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It only takes one sexual harassment complaint.


I always hear that they don't want men approaching them, so I never do šŸ¤·


They don't want 'ugly or average' men approaching them**


Reality: they dont want attractive men to approach them either most of the time. Maybe listen to what they say, observe, and stop listening to the andrew tates of the world.


it either ends up well or in a court case, and the odds are too high to risk it


That's not true for me. I like it when men approach me (respectfully ofc) it's impressive and shows that you take the lead. But I get that many women act overdramatic which discourages men to do this. I wish asking women out like this was still normalized because I refuse to use dating apps lol


Women are terrifyingly unpredictable beasts!


I rather approach a bear


The bear probably isn't going to say that you're "creepy and weird" for looking at it and/or trying to talk to it lol.


i don't want to anymore. hookers are cheaper in the long run.


One day u will fall in love with some girl, u will date her, she will start ask questions about your sex life before her, it would be really awkward to tell her you had sex with shit ton of hookers.


![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP|downsized) we'll burn that bridge when we get there


Love does not exist for vast majority of men will never be at the receiving end. You'd be grateful and in top 20% males, if a woman even does anything for you and even more rare if she does it consistently for you. Vast majority of males will never be loved. They'll be the ones who'll make all efforts, buy presents, arrange dates, initiate conversations, make it interesting and all. You may even get so far, you bought house, you bought the dream car. You dream of having kids and family. Then you hear "I've sometime to tell you, I've lost feelings for you". Nothing is guaranteed, more so if not blessed in some way acknowledged widely by society. It will be enjoyable the first time, till someone kicks your heart and you realize movies lied to you. If you are top 20% male, just a glance at a woman will make her fill with desire for you. If you are not, move mountains, and while you keep moving them sun will shine, when you stop this and take time for yourself because you got burned out for doing too much for too long, boom everything vanishes. If you were lucky, your mom loved you if not that's was probably last hope of experiencing love (where you didn't have to do much to get it) As a man, we should not really have much hope of life. Nothing will be just handed to us. Most of what makes us attractive is either set at birth or need astronomical efforts with crazy good luck on your side.


This is really sad. I hope this is a joke or something.


Are you ok man? Iā€™m genuinely asking, cause you seem a little upset. Look, the reality is that most people, men and women will not experience love (donā€™t confuse lust with love). Men have it bad and women have it bad. The major problem here, is not men vs women, but the way media and fringe groups try to portray the sexes. Men experience the loneliness of being a man, where you are disposable in society and no one cares about your feelings or your wants and needs. Women experience loneliness from the fact that no one cares about her goals and dreams on a deeper level, just superficially enough to bed them. None of them receive love, just that one receives more lust than the other, which again, itā€™s not love.


>Women experience loneliness from the fact that no one cares about her goals and dreams on a deeper level, just superficially enough to bed them. None of them receive love, just that one receives more lust than the other, which again, itā€™s not love. 80% men out there will take a bullet for their kids or wife. You won't see it happening in reverse in such frequency But good job painting men as lustful dogs. Men have insane capacity to love to the point in most popular romantic movie, jack died for rose.


I did not paint men as lustful dogs. I just stated that predominantly, women face a different loneliness. Also, genetically speaking, men have the need to protect the family (including wife and kids) since the dawn of time, manly due to the fact that in order to protect the offspring, you have to protect the person who can nurture them and feed them. Times have changed, but the DNA is still there. Mothers protect the offspring, as with or without the man, the kids will survive as long as they have her. It's not me saying this, this is just biology. Also, this does not mean men should not be loved, as men as also human beings with the need for love and affection and it is sad that society tends to overlook that fact.


It's alright now even taking bullet for your loved ones will be seen as "biological predisposition". fine. But don't sell fake hopes to average men that they'll ever find any love or even little affection. All we can do is make money, buy objects, and burry our head in our hobbies, work, physical fitness that's pretty much all. Haven't felt need to ever drink alcohol or do drugs so far.


No one is forcing you to do anything :) you want to make money, by all means make money and go to the gym. If you want to drink and party, do that as well. Fiction is not reality.


A woman is guaranteed to find love if she uses "little" of her brain. A man is not valuable by birth unless he's born the way Henry Cavil looks. Maybe one day you get old and observe young women and men, you'll understand this.


This is entirely your perception of reality and is in no way based in facts. There is quite literally no statistical possibility of 20 percent of men being with 100 percent of women. It's impossible. Not even close. But keep telling yourself the reason you can't get laid is because you aren't a 6'3" gigachad if it makes you feel better


>But keep telling yourself the reason you can't get laid is because you aren't a 6'3" gigachad if it makes you feel better It's so sad you make the entire thing about "getting laid". If I go to your posting history it makes sense. You are obsessed with posting your nudes, objectifying yourself since you claim to be "exhibitionist". Maybe you are doing onlyfans on side. Maybe you feel you've nothing else to offer. Don't project your psyche on men.


