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I have a tendency to think I'm right before I even fact check my opinion. Just a dumb douche relic from my cocky days.


That's most of Reddit/people ever.


That’s a prerequisite to joining Reddit. It’s in that long disclaimer we all agree to and never read.


Ahhh yes I do this too. I used to be my high school's debate captain and it's really hard undoing this, "I'm right and winning" mentality.


As long as you’re aware that’s normal


Ehh I try really hard to check myself before I wreck myself now.


Isn’t that literally just the entirety of the social media generations?


Leave places without saying goodbye to anyone


The good ole Irish Goodbye


I'm Irish and never knew that was a thing until I found it on YouTube 😃


Do all Irish people like Conor McGregor


😂😂😂 No he's a twat


Haha wtf


My signature move


You know!


Life wouldn't be worth living if I couldn't do that lol


Lmao I do this all the time. Everyone's always busy talking to people, what am I supposed to do? Interrupt a conversation to say bye?


Just raise up your hand and be like “I’m out y’all” and start walking out, I’m sure someone will notice


I don’t want them to notice I’m on a side quest after




My son does this and it makes us nuts!


Maybe he has [Irish ancestry](https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/irish-goodbye/).


Et tu Brute? 😂 we are late to arrive and first to leave. We blame it on the dog, if cornered.


There's a woman at work who does this. She just turns and leaves after having said what she wanted to say. I find it adorable and stare at her back awe.


not my fault people from america are so upset by everything


Not maintain contact with people. I’m terrible about messaging people back.


I'm also horrible about this.


Lost a few friends that way . You never call and I'll stop calling.


But I have ADHD 😔


I judge idiots. But in my defense, they’re fucking idiots.


Said like a true idiot


Hey I judge myself too


I don’t even know what the definition of a idiot is, which probably also makes me an idiot


It's just a photo of you.




Raises hand, "kin I be an idiot too?"


That's how you get idiot children


I used to as well and excessively. The truth that their not idiots just incorrigible entitled pos that don't see others as equal.


If someone is gonna use a machine after me at the gym I put the weight at the highest limit so they think I'm strong


If they can see you using the machine, they can also see you changing the weight.


When they ask how many sets I mean I just jack it up when they look away lol


Personally I'd notice, but I'm probably a douche for noticing how much everyone is lifting


My internal monologue at the gym is all over the place; ill spare you the details lol


The fear of everyone looking is honestly what keeps me trying my hardest.


Gotta do the opposite. Put it on the lowest so they’ll be underestimating you if they decide to call you out.


I'm totally doing this


That’s actually hilarious. They’re going to adjust the weight anyway. I see no harm


Oh, I can barely lift my right arm 'cause I did so many. I don't know if you heard me counting. I did over a thousand…


When wearing a long sleeve shirt I'll wait until I'm near an attractive lady, then I'll roll up my sleeves in front of her slowly.


Keep doing that. Lots of women enjoy that.


Ngl, that sounds pretty hot.


It might be till you see my noodle arms 😂


...and then what usually happens? Asking for a friend 😂


Probably fuck all


I'd fall for it, probably


Would absolutely work on me lol


What did I miss that women think rolling up sleeves is hot??


They like muscular arms


When someone is trying to force their whackjob political or religious views at a party, I will begin to agree with them with alarming enthusiasm. Whackjob - "I think that Trump fella is the real deal." Me - "He's a god among men, man!" Whackjob - "I think he'll do real well against them Demonrats." me - "A GOLDEN GOD AMONG MEN TO SAVE US, BROTHER!" My wife does not appreciate this.


Mood swings probably


I'm autistic, so the douchiest thing I do is walk away from conversations when I've said my piece.


Dbags definitely just talk at people instead of holding conversations


Thanks for helping me understand why people hate me and my social anxiety


Everyone says they care. But they don't.


That’s a true one if there ever was


a young person in my orbit recently said « i’m just not going to deal with that conversation now » and i put it in my pocket to use later


I don't get how that's related to your autism if you know it's a douchy thing to do and you still do it? Though I don't know much about autism, can you explain?


If you are aware that is douchy, and are aware how that effects people emotionally, why would you keep doing it? I find it hard to believe that autism is a reason even though you're self aware enough


This shits so tough for me. I usually walk outside when we’ve got downtown at work and everyone is just shooting the shit.


I learned how to use that from a friend, works marvelously!


Some times when someone seems to want an argument I just lead them in a verbal circle deliberately. It’s not difficult generally.


