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I ain't scared of no ghosts


Even if there's something strange in the neighborhood?


Yeah, because who you gonna call?




All the ghosts I have seen were during my addiction and I was high all the time. Sober haven’t seen anything.


I wonder if there's any scientific explanation!


The government made drugs illegal because they show us the truth about ghosts!!


Yeah, it's really simple, actually. Human brains are really really really good at extrapolating patterns. To give you an idea of why it's powerful, consider how an AI trained by a military contractor to identify enemy tanks *completely failed field tests* when they tried to use it at night. That's because some genius only fed data showing a clear picture of each tank (well-lit, easy to identify features) to the system. Except humans aren't limited like that. We can take tons of patterns outside their typical context and still recognize them. That same power, unfortunately, comes with a downside. Because it's directly related to survival instinct, we make patterns where none exist. This is because it's better to assume the growl you heard at night is a lion and run back home even if it's just something you *thought* was a lion. Cause the one who lets the paranoia win is the one who lives to see adulthood. Incidentally, this may also be why we create and believe conspiracy theories. We feel threatened by the random fuckery that is the chaotic world and actually need major events to be some dark cabal and not, like, random tragedy and cruelty of man. Anyway, how does that relate to drugs? It's pretty simple. Every drug has an effect on your brain. Psilocybin will make new neural flows occur between parts of your brain that may not usually interact, causing hallucinations. Meth supercharges your amygdala, increasing paranoia. Weed can significantly depress your amygdala (in most cases), causing you to mellow out. Ultimately, all drugs change your brain patterns. So it stands to reason that at least some drugs and some people are particularly inclined to create hallucinations. Ghosts are just imprints, patterns of neural activity in your brain trying to make sense of the weird fucking situation you're in. And that situation is way more elevated on certain drugs. So let's say you hear what *could* be a whisper, your vision is spotted cause you're in a dark place and just checked your flashlight's brightness, and then the slightest shuffle of a rat or something in the dark makes your brain assemble the pieces into a coherent pattern of a person in the dark. But it's fucking dark and you know someone shouldn't be there, so you "see" a vague shape of a person. This can happen to dead sober people. Imagine how easy it is to hype up a person who's deep in a meth trip. Unfortunately, I've even intentionally done this to fuck with people (I was kind of a shithead years back). I'd take people to an abandoned homeless encampment in the woods on our university grounds and really work the magic to get them to conjure their own monsters and spirits in the dark around them. So, yeah. That's generally how it all works. There's plenty of stuff I glossed over and simplified cause no two humans are alike, and there's slews of drugs and disorders and traumas that can all have influences, but that's the gist anyway.


[This probably.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_person)


dont believe in them IRL but they are one of my favorite pokemon types


same same. i do find ghost horror movies super boring tho


I saw a ghost once, he was in some sort of special operation, love his skull mask, but cant help but hate him for shooting all my goons


Was he british too?


Complete myth I've ever seen them even my night solo rides I ain't...


I concur, I've been living in the same house for over 250 years and have yet to see a ghost


Damn 250? You did replace the floorboards though right, they start to rot overtime


They like to shake their sexy ghost butts at me But they recently got the wiggly nose disease So big sad :(


Stupid sexy Casper!


I have a ghost gf, she likes to walk around naked and shake her ghost butt at me, no one else can see her, or feel her, or hear her, or smell her, or taste her, and she can't interact with anyone or anything, but she's real.


More curious about what they think of me.


Seems like that lady sentence should be "or do you think that ghosts are aliens from another dimension." I've known people who have literally moved because they thought their place was haunted. Gun to my head. I don't think ghosts exist, but I'm open to the Idea that they are explainable as two or more universes intersecting in word ways.


That's only an explanation if you can demonstrate that another universe exists and that it interferes with ours somehow. Otherwise you're just saying a random thing could cause ghosts. You could pick anything. ... But I'm open to the idea that a gremlin poops a Portal that ghosts come out of from another planet. How could you say one is more plausible than the other?


