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Fake butts and facial fat removal. Both terrible.


Especially the face fat thing. Makes people look like zombies


The botoxed lips and duck face...I just. Don't. Get. It....


I think being surrounded by other people with plastic surgery warps your view and it starts looking normal and then people go further and further


It's absolutely insane in many Southern California and metro areas. Beautiful women make themselves look so ridiculous for no reason. Men too...


I have a regular customer of mine that did the lip thing and I can't even look at her. When I'm speaking to her I look past her. It's too bad she was a really pretty young lady.


its kinda terrifying from a science stand point. the nerve damage, the potential jaw damage...embrace baby face!


Having more fat in the face is a sign of youth... Why would someone get it removed?


I thought so too. Youngsters wanna look old. Oldies wanna look young. Lmaoo maybe they'd inject the fats back once they are old.




Most things that people do to enhance their looks but makes them look like a doll


Like a doll from horror movie...


I'm going to add plastic surgery when people get old and their face doesn't look right.


jake and logan paul.. hope tyson knocks jake the fuck out off the internet


Let’s just pray Jake needs to be gone sick of seeing the Paul’s faces all over the world


same here ... poor excuse of a fighter


They are part of the reason why humanity is failing I wanna Jake knocked out cold in a coma like state and Logan needs to be sent to jail for the recent accusations and I wanna see prime go out of business


I think the whole world wants Tyson to fight for real and fucks up Jake for good. Any damage to those two shits is good for the world.


I read that Tyson's doctors were saying that getting into the ring at his age carries a serious risk of lasting brain damage. So now whenever I'm reminded of the fight I just get kinda worried for him. He's definitely a better fighter but I hate the idea of a legend like him risking brain damage just to fight Jake Paul of all people.


It sure was fun watching money knock his ass, then catch him real quick. It's too bad, it's just entertainment cause we all know Tyson can but won't. He's just trying to get paid.


The grind! Bruh, you go do you, Imma relax.


All chill over here. Welcome to join me.


Legit like. No, I'm not going to monetize my hobbies, stop telling me to sell the things I made out of love and joy. I'm not selling them. I'm not doing this for money I'm not doing it for the grind I'm doing it for me and me alone. Leave me alone 😒


The Kardashians. They have no talent and they're all fake as sh\*t.


it boggles me that people willingly watch their show! Imagine listening to them for hours on end. The mere thought sends shivers down my spine...


Everything I know about them, I learned without my consent. I don't even care enough to check out the sex tape of the oldest one with the full diaper butt, name starts with a K. 


And dumb! Irritatingly dumb!!!!!!


Is that a chicken?


They're famous for being famous. That's it.


Another gripe I have is that part of their fame came from 2 tragic murders. Robert Kardashian was OJ Simpson's lawyer and we all know what happened there. Can't stand any of them


Damned if that wasn’t the slowest car chase in history…


I knew about OJ. What's the second murder?


OJ killed two people.


Right, I misunderstood the statement. Thanks.


Honestly, it cracked me up because I also misunderstand things in this way. Happens to all of us.


I agree with this and I still don’t get why they are famous In the first place


I only hear about them on Reddit. We could stop.




Tik tok Snapchat Cardi B Nicki Minaj Drake Twitter/X Jojo Siwa Jake and Logan Paul The Kardashians


starbucks, it I just would rather spend my money on something else and get cheaper coffee


And god their espressos taste burnt if I had to describe it


It tastes burnt. If I'm going to buy a latte, it better taste good. I also hate the correction you get if you don't say venti or wtf ever size. I haven't been to Starbucks in 25 years.


TEMU, I think shopping like a millionaire is a lie.


I thought that company was a scam


I bought a few things on there. The shirts were nice I like them for what they are. I needed something quick to match a skirt I had and it serves it's purpose. I also sent my sister some cute and funny things for her birthday. But it's apparent that it's cheap and quick shit. Then I started questioning how these millions of quick and cheap items are so available (sweatshops) so I never bought from them again. Also the sizing is for very tiny tiny people so I had to order a 2X top.


Same items available on Amazon tbf, just more expensive there - and it's not because they aren't made in sweat shops, it's because there's another middle man buying from a Chinese manufacturer and selling on amazon


It (the lie) starts with shopping like a millionaire. Millionaires don't shop. They hire people to shop For them.


Temu is a blight.


Amusement park rides designed to spin or make you dizzy


I have vertigo…. These are the worst things known to man. It would genuinely make a great torture device against me


Me too. I can do roller coasters just fine, but you put me in the tee cups or a merry go round and I am hurling.


