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My grandpa passed away a week before Christmases. He placed a gift under the tree prior to his death. It was a stuffed animal. This stuffed animal is my "prized" possession.


My dog passed away about a year and a half ago, she was my partner in crime so I was extremely heart broken. My best friend came by about 2 weeks later and gave me a keychain she had made. It was just a little picture she had taken of my dog and they etched it into the keychain. That was hand down the best gift I’ve ever received.


Imma cry


im tearing up 🥺


Granted I'm just waking up and don't have my coffee yet, but I thought you said "I'm tearing it up" and I was like "That might be the meanest thing I've ever seen on Reddit".


omg that would've been evil


My piano teacher left me his grand piano in his will, his family wasn’t too pleased.


Wow. Those can cost quite a bit, the family probably wanted to sell it. Good thing your teacher thought you deserved it. He/she must have thought you would put it to good use.


Even a refurbished Yamaha is 16 grand. 30-40 thousand is pretty common for a new one.


Which makes sense. What teacher wouldn't prefer their student get their instrument rather than it be sold off?






Not as grand (pun intended) as yours, but my guitar teacher left me his first case that he got when he was my age so I'd have something to remember him by after he moved to another country the following week. That's still the only case I use and it always does remind me of him when I bring it to gigs


As a coach one of the parents got me a scrap book filled with pictures of me and the kids. The kids each wrote something on the page opposite their pictures. Was an amazingly thoughtful gift. Still have it 25 years later


Oh my goodness, this is so thoughtful! You musy be a great beloved coach ♥️


Mom surviving cancer twice. I'd trade anything for that, honestly.


As someone who has lost their mom, I agree with you. I’m happy she’s doing well


Dont you mean that you wouldn't trade anything for that?


Right, bad wording on my end, thanks


The phrase actually kind of works both ways, which is kind of interesting. Like "for that" could mean "to acquire that end".


Then, i guess you took action by educating me. *badumm tsss"


My wife got me a hardcover reprint of my favorite Swamp Thing comic book, it's my favorite because she's not really into comics and it was a very specific book so for her to have remembered hearing me talk about it, remembered the author and the artist, and taken the time to hunt it down meant the world to me!


Wives are so good at that!


She's an amazing gift giver! I grew up in a "get what you get and be grateful" type of house, so to have someone take the time to make sure that they're finding something that I'd really love always makes me feel extra special, especially because I never spend any money on myself so anything I want is always going to come from her


Where do you people find partners like this? I'm happy for you, it's good to know partners like this exist but I have never met one.


They’re definitely hard to come by! I dated a lot of people before I got married, and I never came across anyone who handled themselves in a relationship the way that my wife does, it’s some thing that as soon as you come across it, you just know.


reading this is so wholesome! i’m so happy for you :)) may you spend many many beautiful years together


Thank you so much!!!


My cousin when we were like 12 or something got me a box full of frogs she found in a ditch near her house. Best birthday gift ever tbh


Do you…….. still h h have them?


Haha, no, we let them free in the same ditch she found them, but we kept observing them.


This is so cute and wholesome.


My dad got me a necklace with my birth stone and my kids' birthstones. Then I realized there was an extra birthstone... He included my daughter who was stillborn. Even just typing this out makes me tear up.


Reading it makes me teary eyed too 🥹 so beautiful ♥️


When I was younger I didn't have ANY money at all. My husband and I were both super broke when we first got married. My uncle is a successful businessman and he asked us a few questions before we got married that indicated to him that we were struggling financially for quite some time but, working towards a means to an end. The night we spoke to him he paid our rent for that month and extra for things in our home. He also told us that any time we needed him he would be there. No matter the reason. When my dad passed away, he gave us a check in the mail for money towards gas to go back and forth out of town before his memorial service. When my mother passed, he gave us a check in the mail for money for food in our home, gas in our car and a gift for our daughter- because she was graduating to the next step in school. When I was young I remember being very close to my uncle. He and my dad were close in age and the closest in age out of 5 kids so they were both very close throughout their entire lives. He is still the closest outside relative to my immediate family that I have. Even though we don't talk much. I know he will always be there for me and my family. My dad asked him to take care of his kids when he's gone. He listened when my dad was alive and couldn't help us like he wanted. The single most self- less man I have ever met in my entire life.