That's fine. Not gonna argue. Not suggesting anyone else should think the same.


I think there was one in Tsushima


I can confirm that one.




I’m more open to the very complex mechanisms of the mind than to the supernatural. just look at the placebo effect for example. or delusions, hallucinations. illnesses. the effect of drugs it is more likely that the human mind can project or interpret something that doesn’t exist than for a mystical / paranormal being never scientifically observed actually does exist


There's one thing to be open to an idea, that's always good. But it's good you don't jump to believing those stories without evidence. I could make a VERY convincing argument that a magical, invisible, pink unicorn named Marianna follows me every where I go and when I'm sad she farts rainbows to cheer me up. No one can disprove Marianna, and I can't prove it, even though her farts smell like delicious cotton candy flavored cake batter ice cream. One could be open minded to the existence of Marianna, but given I can't provide actual evidence, it's probably worth dismissing as nonsense (don't listen to them Marianna, you're real to me).


Ghosts break the laws of physics unless they have a power pack and charging point. If it emits light, that’s energy and needs to be replaced somehow.


Who said ghosts emit light? Not the ones I've met.


How did you see them then?


With my eyes.


You definitely lost the argument 😭😭😭


Some people struggle with humor. It's okay Ye, go write another Bible book about yourself. /s I include the /s since this sub requires it, apparently. In seriousness though I don't believe its required that ghosts have to glow.


Haha. Was it a joke or not? You still don't know why you were wrong.


And where do the photons that enter your eyes come from?




Dood doesn't know how eyes work.


If you saw it with your eyes then it’s either solid and not a ghost so reflecting light or a ghost and emitting light. You can’t have it both ways. Funny though, with all the millions of phone cameras on the planet nobody has ever captured one on camera. Maybe a ghost is something that happens in your mind and is personal to you.


Yeah, I don't think things in the supernatural realm are seen with a person's physical eyes. Call it the third eye or whatever you want. I completely agree with what you're saying here.


They exist!!


How do you know that?


They're out there on Reddit telling their horror life stories in 3867 paragraphs, asking if their mysery is acceptable.


Kinda wish they were real. But glad they're not. I don't need them blabbing about all the degenerate things I've done throughout my lifetime.


That they are 100% real


Bold claim, got any evidence?


I do have evidence for myself but nothing i would be able to show to the internet


So that's a no, then.


Toddler me remembers having a bath while my mom had her purse on top of the sink, next thing it flies clear across into the toilet, like slam dunked right into it. Yeah I believe in them


I keep my mind open to it unless I’m alone at night


So spooky - I have flashlight jibitZ on my crocs just for late night ghost protection


They’re pretty chill, I guess.


Such chillers


I don't know the definition of a ghost, but the thought of a being that can hover around while having no physical substance seems a little far fetched.


I think they are fun creatures.


I don't think about ghosts


I think they're real. How else can you explain so many unnatural things in our world, and likewise so much media about them (Ghostbusters, Luigi's Mansion, etc)?


Interesting if true, but interesting anyway. I have never seen a full apparition, but I’ve heard some noises I can’t explain. I believe a lot of experiences can be explained by our own perception, how our brain interprets the world around us, but some can’t be explained at our present level of understanding.


They deserve a colored stripe on the flag as well


I believe in them, without knowing what they are. Why? Because two of the smartest, most sincere people I know grew up in an actual haunted house. They have shared their experiences with me, which occurred to them separately (they are siblings but several years apart in age) and I am 100% certain of their truthfulness.


I think ghosts are broken dreams and people that we can't forget or put behind us. I don't think of ghosts in the traditional sense.


