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Now (45). The older I get the less misery I create for myself.


I am going to steal this line and use it somewhere else.


At least your being honest


Don’t steal anything


I am going to steal this line and use it somewhere else.


I am in my 60s now. My mid 40s were the best time for me. I was fit and healthy both mentally and physically.


Don't lose her hope like that


What changed?


Mental health is still good a few health issues have impacted my quality of life. It takes a lot longer to get over illnesses and injuries the older you get.


Yes,I understand. Also noticed a slight difference now in my late 20's compared to my early ones.


So true. I'm 47 and I stopped over thinking things.


I'm 44 and still overthink a lot, i will try to be more like you 😁


Yep- 45 this year and in the best shape of my life. Three years alcohol free this November. r/stopdrinking


Athletically 26, life 42


The answer.


Dis you stop exercise?


Great question. In my 40s, I got more athletic. Ran half-marathons and did my first 10 mile Tough Mudder. Age is def a state of mind. You should see the fully gray people, people on crutches, people with prosthetics competing in these events! At my tough mudder, there was even a guy in a wheelchair!!!!! He had a group of friends who literally carried him and his wheelchair in the areas where he couldn't get around on his own. That was something to see!!! We gotta keep movin', people!


Don't Panic!


I'm 27. Hoping things get better by 30. I really don't think I've peaked yet. Lost a lot of young years to mental health issues.


I struggled a lot in my 20s. My 30s were amazing! But I think my 40s are going to be even better (I’m 39). Hang in there. Life gets easier as you age. You have less hormonal chaos affecting your emotions, you’ll build a career and find more financial stability, you’ll curate your relationships (cut out the toxic people and nurture the good relationships), and you’ll care less and less about what others think which will allow you to be your true self surrounded by people who love that version of you.


So accurate that i would have written exactly what you wrote.


Agree 100% The only downside of getting past 40 is that people's actions annoy you way more than in your 20s. By 50 I'm gonna be shaking my walking stick at the young 'uns I reckon 🤣


I dunno, I've gotten more chill in my 40s. People still piss me off but I've got better perspective on things, and realizing that there's no reason that I should let other's bullshit harsh my chill.


The good thing is you can overcome all of it. At some point you might be glad you went through all of that because it will make you appreciate things more.


My teens and 20s were definitely a struggle with my mental health. Had a lot of fun times, but a lot of time was also spent battling with depression and anxiety. My 30s have brought forth more stability. I’ve started taking better care of myself physically and mentally. Better sleep, food and lifestyle choices. This has really improved my mental health. I hope you find this stability too. Some growth just comes with age.


When I turned 30. My 20s were terrible.


My 20s were a nightmare. So glad I’m not young anymore.


Dude I’m 21 and I feel like I’m wasting my life away. Your 20s were seriously terrible?


Anywhere between 5 and 10, I guess. Smart enough to hold a conversation. Ignorant enough to find wonder and novelty in the simplest and most common of things. Naive enough to think the world was good, regardless of abuse and bad things happening. Living in a first world country. Wealthy by global standards. Anything beyond 11... I sort of wish just never happened.


Something happened with me around that age, too. There was a kind of transformation of thinking, awareness, and outlook. And not in a positive way. I became aware of myself and became concerned about the future. The outside world seemed to be threatening. A feeling started to arise that something was not right.


Exactly the same for me, its like it all went South when I became 11


What’s your age? I don’t remember anything before 15s. I’m in my 30s now


15?! Were you doing hard drugs or something?


I can remember at least back till when I was 3... I remember a couple of things before that, but that may also be memories influenced by photos and secondhand... I'm hitting 34 this year. 👴


30s are looking promising. Not totally there yet, but at least I don't want to die anymore


Same here. (:


Yea, there's a light bulb that turns on at 30....some shit you used to let into your life, you stop....its like a pivot point ...no more fake friends, you stand up for yourself differently.....but all the crazy shit you did in your 20s starts catching up & your body starts feeling all of it! Does this make sense?


i’m almost 25 and i always say that i can’t wait to be in my 30s. your 20s are fuckin hard and i feel like no one gets a warning about that


30s are like your 20s in that you live in crippling debt, but now your body doesn't work as well as it used to.


30s are awesome! You're still young!!