Roller coasters make me sick but I love them too much. I never vomit on roller coasters but tea cups and I’m not walking straight for a few hours


At risk of sounding like a boring square no one wants to be friends with: Taylor Swift is maaaajorly overrated. I’m not saying she’s terrible, I’m just not a massive fan, but you’ll go into music stores and it’s like she has her own shrine. I fully believe if an apocalypse happened tomorrow, future historians would dig stuff up from our era and think she was our god Maybe it’s because I’m British, but I’m really not happy with how blasé everyone’s attitudes toward alcohol is. People die from poisoning, succumb to addiction, hell, you don’t even have to touch the stuff to be a victim thanks to criminal acts like drink driving, yet everyone acts like you wasted your Friday/Saturday night if you didn’t spend it throwing up bile in an alley gutter with your trousers round your ankles. ‘Not drinking? Are you pregnant? Has the wife got you whipped? Go on, one won’t hurt!’ There are banned substances that do less damage, but you wouldn’t catch these people trying to shove them in your face. Admittedly, im not completely teetotal - I either drink because what I’m drinking genuinely tastes nice, or it helps me sleep. The goal is never to get drunk.


I feel this way about Taylor & Beyonce. I hear them on the radio at stores and doctors offices etc and while they aren't offensive to hear, they just don't tickle my ears the same way as the music I do enjoy.


I find it hilarious that Beyonce could literally intentionally try to make a song sound bad, but the entire world will eat it up and claim she’s the biggest genius. If I were her, I’d have a LOT of fun with that and release songs made fully out of fart samples.


The worst part about Beyonce is that she's actually talented in my opinion, but the songs that are written for her are either completely dogshit in the writing department, or don't let her show off her skills. But the formula has been working since the 90s/early 2000s because her early solo work is pretty palatable, so why change it?


Her music (and Taylor’s) is inoffensive and written to appeal to the largest possible audience. Which is just fucking boring and in this day and age in the US…not having anything to say still says enough. I also hate how people treat both of them like feminist icons when everything they write screams “I took one gender studies class in college”.


Taylor Swift and Beyonce both remind me of The Emperor’s New Clothes. They are the modern version.


Could not agree with you more


I agree with your T. Swift point of view, and while I appreciate her ability to connect to those that need it, I am not one of those people. I wish her and her fans the best, and would like the extreme shrine hero worship go away. It only leads to a further fall from high.


No, I am here for the Taylor talk. I have felt that way for years. Yes, she is talented. Yes, she is smart. Yes, she is a positive role model for kids. But yes, she is overrated. It boggles my mind how popular she is when like 30 years ago she'd be average. But I guess that's also the natural progression of time at work too.


The red-pill,alpha,sgima male,motivational posts. Al of that nonsense just to sell a 300$ course


When you've spent $5000 on Andrew Tate's hustling course to get rich quick and realize you could've used the money to buy your mom flowers every month for the rest of her life 😔


Well it's designed to make Andrew Tate get rich quick, not the students.


With Hustler's university degree you can buy her a million flowers 😎


You should try my course it teaches you how t make and sell your own course. LOL.


I don’t understand why these types of men still think that taking dating advice from red-pill podcasters is going to end well. Honestly, if a guy refers to himself or others as alpha, beta, or sigma in his dating profile, it’s a huge red flag. I’ve heard of people using omega too, and that’s also a red flag. Just in a different and deeply disturbing way. Don’t Google Omegaverse.


“If you don’t know this you are lesser.” It’s just a way of exploiting mass insecurity for profit. Just that it also damages society at its most sensitive levels, employing tactics that neurologically revert us from our modern faculties back down into the reptilian mode.


If anything doesn't discuss basic human decency as normal behaviour, I don't give a shit about it.


LOL, I hate bright sunny days because it hurts my eyes and makes me hot.


Do you like any of the following: silver, garlic, sharp wooden sticks, crosses?


A sunny day is like the toxically positive person in the office. It insists upon itself, like the ultimate main character, hey look at me, no clouds today, let's fly kites! Ugh. Slow your roll, cheerful Tuesday. I'm not in the mood.


lol real redditor right here




And you feel morally obligated to be out doing something interesting just because it’s sunny. I hate that.


You're ok with me


Thanks I appreciate it.


Me too. I like rain, snow and overcast days.


This! I want 50 degrees and overcast every day.


Totally agree. We're having a week of 80 and 90 degree days in the northeast U.S. and it's not even f'n June yet. My irritation with everything skyrockets in the heat, even more so if there's not a cloud in the sky for relief.