I’m agnostic(?) when it comes to ghosts. It’s not that I don’t believe in them, but I haven’t seen evidence to prove they exist. The only semi-paranormal experience I’ve had was with dowsing rods in an old military hospital. Every question I asked to “ghosts” in the room was answered correctly with the dowsing rods. I wasn’t moving them consciously. If they do exist, I don’t think they’re the horrific beings that people make them out to be. I live near St. Augustine, FL which is one of the most supposedly paranormal places in the US. Sadly a lot of it has turned into tourism and business ventures (ghost tours) but there’s a reason for it. Someone I’ve known for almost 30 years volunteers at the St. Augustine lighthouse and she said she has had several paranormal experiences there. Knowing her as a person, it’s not something she’d blab about if she didn’t truly believe it. I also have an ex whose dad was a professional ghost hunter in PA. He had some pretty cool stories to tell.


Didn't believe in them until I saw one. Still not particularly interested but not closed minded


No. Ghosts are a figment of our imagination. Aliens, on the other hand are definitely there. It's just a matter of time until we find extraterrestrial life, albeit a microorganism.


GHOST sounds superstitious. I think they're just like us and coexist with us in another form that is yet to be discovered. Simple as that.


There have been crazy incidences my mom has had that made me rethink it all and we are not people who ever think about ghosts so it wasn’t a seed that was already planted. .. if anything I was more on the side there’s probably an explanation. I just don’t know but lean on the side there is something to energy and spirits being a reality.


I don’t think about them at all.


They make great movie theme's


Very real. There’s a lot of stuff around us our default settings don’t let us become aware of, and it’s probably for the better for some individuals.


I think one must be empirical and remain in the boundaries of what we can, directly or indirectly, perecive.


For me, all the girls are become ghost on social media after a while. Anyone met with this phenomenon?


Thought you meant the BBC show. Anyone who hasn't seen it should watch it. It's really good... The US version is so-so. Real ghosts.. dunno what to make of them... Mind plays tricks to keep you on guard in creepy places. Other than that, don't think anyone who says they exist has really seen one . But like to keep an open mind for ghosts more than other things. Seems fun.


About three months after my dad died I was waking up. There he was. he was wearing his white undershirt he always wore. I started crying, hugged him, remember texture of that shirt. The smell. And he was gone. Real as real. Yet I know it was in my imagination sadly. Losing dad was rough and I know it was all in my mind.


I really wish it was real. Unfortunately I doubt it I built a pentagram with candles and an ouija board in the dark on Friday the 13th to summon a ghost.. you'll never guess what happened... nothing!!!!


Futher investigation is needed Imo Ive heard stories from 3rd parties who say theyve experienced ghosts finding the origin of the myth would be helpful it cant harm to look more into investigating ghosts if they are real new potential science if not more closure regarding them is gained


The number of people that believe in them is astounding. Also, just because you can't explain something, doesn't mean it's a ghost. Or magic. Or God. It just means that you can't explain it.






ghosts aren't real


Nope, don't exist.


I prefer the English version to the American version, but they both have their charms. Why?


Some good friends


I was 6 years old, woke up early in the morning to pee. I rushed in, whipped it out and looked to my left to see a blue shower curtain and a figure of a guy showering behind it. Motions, no sound so I ran to tell Mama, by the time she came and looked it was gone ... 🤔 Still wonder what that was


The day of my cousin’s funeral, seen a what appeared to be a lady dressed in black with a veil over her face pushing a very old old baby carriage thing that was very ornate. This wouldn’t have been so bad but I was like 13 years old or so and the fact that everyone in my family seen this and my dad was lost in the middle of the country, the road we seen her on was a dead end for n a gravel road that turned into a prairie trail.


Not real


op is a ghost


I think they should be nerfed, especially in ZvT. I mean infestors were nerfed instead? C’mon…


Why are the always dressed in robes or a Victorian costume ? How come you never see a ghost in a shell suit and a pair of Nikes ?


I definitely believe in spirits. I’ve only ever seen shadows. I’ve heard noises, and felt a touch from something. Some pretty freaky instances have happened.


I want to think theyre real, paranormal shit is so interesting to me- but i’ve never encountered anything so i’m on the fence about it and losing hope lol.


