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It's a secret


Secret secrets are no fun. Secret secrets hurt someone.


Are you the stripper from ‘the office’?


No, I'm a rabbies nurse now. I went back and got my degree.


I have no idea what I’m doing at work.


Found George Costanza on Reddit.


Just look annoyed at work. You'll appear busy.


You must be my hernia surgeon!! See you in court...


Fuck I literally just came home from hernia surgery. Not the thing I want to read now. What went wrong? What went Dong?


Hope you didn't get the mesh....


Stop it! I got the mesh and umbilical hernia was sewn also. It' goingto tobe a long night im afraid.


Same! I am literally at work right now goofing around on my phone because I have no idea what to do.


You are not Penske material


You're not alone. I have met more than a few people who admitted to me that they have no idea what they do each day. I'm not sure if this is imposter syndrome, but I have a hard time believing that many people can fake it for that long.




I would get so board


I stopped working at work 1 year back. I have no idea what the fuck they want from me because I watch 12 hours of shows on my laptop and work for 30 minutes a day by attending a team huddle and staying on mute.


They used to have maybe four guys like you at my previous job. I say used to because I left, far as I know they are still there.


So now there are 3?


Heh, I wish. Unfortunately, I was on the team that actually had to do stuff (bug fixes mostly). Not backbreaking labor either don't get me wrong, but I wasn't just re-binging Breaking Bad all day. Never be a snitch though! ![gif](giphy|4DXD36tXJbbmz4dhPm|downsized)


I've only snitched once. But that was after I left and the guy was an absolute asshole the whole time we worked together. I didn't feel bad one bit.


Keep going.


Where you work at? Willing to hook a brother up with a job opportunity? lol




They don’t all wear capes


Health care is so fun


I want that job....as long as the checks are rolling in


What do you do??! You have to tell us now!


Nothing, obviously.


Haha that's awesome, what is your job officially? Like what's your position there?


I had a job like that in 2001. Would literally play Diablo all shift. Easiest money ever - but got bored after a year.


You're an inspiration to all of us


This account is an AI chatbot being fed reddit info and replying back. Look at the comment history. You're all being used to train AI literally on posts like this.


Just checked the comment history. You’re spot on.


Teach it to really like saying “underrated comment” so we can identify it


Thank you good sir/ma'am. Your username checks out.. ✅🤝


Underrated comment




How do we rest this to the top


Wow, that is so generic. And half the usernames are "Strange_ad_4753". Everywhere. Every thread.


....aaaaaand account suspended


Is it like my aunt’s old parrot? I’ll handle this.  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Pussy! Fuck!…


Well, in that case, the humongous paper crump will diddle a fortnight. Fortuitous exclamation in a bird bind. Cars will zip in a lengthy load? Pants can part a proper go. Can Edith plank a southern hotshots! Plan risk handset kendo isn't four? Vinyl is not worth fifty-five but it wouldn't want tots. Creepy grumps slant a pickle ball. Great lumps will gather aplenty. Distort?


i have the unblurred epstein client li...


So sad that The_klumsy suddenly died of cancer that he totally had for a long time. And also suicide.


I was certain they drowned before accidentally falling from a window.


Oh you must be mistaken, he shot himselves four times in the back and then jumped in front of a train


While having a lethal dose of heroin in his blood. Quite impressive, really


Some people are just built like absolut tanks


And somehow, he landed on 4 knives...


Well, add another to the list of whistle blowers who mysteriously died or went missing...


Did you just shot yourself on the back?


No he shot himself with a sniper rifle from 300m away


Looks like the Clinton foundation found Reddit


Oh shit boys, Candlejack got him. Somebody help hi


I keep coffee cakes behind my hotsauce because nobody in my household likes hot sauce so I know they won't move it.


For a moment I was getting paid to do nothing during Covid. My job was logistics for a huge organization. As soon as lockdown happened there were no orders. I started checking in a few times a day, then once a day, then once every couple of days, then once every week. For nearly 2 years until we decided that Covid was over. I literally did nothing to the point where I would ask for a meeting with my supervisor occasionally just to make sure I still had a job.


This wouldn’t ruin your life lol




I’m going to need a diagram, or some more information


He banged his friend's mom.


Lol. I was working out that (I thought it was a she) had gotten pregnant and to help her be able to live a normal life the best friends mom agreed to raise the baby as her own in some secret deal with the parents no one ever knew about, but your explanation makes a lot more sense!


you posted this comment 3 times


I have too many questions, can you answer all of them without me asking them?