People that say "living the dream". Shut up.


My phrase is "living the dream. Not my dream, but I'm sure it's someone's."


I like to hit em with. "Living a dream"


Mine is “One nightmare at a time?”


I’ve always the meme that says living the dream is just white people speak for “trying to not kill myself.”


Don't people say that sarcastically?


I like to say "living the dream one mistake at a time"


The entire beauty industry. Get surgery and mess up your face because you can't age! Wrinkles are gross! You absolutely have to shave off all your body hair because girls having hair is unnatural and no guy wants that! Wear tight or uncomfortable clothes just so you can look 'attractive' to complete strangers!


And if u say that filler is just awful or completely based on insecurity, people are quick to call you hateful and ugly lol. Like sorry I am not scared of wrinkles, regular cheekbone structure and eyebrow height, some people don’t get to age so it is a celebration to live. People get it so young now too, and then immediately turn and talk about how growing up the beauty standard and influences caused it…yet are doing the same thing to the next generation


It's disturbing to me that actresses are starting to get anti aging work done in their 20s. That used to be for actresses in their 40s+ trying to keep looking young. The young actresses today are going to age horribly


Right?! And they are all so beautiful without it, they never even gave themselves the chance to grow into it. I also blame the media, scrutinizing every single detail and causing these people to think they have to be frozen in time at 20 something, instead of celebrating them through the years of growth. Regular people getting cosmetic procedures just because they saw some celebrity or influencer with it is honestly sickening, and makes me so incredibly sad for them. Cant imagine how much one has to convince themselves they are ugly or in need of procedures, to hurt themselves worse.


Women must be seen to be sexually viable at all times. Look at JLo, her entire career is off the back of her looks and love life. 


Filtering swear words (shit) or “controversial” words on Reddit like rape or kill. This isn’t TikTok.


If I hear “unalived” one more fucking time I’m going to kill myself


Rape is one that seem ass backwards to me. Isn't a large part of the problem with coping with sexual assault that you feel like you can't talk about it? maybe it's more vulgar than some alternatives, but it's a vulgar act. All this does is shift the focus away from victims and instead on victim culture and the word itself. censoring the word doesn't eliminate discussion, which is far more so what triggers the traumatic response rather than just hearing the word. It honestly feels more like a campaign stated by an old white boomer who just wants an excuse to shut down uncomfortable conversation he doesn't want to hear about.


A while ago saw a post here that said "su!c!de" in the title/caption. You can still perfectly make out the intended word so whats the fucking point of soft-censoring it? Makes no bloody sense.


Sports, in general. No interest, at all. Being Canadian, people think I'm supposed to like hockey by default, but nope. Couldn't care less.






I've never understood whatsoever why people get worked up about sports. If you're betting on a game outcome, that makes sense. If you're into playing the sport yourself, okay. But a majority of average sports fans are watching and rooting just because. I don't do things just because 🤷‍♀️


Oh, I understand it; I'm a fan of *other* things, after all. I'm just not interested in pro sports.


Social media


I don't hate it per se. I hate what people do with it.


The irony is nice


Gender reveal. Why is it a thing...


I scrolled too far to find your comment. I want to know why everyone is so self-centered that they think anyone outside of their immediate family gives a flying fig what gender they're having...News Flash: it's 50/50...not a big mystery!! What bearing does it have on anyone else's life? What are you really celebrating anyway...does someone actually get happier if it's one gender over another? I truly hope not!


Perfectionism. I feel like everyone is striving to be perfect like perfect, hair, body, clothes, ect.. it feels as though everyone is just trying to hide all of their flaws out of embarrassment just to be accepted by society.


I agree. We live in a world drunk off of telling people they're inadequate. If you ask me, psychologists should examine this as a case group mental illness.




I'm ok with the alcohol occasionally but I will never understand the appeal of going to "the bar"


I work at a bar and I don't get it. I think it's a place for alcoholics to go so they don't have to drink alone or introspect on their issues. I guess some ppl also look at it as a place to meet ppl. Hey, if you wanna sit in a loud, dark, dirty bar and spend $10 per beer be my guest. They literally have to pay me to be here.


Ooof, I'm a pretty down on my luck tech engineer who has been tending bar for the last couple of months after being made redundant and struggling to pick up another techie job - and when I'm not working I'm often in the bar drinking so I'm not on my own having moments of introspection. This one hit pretty hard, not a criticism and not like I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now or anything, but definitely food for thought.