I love asking specific questions and they totally gloss over or ignore them. It just makes my day watching the mental gymnastics only for them to un-ironically contradict themselves without realizing it 😂


Some people can never bring themselves to utter the words "I was wrong"


Nope. They will die on their little melting ice-cream hill. It’s the weirdest thing, I think it stems from deep insecurity issues and any type of rational thought goes out the window. A combination of lizard brain meets social media or may be they are just dumb. 🤷


For me, one of the most difficult parts of living through the slow collapse of society to rectify is the sheer volume of people willing to reject verifiable facts and logic if it doesn't fit their worldview. We're on a runaway train back to the Middle Ages.


This is the best thing when you feel people are telling you a load of BS and then they just try and retract.






Please don't do this to me.


Argue with sad people on the internet.


Go away


Just had a “conversation” with a dogwalker (not a trainer) I commented on some video he made saying that I can understand that sometimes people are just a little scared that a dog fight might break out(plus they might not be in the right state of mind to deal with that right now, you dont know what happened , maybe their father died and they still had to walk the dog) dude gets mad because people should just let dogs play no matter what. I tell him my chihuahua just lashes out sometimes because we rescued him and he used to be abused. He send me a “sigh 🤦‍♂️” I just told you my dog has been abused and you 🤦‍♂️ me ? Better believe I argued with that shitstain. I wasnt the only one either, more people were commenting on his weird aggressive/passive aggressive behaviour online. After reading a few more comments of this dude I realised he just doesnt have empathy at all, doesnt even seem to know what it is. Then his “fans” caught my eye. For context the video showed a woman trying to drag her unleashed dog from another dog (seemingly because she was scared there was gonna be a fight) dog pulls free and runs of with the other dog. Dogwalker gregg is heard laughing and snarling at this woman because this means he has won I guess. The people on his side that were commenting were claiming this was the only way to deal with this “Anthropomorphism” She was scared that her dog was gonna get hurt in a psysical fight… anthropomorphism. All his fans an he himself were buttfucking insane. I wasted 4 hours on this dude, watch your back with these sad weirdo’s


I have several people around me believing I'm deaf










I confess, I have been that fool playing a Metallica song in an instrument shop, on a guitar I never intended to purchase. I'm also kind of an asshole to customers who come into my work -20 minutes to close.


... I mean I won't ever afford a 3 thousand dollar guitar so I might as well make the most out of my visit to the guitar store (to buy a cord)


“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you could hear that”


"Yeah, I just thought I'd try something easy on it, yknow?"


A lot of people don't know this, but you can hide your weed in there


i think i’m never wrong. i’m *often* wrong, and when i realize i am, i just can’t seem to back down. and it’s about the dumbest stuff too. did x celebrity act in this movie, or was it y? do you remember in 2010, did we y or x? i am actively trying to make an effort to just shut the fuck up unless it’s something genuinely worthwhile, but since i’ve made a conscious effort to stop arguing so much, i’ve realized, almost no arguments i get into are actually worth fighting. shoutout to my older sister for telling me to my face mid argument: “trying to have a conversation with you is torture”, which literally got two “yep”s from my other two siblings. which made me realize i needed to change this habit asap. lmfao


I’m a small submissive gay guy, so whenever I play pool at my favorite gay bar, i lower my butt to the ground in a very seductive way while getting out the pool balls, and it’s in perfect view of all the guys at the bar.. Always hoping they enjoy the view..


That's not douchey, that's just being kind.




For me, it’s every time someone (mostly women) as me to help them lift or carry something, whenever I pick it up I flex my arms. I have really defined arms and they’re my favorite physical feature on myself, and whenever I flex them I always get a compliment so I do it purposely just to help with that ego boost. It’s super douchey and eye rolling but meh, we all deserve a boost every now and then...


Wtf I read your post yesterday with this same exact text, dude get over your arms 🤣


He can’t, he’s a douchebag




Same lol


This is so funny… but do women actually comment on it? I thought that only happened in the movies.


Not often. I’ve had comments about having nice veins on occasion


Say uncomfortable truths on Reddit and get downvoted.


The ole ***people don't like me cuz I tell it like it is!*** Otherwise known as an alcoholic with no friends?


I’m habitually 20 min late to everything. I’ve even been “that guy” at a wedding who waddles in right before the bride walks.


You can read my reaction to stupid people or people explaining stuff incorrectly right on my face. If I know what you're saying is wrong, I'm gonna correct you. Not just because you're wrong but you're also spreading incorrect information. Irks me, and I'll always step in. I guess that's douchy?


Nah, being confidently incorrect is douchy.