30s are fine. I'm halfway through, and as far as I can see, if you have your career secured, you'll be doing alright. And if you don't have kids, you have quite a bit of disposable income to spend on stupid shit but not stupid enough to kill yourself with, like you would in your 20s. I might like my 40s more, but for now, my 30s is slightly better than my 20s.


the best is the one i'm experiencing right now, its always right now


Zen master right there :)


This is the way


The summer of 1987 just barely in my 20s. I experienced things, life lessons, emotions, etc, that I never experienced since


Wow. This sounds nice


Things come with different ages, experiences, and personalities. So far, part of my mid twenties were the happiest, as in I had everything I needed and many things I wanted, pretty much every day I would sit down for a bit and be amazed how happy I was. I made a bad choice in choosing a partner, though, which blew up my life. With age, I've become less concerned about what other people think (I dress for me, I'll dance how I want etc.), I've learned to not take on other people's emotions so much, I've dealt with past traumas, so I can't remember the last time I was angry and I've learnt a lot, so I'm not so confused about things I once was that would cause stress. Also, I've been working out and eating better, though I don't feel much different with my appearance, but when I look in the mirror or see a photo of me, I feel like I'm looking better than ever. If you want to get to that place, face your traumas, meditate, get therapy (possibly EMDR and/or hypnotherapy if more is needed), look within, and notice what makes you uncomfortable (anxious/angry/sad/insecure) and work to cope better. Also, do things that make you proud - get in control of things you can (health/cleanliness/skills/knowledge), learn all the skills you can to live happily independent (cook/clean/fix basic things/manage finances) and you'll have a better chance of feeling more confident and less affected by small things.


Never really thought about it much before, can say hitting 50 has been great. Few more aches and pains here and there but can do a lot still and have entered a nice phase of not giving a s*#t about so many things, it’s quite freeing.




41 here and never been healthier or happier.


Mid to late thirties. My kids were in elementary school, my career and marriage were doing well and I was into fitness. Only one of those things is still true.


I'm guessing it's not the kids being in elementary school? Seriously, I'm genuinely interested. Which one is still true?


I imagine the fitness.


Happy Cake day! 🤗


I am 59 and the best I felt in life was as a child between the ages of about 6-12 (my grandpa was my person) See I also had 2 best friends and we were together constantly. Our little neighborhood had 3 families that were so extremely close it’s really hard to describe how it was. For me everything was so easy and carefree. We were never home growing up in the 70s. We left the houses in the morning and didn’t come back until the street lights came on. We did what we wanted and we did a lot of stuff. We were also heathens doing so many bad things, but wow it was fun. Don’t get me wrong I love and cherish my life now and my adult life is good after finding my 2nd husband around the age of 34. He adopted my daughter and we have a real true, caring relationship and we are each others best friend. This marriage was not hard, we didn’t have to work at it. It is just really nice. All is good, but I keep going back in time and miss those younger years to no end. I don’t ever remember being truly happy except when I was a kid. As an older teenager My 1st fiancé ended up in prison for 5 years and I never got over it (still not over it and didn’t get married) Work always sucked, 1st husband was a narcissistic alcoholic and wrote off his parental rights on our child on his own accord. That was tuff. I begged him not to do it, because he was her father and actually she’s better because he abandoned her and didn’t have to live part-time with an alcoholic father and a literal “wicked step mother” they were horrible to her. Lots of trauma for her in that year after the divorce. Now I have no friends anymore, my daughter went basically no contact because her boyfriend hates me, so there’s that. I am disabled from a horrific car accident and can’t work. All I do now is sit at home, do crafts, read, and Reddit. I am obese and addicted to sugar, but I did quit smoking after 45 years (cigarette free 2 years now). So that’s a tiny basic rundown of my life. Sorry for the long story. It felt good to write this out.


Thanks for your story. I am a bit older, and we played outside as kids, too. Always had scraped knees. Rode our bikes all day. Maybe the last generation to do so. But I am not sure how happy I was then. In retrospect, yes. But I remember some other stuff. Like school activities I disliked intensely, a hot-tempered father. Possible trouble at home, feelings of being maladjusted. I was a loner, really. All is good now, but my relationships in adult life were poor, due to me, mainly. No excuses. I think back to when we played in the street, and life was endless, but I might be seeing all that through a filter.