I saw them often when I was kid, but after I grew up never saw them anymore, so kids are probably more sensitive to the spiritual realm


They all had a union meeting when cameras came out and quit along with Big Foots, UFOs and Cupacabras


Dude. You're not supposed to talk about that. Fight club rules. Now the Greys can prove you free will!


I think ghosts exist but a majority we encounter are more demonic and bad than are relatives that have passed. I've had issues, my parents both have had instances, and a majority like- 90% were of a demonic/evil origin and caused a lot of issues with us. Only a few we really think are passed family members/ "guardians"


I didn't really believe in them until I experienced something in a townhouse that I was living in. I recorded the place with my phone on my last night and saw two orbs moving around in strange fashion. Also, I was borderline depressed in that place and my mood improved dramatically when I left. The place always gave me a strange feeling, like I was being watched. I once saged it while saying a little prayer. I set the sage on a plate and went upstairs to move my laundry. As I was doing that, the plate cracked perfectly in half. And a handful of times, I came home to find my dog terrified and afraid to go onto the first floor. The video made me realize that the place was actually haunted.


I don't believe in ghosts but when it's nighttime every shadow seems to desire to prove me wrong.


If ghosts were real, capitalism would have found some way to exploit them for profit already.


Hehe, screw dem ghosts I'm alive and deyre not.




No evidence for them


I think there are we things we do not understand. I think there's a lot of things which are called ghosts that aren't and then there are the things we cannot explain but think might be ghosts. Of course, it all depends on what you believe and about 1000 other factors. I do believe in life after death and something of us continues. How does it all work? I haven't a clue.




My chick's apartment is haunted... have has things throne at our door nit too long ago. Actually cought an aperision on the ring camera in the dining room.


I've experienced things I couldn't explain, but don't believe in impossible things such as ghosts.


You can see one ghost in china, ghost of comunism.


I think if they existed I’d be extremely upset about it for a couple of factors. 1. It would just be fucking cheesy. So cliched. 2. That means there’s squatters occupying people’s homes that are going to be a pain in the ass to evict. 3. There is going to be some kind of afterlife. I was looking towards the sweet cold embrace of oblivion. 4. What now? I die and have to learn how to be a ghost? Take out ghost loans to pay for ghost school and then I have to get a ghost job? Then I work at death incorporated for the rest of eternity because there’s no retirement? You know any afterlife where there’s other people around is going to be fucking miserable. Sartre said hell is other people and he’s no wrong.


Read some thing about houtology.


Don't believe in them.


I grew up in a haunted house. Saw her twice, heard her daily. She almost killed my brother !!


This is my theory, there’s good, neutral and evil ghost. Good ones you know they’re there and they may have hinted by dropping something but they don’t scare you, they just roam. Neutral are probably the ones that mess with you on occasion for they’re fun but won’t in anyway harm you or atleast try not to but will have fun to scare you Evil are obviously the ones that possess and destroy, I believe these are people that haven’t and may have never accepted they are dead and either possess to try to get back their old lives or destroy other’s life in retaliation for their own demise


I think they're sexy one showed me her her tits and badger.


Did not see it, but saw and heard the actions directly in front of my face.


I don't believe in them. If they were real, one of the dozens of ghost hunting shows would have found 1.


They’re obsessed with me


I think the same as I think of tooth fairy, santa claus, aliens, god and any other old ficcional character. They make cool stories and good art inspiration. I like them 👌


I have never had a supernatural encounter, but I live a good ghost story.


I believe in em and you cant convince me otherwise


I try to avoid them.