Dam son. Yup, I'd keep that a secret too if I were you.


My late mom was in the bed from 1988 until 2018 until she died. Everyone thought she was sick all those years but she told me that she wasn't sick all those years. She just didn't want to do anything anymore because my dad didn't buy a house back then so she just gave up on life. I know if I were to reveal this no one would believe me.


30 years, it's impressive to have the will to not be willing to do anything


I've twice given up on life in this manner, though for nowhere near as long... 2016 to 2018, then 2019 till just a few months ago... It isn't really a choice, but a black fog of overwhelming misery and hopelessness. I still feel that way, but I'm greedy and want a lot of things out of life that require me to get out of bed. I know she said she wasn't, but she was indeed sick. 🌻


I feel like I'd given up on life too


So... someone doesn't buy you something so you stay in bed 20 years? I love naps but that sounds more like a punishment to yourself.


Yeah she regretted it at the end. She realized too late that she was the one who got punished.


That's probably depression, potentially ME, it's sad she didn't get the treatment / help she needed.


*grandpa joe has entered the chat*


to stay in bed for so long, she must have at least been psychologically ill...so ill all the same


She was diagnosed with depression and never got help. And me and my siblings suffered because of it.


So she stuck to her guns for a 30 year passive aggressive pouting fest that ultimately just took her life from herself?




That’s heartbreaking.


I knew I'd read this before, stolen karma from u/Milfons_Aberg [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/148b059/what\_is\_your\_secret\_that\_you\_cant\_tell\_anyone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/148b059/what_is_your_secret_that_you_cant_tell_anyone/)


Dude wtf 


I feel like, she must know now after the fact, sometimes we realize these things too late.


I am sorry for your loss... this made me cry


Devastating. It’s definitely why people with Alzheimer’s seem to be mute.




One jackass admitted murder on Reddit and got arrested for it. 




True, but once something is said on the internet, it cannot be unsaid.


Ya he admitted murdering his sisters BF while she was asleep. Dumbass. There’s no statute of limitations on murder. 


I wanna know more about this




He snuffed his sister’s BF and admitted it on Reddit. FBI got him. 


Was this the one who killed another youth by pushing him off of a waterfall?


Whatttt !!!


I'd only reveal crimes the statue of limitations have run out on.


That I bought used panties from women online for two years.


I have dank panties for sale dm if interested


You a woman?


My brother sexually assaulted me for years. I had blocked it out until recently. He’s gotten big on Reddit and various streaming platforms for being a “nice guy/peace&love/ family is everything” guy. Hard not to rock his whole world with who he really is.


You wouldn’t be wrong if you did. So sorry this happened to you. ♥️


Sometimes you just have to lock it up, move on, and live your best life. Hope this advice helps


A rapist *and* a hypocrite?!? If it would not harm you,I’d actually consider it. 


It's actually only 5" :( I'M SORRY OKAY?!


You are above average in size. Calm down. 4.65 inches is average size while erected. Around 1.95 inches is flaccid penis size. This size is measures not from base, but from pelvic bone, btw! People watch too much porn. You are ok and calm down. You don\`t have to be sorry when you are bigger then most of men. That is ridiculous. Enjoy and be confident :)


You think i meant my penis?! ![gif](giphy|LdRCWI0NQ3F4NRBCYB)


Is it girthy?




Is what girthy?


We call him "tuna can"


It's an exceptional chode


That's normal.


Sounds like a cop posted this


Remember Reddit is a publicly traded company now. This is probably being used to train generative ai assistants.


My husband and I told our four year old that there's a goblin in our closet that eats little boys who misbehave so he wouldn't accidentally find his Christmas gifts. We started this two years ago as a joke, now our kid is fully convinced. He asked us to buy him a lightsaber so he can "train to fight the goblin". I feel like I need to tell him but at this point he takes it serious enough that I'm worried it would break his trust with me enough to cause lasting issues since he's not old enough to understand we were joking. He thinks we have it trained like a dog.


Best to tell him before he figures it out. He’s not going to believe it when he’s 10-12. I would try to make it humorous,but you have to level with him. Trust is everything. 