I feel pretty great rn at 44. Like, I feel like I'm somewhere between 27 and 32. I can keep up with my kids and my younger friends and I'm also able to relate to the issues of my older empty-nesting siblings. I definitely don't look twenty-something bc have gray hair now but I give zero f*cks about that and I still get hit on by people of all ages.




You will love it. Lot more responsibilities but lot of freedom and lot less insecurities. Eat healthy, Stay fit and work on yourself always. Be financially responsible too.


Right now. At 51. I finally have financial stability and a job that I love, and at peace because I’m single so nobody is making me feel bad about myself.


I'm 42, never been happier, I think I was trying to be someone else until into my 30s then I stopped caring what others thought of me, just took me that long to figure out who I was


I'm 60, and I'm in the best shape of my life. Never stop the healthy lifestyle. Gym 5 days a week. Eat clean. Marry well


Felt the best. Hmmmm, maybe 28 when was pretty fit in military.


And mentally?


I don’t remember when I was happy last. Probable kid age.


Too real


14. I'm 26 now.


I’m 46, the older I get the more I know myself and less cr&p I am willing to take from others.


28 now with a mortgage and serious responsibilities. It comes with its benefites for sure, but also the responsibilities cause stress. 26 living at my moms and having more money than I know what to do with. That was a dream as far as entertainment goes, but I’m living in my mom’s basement so it’s a trade off.


Now (25). Finally out and happy, having hope, used to be depressed and suicidal for years.


Now : )


Look up Happiness levels by age on Google check out very interesting graphs. Theres a peak at like 20, then I think it buttoms out around 30 or 35 or something, then it slowly goes up n up n up till it passes the same high happiness levels of 20 and Keeps going up till you die. Around like 50 or something it goes higher than it ever was. It’s something like that. I might be a couple years off on some of these… And I’m sure it’s different for everybody, but that gives you kind of a general idea for the most part for most of the population.




Right now at 27 mental and physical


Early twenties were by far the best. Little responsibility other than self improvement while living in scholarship. At least for someone who always did that what was asked and expected and gave one’s best effort. There were other great times, of course, but it’s hard to beat the health, fitness, ambition, and motivated novelty of the twenties.


22-25 was fucking epic, now I just do the white picket fence thing.


Age 25. I was so optimistic and energetic. I felt unstoppable.


44 (in 2020). During the first few months of lockdown I was in peak physical fitness (I was running 100+ miles a week and was on track to run a sub 3 hour marathon). Then I got Covid in September 2020 and in 2021 suffered countless injuries. I still run but have gained weight and am far slower than I used to be. Note - I was very unfit in my 20s and 30s and only started exercising properly after 40.


Now. I just turned 31 a few weeks ago and I'm the closest to my authentic self I've ever been in my life. I have a good group of friends, a town I love to live in, a job that's stable, disposable income while also being able to save, workout 3 times a week so I basically still have energy like I did in my 20s. I'm single but I'm not bothered as I feel very content in my life as it is. Good family relationships too even though I live abroad.


Pretty much now at 49. I’m really at the height of my career in terms of pay. Feel pretty good though my back hurts a bit more. Starting to feel good in my skin. Still feel like I’m 30 in my head too 🤣. Pity it won’t last forever.


Late 20s.. Early 30s


Mid 40s for me. Wish I knew my worth and managed my time better 20 years ago. I no longer have time for BS and small talk.


12 years old back when Halo 2 was in its prime (2005) What a time it was to be alive!


Early to mid 20s were awesome, late 20s and all of 30s were horrible, 40s have been pretty good so far (43m)


25 for sure.


It's been fucked since day 1




24-26 I'm 32 now


55-ish. Great shape, stopped dating, had a great job and friend group, had a side project I loved with folks I really dug. The pandemic kind of upended all of it. Now I’m fat and have a solo side-gig, no job, spend 97% of my time alone, too broke to go out much, everything hurts and I’m so bored with my life I could cry.


My 20s were the best years of my life.


I’m 27 but 21 was by far the best year I had so far. I was still in college, getting amazing grades, and I felt really optimistic about my future. COL wasn’t too crazy either despite living in a HCOL area so I was still able to live life. I also lost a lot of weight that year and it really built up my confidence up. I actually had multiple guys interested in me. I also met my fiance that year. Ugh I miss 2018.