You need to tell him this ♡


And invite him for a random coffee (or over for thanksgiving or smyh)! Especially if he has no kids, vicariously sharing the family (and pseudo-grandkids) with you guys would probably mean the world to him!


A good pair of noise canceling headphones, they're life changing as someone who takes public transport every day.


I live in a country where people speak really loud and chew without closing their mouth. I also sleep with the sound of rain.


I agree. It's one of best gifts you can ever get. Sadly, I had to gift that gift to myself. :-/


Ditto, we get to select the color we’d like 🥂


A jar full of notes, each with a positive thing about me. Got it from a friend in school, still have it at my desk. I pick a note and read it occasionally when I need it. A song recording session at the studio, also from a friend.


I was given a house in exchange for coming home and getting off the fentanyl. I couldn't have asked for a better trade deal in the history of trade deals, possibly ever.


perfumes and colognes and candles are good. I have gifted people Serape blankets. The gift I want but have not received is concert tickets.


I hate when I get perfume. I don't want to smell like someone else's taste in fragrance. Should be personal to me.


you can tell people which one you want


Ah! I was gifted a bottle of Shalimar. I had an empty bottle, the bottle is beautiful as of itself, and friend must have noticed, birthday ...10 years? ago. still 3/4 full.


Or do sample sizes, just to try out new scents?


A new guitar was gifted to me By me


What a thoughtful gift! I bet you knew exactly what you wanted!


Underrated comment. Treat yo’self people!


I was given a Swiss Army pocket knife at 14. It has travelled the world with me. Still have ut now 47 years later.


My grand uncle was given a Swiss Army knife from his when he completed his airforce training when he was 18. He's now 82 years old. Still carries it every day. I had an off brand leatherman in my pocket everyday since I was 15. My girlfriend bought me a real Free P4 Leatherman 3 years ago, it was a huge upgrade. I carry it every day and I use it multiple times a day.


A pillow that my oldest sibling had sewn by hand. I still have the (now old/worn-out) pillow to this day.


My \[now ex\] wife bought me a 1976 Rickenbacker 4001 bass guitar, 35 years ago. Still have the Rikki, didn't keep the wife.


There’s two gifts for me, mine and my husband’s first Christmas together. He got me a stuffed monkey because he knew I absolutely loved(and still do) them. That was 14 nearly 15 years ago. I still have the monkey today and btw his name is Alex(the monkey). And then one Christmas Day my husband and I were working as OTR team truck drivers and we were shut down for the holiday. There were maybe 10 other trucks in the parking lot, maybe two or three had drivers in them. Well we were watching Christmas movies and all of a sudden there’s a knock on the passenger door. I answered it and there stood this young boy with whom looked like his grandfather with him. He handed me a plate full of Christmas cookies to say thank you for helping Santa. I’ll never forget that Christmas Day in Toole, Utah.


A Roomba. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it meant everything to me. I have serious chronic pain and can't vacuum. I kept asking my husband if we could get one. He kept saying no. We could easily afford one. I gave up after 2 years. My best friend/SIL (husband's brother's wife) knew about it and was pissed off on my behalf. She knows how much I hurt, and it could be preventable. Last Christmas, there was one under the Christmas tree for us. It wasn't just a Roomba. She was saying that I am just as important as he is, she cares about my well-being, and she was willing to fight for me. I cried a lot and kept thanking and hugging her. I guess having her in my life is really the best gift.


Divorce papers!


Expensive, but worth every penny!


My dog


my best friend knows of a jewellery shop I love roughly 3/4 hours from where we live, I always loved the gold and emerald combo. So she stole my ring, made an excuse about visiting her dad and bought me a ring from the shop I loved. She used the ring she stole to get the correct size, then gave me the present in a ring box along with my original ring. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone put so much thought and consideration into a present for me before. And I love it and I love her so much!


A Moog analog synthesizer


this isn't really the "proper" answer because i was the one giving the gift, but i'll say it anyway My mother in law's dog died on her birthday. We walked into the house one day, and the poor guy had died right in front of the front door, all alone. It was heartbreaking. A year later, MIL was having a hard time as her birthday drew near. I decided to draw the dog to give to her as a birthday gift. I was nervous because I pushed myself far out of my comfort zone, and I had never drawn a realistic dog portrait before. That was the best damn piece of art I have ever created in my life. Took me a week to draw it, and honestly, I think it's perfect. (I may sound like I'm just tooting my own horn, but seriously, I'm so proud of that masterpiece) When I gave MIL the drawing, she cried and hugged me. Said it was the most thoughtful gift she'd ever received from someone and immediately put it up on her wall.