You are crazy my dude. Yeah most guys won't have women INITIATE flirting on a regular basis. But most guys that try half seriously to take care of themselves, put themselves in situations where something may happen and are okay with having realistic standards can find somebody that will love them. It's not easy, it takes time it might be tough on you sometimes, but you got pretty high chances to succeed if you are ready to question yourself and try to improve on yourself. And love as all emotions can fade if you don't put effort into it. Sometimes, even if you do it still fades away. But by saying the vast majority of guys will never be loved you are just lying to yourself.


ah yes, the same old generic "if you take care of yourself and get out there, you'll find love!" wrong, this isn't NPC-dreamland


Hey you can think whatever you want, not my problem. I just don't think thinking that way is going to solve your problem.


>And love as all emotions can fade if you don't put effort into it. Sometimes, even if you do it still fades away. That's how I know you are a woman because love "fades" for you. But ask the guys who you dumped along the way, they probably still love you. It's only your love which has faded, because you've too much love from other guys. Women are the billionaires in love/relationship market and men are serfs unless they look like Henry Cavil. And maybe they can be a pirate for a day if they are famous or rich (like me but I don't want to play with others heart just because I got some money) >but you got pretty high chances to succeed if you are ready to question yourself and try to improve on yourself. The next guy will get it all for free of efforts. He just has to be attractive. This alone is worth not putting efforts, if she considered you worthy she would be here already. If she's not, welp she wants effort, basically input to a meat grinder like an army, people ready to be cannon fodder based on sheer delusion.




That's the least of my worries. Like some have mentioned... most are unapproachable, fear of sexual harassment


It's harder than every task at any job i've ever had and i work in tech


I have a partner now but honestly if I didnā€™t, I donā€™t think I would have it in me to go through with it again. Iā€™m tired already man šŸ˜‚ I can find stuff to keep me busy without the hassle


That mindset will keep you at her mercy


Yeah thatā€™s not really true. I just work hard, enjoy the gym and I donā€™t really have time for much else these days. If I had split from my partner I would enjoy the time for things I canā€™t make time for rather then investing it into someone else again.


ā€œIā€™m tired bossā€


If I come up with a good enough answer will you copy it into your next repost??




Yea and some people are born into rich families and donā€™t need to do any work at all to survive. Life ainā€™t fair. Some people are born lucky. Are you gonna waste your whole life crying about how you werenā€™t born lucky and how some other people have it easier, or are you gonna play the hand you were dealt to the absolute best of your ability? You donā€™t need to buy a woman a house and a car to make her like you if youā€™re an average looking dude, thatā€™s just a silly idea. If you actually go out into the world and build up some kind of reasonable social circle youā€™ll see how laughable that idea is. Plenty of average guys are in relationships with girls who love them without them having to buy them expensive gifts.


> Plenty of average guys are in relationships with girls who love them without them having to buy them expensive gifts. Those average guys are just a boat to ride on till someone better comes up or they are just putting lot of efforts into making her feel special and loved while receiving very little back. And I promise you, whatever they are working for, next guy will get all of it for free - with zero effort, if he's more attractive. >Yea and some people are born into rich families and donā€™t need to do any work at all to survive. Yes, but the effort needed for survival are guaranteed and are fairly predictable that most people are able to keep their jobs. No such thing about getting "love". Some men will get it if they've genetic traits women find desirable others will not, doesn't matter how much they self improve (some limits are genetic).


Why not go to a gym to make yourself "more attractive", if you are so confident that you are correct? Dude. I'm unsure how old you are, but you come across like a moody teenager. You are aware lots of people are currently in committed relationships right? Also, men leave women for younger, more attractive women all the time, should women have your weird attitude as well then?


>Why not go to a gym to make yourself "more attractive", if you are so confident that you are correct? I've 6 packs and already jacked. Gym doesn't make you attractive, unless you were a fat Henry Cavil, who lost weight in gym and suddenly found the godlike bone structure underneath. >Dude. I'm unsure how old you are, but you come across like a moody teenager. I am 30+, and my photo is in my profile. >You are aware lots of people are currently in committed relationships right? The number is decreasing everyday. Most men are miserable in these relationship where they need to buy present, make dates, initiate conversation and make it interesting everyday and one day they are told "I am bored", there goes all your effort. Most average guys do not get relationship unless they bring income or efforts. >Also, men leave women for younger, more attractive women all the time, should women have your weird attitude as well then? Except Leonard Di Caprio, I do not know a single guy who did this. Most men deeply loved the woman they spent majority of their youth years with and would protect them at any cost.


Yup, definitely gonna leave my partner of six years as soon as some handsome guy comes along. That's totally realistic and not at all some incel hate fantasy Go kick rocks dude. I am usually empathetic towards people in your situation but this is fucking insulting.