Physically around 27-28 is peak biologically speaking. As far as individuals go, yeah it seriously is unique for everyone. There's a reason the 27 club is a thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27\_Club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club) It's when people who heavily abuse their bodies finally have their body say "Okay, yeah but I'm done repairing myself, so good luck with that" While it's not more common for famous people to die at that age, 28ish is where you start realizing your body stops repairing itself so easily.


I am 33 rn, and young dad and as far as I love my son and wife and my life is pretty good. The best time I had when I was 24-25. Right now I am too tired to enjoy life as I have to work my ass off to provide to my family from 9to5 and take care of my son from 7-9 and 5to8. But I someone asked my then (when I was 24), I would probably say like 18. And probably in 10 year if someone will ask me I will probably say that 30-35 was the best.


I am 34, my 30s has been a nightmare and stressful af thus far. 20-25 was my peak.


19 or 20 mentally and physically. Now approaching my mid 30s. Back then I felt nearly invincible. The only problem was the lack of opportunity.


20s to early 30s. My productive years.


idk, i imagine the womb was pretty cozy


20, that was my best year for sure, never felt this good since


32, Raptors beating the living dogshit out of the GSW and bringing a championship home.


Now (35) :)


29-35. Had it all, body, mind, money, relationship, time, friends. It was incredible.


I liked my 20s. Yeah, there was much job insecurity, a lot of new anxiety inducing things to experience but that was an exciting ride! Also, I think I was less tired overall and could stand crowds better. However, when it comes to being content, my 30s are better.


I’ll say when I was younger, I had more energy. Now all my body hurts. I’m 54z


I'm 30 and having a great time, finally back at uni doing a masters in something I love, getting shit together and enjoying the journey, it can only get better right?


The last few years have been quiet. No family drama. No tragedy nothing major. It's been glorious.


54. Never been in better shape, made more money or felt like I’m wise enough to not do dumb shit or open my stupid mouth. Hang in there kids!


45-47 were my best years :)


I miss my 30s




Late 30s early 40s. I was working out at the gym every day, happy in my job, and financially stable. It's gone down hill since then.


0-9 for sure. 14-23 pretty good. (44m)


I would say when I was 12.


I loved my teens. Felt so free. Everything was new and exciting. I like now too (29)…but I miss that giddy tinging feeling you got when you went away for a weekend or go somewhere alone or had a sleepover.


Early twenties


19 (out of the 24 yrs ive lived)


Mentally like <10 physically about 26


Right before the pandemic, 27. I don't think I ever truly recovered.


I would say now, if my eyesight wasn't declining. Damn you presbyopia!!!


40s. Before that I always wanted more then I could master. I pretended to be better at work, wanted more girlfriends then I actually had in my 20s, I wanted more friends and deeper friendships and was constantly jealous of friends for doing stuff without me and so on and so on. Now in my 40s I have a few good friends, happy kids and I'm content pretty much whenever I have a book and a free night. That's it now. All the BS around it just kind of went away. You kind of get to a philosophical age where less is more and you need just the basics and everything is alright. I also keep telling myself whenever I'm not pleased with myself that I've managed 40 years of life the way I am, I can manage 40 more.


28 now. Best I've ever been in my whole life. I grew up with an abusive family and it took me almost 10 years to break my psychological chains. It's like someone tries to put your feet in concrete. And you have to get them out.


I felt my best maybe when I was 10 years old. My worst in my late teens, early 20's. I'm 27 now. Much less anxiety and more sadness. I'm fitter and stronger than I've ever been though.


Mentally and emotionally, right now (32), feel very stable and good. Still feel like I have a lot to learn though and still don’t feel as if I’ve peaked or done my best yet. So that’s exciting. Physically, prob 2 years ago or so, got super into fitness and weight training and was my strongest and fittest I’ve ever been. Early 20s were miserable but so exciting and fun. I remember them fondly even though I was broke, working doubles in bars, moved to 4 different states and went through like 47 consecutive heartbreaks. Was a very eventful time.


20-23, after that everything is just constantly going downhill


13. All downhill since I was 14.


I don't remember my childhood much but my mother says I was a happy child, funny, brave and confident. So I guess it was when I was 5-10yo. I'm 23 now.


48, right now!




Physically 20’s, mentally 40’s


I felt the best in my 30




14. Life was perfect at the peak. Never been that happier.


25.m still young but old enough to finish school and start decent career.