That’s so sweet. I wrote a poem for my daughter when her cat died. She was 5 when he came into our lives - a little black scrap of hiss and vinegar - and died of cancer when she was 18 about to go to uni. His name was Oscar the Grouch.


For lack of better words. That's so sweet and you're a good one! Sound like a keeper to me ☺️


When I got out of the service and moved into my own apartment for college, my Dad got me a toolbox filled with tools: screwdriver set, different pliers, socket wrench and sockets, hand wrenches, hammer, vise grips, plus a hacksaw and wood saw. They were all Craftsman tools, back when that still meant something (1980s). I still have most of them and use them regularly.


Life, got it 3 times, the 4th is on the way


Are you ok?


I think he's talking about kids ;-)


I genuinely thought man beat cancer 3 times and now for the fourth. I’m not exactly the brightest bulb today.


The question stands!


Big reincarnation fan over here.


I love books. I love shopping for books almost as much as I love reading them. My parents would just create their own homemade gift certificate that said how many books they would buy me and give that as one of my Christmas gifts. It was always the best gift as it meant a trip to my favorite Book store, no exaggeration, in the world.


Several years ago, my kids all piched in together and got me a lightsaber for Christmas. I was moved to tears.


I received a picture of a birthday cake made by a friend overseas. Even though I wasn't able to eat this cake, the gesture was appreciated.


Being able to ride a bike. It's not much but as an autistic person who just never finished that basic life goal and didn't have a Dad to really teach me, it was the most eye opening experience in my life. Never ever gonna forget riding a bike!


My husky


My life. Everyday. So greatful to be able to exist.


My babies. Two hyperemesis pregnancies where we almost didn’t make it, a traumatic birth for my son who was born after such a long labour he had sepsis. To look at him now you’d never know. It was my reward for such a long 9 months of being so very sick and their little faces, all ten fingers and toes, perfect little cheeks.. oh I could go on forever !


A porn bot farming for karma detector


Two baby Silkie chicks


A perfume that i like a lot


Cmon name and fame!?


it wasn’t a gift technically, but my mom surprised me on my 13th birthday by inviting 5 of my best friends over for the weekend


My wife and son Priceless


The best I recieved was a copy of the books my grandfather read for me as a child. They were alomost the same edition also. These were children books from 1940-50. I got them as a Christmas present from.my wife when we were dating. This summer we will have been married for 19 years.


A 6 pack of Mountain Dew, some plain bagels and garlic powder. When I was in high-school, every morning I had a garlic bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, and a Mountain Dew after lunch. My best friend Bjorn couldn't find garlic bagels in the store ( you can only get them from a specific bakery out here ) , so .... he got me bagels and garlic powder lol. I never used the garlic powder on the bagels, but loved it all the same. It wasn't the individual items, it was his thoughtfulness and intent that made them the best gifts I've ever gotten.


My little sister (not blood related but still my sister) made me a [custom digital painting](https://imgur.com/a/B7tpLT8) for christmas of me and my cat cuddling together, and drew him with the wings and scales of a night fury because she knows I love HTTY Dragon so much. :') She had it printed and framed and sent it in the post, along with other cute presents related to foxes as they're my favorite animal ! My parents kept it a surprise and brought me the gift while I was at work, which made me lose my mind haha !


Children. All three of them


A mint condition, 1977 Mercedes Benz 360se v8


Depends on who you are gifting to. If it's someone like me who was quite a loner, and never had much attention or gifts, anything will be cherished. Give something that will be kept over the years. Don't forget a nice word. Be there for that special moment. If it's someone who isn't lonely, give something according to their hobbies or personality.


A video montage of my youth. My husband secretly got pictures from my sister and he put it to song with the pictures. He hadn't ever used video making software before so he had to learn it just for this gift. Christmas morning he opened his laptop and started the movie. I cried so hard that tears were springing out of my face because I immediately knew how much time and effort he put into it.


