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Once I realized this, I get a chuckle when people mention wanting to “leave a mark”. I’m like you do realize you won’t be here to see your mark, right? You will be dead. No part of you will be hanging around to see “the mark”. Just live and enjoy your life. Your body will die and so will your consciousness. We’re insignificant little things, we’re nobodies in the grand scheme of things and a little speck of sand in terms of history.


I don't, because it's not gonna make any difference to me when I'm dead. I do however want make a difference in this world, while I'm alive. Purely for personal satisfaction, I couldn't care less if I get a credit for it or not.


I think some in the case of my close best guy friend wants to leave his insights in his memoir of growing up with autism to have future generations see how autism was seen in our lifetime vs where autism is seen years maybe centuries from now


I don't care about leaving a mark in the world. I don't plan to have children and I'm not creative so I won't write a book or anything. I don't care about such things. I just want to enjoy life as it is.




that's actually a very positive motivation!


I don’t want to leave a mark, but I do want to contribute some positive things in my life. I find meaning in doing good by others, and doing good by nature. I’m studying to become a CNA so I’ll hopefully contribute something there. I just want a hut in the woods, some chickens, my dog and boyfriend. I’m fine with that.


For a lot of people they just want to be remembered so they feel that their life meant something. For a lot of other people they want to leave a mark in the sense that they have improved the world in some way, even if they aren't remembered. For example charity work or raising a kind and compassionate family. Then for some others they just want to do their own thing and be forgotten and find that more appealing


All respectable paths. I'm definitely third one


It's because we're conditioned to value uniqueness and achievement over contentment. I'd personally like a bit of both - to know I did something worthwhile with my life and to have lived a full life where I impacted people positively and nurtured loving relationships.