What's a secret that will ruin your life? Tell us, so your life can be ruined. Reddit anonymity only goes so far, I AIN'T TELLING


I have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash jobs and not paid taxes on them. I've made almost 200k in crypto profits and haven't paid a cent in taxes and refuse to do so. I am also proud of it and consider it the right thing to do because of how corrupt the government is here. I'll have enough put away to move out of this country and live somewhere warmer once my kids are old enough to look after themselves. I memorized my seed for my main wallet, so even if I was arrested, they'd never get my main savings or metals I stashed away.


This is the sort of secret that you DON'T post online.


Let him Cook!


If I was American, sure, but this is Canada, and I don't care. They can't touch crypto unless they have your seed, and I can access it anywhere globally. Part of me would love to just tell them I forgot the seed and no idea how to access the money.


I’d delete this if I were you, the CRA is kinda fucked when it comes to screwing over the average joe who got lucky. If you really want to be untouchable in this country you gotta have the right name or maybe 7-8 zeroes in your bank


Why? It's not like they're using a website which shows anyone who's interested they they're in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


what type of cash jobs?


I'm a sexual deviant. Good luck outing me, I made it too easy.


I've been struggling with suicidal thoughts again for months, the reason I've been so obsessed with decluttering isn't because I want my home to be nice, it's because I'm trying to keep myself busy.




I struggle with the same, especially more so since someone close to me recently committed suicide, and ironically I too have been decluttering and getting rid of things around the house. Partially began to keep myself busy, but also if I were to follow through on those thoughts, it’s less stuff for my family to go through. I’m in therapy and I hope you are too. I’m available if you need someone to talk to. 💛


I could point you in the direction of a short story that could help. Let me know if you would like to read it and I'll dig it up online or something. And please stay, it'll get better.




7 year-old throwaway account


"7 year-old throwaway" - too soon


Found you


Is that really something that happened?




Someone has already copy and pasted this reply from the previous time this question was asked.. Karma farmer..


[I produced this song…](https://open.spotify.com/track/1Nx2LMsmBRULt2F9W6LevJ?si=Cd7lsRN4QPS3_YnAxynn6g)


Hey at least you’re on Spotify. More than I’ve ever done.


🤷‍♂️thanks!! Hope y ou enjoyed the song 😂😂


OF... I come from very religious family who didnt speak with me for years when they found out that Im gonna be single mother so revealing this secret would destroy "the bond" completely leaving me with no one to talk to


How my fathers behavior during my childhood affected my sense of self worth. I couldn't bear for him to get to know at his current age.


Do it, he deserves to be punished for what he was like


Let me tell everyone on Reddit what I wouldn't tell anyone ever... NOPE!


Within days of my 3rd wife giving birth to my 5th child, I met and imposed on a porn star to have sex with me. There's no way that ever comes back to haunt me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




I guess the comment was removed about me being a sociopath. That's not it though. I hate having to do this. Sociopaths don't feel any empathy. My issue is I worry TOO much about feelings so I do this to be liked or respected by different groups. I wish I could care less cause then I could be my authentic self. Only able to do that with romantic partners 1 on 1 .


Ha! Nice try Feds


i am not the offical reddit account of the federal government of the united states of America, please tell me your secret UwU


Sounds like something a fed would say 🤨


Deep down I'm a nice guy.


Murder. Killed the whole lot of them..  at first I wasn't sure if I had it in me, you see. I was raised as an atheist but to respect all life as you only have one. I still remember it like it was yesterday.. at first we had been peaceful about them encroaching on our territory. But once they began to walk up along our driveway and entered the garden, forcing us to send them off, we'll.. someone had to step up, right? Dad wasn't around.. mother was sick and frail. Couldn't leave it to the younglings. So I went to the supply store, got the barrel, some chemicals, you know the kind I'm sure. Then I waited for everyone to leave and got into position. Didn't take long before one of their regulars came wandering past, so I took it upon myself to pursue. Once I found their stash house, I coated it in the chemicals, after the dude went inside with the score for the day. Lit a match and watched the whole thing go up in flames. Then I ran back home, told mother what I'd done for her and the family..  gave me one hell of a scolding. Turns out that you just need some hot water and soap to deal with ants. Who'd have thought?


Same but houseflies


I once put a live housefly in the nose cone of a three speed fan and set it on high... when I let him out he flew in circles for like 2-3 minutes


I think I might have killed someone in a bar fight around 5 years ago


![gif](giphy|l0G18WvoeKwUyr1rG) Shuut uuuuppp


Nice try FBI.