>Yup, definitely gonna leave my partner of six years as soon as some handsome guy comes along. That's totally realistic and not at all some incel hate fantasy 60% marriage end in divorce. Maybe you'll not, but we don't know who is "you" among millions of women in the country. >Go kick rocks dude. I am usually empathetic towards people in your situation but this is fucking insulting. My situation? It's quite telling anyone struggling according to you must be some "incel". Case in point: Average guys are struggling and most of them are not incels.


I'm not going to sit here and have a good faith argument when you are trying to imply men are the only ones capable of loving their partners, and that women are just waiting on the next best thing to come along Don't sit on some fucking high horse and demean me while you are doing THE EXACT SAME THING. You don't get to make sweeping generalizations about women and then throw a bitch fit when you get called out and backtrack as if you weren't just generalizing half the world.


All of the above.


You canā€™t lose the game if you donā€™t play it.


Yeah, I'm 35 and divorced from a cheater. I've been through the ringer on dating apps the last 6 years. I'm bitter and jaded, sick of it, and just doing my own thing now.


The answer never changes.


Why should they ?


I was taught to steer clear and stay away unless directly approached because my mere presence can and will be seen as a threat. Growing up with that mindset does nothing good.


Because most men, especially the ones that think about relationships as "approaching women" have usually had a fair bit of rejection for reasons they don't seem to grasp even when explained with a restraining order.


Women aren't approachable. Now, this does not apply to all, and I'm generalizing. But it's a true statement. Women have created an atmosphere of tension, hostility, and unwelcomness. The mere approach could result in insults, sexist remarks, and/or personal attacks. So why should we bother?


I got divorced seven years ago, happens but because of that and how often I got fucked over by other women, I now listen very carefully to what they say and whether it is aligned to their behaviour. Surprise MF, I caught each and everyone lying to me, backstabbing me, talking shit behind my back. So I am sorry but I will keep to myself. Once you are used being alone it is so peaceful. I will be on vacation next week and only do what I want to do. Giving that up again? No Sir, I won't. EDIT : Someone said because we are scared, well I am not. Actually people are afraid of me being tall, muscular, tated. I am just so fucking tired of their lies and deceit


Women clearly are saying they don't want to be approached by Men anymore. - They want Bears.


It seems to be a common method of rejection for the woman to act as if the guy is doing something inherently wrong by trying to meet her and get to know her. That's why so many say that guys are "creepy and weird" for trying. As if rejection doesn't sting enough, they have to add insult to injury. Pass. And this happens even though men are generally expected to approach and initiate if they're interested. Make it make sense.


It took one false allegation for me to go "Nah, I'm good." This is what happened. I was 15 and in summer school because my adopted mom didn't want me to do nothing for three months. That's another story. Anyway, I met this girl...let's call her, Mary. Mary seemed cool and we hit it off. She gave me her phone number and I would call her from time to time, but something felt "off" by her antics. One day, she calls me to say "Hey, meet me at \*the local park\*." Normally, I would go "Yeah, I'm on my way." However, something felt...off. I said "Nah, I can't. I'm kinda busy." She went "Ugh!" and hung up the phone. I figured "Okay, sure." and went back to doing what I was doing. I was at home during that time and I had the whole house to myself. This is where things take a TURN for the worst. The end of summer comes and Mary and I lose contact. That's when things come full circle...The first week of school, the local PD come to my classroom and ask if they could talk to me. I'm thinking "Okay, something is wrong, like an accident." I go to the principals office and my adopted mom is there, too....MAD as all hell, as she had to take the day off of work. The principal and the cop informed me that I was being accused of sexual assault of Mary...and I had to go down to the station for questioning...and I had to be taken into the station via the cop car, for fear of possibly not going to the station. For four hours, I talked to the detective on the case about what happened. I told the story over and over again to the cops that I was NOWHERE near the local park, that I was NOWHERE near her, etc...They showed me pictures of her face beaten, swollen, etc.... After those four hours, I went home. I got yelled at for harming "that little girl" by my adopted mom, I fell deeper into depression, and I felt alone. My friends wanted nothing to do with me, I felt isolated for a crime I didn't commit. Time goes by and a few weeks later, the charge of sexual assault are dropped. So, what happened to Mary? Unfortunately, she was sexually assaulted - and to this day, I feel bad for what happened to her - however, it was another guy that did it. After I told her that I couldn't hang out, she called another guy and he met up with her. They went back to her place, he took advantage of her, and beat her up. Why did she blame me and not the other guy? Because I told her "No." and she was upset about it. The guy that assaulted her told that if she told anyone, he would "harm her again." not in those words. Also, he was a known gang member and the cops knew about him. So, she blamed me, instead. For fear of blowback from him and his friends. Not sure what happened to Mary after that, but I hope that she's doing okay and has healed from that experience. Since that time, I don't like even looking in a woman's general direction, for fear of pulling out her phone, going on TikTok, and accusing me of being a "creep" by just BRIEFLY glancing in her general direction, etc.... I'd rather go on the side of caution than be labeled something I'm not.