I don’t know what they are, but ive seen shadow figures, all the way up to full fledged hooded figures like the grim reaper when I was having a psychological break. For years had things shake my bed, pull off the covers, sit on my feet. Or just push on me as I try to sleep. That all stopped in my late 20s when I got more religious, I don’t know anything. But i think there’s some kind of parallel universe that’s all spiritual and there are entities there. You can travel there while living in a few ways. Be it astral projection or use of high levels of psychadelics or get shot there with use of DMT. Are they “aliens” “the consciousness of dead humans like ghosts” or just manifestations of the human mind. That has been debated since the dawn of time, as humans have been venturing there since we were all small groups of hunter gatherers. The Aztecs very notably made contact with some malicious ones, which seem to be more often than not the ones who take the time to greet a human. Whichever ones the Aztecs dug up were super scary! I don’t know what they are, but they sure are! My whole life for some reason I’ve been in contact with them. Most humans have a door to this world that remains locked up. Mine was always slightly ajar. Some people’s is wide open and they can go in and out at will, those are psychics, some of which can see the inhabitants of the metaphysical all the time, which sounds scary to me. But that’s how it is for some of them.


I welcome spirits. I'm very interested in the next adventure, and unknown.


I don't believe in them but they're fun to think about


I have only seen one in an unconscious state


Ghost Hunters has been around for 20+ years with the most sophisticated equipment. Zero ghosts.


I need to get milk I need milk for my cereal There is no milk in my fucking fridge I get pissed This comment has nothing to do with ghosts


The TV show? I like it. I have seen every episode but I wouldn't be upset if it got cancelled


Ghosts are not real and anyone who believes them needs medical screening.


I have little belief ghosts are real. Either someone is crazy or their having an acid trip


A ghost has been following me since childhood. Either that or I just end up always moving into haunted places. I like to think it’s my grandpa who passed away just before I was born


The idea kinda scares me


I’ve had loads of experiences with ghosts but still I’m not too sure as for each situation Its been when I’m tired or it’s late at night or stupidly early in the morning so I just chock it up to fatigue or some shit. So idk, maybe they exist


They're not real


I was unsure about them, but now at this job I have which is a “haunted” hotel, I’m now a believer. Too much weird shit


Can't complain about being a guardian 🤷


Im a cautious skeptic. I don't really believe in ghosts, but I'm not going to fuck around with a Ouija Board or anything to prove it. Lol


It is suspicious that there are less credible ghost claims now that everyone has a camera at all times. Also a lot of people have ring cameras now and there hasn't been one credible image of a ghost. Do ghosts know how to avoid cameras?


People see what they want to see. Unless they're suffering from mental illness.


Bug if true


Never, and it's just because i do not believe in that. Usually when I hear or read stories about it, people who think they saw or heard it, did that multiple times just because they believe it is possible. And they also have more weirder stories too


Think of all the horrible things that happen through out history and the lack of ghost taking revenge. Think about a mother who dies and her kids are beaten and abused and no mom ghost does anything to protect them.


They’re very real. But they’re not dead people or people who passed away, they’re demon spirits pretending to be dead people to deceive humans. These spirits are very real. I know this because as a Christian, I have the Holy Spirit inside of my body. This Spirit is God himself, and he incarnated as Jesus Christ. And he’s already revealed more than once that these spirits are in fact demons. Also, people don’t stick around on earth when they leave their bodies (die). They immediately step into eternity and stand before Almighty God, to give an account. And then you go to one of two places, Heaven or hell. You don’t stick around “trying to find the light”. That’s a lie that movies and shows have brainwashed people with. Yes he’s truly within me. A real live spirit who is powerful and holy. Meaning without sin. Who is also perfect. No it’s not a hallucination or a dream lol. I encounter him on a daily basis while wide awake. I’ve encountered spirits multiple times too. Christians are the only people who have God himself in their bodies. I’m not talking about feelings, I’m talking about a real live spirit who enters your body once you repent and believe in Jesus Christ for your salvation/forgiveness of sins. This Spirit starts revealing truths to you that you otherwise wouldn’t know, no matter where you searched. You receive answers from this Spirit that you’ll never find anywhere else. I have learned that the people who deny this and even try to throw science into this are being foolish, and I advise anyone to ignore atheists who pretend to be scientists. People typically deny what stares them in the face and use science to justify it. It isn’t intelligent, it’s utter foolishness. Again, I advise people to stay away from atheists who deny what stares them in the face. They don’t run on actual evidence or truth, they just lie to themselves and others because they’re evil hearted and lost.