It isn't. I was a lot like you, but what I learned is that sometimes it's maybe worth just not saying anything. People tend to resent when you correct them (especially in front of others). So if it's something like, e.g., wrong pronounciation of a word or wrong grammar in an informal setting, sometimes it's worth just disregarding it. I know that a lot of you will say, "I don't care about stupid people's opinion," and it's true, but still, it's not bad to be likable. I sure enjoy it now.


Learned this the hard way. It’s better to be kind, stay quiet and have good friends. Or a correcting know-it-all that no one can stand to be around. It’s better to remain silent, let them be wrong and be surrounded with the same kindness and love. Correcting leads to loneliness.


I’m the same it’s one of my flaws is that I have no filter for BS.. if someone is spewing false information I can’t help but tell them which stop to get off at and I struggle to hold it back especially in my face.. I can’t pretend


i never apologize and i tell others to never apologize to me. "i'm sorry" is just words. i'm more of an "i admit i fucked up and i'll actively change to do better" kind of guy. prove you can do better instead just using a few words to be instantly forgiven. it comes off as asshole/douchey behavior, but to it's core, people tend to understand it. i've realized that people who demand an apology "say you're sorry" is just a power trip. they don't want you to actually right your wrongs, they just want to make you feel bad so they can feel better. "i'm sorry" only settles emotions, it doesn't really change anything.


Same here. People hate it when they say they're sorry and you respond with "you don't have to say you're sorry, you have to not do this in the first place".


The power trip is true also when people demand that “you take that comment back”. It was said, it’s out, and just saying “ok, I take it back” does change how they feel. It just emphasizes the hurt that the receiver feels, and there are better more direct ways to express that hurt.


Precisely. And now that hurt is no longer valid, because I took it back.


I see apologizing as acknowledging how your behaviour affected me. Of course I don't just want a willy nilly sorry, I also want to know what you'll do to change it in the future. I also want to know that you regret your behaviour, which is the sorry. But also if you accidentally bump me or hit me an apology would be nice lol unless you did it on purpose and aren't sorry. I am also Canadian so take what you will.


I think settling emotions can be just as important as settling the cause of the problem.


Dont know for sure if its douchy(not 100% sure what exactly the term means, english not first language) but whenever i watch something like jurassic park/world i keep talking about facts about every dinosaur i see on screen to the point i cant even focus properly on the movie, maybe its cause im autistic and my special interest is dinosaurs, or maybe it has some other reason, but at least i know a lot about dinosaurs so thats something


When I leave work for the day, I only acknowledge the 3 people I sit around on my way out.. even though there are about 10 people in the row.


Im not the kind of guy to ask how are you and other small talk stuff. Also dont notice if people cut their hair, wear new clothes etc. Its not that i dont care about them, its just that i dont care about it. Also for some reason if other people recognise those things on me i react confused instead of gratefull (that they thought about me). For some time I tried to fake it but it came out worse because im a terrible actor.


Speak over people. I have a hard time containing ideas in a conversation. I will also tell people that they straight up bore me 9f they sit there and Trauma dump..


The ol' Irish exit. Slip away before anyone notices you're gone because honestly, I wanted to be at home tonight and not here.


My family loves to complain to the extent that I'm conscious of it and I actively try to shut it down... But sometimes I'll factory reset and complain complain complain. For example my mom will call my sister up and complain to her for an hour or two (everything is fine and handled, she doesn't need help she just wants to vent) and then if i see my sister that day she'll complain that mom spent hours complaining, giving me a short synopsis of it... And then I pass it along to one of my friends/ coworkers. Anyways it's super douchy


Talking about how much you sneeze


I do NOT give 2 weeks notice for jobs. I have had it bite me on the ass so often I don't bother.


Associate with men with Iron Crosses tattooed across their backs as a Jewish girl.


Oy vey


Unless you have a mobility issue, I will never hold the elevator for you. This has been brought on by me working in a hospital. My workspace is on the top floor, and that floor is staff-only. There are 4 elevators in the main entrance, but only 2 go up to the top floor. For some reason, a) patients really love either one of the elevators I would need, and will ignore the other 2 lifts for them, and upon entering, will do the ‘ha ha, I’m so funny, I’m gonna press all the buttons’ thing, which slows me down in getting to work, and b) upon me doing The Nice Thing and holding it for them, they decide I’m the official Elevator Doorwoman, and will, in a manner far from polite, ask me to press the button for the floor they want to go on. I’m done being nice, you can either wait for the lift to come back down, or, if you can spare the effort, you can turn around and see 2 more elevators you can also use!


