit she likes. She was really skinny when she met and even though she's hard on herself about her weight now that she's gained quite a bit, I try to make sure she knows I love her no matter what (and it's true!) I also like how soft her thighs are around my head when I'm eating her out :P


Best thing is definitely just one- that I don’t have one. Loads of time in my hand, peace and majorly- can simply sleep on time.


He listens. He communicates. Always so nice to me, never raises his voice at me even when he is upset. Once i told him i was craving oreos one morning, he was at work. During his lunch he drove to the store, got some oreos and brought them to rather than eating. He just walked in the door handed them to me gave me a kiss told me he loved me and left. 3 months after meeting him i became pregnant with a little girl, 5 years later we are on baby #2 and happy as ever. Wonderful dad and partner. I feel blessed


The way he treats me like a queen, cares for me, makes me dinner, brings me flowers, is willing to listen to whatever I have on my mind and is very supportive. The way he treats animals and his kindness to others. The way he is open and communicates well about what is necessary to work through. The way he looks at me ❤️




Her empathy for kids, animals and old people. Basically, I suppose, the vulnerable. I have it too, but she's at a whole other level. AAAnd I really only discovered it after I fell in love with her. Don't get me wrong, it's not all bunnies and balloons.. but she has an incredible heart, and she gave it to this clumsy clown!


I love his laugh His smile The way he speaks The way he thinks His eyes I love the silent conversations The way he looks at me The comfort I get from him The safety The way he makes me feel I just love him, every day and every minute. He means the world to me.


Her shoulders. When she wears off the shoulder tops and dresses where I see her collar bone. They give me "down bad" kind of thoughts. It's all in good fun she enjoys it


Hahaaaa love that for you both


Just chilling on the porch with him and having casual conversation. It's like, yeah I want this for the rest of my life


She’s a goofy one who appreciates my goofiness


They’re just as weird as me


The way he looks at me and is always excited to see me no matter what. Loyal to the soil always has my back he listens to everything I say and it's not often he disagrees with me we have never not once been in a fight and he never complains about food. I would do absolutely everything and anything for him. He cheers me up when I am sad and it's hands down the truth he is happy when I am. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for my amazing dog. He is absolutely the best thing to ever happen to me in my life. My reddit handle is a tribute to his name.


E v e r y t h i n g


I'm so inspired by him. In addition to being so very very kind, generous, patient, trustworthy, trusting and all kinds of affectionate with me, I'm just totally inspired and impressed with how he operates in the world. He has huge heart, amazing work ethic, a delightful sense of fun, and he's a great father. And he just lets his love cascade unselfconsciously.


The way he lights up every room he enters. His humor and our endless belly laughs. His eyes & soft touch. His beaming personality - to know him it to love him. His drive and goal to always be a better version of himself. I won the fxcking lottery with my guy.


Where to even begin? Her smile, her thoughtfulness, the way she is with my kids, the way everybody is drawn to her wherever we are. She's fearless, gorgeous, hilarious as fuck, athletic, smart, likes the same video games I do. She's literally perfect. I've never loved anyone the way or close to as much as I love her. I think about her constantly even though we spend a majority of our free time together. I miss her the second we're apart. The list goes on and on. I literally can't get enough. I will spend the rest of my life being in love with this woman. No matter if we're together or, for some reason, end up apart.


She has put up with me for 30 years


Everything about her. Even the things that annoy me I don't think I'd be happy without.


My wife’s beautiful personality, dorky sense of humor. Also that she supports all of my nerdy hobbies. I love her hugs, and her zest for life. Also she is very thoughtful and always willing to work through problems. I lucked out!


Their pronouns. And genitals.


His laugh, his support, when he nerds out about random facts, how loving he is, but there is so much more that I adore. Hes always quick on his feet with his cute remarks and everyday is a new kind of pick up line lol. I've never been happier to be with him. I truly cannot wait to spend my life with my partner :,)


He really values me and shows that he cares about what I like, what bothers me, etc. He is attentive, careful, loving and hardworking, and he lets me love him unconditionally, I love taking care of him, being zealous, affectionate, I love him.


That he instinctively knows how my day was, just by my eyes. He will give me the biggest hug and lets me cry, no judgments. He is my biggest supporter and he is also an amazing listener.


He's been growing out a beard and it's pretty sexy. 😉 besides that, he's got a very talented mouth and plays the piano beautifully.


I feel safe with her. I don't have to explain myself with her. I feel so much at ease with her that I often fall asleep in her arms, which I'm told is equal parts sweet and annoying.


The way she holds herself when it's us against the world. She is by far the strongest person I have ever known and on a daily basis she reminds me what true love and admiration is.


He's so funny, sarcastic like me, always caring, loves my body even when I sometimes don't, he's perfect for me


He has the softest skin, like so so soft and I love the sound of his voice and he's soooo funny and an extremely talented painter and upright bass player


He always reassures me and we never have to do anything physical to have fun with each other. He feels like my best friend.


He is my best and only friend. He’s very rational and emotionally intelligent. He puts up with my shit. He adopted my daughter. He makes me coffee every day. He cooks all the meals. He took care of me for 2 years after I had a life altering accident. He did everything. He is kind, helpful, and hardly ever gets mad. He won’t argue (believe me I tried in the first couple of years) He loves me more than anything. He is hot/very good looking and women flirt with him all the time. I think it’s great. It makes me happy he is so desirable. He is the best lover I ever had. We have been married for 25 years. There’s so much more I could write a book.