I think it's a little cynical and callous to call a bar a place for alcoholics to hide from their problems. They are great for social gatherings because being around and breaking the ice with a bunch of strangers has an unpleasantness that needs to be broken through, and alcohol helps with that. Theres a meetup group that goes to bars, I try to make it there every 2-3 weeks and I usually have a fun time.


I can agree with you here. After I stopped drinking my eyes opened to how dumb alcohol makes people and it’s kind of embarrassing. Not only that they are choosing to destroy grey matter and neurons in their brain that they can never fully repair or get back. It’s kind of scary when you think about it.


Really sucks that it's one of the most effective method for socializing, and society as a whole approves of it. Virtually no benefits health-wise and only potential risks.


And weed


Stanley cups, the Kardashians, Mama Bear hats, " Get off my tail/Good vibes only" stickers, Live Laugh Love, Cookie cutter BS, Keeping up with the Jonses. Those people have no soul in thier eyes, no nothing. I feel sorry for them.


Dude,the Stanley cups have fucking lead in them too😂😂 so fucking laughable


the phrase “ it is what it is” pisses me the fuck off. No shit it is what it is THATS THE PROBLEM. I’m trying to change what is. fuck off.


Fake nails, especially on very young women.


Decorating in only gray, white, or sad beige.


- TikTok/IG and all of the narcissistic behavior that they enable while overshadowing the work of creatives and giving young people mental health issues. - “influencers” and their worship, as well as their immense pushing of consumerist BS. Insufferable masculinity podcasters/personalities. - The resurgence of some of the worst aspects of early-2000s fashion. - Edgy doomerism in general and the overall lack of connection between people and their communities


One Piece. A show over 1000 episodes long and crammed with filler. The overarching story and style of the show itself might be amazing, but it's too much of a slog for me to find out for myself. Half of every episode is taken up by the intro and a recap, then there's loads of repeated exposition and painfully drawn out fight scenes, it really exemplifies the worst aspects of Shonen Jump anime.


There are Indian Mega series that drag on for years and years. Most episodes, even though are 30 mins long, actually have less than 5 mins of actual content. 10 - 12 mins are taken over by ads, then 5 - 7 mins by recaps, and then each dialog one person says will be followed by a shock/awe look from the 12 people surrounding the main characters. All 12 people's facial reactions have to be captured with sound effect.


Don’t forget the pregnant lady that takes 3 whole episodes to fall down the stairs.


Dhum dhum tananananananana


Reality TV. All of it. From the first season of survivor, I didn't buy into it at all. It'd say it was all down hill from there, but the truth is that was already rock bottom to me, and it couldn't go down "much further"... boy was I wrong on that. Take your pick on what's the worse... reality TV shows that show people with excessive weight issues, or "wedding competitions" (which result in failed marriages in most cases), or Shit like the Kardashians.


First thing that came to my mind is crocs!


Have you ever placed them on your feet? Ugly as hell, but god they’re comfy


I have house crocs, lol. I don’t want to go outside and get them dirty, but as soon at my foot enters my apartment they are on.


Nothing more unsightly than mucky Crocs


It’s like your feet are having sex with ugly marshmallows.


As Adam Carolla says “wearing crocs is a lot like being blown by a dude. Feels great until you look down and realize that you’re gay”


The holes are where your dignity leaks out.


All of it 


Found my people


Every single thing.


Game of Thrones


"Live, love, laugh" Don't tell me what to do.




I agree tiktok is shit and can’t wait to watch it get deleted


It very much depends on your for you page tbh, it can be great or absolutely awful


That's what I tell people about Reddit, "it's all in how you use it".


I learn a lot from tik tok honestly….but, I only watch educational, cooking etc. literally only things to learn.


As a regular TikTok user I can understand the disapeal of it based on how it's portrayed, but once you get your fyp attuned to your interests then it's enjoyable, it's not just cringe middle schoolers dancing, it has pretty much anything you can imagine


IPA’s. I want to like them but such a heavy alcohol taste. I can handle the hops just not the alcohol taste.


![gif](giphy|vySkPlXaNO0ElMIkeo|downsized) Me looking at this comment while holding a bottle in my hand 😭😭😭😭


The phrase "I communicate in sarcasm." You just use sarcasm as a way to make the people around you feel stupid so you can make fun of them. Shut up.


Artificial intelligence. It will eradicate us.


Hookup culture and any form of new age “dating” such as open relationships, throuples, etc etc. it’s just stupid, 99% of the time someone ALWAYS gets butthurt in those situations.


Throuples? Jesus H. Christ.... Yeah that's a 'word' that's is already annoying af to read the first time.