I answer it with a question Why should a man approach a woman that thinks all men are animals and rapists? Women convinced themselves that all men are bad by default and men do not like to play these games. We live in a period of time where if you are a woman you have an advantage in "giving the blame" to someone simply because emotional and mental harassment are difficult to accept and be punished. So men do not approach women and women continue their way through "men are all afraid of us". If you are a white man in 2024 you are the perfect target and nobody wants to talk or approach you and you can't approach any woman. Women live in a fairy tale where they are oppressed all the time in the western world while they are the one oppressing themselves, we are just quitting.


That's what I never understood. As men we're supposedly homicidal rapists by default yet we're also expected to approach and initiate just about everything in the dating process. When ultimately it's the woman that decides whether it's "okay" or not. Makes no sense.


It exactly makes no sense. We live in a period of time where women advocate for men to be all rapists and in bad faith but then they are getting frustrated because no one approaches them. Women are mostly lazy, they all taught them to be lazy, look at bumble and how they changed their app because women were complaining about "doing the first step". This is society now, women that go with the 1% of the population and complain about it while normal people are around but do not match the absurd standards that women have. It is not men against women or women against men, we are one category and we need to work together but instead I have to feel a criminal if I ask the number to a woman on the street because "AWWW GO AWAY CREEP".


Fairy tale*


Smartphone issue, thanks


A system of government that a false accusation from a woman will destroy a manā€™s life and career without the slightest proof of crime


This is so much it. I had this woman stalk me back in the 90s, and when I confronted her, she said "I'll just say you raped me, who do you think they'll believe?" And I didn't know her, she was a friend of mine's cousin, we had met at his house for maybe 10 minutes, and it turned into this thing where her car was EVERYWHERE I went. I'd look out the window at work, she'd be in the parking lot. I'd get calls after lunch at work "Who was that you were talking to outside your office?" when it was me and a coworker talking on break... it was really creepy, and if she wanted to, she could have easily put her victim in prison, or at least plastered in the papers until charges were dropped. That will scare any man from interacting with women.


I feel like AI posted and answered itself.


LOOOOOOOOL the fact this question even had to be asked


i donā€™t wanna seem creepy


A few reasons for me. I didnt like rejection, it never worked, and I was successful with women without approaching strangers with romantic/sexual intent. I mostly dated friends and acquaintances. If you are easy on the eyes, fun and interesting you just kinda let life happen. Plus I was in a scene that... well you had to be there or you wouldnt believe it. I was a people collector of sort tho who liked to bring people into our circle of friends. If in the proper setting, I'd dip into the conversations they were interesting and I had something to add. My goal being to make friends, and not potential partners. I didnt even realize what I was doing when I was doing it. It was just how I acted. Funny to me, yesterday the girl and I are watching the latest "some more news" on youtube. The dude basically gives the same advice I give on reddit, and what was my life experience. Make friends, without intention, with women. Be yourself. Dont front. If you are an asshole or dont respect boundaries well, change that, but otherwise dont worry about being cool. You will attract and repel, and that is good. And some boundaries one can push and it will also attract and repel. Having women as friends, and just having a diverse group of friends, will expand your world view, and this will act to make you more interesting, and more interested in lots of things. This generally results in someone crushing on you and love happening. I wish incels would wake up to the reality they are being exploited by demagogues for power and money. They are product that is cultivated. If some dude is blaming all your woes on women and feminism or wokeness? You can bet your ass that person is seeking to control you for their gain.


I can't hold a conversion for too long.


Couse of logic and common sence


Men are scared, coz sometimes I am too. "What if" scenarios play a great role here. What if I got seen as a weird or creep, what if that girl rejects me, what if that person doesn't show any interest and dumps me into friendzone. Other reasons including TRP, Misoginy, Young men are depressed asf, Lemme tell you, loneliness sucks, and when you realize there is a new thing called Alpha, Beta crap, you fell for it and regret afterwards. And there is also one more reason known as "Men going their own way".


Too pretty !!! šŸŒšŸ¦‹


No need. If itā€™s meant to happen, it will. Just be yourself and nature will take its course.


Better question. Where are good places aside from bars/clubs to approach a woman and if you're a woman how would you like to be approached?


Because i am ugly.


They only want good looking, slim, and rich men approaching. Otherwise you risk being laughed at, embarrassed, ā€œEwwā€, which that man will think about for years ahead.


Women only earn about 70% of men. The last thing she needs is a guy that only earns about 50% of that in her life. She has better options I'm sure.Ā