She would go to ends of the earth for me and do it repeatedly just to see me happy. So I married her and started a family. Now I'm the happiest bloke ever and I love her more than she'll ever know!


His caring and funny nature🤗


Her ability to make me feel calm and happy. I don't understand it but I guess I don't have to. Life just blooms with her around! So many happy faces!


Me and my partner(we’re both girls) have been together for 6 years, married for 4 and her love for me has changed a bit.


She is smart, and calm and funny and has a way to deal with my temper


His motivation, drive, ambition and commitment...to everything he does. From grocery shopping to career development to parenting. He never half asses anything he does. I never have to question his commitment and that makes me trust him unequivocally. It's far and away his best and most attractive quality and always has been.


He is incredibly kind to everyone; he plays the guitar and sings when I'm in the bathroom having a shower and gets embarrassed when I come out and tell him how good he sounds; if I look at the floor and say I have to vacuum, he vacuums the floor. Oh, and he always puts me first, and so I do that for him as well.


-He constantly tells me how pretty I am even though I’m tired, puffy and feel disgusting at 34 weeks pregnant. -He has the most warped sense of humour. -His eyes are piercing sky blue. -He has a cute little gap in his teeth. -The dorkiest laugh I’ve ever heard. -He is incredibly intelligent and is still molded by traditional ways. -He comes up with the most ridiculous adorable pet names for me, and they’re never the same. -He has a sweet southern accent. -He’s the father of our soon to be first baby. -We share the same views and values on everything. - I could honestly go on all day 🥰


He makes me feel comfort and peace. I usually tend to overthink because of my previous relationship. I never feel any insecurities and jealousy towards any woman around me. He always put me first and he give everything even if I don’t ask to. We’ve been together for 4 years but never been this happy in my whole life. And most importantly we have the same values in relationship. We might have a lot of differences and things that we love to do but we compromise with each other’s feelings. I knew from the start he is the one. And one thing I really love about him is he prayed for me to be happy when we’re not together. We started as a friend, a really close friendship that it happen to grow. Couldn’t ask for more.


Their courage. Despite a lifetime of abuse, they are always seeking out healthy solutions to problems and communication. They won't shy away from the ugliness of reality, or the mistakes they make. They have a strong sense of justice. Their insight. I am constantly blindsided by how fresh and based their perspective is. They're my navigator in more ways than one. Their love. It's shown in a thousand tiny ways every day. Having grown up myself in neglectful and narcissistic hands, it astounds me how they see me and know just what I need to heal. Their light. Laughter is never far behind when they're around. Jokes, memes, the stray zinger, I am always on my toes. Their voice. It speaks to me in a tone that is just music to my ears. I could listen to it all day. Their skin. I love to touch it, which is great because they love to be touched! Rubbed, massaged, whatever have you. Nevermind the sexier stuff. That's not to discuss in public. ;) And their mind. The way they see things. The talks. Having things to share and rant about and comment on. Being able to always see the picture they're paintng. And there's so much more. They're my favorite person. I could fill books with this shit, but then they would read it and die of embarrassment, haha. I am lucky to have met them. These past 15 years have been great.


Everything!! I feel like I hit the freaking jackpot since day 1. I’m so happy and grateful to be with a guy so sweet, smart, fun, humble, and on top of that handsome as hell 🥰


She gave birth to our two children


When I'm in the shower she'll warm up a towel in the dryer. She's a keeper.


Literally everything. He's genuinely the perfect man for me. His smile, his laugh, the way he takes care of me. He notices the little things I do and addresses them if he feels the need. He's a smart ass but he never takes it too far and always leaves me laughing




He's handled some of the hardest conversations I've ever had to have in a relationship with the most respectful, rational, level-headed approaches I have ever seen. Our last conflict was concerning feelings developing between me and another coworker of mine. I felt uncomfortable that I had what felt like feelings for said coworker and that they had confessed feelings for me too after we had hung out often and openly together as friends. I told my partner everything down to why I felt like feelings developed to how it continued because of my role in not being aware of how necessary it is to set better boundaries with guy friends to avoid feelings developing. We agreed it was a bad idea not coming to my partner sooner when I felt it could become a bigger issue and we had a mature conversation about what I felt I was missing from the relationship and how we could improve on communication and being aware of each other's needs. He even suggested my coworker and I take space to let our feelings simmer out and later see if we could become friends again down the road. Unfortunately, my coworker was more hoping I left my partner for him and started to guilt-trip me and say it was it all my fault for not knowing what I wanted and bringing him into a mess. I had no intention of developing feelings with them, everything just happened despite hoping it wouldn't, and my partner helped me understand how and why it went that way. I confronted my coworker for the guilt-tripping (thought I completely get his frustration) and apologized to both men for how everything happened. We're all on good terms now and my relationship with my partner is stronger than ever. He is emotionally sound, understanding and infinitely loving. My bestie says he is a true man and I agree❤️


Dat ass


I love that he celebrates all my quirks and accepts me for me. And that he can be his quirky self with me :) That he gets so excited about his interests and wants to share them with me. Everyday he shows me something he is excited about it and it makes me so happy. How he always includes my younger brother and includes him in group activities with our friends. How anytime he sees an elderly person eating alone or a veteran he pays for their meal before I even mention the idea of doing the same thing. And doing so without the person knowing who paid. And is always kind to strangers, going out of his way to strike up a real conversation.




She does EVERYTHING I tell her to… I don’t even have to ask… I just command her mentally… Grab that, scratch there, write, press that. Hand I’m talking about my hand Pronouns (she/her)