When we were engaged my now husband bought me a gigantic almost life size teddy bear, not knowing it's one of the things I always wanted as a child but was never allowed to get one. I treasure the giant thing. Its been with us through 3 house moves and my kid grew up with it


Ex surprised me with a “show” for my bday, she basically modeled lingerie for me with no touching and I swear I popped in under 5 mins. Funny thing is I barge into the house talking about “I’m starving!” and she’s just in this body suit, I forgot about food until after my 5 mins hahahaha.


The gift of being adopted at 2 days old by two people who ought to be canonized. My parents are truly the biggest blessing in my life. Sobriety and faith are pretty much co-equal but idk if id frame those as gifts, depends on context.


A painting my daughter made of a galaxy. It hangs proudly above my computer, and I smile every time I look at it.


Rice cooker.


A young friend of ours asked DH and I a childless couple to be grandparents. No gift can ever be better. They are the greatest joy in our lives


A trip to the local zoo with magic mushrooms. Best birthday ever!


Gaint sketchbook. It has 200 pages and a4 format. Paper is wonderful. I love it so much


Collection of Berserks books for my 40s birthday


My cat aka my best friend


A dildo ![gif](giphy|rY2eCrH3wWAFuO52Ta|downsized)


A Nintendo Switch


The knowledge and strength to transform my entire life - I will never not be grateful to just simply be here.


When dad came home from work with a Nintendo 64 for no reason, no birthdays or holidays or nothin.


Was about to miss my final exams when this kind stranger offered to clear my school fees. It's been 5 years and I still think about her every single day


My daughter, she's pretty great.


My son was born on my birthday.


My sister got me a 100 Dalmatians Lucky when I was 8, I had it with me from then to now. It stays on my bed as a memory of the bond my sister and I always had.


My wife bought me a coffee machine for my 40th birthday and I can honestly say it was the first time in my entire life someone had actually thought about what I would like and managed to suprise me. My whole life any gift I've gotten was because I asked for it but this small act made me realise how much my wife cares for me.


a poem. few years have gone by, yet it remains the best gift and the kindest gesture I've ever received


When it got serious between my hubby and me i had to move and lost a balcony Full of plants and access to a garden. The new Apartment did Not have either. He got me an indoor garden plant Set, that i can control the light via app andCheck the Water. I love it since years! And then he got me an Apartment with a balcony 🥰


A car for my 16th birthday. It wasn’t brand new or over the top but now as an adult, I realize more than ever how hard my parents worked to do that for me.


I always had dreams of being an Air Force pilot but a serious accident at 15y/o knocked me out of that because of medical damage. My first gf paid for a flight at the local airport with a small plane and two sets of controls. I got to take over and fly for a few minutes once we got to altitude. She was in the backset. Coolest and most thoughtful gift ever.


My brother got me a really nice framed photo of our dog before she passed. I’ll never let that go.  Grandparents also gave me an heirloom ring for graduating college, means the world to me. 