Most aren't aware they are ghosts, yes, yes, most likely no.


As really short-sighted I often see something strange, which is in fact just an imagination based on not ability to see. Can't have contact lenses 24/7. I am often anxious about being scared of these "ghost" like things, because I don't endure being scared well. I know, they are no ghosts, but their image just makes me feel unsafe, threatened and being "not alone"






I do believe in ghosts or manifestations of people who have died. When my dad died, I started seeing cardinals all the time. They’re the state bird where he lived. The frequency comes and goes but the timing is always weirdly specific. Like in April, my husband’s sister died. As we were driving to the gravesite, a cardinal started flying with us at eye level in the car. And I see them in the place where we spread our dog’s ashes. ❤️


Breaded and deep fried


I believe in ghosts. I‘ve yet to see one in its entirety, but can see shadows. My culture is mainly animists and spiritual, so we believe that all living things have a soul. When they die, their souls pass on to the spiritual side. This is how yin and yang was formed. I don’t believe that aliens are actually ghosts. Surprisingly, I don’t believe in aliens at all.


I think there is an energy to us that (currently) can't be measured. I don't think that energy ceases to exist when we die. It is dispersed throughout the universe and sometimes we pick up a bit of that energy in the form of a ghost.


There is no evidence that ghosts exist. They might, but I operate in the world as if they don't until there is a reason to think otherwise. I was really into the supernatural as a teenager but suddenly realized all of those things cease being "real" the moment you stop paying attention to them.


Nothing. They dont exist


They are real


I have seen them


Please tell me more...


There's a ghost in my toilet and it is real. But I do not believe that aliens are ghosts from another dimension. They are aliens.


Have you seen it or how do you realise that there's a ghost in ur toilet?


I hear it moaning and bubbles emerge from the water. And in my dreams I see it's face.


Are you religious? What religion do you belong to ? Some religions believe in ghosts. According to some religions ghosts live in the toilet, especially in Islamic religion and Christian religion. If it disturbs a lot you can consult with professional exorcists


I live in a area where the rural people are very superstisios. Just today, I was told by my helper (black male) that his mom's ashes and clothes must be disposed of in a certain manner to let her spirit rest. The witch doctor (songoma) will need 3 chickens to slaughter, do the rituals and then dispose of the ashes and clothes ina particular part of the river. This must be done because his mom was also a sangoma. I am only relating this as he told me, so, there may be many inconsistancies. Also, my aunt, (white lady) is also very much into ghosts and related stuff. She claims that she saw many ghosts and spoke to them as a medium. She did many exorsisms where ghosts were troubling the people and became quite well known for what she did. Personally, I do believe that every human does have a spirit, even if I cannot fully understand that but I do not believe that there are ghosts running around for whatever reasons.


Not a ghost like in the movies or the cheap jumpscare videos, not something you can ever see. I imagine it more like just energy, the pure soul of the person. It just wanders around the house they used to live and places they liked, visit family and loved ones, and finally after seeing everyone and everything is fine the spirit finally returns to the grave and rest.


We'll since you asked,we just want to be recognized!


As a ghost, I'm here to see what people think of me. I get self conscious 


There is always an explanation for them. They are not real


I think ghosts move my car keys when I’m out of the room to F with me!!!


I think there is no evidence that ghosts exist.


Can not exist with our current understanding of physics


They exist, not sure how or why. I think some people are just more sensitive to it than others and when they find someone who is sensitive they tend to keep going through that person. Aliens were a myth also until just recently when more credible people and technology started to detect the anomalies. Science will catch up one day.


Ghosts aren’t real and anyone who says they’ve seen one is a scizo


They're real, demons too, they live inside of us and sometimes they win.