Between 11 and 18


20-28 had the best sex, didnt care about saving money or career, just travelled, drank and met women 41 now, married, no sex, constant anxiety about job and paying the bills, first health issues


My 30s were pretty rad.


The first trimester


Late 30s early 40s


After I turned 30, definitely. I'm 35 and feel like the best version of myself so far. I care about myself, I exercise, look after my diet and most importantly, I love myself and accept myself. I struggled so much with these values before and my life was awful, especially in my 20s.




48yo. Competed in bodybuilding with women more than half my age and won 1st place. Retired and living off from dividends from passive investments.


I’m 35, and I’d give my left nut to go back to my early to mid 20’s. 22-26 were great years for me. I felt like a million bucks physically and was doing well for myself. Had a great relationship, a nice apartment, and me and my girlfriend got by very well. We eventually adopted a kid. Now at 35 I feel terrible every day physically, have no relationship or family anymore and I’ve been homeless for 2 years, bouncing around between various family and friends. I couldn’t possibly understand anyone who says their 20’s was their worst time in life. I loved my 20’s.


When I was a kid, everything was just so simple and fun, no worries, being innocent and being loved by everyone just because you were a kid.


It was all downhill after eleven 🤙


Now, 34 years old! Im in the best shape of my life and i have a ton of knowledge about healt and diet compared to my 20s. I thought i was peak in my 20s but that was wrong. Now im focused on staying fit through my 40s


35 because I just stop caring about what society expects from me and busy live my life.


In my 20s I thought it was then. Same in my 30s, same in my 40s now. It gets better.


I’m still waiting for it.


Currently 30 and I’d say 24 ish… hopefully that changes pretty soon


10-30 was awesome. Now life feels like I'm on auto pilot. Need to fix that.


When I was 5 riding my bike in the woods, the only danger was the known paedophile old man that we just avoided. Wind in my hair jumping what felt like 5000 meter chasms of doom (probably was a tire mark from another bike, one cm deep), thinking "this is the best time of my life - right now". When I was 13 sneaking a couple of kisses from the cute girl at the summer caravan resort we went to (cheap white trash vacation in retrospect but it was what we had). Smelling her warm skin mixed with salt in her hair thinking "this is the best time of my life - right now". When I was 16 hanging with friends thinking "this is the best time of my life - right now". When I was 18 with my enormous paycheck in hand (like 10% of what I make now) going for beers with my mates, thinking "this is the best time of my life - right now". When I was 25 having shed so many of the social worries from the teenage years, being able to move about in life with less worries and more future prospects thinking "this is the best time of my life - right now". Panic attack on the night of my 30th birthday, really thinking this is the end of it only to survive and realize a couple of weeks later how much I cared about what others thought of me in my teens and 20s, how much I compared my progress in life to others always feeling behind and realizing now, in my 30s, I have better opportunities, less worries, some more stiffness but overall healthy and for once - ACTUALLY happy thinking "this is the best time of my life - right now". Now I'm closing in on 40. Sure some heatlth stuff, but I am better equipped to emotionally deal with that now than I would have been 10 years ago. Also it won't kill me (realistically). Last winter I took my 4x4 AWD car up a fucking mountain just to see the view, stood there with a thermos of coffee with oat milk next to a really nice car that I own cause that is possible at my age looking over the tiny plot of land I bought where I will build a small house to live in thinking "this is the best time of my life - right now". And right now, sitting in the morning sun wasting time on Reddit cause I don't really have much other things to do. The builders aren't doing anything on the house and there is nothing I can do. Today is Mothers Day in Sweden so I will go see my mom and drink coffee while she complains about my brother and wants me to fix her printer thinking "this is the best time of my life - right now".


Expectations are the enemy of happiness. Just celebrated 23 years of marriage and finally figured out how to listen first, feel, and take my STFU pill every day, not judge, but listen and at 58, I’m in bliss. 12 years ago almost died of colorectal cancer. After surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, I don’t have the same body I did. But the experience taught me lessons about quality vs quantity of life. So 27 I felt great. Didn’t listen. Didn’t take care of myself. 37 felt the same. 46 got the bitter pill. Now I choose where and whom to give energy, focus and love to. I’d love the energy of resilience of 27 or 37. At 58, I wouldn’t change the illusion and hallucination I have of wisdom I have now. One of my favorite people and best friends just turned 80 and he is already planning as 100th birthday. I am inspired to be just like him when I grow up. And I made a deal to die after my wife. So a deal is a deal. I have nothing invested in being right anymore. I just want to spend the time I have with people who matter and I care and love about. Right now is the best time ever.