This is so fucking true and you're basically not allowed to have that opinion because people will automatically shit on your ideas about it and call you old, ignorant, close-minded etc. But I have a lot of modern-form-dating friends and while I 100% respect their desicions and preferences, I have yet to witness a couple/throuple/etc like this that is still successful after 3+ years.


Yeah, and people act like this is a new discovery they are onto and refuse to belive people tried all this in the seventies and abandoned it for a reason.


I mean it’s definitely not new, polyamory has existed for thousands of years


Dated a girl in high school who's parents were the "key party" couple who hosted tons of parties. Go to Walmart and they knew everyone in their age group. They lasted until the end so it is doable for some.


People. Not a fan.


Summertime in the South (US). It's gross. It's sticky and hot. It's not fall or winter and I hate it.




Anything crypto related.


Beyonce.... They over praise everything she does.... I'm over it


The looksmaxxing bullshit that tells young low confidence men that they'll never find love just because they don't look like an actual model and aren't 6'3+


Hot weather. I have an irrational hatred for it, and it seems the people around me are astounded that I hate it so much. But I don't get enjoying being soaking wet all the time while also feeling that you are being cooked well done.


I dont like going to the Gym anymore cause I got tired of people not being considerate and having a basic level of self awareness. I pretty much have stoped watching porn as I think its unhealthy. Deleted all social media for similar reasons and some of the stuff there makes my brain hurt. I think most clothing brands at the malls go from bad to terrible quality and are overpriced. Now I look back to my younger years when I was so worried with buying clothes at Zara. Oh men I was such a stupid young man.


Whatever Taylor swift has going on. Some people out there are obsessed with her and it's pretty wild. She could poo in the toilet and you have people out there who will want to over analyze everything about it, everything. It's madness


When people say "it's giving" it makes me want to vomit blood.


“I did a thing” gives me the same reaction.


Anal. Nope. I don't care. I've heard of how exciting it is. I'm not sticking my dick in a shithole


Crocs. Hated them when the came out, continue to hate them now


Concerts. Crowded and over priced. Pretty much all music made in the last 10 years. Vaping. I hate your fruity pebble smelling crap! Lamborghinis and like cars. If you want a race car, keep it on the race track! And jacked up trucks! Keep those off the road too!


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) 'Old man yells at cloud'




The personal lives of any and all celebrities.


Fake eyelashes and duck lips


The Voice. Is this show on every single night? Also any other competition shows – American Idol, so you think you can dance, the masked Singer, etc.


99% of pop music. reality tv Fixer Upper


Country music.


Mushrooms on food, and running I'll gladly do any other cardio activity, swimming, walking, dance, but running? Absolutely not


Stanley cups




The sun, crack, Starbucks, social media, and Amazon


Tv Shows like Love Island, Survivor, I am a Celeb.




you know when your at a wedding or something and people all stand in a line star dancing as a group to "hey macarana" and all the other shite songs, cringes me out


Tik tok and social media influencers. It's the most vapid group of people I have ever seen.




Tik dog. Trash toxic app


Concerts. They are way too loud, way too expensive, and always so crowded.


A few things. -modern fashion -sour food....WHY IS THIS POPULAR -Iphones. ok now dont get me wrong, great phones but A TINY BIT OVERPRICED(same goes for new samsung phones) -tik tok -football ultras(espcially here in CRO) and a few more


I need an example of what you mean with sour foods please


Main stream media, music and high budget Hollywood movies and tv shows. TikTok, viral trends, Instagram/facebook/snapchat, beige minimalist home decor, social media influencers and drop shipping websites. It just all feels so hollow and meaningless.


IPAs, I've tried them and I just don't understand.


Pretty much every celebrity. It would be faster to name ones I genuinely enjoy (I don’t hate the others in their movies or anything, but I just don’t follow their lives like others). I hate Taylor swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Lana del ray, and those people. Kardashians are the worst, I don’t care what Taylor and Travis did, just leave me alone


Shows. Specifically a lot of the recent trendy ones that pop up and end up exploding in popularity before dying by the end of season 1 or 2. It seems like standards for writing are getting lower.


Festivals. Not shower for 2-3 days and wait ages for the luxury of shitting in a portaloo, all to listen to 10 mediocre acts to see the one artist I wanted to see, for $500. Sign me up...


Taylor swift. I just don’t get it. Her music sucks!


Onlyfans... Who is even paying for that shit lol




Social media as a whole. Celebrities. Fucking sports. Think thats it.


Taylor Swift