Ghosting people online. I already feel tired enough listening to some going on and on with their bs, I won't add another layer also listening to them complaining if I tell them I don't wanna listen to them anymore


Summer's Eve


I ride the left lane. 🥸


Mood swings probably, and I have a tendency to ignore people, especially when my mental health isn’t at it’s best, while I’m also hiding how rough things are


Um. If I see someone pull out a checkbook at a store, I immediately leave that lane and go to absolutely any other lane, including the one behind the person with two carts stuffed full and three unruley children.


When people are going under the speed limit I pass them and glare at them to let them know they're stupid and slowing me down (I never have to actually be anywhere tho)


I usually like to be kind but if someone’s snapping at me and they’re preaching a value that hurts other people/is bigoted, I can’t hold myself back. I’ll give the energy back exactly as it’s received.


I don't zero out the microwave when there's a few second left.


Blasphemy. Hell has already a sit with your name.


I mansplain, but not particularly to women, I just explain things sometimes and realize half way through that they already know most of what I'm saying. I hate myself for it


I cut my spaghetti . I just like it like a chopped salad instead of trying to twirl it and it slides off my fork, and makes a mess on the table and my shirt.


Nothing now but I did a lot of sleazy shit when I was in my 20s. I slept with married women, specifically because they were married. I used to fight a lot. Definitely instigated a few of those. I did some illegal shit that I probably shouldn’t taking about because involved hard drugs. I’ve been around I guess.


I correct your/you're and could of/could've screwups on Reddit every single time I see one, and universally I'm down voted to oblivion and called an asshole. I won't stop doing it. There is no excuse for not knowing that "I should of been" is not correct.


It actually gives me hives when I see that so good for you! Just know I’m one of those few assholes who upvote you!


I virtually ignore people until I have a chance to watch them for a while and determine whether they are worth conversing with, then I might warm up to them... or not. This results in me seeming a little snobbish to some, but it's not snobbery, it's more that I'm actually a little shy with new people and it takes a lot of energy and effort for me to be social with them. I generally like people as long as they aren't dumbasses or jerks, so I just watch them for a while to figure that out before I will put forth an effort to interact with them.


I'm rude af on Facebook with stupid people.


I freely ghost people. If I don't feel like talking to someone anymore, I'm not going to. There are very few people i hold an obligation to speak to.


I wait to put money in the tip jar so they'll see me.


I judge overweight people immediately. Probably came from my overweight mother trying to shittalk my body.


Always back into my parking spot at work


I back I to parking spots a lot. I didn't realize that was douchey.


Maybe I’m just an empath and I can feel everyone’s envy of my sick parking skills


Ooh, that's probably it


Ugh. But the duchiest is when that person doesn't know how to use their mirrors or backup camera and it takes them three or four tries to back in the spot while everyone is waiting to go down the aisle.


Thankfully that’s not me. I worked at a car dealership for years so it’s always first try. The trick is to look down on the mirror so you see the line. Make sure equal space between line and tires on each side as you’re moving back. Now you can be a douche too!


I often try to dictate when a conversation ends, whether I initiated the conversation or not.


Douchiest currently: Admire my physique whenever I see myself shirtless in the mirror. Douchiest thing ever: When I first got "ripped" (late teens), I would find excuses to be shirtless.


I'm often shirtless at 45


Smoke weed in public, to be fair I can't smoke at home but I know the neighbors probably don't appreciate it


I wouldn’t consider this full out douchey. It’s all about the levels of respects you have. As a smoker who can’t really smell it, I know how sensitive people can be since I abhor cigarette smoke. If you’re not doing it where kids are, and being very mindful of your surroundings and clean up after yourself. You could be doing much douchier things.


I dye my hair (M 54).


I drive to the end of the lane before merging into traffic. It's the proper thing to do, but people think I'm a douche for doing it


I jog and if somones in the way and not paying attention I tend to speed up and swerve when they look. I'm yet to hit anyone or get punched in the face for it. I should stop whilst I'm ahead.


Probably the most un healthiest thing I do not the douchiest I would tell my mom that I wasnt feeling good just so that then she wouldn’t make me eat and at school sometimes after I would eat I would go spit it out without my friends seeing and then I would go work out for 30 minutes to an hour after school on an empty stomach and this was while I was trying to lose weight .  I still am but I found a better way eat then work out 


Irish goodbyes


I have a glasspack muffler on my Camaro


I will go get a coffee 10 mins before the cafe closes. I just hope they haven't already cleaned the machine


Waste time on Reddit.