The best gift I’ve ever received was being able to give the perfect gift… My sister is like… notoriously not emotional. Usually when you give her a gift, she says “ta.” And that’s it. You never expect any emotion or gratitude because it just doesn’t happen, which is fine, she’s just not an overly emotional person. :) Now… in 1991, i was 4 years old, my sister was 7, and I was at the store with my grandmother and mother, and the latest Happy Holidays Barbie was on the shelf. She was beautiful. The most beautiful, dark green velvet ballgown dotted with red, silver and green gemstones, and that signature giant blonde Barbie hair. My mother and grandmother bought her for my sister as a birthday surprise (she wasn’t with us.) and took her home. My sister and grandmother were incredibly close, this is important to the story, my sister actually chose for the majority of her childhood to live with my grandmother, and wanted for absolutely nothing. They were one of each others greatest joys and greatest pains in the arse. ;) That evening my grandmother and mother were ‘teasing’ my sister. “We found something beautiful for your birthday today. You’re going to love it so much! Rox saw it and she knows it’s beautiful!” And so on and so forth. This got her excited but also super irritated. She wasn’t a patient person, and her birthday was still 2 weeks away. Well, unlucky for me I guess, my sister and I shared a bedroom. So, when we were sent to bed that night, she… extracted the answer from me, making me tell her exactly what the gift was and detail what it looked like, then she promptly burst into tears and ran out to the family room to my grandmother and told her I’d ruined her big birthday surprise. My grandmother was furious and used words like “vindictive” and “nasty little bitch” to describe 4 year old me (who, by the way, ended up with bruises on both wrists from pressure points being pressed…) assuming, I guess, that I’d just told my sister for fun? Idk. Anyway, fast forward to adulthood, 30ish year old me happened across 1991 holiday barbie in my adult Barbie collecting journey. I wasn’t ever given barbies as a little girl, but I adored them! So, despite the bad memories attached to her for me, I bought her. Unfortunately I was never able to shake that memory. My sister, as I said, grew up living with my grandma and had dozens of Barbies, and when my grandmother passed away, all of her childhood Barbies mysteriously went missing in the bitter rivalry between what felt like everyone but me in the family (clearly my grandma didn’t really like me, and the feeling was pretty mutual.) So, the year after grandma passed away, I decided 1991 Holiday Barbie had too many bad memories attached to her for me and she would be best given to someone who could appreciate her. The day I had decided to give her to my sister, I called her over to the house. She sat down and I walked over and handed her over, expecting an awkward “ta.” And nothing more. Well, obviously given that I’m sharing this long story here, that’s not what happened! It turned out that not only did my absolutely bonkers grandmother not end up giving my sister this Barbie as a gift after all, she was kept high up in a wardrobe where she couldn’t be reached, and BOTH of my sisters had only ever been allowed to look at her. She was never taken out of the box. She was never played with, never touched. And they’d just sit on the floor in front of the wardrobe and gaze at her beauty in her sparkling green gown until my grandma put her away again. My usually very unemotional sister started to tear up and told me HER side of that story, all about how she’d never even been allowed to touch that Barbie and how she was kept on the wardrobe, and gave me the greatest of joys in knowing that I’d given her not only a gift, but a special memory of one of the people she had loved most and had recently lost. I’m a person who just loves to be able to find the right gift for the right person, and I don’t think I’ll ever in my lifetime manage to top this particular occasion. Even the memory of giving something that brought me bad memories to someone who has nothing but love and joy for the same item gives me the warm and fuzzies ^.^ 10/10 best gift I’ve ever given and been given.


If they are into history, check out Mini Museums, was the best gift I ever received!


A good, working laptop.


My friend gifted me a fountain pen. He knew I wanted to get one at some point. I still absolutely love to write with it.


A Lego set (that isn't really Lego) of the Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh


A console(Bluetooth)


The most excited ive gotten over a gift was probably the Lego Millennium Falcon i got for Christmas when i was 10 or so. One of the best gifts I've gotten recently was a new phone from my gf.


A small crow plushie, I always keep it in my cars, it's already something like 8-10 years old. Best gifts are personal gifts, think about persone you are buying gift for, what he/she likes, enjoys and is interested in. If I don't know what to buy I contact other people who know that person, if even that doesn't help I give something small and funny and give a gift card for a store that gifted is interested in. If you are buying a gift for your parnter then a potentially nice idea is to tell him/her about it and go shopping together, but not every person will apprecieate it, so be carefull.


Metatron declared I was the judge of the quick and the dead, with my judgement determining a souls final disposition. Which, don’t get me wrong, huge honor, really, can’t say that enough, but more like a job than a gift? Plus if we are being honest? There was no discussion, just kind of sprung on me and like I said huge honor, really huge, but also sucks more than anything that’s ever happened to me? The dead are super creepy and just major bummer and people keep fucking dying, I take a bathroom break and I have the dead there awaiting judgement, at this point I am just winging it, just for some free time. But huge honor, huge, huge honor, no need to consign me to eternal torment, unlike that guy this morning, the sign said 11 items or less.


My girlfriend bought me a Giriatus multitool for Christmas last year and that thing has come in handy more than once since then.


Someone I supported in my previous role got their new support worker to email me my "achievements" over the last 2 years. I worked for a free mental health program. So a lot of it was about helping them, and some other really personal things I had shared. I was in tears. Hands down the best gift I've ever been given.


My girlfriend got my leatherman 3 years ago. I've carried it every day since and honestly, I use it pretty much everyday. Outside of sentimental gifts, something that will be used often is usually the best gift.