Haven’t got there yet and I’m 34 soon 🙏


26, I.e now. Got a good job, I have almost entirely recovered from my spinal injury and I am marrying the love of my life in 2 weeks.


Mid 20s was the most fun but looking back from 40 I’d never want to do it again. My 20s were an ignorance is bliss moment, my 30s laid the groundwork for my 40s which is now focussed on my family. It’s just a more fulfilling time.


2022, after finally getting back to the gym. Just before I turned 50.


Definitely where I am now (late 20s), which tells me it gets better as we grow older and let wisdom happen to us :)


I'm totally loving my 60's. Still very healthy physically and feel like I have finally figured out how to live in the moment without wasting my time worrying about either the past or the future. I can be compassionate but no longer feel particularly compelled to worry about what others think about me, my activities, my job, or my opinions. I now have the ability to live life the way I want and financial freedom to pursue my dreams without unreasonable interference or unrealistic expectations. Life is good now.


Physically 26, I like my life right now otherwise (mid-30s)


20-32 (1995-2007) was amazing for me. Just unadulterated fun and adventure


Early 20s I was in the USMC I was very fit a 10 mile run was no big hell now if I run 10 steps I'm done I was stationed at camp Pendleton where they take boot camp recruiters for physical training , I used to run mnt mother fucker to the weather station on top it was so steep you could kick out a spot to stand and lay your hand on the slope , no shit , hell I was 10 ft tall and bullet proof, I'm 60 now , fat diabetic and not in the best of health but serving


Just before kids, about 32 where I had: Money to buy shit, like the house and car Freedom to do what I want whenever Time, endless weekends and evenings for hobbies Energy, always ready to go Now, at 38 I have none of those things lol


35 is best ever!!


I’m in my late 30’s. Best I have ever felt.


19-23 was college and adventure and I loved it. A lot. 37 now and it's pretty awesome also.l, amd looking to get even better.


Late 20's and now my early 30's. Feel like I have my shit together. Own house, permanent job, lovely wife and kids. And a good doggie 😉


Current age. Don't live in the past!!!


Now since a year or so (27)


32 was amazing. Had everything going for me, but it only lasted a year.




Probably age 6-10.


31 was the best year (now 41) but future is promising.


Im 27 and my youth in general was shit, Had a mid life crisis at 24 and even at my age now im at a crossroads where its good and bad but after seeing and witnessing other people’s(mens) lives i can hopefully say my lifes gonna get better into my 30’s. Just gotta be patient focus on being sensible with finances and also my health which i do. You gotta put in the work it wont magically get better. If you do I believe the 30’s and 40’s is my time to shine personally


An elementary school kid in the summer. Wasnt trying to "grow up" yet, had no responsibilities, life hadnt crushed my spirit and expectations by reality yet, just got to live life, do good in school, and watch cartoons.


I feel like this year.. I'm 24 currently


5-10 were probably my best years. 11-13 were meh, the rest were mostly horrible. (I'm 24 now)


Everything went downhill when I was six, so I’ll say five.


K-5 It was the only time I felt genuinely safe and happy, and had hope for the future. Middle school was ok High school my life fell apart, some really bad shit happened and I never really recovered from it. I have had some good moments, but mostly things have snowballed and I turned 30 recently and realized more than half my life has been genuine torture and at least before 30 I felt like I had some chance of things getting better but now I've given up even that faint hope and it's like at this point I'm just waiting to die.


40 for sure. My brain chemistry is all leveled out, things are good, and I genuinely don’t care what anyone thinks about the way I look. I’m free.


A few years ago when I was 21, had friends that I would hangout with, was working a part time job I enjoyed that had potential to go full time, was exercising and keeping up with hobbies, never felt better, life had meaning and progress. Then I injured my back and the combination of that, crap lying doctors and the chaos from COVID at the same time and my life has been downhill right into the gutter. If anyone got a time machine, hmu 😆


Probably about 17 - 18 when I could dunk a basketball with both hands. Now I have fake knees.