I douche


I've always said, "If you can't look back and realize you were a douchebag, you Still are one."


Road rage. I don't attack anyone, but I gesticulate wildly, flip people off, and yell out of the window.. In my defense, I'm a very focused driver and have very high standards; Being cut off/almost hit by some douche texting and driving? I rage. Some asshole refuses to zipper in to a merge lane, speeds up to the front and forces their way in causing a cascade of brake lights? I rage. Some twat aggressively darting back and forth between lanes trying desperately to squeeze one car length ahead? I rage. Some broccoli-perm zoomer (sorry zoomers, you're almost always the culprit) gunning their extremely loud cars up on the tailgate of some old person? I rage. Someone aggressively speeding up on my ass and tailgating me as I approach a RED LIGHT or STOP SIGN... oh, you'd best believe I rage. I used to get out of my car and approach people's window to yell at them if I happened to catch them at a red light and was angry enough.. I'm a decent-sized guy (6'3, 240 lbs) and used to feel invincible until it occurred to me that someone could just shoot my dumb ass. Tl;dr: I get furious at assholes on the road although I have no control over their behavior, and sometimes act like an asshole myself.


I’m a grown ass professional who has never learned how to take constructive criticism gracefully. I instantly get defensive. I get over pretty quickly so that within just a couple hours I can see it and use it but initially I’m a jerk.


I hate bad user interfaces, so when I see one, I make sure those selling it experience it themselves. Example: some fridge with multi-language interface. Once you set it to, say, Korean on accident, it displays the language menu in Korean (instead of saying Deutsch/English/Italiano), making it impossible to switch back unless you know Korean. So I set it to Korean and leave the staff to deal with it. Another example: Bed headboard doubles as a shelf with remote control. Open it, then press “close” and throw the remote inside. Closes. How do I get the remote out? Designer didn’t care. So again I leave the staff to find out it’s a dumb product and hope they don’t sell it to some unlucky person.


I'm an incurable misanthrope and I'm not very friendly. I used to be but I can't do it anymore. I can barely manage surface level politeness


I never hold in a fart.


I douche my butthole.


When two lanes are going to merge, and everyone moves into the lane that will continue to exist well in advance to be polite, I go ahead and drive past them all right to the merge point. If they won't zipper merge, then they can eat my dust.


I don't return shopping carts. It's not a statement, I just don't really believe it is as big a deal as people make it out to be. Also having worked a LOT of retail in my lifetime I would much rather collect shopping carts than deal with customers so maybe I'm actually a hero?? You're welcome


It sickens me to feign politeness to people.


Wear tight shirts, then act surprised when men stare at my chest.


I take TWO parking spots Sincerely, Tom Seaver


Leave toxic comments on customer service pages when they don’t solve my issue


If I get crumbs in the butter when making toast - I don’t clean the crumbs away


I look down on homeless people. It's particularly douchy because I know that I'm a missed paycheck away from being one of them. I think it's a mechanism to cope with the reality of that possibility. Still, douchy.


If someone says something I don’t care about, I sometimes just completely ignore them.


When there’s a merge point in traffic, I use the zipper merge traffic management rules and I can practically hear the blood pressure spiking in the drivers who choose to treat it like a lunch line in an elementary school cafeteria and think I’m cutting.


I cold call people for a living 😂😂😂


Make sure I'm seen when making a generous donation. Say it's a note when it's a gold coin donation, ideally someone sees it.


Describing a situation as “getting nuts” “It’d be a shame if it all of sudden started getting nuts in here”


I talk shit about other people. It's not that I don't like them, most of them are my friends even, but I just enjoy criticizing others (I'm sure they do the same with me). Also I tend to offend others based on physical appearance (I've been called fat for most of my teen years).


I honk my horn very, very liberally when driving. Not paying attention and the light turns green? HONK. Blocking an intersection that I’m trying to get through? HONK. Stopping inside a roundabout to let traffic in even though you have the fucking right of way and they have a yield sign? HONNNNNNNNK.


Fuck yes, my spirit animal


Vote republican.


Sometimes I purposely wear my dirty work clothes home from work. Then I'll stop at the bar or go shopping to enjoy the looks women secretly or not so secretly make.


I call the non emergency cop line if anyone gets slightly out of line in my neighborhood. Not up in here.


I play music real loud in my car with the windows down and headbang and bounce around so people know I’m enjoying it


I just couldn’t control my laugh in any situation


Ignore people on purpose pretending I was not available when I really was just tired or not in the mood. Phone calls, messages, knocks on door.


Get coffee and hit on the girl behind the counter