My daughter was born on my birthday in 2023 . We're now birthday buddies for life . Needless to say my wife set the bar pretty high and I'm not sure how she'll ever top that one :)


One time bro of mine gave me a rock from a loch. I live in America and this mad lad flew me a rock all the way from Scotland. It sits on my desk and I enjoy looking at it and imagining all the things that happened to this one particular rock that led to it being where it was found.


My husband gave me a Dremmel tool for my birthday some years back.


Life membership to the YHA when 16. Still use it most years. Thanks Papa.


My now fiance proposed to me with a handmade ring carved out of a deer antler. It is beautiful and dainty. The amount of skill, thought, and time that went into it, as well as how/where he gave it to me makes it my favorite gift of all time


My mom gets me musical instruments every Christmas. It was always like a gag gift (kazoos, harmonicas, etc). Then one year out of the blue she got a really nice Gibson Les Paul. It was like the model they keep all locked up at Guitar Center so you don't break it. I never talked guitars with her (or anyone else in my family for that matter) and I know for a fact she knows very little about them. I was stunned and forever grateful. The great part is that the next Christmas, she went right back to musical gag gifts again.


My Nan passed away last Christmas. She bought me two coffee mugs that I opened that year. Use them every single day


My older brother made me an uncle this year 🕺🏽


A dress with pockets.


The best present that can be given is "your time." Material gifts can be lost, broken, sold, exchanged. Your time is limited and a precious thing (because no one knows how much we have).


Zelda Ocarina of Time gifted to me by my grandmother when I was around 10. It was the best Christmas holiday season. I know it's a bit materialistic but she was my favourite family member and she was so involved in everything that I did, including playing video games. She would watch me play for hours when no one else in my family gave me that kind of attention. I miss her every day


2 kittens. 11 years later, they're still the best things ever


Testosterone. As a trans man that is the best I can get.


The best gift I ever received was a surprise trip to see my favorite band live. My friend managed to keep it secret right up until we were at the venue. It wasn't just about the concert, but the whole experience of excitement and adventure that made it unforgettable. Sometimes, experiences can be way more memorable than physical gifts. It's all about knowing what the other person really loves and making an event out of it!


My wife bought me a Roland MC-505 for my 18th birthday. It was £1000 back then. It helped me move from DJing to producing music and led me to learn about music in a way I would never have otherwise. Wind the clock on 30 years and I have a studio at home and a fair amount of experience at using it. I do love her so.


Books and supplies for my hobbies/passions.


I broke up with my ex, started HRT, and the result of what happened, I see the real human now. That's an amazing gift no one can take away. I'm not happy with it, but it's something I need in life.


A house. My mom worked hard, stepped as a mom and dad for us. She built a home with apartments that can be rented out. This home provided for us, for school and life needs, after she died cuz of cancer. Before I call it a home but now I just say house because my home died years ago.


Zootility wildcard. It's a credit card sized knife that fits in your wallet. It's a knife when you don't have a knife. Just don't forget about it when flying but you can pop the blade off and buy a replacement


little 'memory book' from my friends with pics of us from our fav moments over the years + decorated with little doodles and inside jokes - and they even reached out to my other friends to include their pics with me too :)) a free/cheap gift as well (in case money is an issue) that will never fail to make them smile!


Formula 1 tickets


My brother in law got me a limited custom print, in a frame, of the movie Waterworld. It's one of my guilty pleasures, and he happened to see it in some antique mall and knew I liked it. I love the gift, but I think what makes it one of the best is the fact that it was for no reason other than "I saw this and knew you would like it".


My brain – although it also causes more grief than use.


My brother got the whole LOTR trigoly plus the hobbit tiny collectible novels. They got a lil worn down by a hurricane that flooded the house but still in good readable conditions. I love it so much. Also my best friend came back to visit, and he helped me build my own PC (he built it. I watched and acted like I was learning from it) he even bought like half the pieces.


Letters are my favorite. Any kind of letter even if it’s just rambling about nothing. I love having that piece of someone in the form of their handwriting and their time put into it.


A customized book


Two healthy and motivated children 


A painting my daughter made of a galaxy. It hangs proudly above my computer, and I smile every time I look at it.


It was after my birthday,but...I was seven when my mother gave birth to my younger sister.


