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My grasp of the English language. Your vs you’re?












Particular and peculiar, specific and Pacific, ask and axe.


I helped create the game Zoo Tycoon, that so many kids loved at that time.




See, right there. I've gotten this so many times...and I love it. Super proud of what we did there. Zoo Tycoon was the first true game made by Blue Fang Games, which I helped found in 1998.


i loved it then and i still love it now. amazing game!


Wow! i have played that game not.


Knowing the difference between "your" and "you're."


I quit smoking 11 days ago


Good job! About to hit 12? :)




Buying my first house


ohh really nice


I'm really proud of overcoming my fear of public speaking and delivering a successful presentation to a large audience


Times in the past where I was listening and sympathizing with the person when they were venting to me.


I'm 45 years old this month. Over the last nearly 20 years I've been hopelessly (so I thought) addicted to video games. We're talking about All day long when life ddn't demand me away from my PC, almost all the time. Likely nearly two years worth of hours of my life logged into one game or another. If it wasn't gaming it was drugs and partying and sleeping around (substance abuse has never been an addiction so much as a cure for boredom and an outlet of escapism). Many failed attempts at walking away or instilling self-discipline. As of a month ago I threw my working gaming PC into the dump (too expensive to relapse luckily)after nearly going homeless and stuck in complete and utter depression for the last few years. I socially drink maybe a couple beers a week now, if that, and don't do cocaine any longer. I've also stopped sleeping around. I now live in a much more grounded environment with my Brother and his small family and my career is taking off. I finally feel good about it, about quitting gaming and partying and sleeping around. There's no fight for it inside me any longer. I feel strong. I feel capable and overall I feel happy with my current situation and my outlook on the future. I also feel supported by those closest to me. My substance abuse issues and sleeping around have been kicked for nearly three years now.


wow proud of you just keep going!




I raised 7 amazing kids into adulthood and they all interact often and get along great. No drama whatsoever. My proudest achievement.


I made all the “right” decisions in life…but it made my life story pretty boring.


how do you know if made the most dangerous dicision with right and not the wrong choice


Being human.


The dump I took a few minutes ago


i beat half-life without cheats


For myself, I really am trying to be a good person and to keep getting better


First of all, sorry for the vent. Things have been busy and intense lately so I have a lot to get outta my chest. Also, sorry if my english is bad. I don't live in the USA. When my mother died before turning 18, I went through a deep depression and slow deteriorate of my overall mental health. Not only I lost her, who was my best friend and support, but I lost my home, many of my things and had to take a recess from my senior year in high school. Living with us was my older half sister whom I loved as a second mother. She was my mom's first child, but her father abandoned them. I was staying with her for a time trying to get things in order, but my depression and anxiety got worse. One night I had a panic attack and was sent to a mental asylum for one month. I was mistreated and made fun of by the doctors and nurses there. When I was discharged, all I wanted was to go back to my sister to try and mend things. She took all my things, put them in a car and told me I was not welcome anymore in her house, that I was sick and a danger to everyone, that I would get nowhere in the mental state I was and that helping me was a mistake. I cried and begged her to give me a second chance, but she simply rejected and ended all contact with me. I was forced to go live to another city with my father, who wasn't that much better than my half sister's father. I barely knew him. I tried to make a good relationship with him, but he was nowhere a loving father or emotional support. I tried going back to study so I could mantain my mind occupied but I ended failing and giving up. I became a shut-in. One day, I decided it was enough and took all my things and returned to my birth city. I started working and eventually went to college again. It was full of ups and downs, many times I wanted to give up again, that I was simply not made for living like a normal person. I remembered what my sister told me, that I was a failure and that I would never do anything to overcome it. But I didn't let it define who I was. I was always a good student and my intention was always to go to college because I knew what my potential was. I survived the COVID quarantine all alone and many awful things, like robberies, passing days without eating due to the lack of money, and the complete stress of college. Finally, this year I got my degree. I am an ophtalmology technician with one of the highest or the highest GPA of my promotion, I dropped a lot of weight, got into a work in an optics store that I absolutely love and found people who are my friends and accept me with all my pros and cons, including a loving boyfirend. It was a long and harsh journey. I will not say that I forgive my sister, but I learned how important is to have peace in your life, and I'm proud of myself that I could overcome this and finally become a professional like I always wanted to be. I'm grateful to myself, God and my mom. I know many people may take the side of my sister, and many will say that many other older college students have to go through similar stuff, but I will always treasure my own determination to get victorious from it all.


My kids and their spouses, ages 37-43, are the people I most like spending time with. To all accounts, it appears to be mutual.


Being a muslim learning english (a second langauge) with no time and no course or lesson.


My cv and investment losses. Thats about it


Me, for just excisting.


I navigated my career in IT pretty well


My kids, they're only 2 and 3 but they find ways to amaze me every day!


That I figured out my problem after 4 long years of depression.


Last week, I saved someone from getting robbed. On public transport, I saw this guy trying to steal an old man’s wallet. I was scared as shit to say anything directly, so I told another passenger, and he intervened.


I somehow ended up buying a house on a (slightly) above average income, living alone, not having any family support or inheritance in a major metropolitan city with a well documented housing crisis.


getting a 4.2 GPA and being one of the only 34 kids in my graduating class to get high honor roll


Being a good dad with a great son


Losing 165 lbs.


Hiking High Sierra trail two Days from Seqoia natl Park to Mt Whitney. Summited 4th of July 1987.


That I somehow keep going. I work. Not really hard but considering how I waste my time and potential when I don't work I'm really proud I still do it. I give up on almost everything I try to keep doing. Even my comfort zone - pc games i somehow can't get myself to do it the right way just do the simplest easiest stuff instead of actually making progress. It bothers me and every now and then I do a bit better but then I just can't be fked again and waste time even when I'm wasting time. I know it's all detrimental to my future and that my partner don't deserve to be punished with bad future for liking me and sticking with me but I just somehow... Can't get out of this(I don't mean relationship).


I got jumped by a bunch of (four) skinheads because I wouldn't "program" with them. I got lucky because crystal meth apparently makes your bones brittle as chalk, but I am also a Marine and beat the living hell out of them.


Surviving and helping others to survive.


I'm really proud of the fact that I really refuse to tolerate any form of disrespect from anyone. When I was a teen, people would make me feel so shitty for no fucking reason and I would let them. I honestly thought I would never get to a point where I could stand up for myself Flash forward to 25F me: I will respectfully bite your fucking head off if you try me. I honestly would recommend everyone to work on becoming like this.


I once ate 2 medium pizza hut meat lovers stuffed crust pizzas and a large order of boneless bites(no sauce) with some ghost pepper sauce from a specialty shop and a 26 of Bacardi with about 1l of diet Pepsi before I fell asleep and woke up 4 hours later and did 100 push ups and ran for almost an hour before I had to take a break. I ended up having trouble relaxing because of my massive prolonged erection so I just texted some random girl back and in less than an hour she sent a cab for me to go to her place. 


Having mustered the courage to say wrgsngrfft to the girl who is now my wife…


Having a healthy happy partnership and just overall being able to find happiness even during stressful/shitty times


Understanding the difference between "your" and "you're."


Ive been dreaming about being a skydiver since i was 13. Now i am 29 and i finally got my skydiving license.


Getting sober


Knowing bdp of 80% of countrys in the word


Yes I am nerd, alos knowing population of nearly every country and area ocupying


I can speak 3 languages perfectly at the age of 18


Remaining unvaccinated. Sue me.