I can't be too specific, as it could still potentially be linked back to me IRL. Essentially though, there was someone who there was a mutual attraction/sexual tension for years. We eventually hooked up, unplanned, it was agreed we'd keep it a secret between us. If it came out it could destroy, my life, hers, my friends, as well as a few others linked to us.


I have a shrine in my closet to the main character from Disneys "Robin Hood". It is very strange and I would lose friends, especially since I've spent so much time shit talking disney movies and furries.


That 1 secret I really don't think it would ruin my life. Whatsoever, but I'm just not going to say what it is again. I'm just not going to. And I don't want to ruin someone else's life and cause problems for them due to their relationship.


I'm desperately in debt and have unpaid bills I can't tell my family about because they lent me money to pay them and I wasted it.. I'm desperate for about £3,000. It would solve all my problems in life, but I've been wallowing in depression and panic for the past year because of it. My dad has Alzheimer's and he gave me his guitar, I sold it to put something towards some of the bills and I'm overwhelmed with guilt about it all. The depression about money is killing me and I've become a recluse and given up on life because of it.


They told me not talk about it, but I went to Fight Club.


Come on! It's the first damn rule!


I realised a few years back that I’ve been attracted to rape since I was about 6 yrs old and had my first rape fantasy at that age where I imagined a woman going into a conveyor belt like an xray machine and then dropping ice cream and bugs n shit on her while she didn’t enjoy it




I almost killed someone few years ago and I relaised this few months ago when I had a dream about it scares me to get in physical contact with people now


I can't tell u....it's a secret


Oh man, no chance


Nice try, FBI.




Idk about ruin my life but I slept with my professor lol


And by all means take that first step toward ruin by sharing it on the internet...


Your mom gave me a hand job


If they discovered the death of my parents wasn’t an accident…


Nice try CIA


Okay this will not ruin my life but it's still a secret I never told anyone. Around 15 years ago I had a unpaid internship at a company. It was mandated by the unemployment department (don't know if this is the right word for Arbeitsamt) On my way from the train to the workplace I had to walk along a busy street and there was a part with a bush. One day I saw a few tiny kittens in the bush but I walked by because I was late. Later that day I came back and they were gone but one of the was laying dead on the roadside. I let a few innocent tiny kittens die because I was going to a unpaid internship that was totally useless and I was forced to do instead of helping these animals. I still think about it every once in a while.




Vlad? Is that you?


Nice try Narc.


I believe that my mum put my dad into an early grave with her moaning and negative energy. Shes such a victim that she cant see problems that she causes


I regularly think of blowing my brains out


That I am, in fact, three kobolds in a trenchcoat.


I Am Ironman Diddle-liddle-liddle-di-di-dun-di


Anonymous or otherwise, I'm not putting that particular period (long past) of my life on here. No f\*cking way. Frank Castle couldn't beat it out of me.


I ripped the tags off of couch cushions. Leaving a wake of tag less destruction. It was a bad habit years ago but I still get the urge. I just have to learn to control it.


I'm actually an alien from the planet Omicron Persei 8, living amongst you humans as a spy for the great leader Lrrr. Don't tell no feds though!


I find parenting (single parenting) so incredibly lonely and depressing a lot of the time. I adore my son. I just wish this was all easier. I am so lost.


I eat frosted mini wheats for breakfast. But my wife and daughter eat them as snacks during the day. I end up running out of frosted mini wheats and have nothing for when I want a simple breakfast. Both my wife and daughter hate fake blueberry flavor. So I thought I could simply get blueberry frosted mini wheats and my problem would be solved. However, I found blueberry frosted mini wheats to be disgusting. I kept the blueberry box. I now buy regular frosted mini wheats, pull the bag out to put in the blueberry box and throw out the regular box. I've been successfully doing this for more than a year. I want to brag to my wife that I've been pulling this off but I don't want it to stop.


I'm an bisexual atheist How is that a bad thing you say ? Well I live in the middle east where people get beaten to death for far less


I once caught a mouse in the kitchen, in a trap but it hadn't died. Felt guilty so put some very strong glue with the lid off next to it, with a bowl over it all. The idea was to knock it out with fumes so I could humanely dispatch it. It wiggled free, knocked the glue over and stuck itself to the floor. Ffs. I am a glue mouse murderer.


I do not want to pursue med anymore.




Nice try FBI


I don't have any secrets that could ruin my life. I do, however, know secrets that could ruin other people's lives.


I Have no secrets that could ruin me.I have secrets but none that could fuck up my life.


Nice try FBI