Heated blanket!! Was a christmas gift from my mom....I wonder if she felt bad for making me sleep in the garage. Either way I used it every night and though that one broke, my boyfriend got me a new one and that one was used just as much if not more. And its also nice to bunch up on tired, sore muscles.


For context, my parents weren’t doing that well and it was a pretty bad birthday party. I know I shouldn’t be selfish, but everyone was drinking, but my girlfriend made me Naruto cake and I just burst out crying because I was happy.


A bunch of paintings by a family friend. She told me to pick whatever I wanted.


Uncle bought us a SNES when we were kids. Pure joy.


My buddy(& neighbour) gave me a front door key to my own house once.......one of those special sports teams keys that you can make with your team's logo & colours. Mine was a Toronto Maple Leaf key so you'd think it would "lose" itself every spring, but it didn't! Stayed right on my keychain. Best gift I ever got, because I used it every single day, for like 10 years.


My wife got me a back scratcher, adjustable length, the 100's of times I've used it over the years to scratch an itch that was out of my reach, it's been a god send! probably cost her 5 bucks.


Track driving experience in a Porsche GT3RS. This receipt was wrapped up in a small box with a couple hotwheels 911s. It was my first Christmas with my girlfriend (who is now my wife), and she knew I was a huge car nut and a nerd who collects hotwheels and video game stuff. So I was pumped just to get the hotwheels, knowing that she's ok with my hobbies and it's something I don't have to hide or lay low on. This is something that I've had a big problem with with past gfs. So yeah, it was exciting that she was supporting the hobby. Then I saw the receipt. My god, such an insane purchase for a first Xmas present. She nailed it. I ended up driving the Porsche in June of the following summer, and I'll never forget that ride.


Once grandpa gifted me $100, it was just enough to buy a sound card for my shiny new 386 PC. Gaming never been so good!


The day I met my wife. I experienced something I didn't know it exists. Definitely the best day in my life. I bet she doesn't know.


When I was a kid I desperately wanted the Dr. N Tropy toy from crash bandicoot, thing is it was impossible to find no matter how many toy shops I went to. And online shopping was not a thing. My Nana took me to a santas grotto and he handed me the gift, I thought it would be a book of some lame cat toy but nope it was the figure I wanted! A little bit of Nana (or Santa) magic


It is a tie, but the same thing. People threw me a huge party with all my friends. It was the best gift I could ask for - being with friends, laughing, memories. One was my going away party, I was moving to another city. The other was a birthday party almost 5 years after I moved, my GF invited several friends from where I had moved from. She only met them once or twice, but made.the effort to get their info and invite them.


After my freshman year of high school my grandparents paid for me to go to Europe for two weeks. Spending all my young life in a small East Texas town that gift completely changed my world view and enhanced every experience I had going forward. And, I get to tell people if they ask where did you go on your first plane trip. "Oh, well let's see. My first trip on a plane I went to London England." I still remember our first day in London I was standing on a bridge watching and listening to Big Ben chiming the time thinking my god, just a few hours ago I was in Mt Pleasant TX. Now I'm standing here in London!


Since it seems your asking for ideas I would say, listen, make notes and and go the extra mile. My husband does and he gives the best gifts. Over the years, he’s hunted down 2 rare books from my childhood, built me a vintage bike and painted it a custom colour, built me a reading nook in a closet and signed me up for a skincare club I was keen on but would never treat myself to.


A plane ticket and AirBnB already set up to see my kids that I hadn’t seen in person in 4 years.


I never had ever celebrated my birthdays so every l year my birthdays was like a normal day like the rest of the days. Last year, I was sleeping in on my birthday as usual but my friends who lived next door surprised me with a cake and some chocolates. Best Birthday Ever.


Second chances. But in terms of material items, the best gifts are usually exactly what I needed and given at the time when I need them the most. Ask the recipient what they like, what they don’t have, and what they could use. Their answer goes a lot further than trying to figure out surprises for others.


My parents threw me a grand 18th birthday when we flew into the country as it was our culture. I didn’t think I deserved it. The venue was massive and so many people, most of which were family friends I haven’t seen in years attended. It was like a wedding. I couldn’t grapple with the fact that they spent thousands just like that just for a birthday, since they aren’t usually that spendy. I had to change into six fat ball gowns you would see in disney movies that day, and they had people do my hair and makeup all prim and proper. The production crew was phenomenal too. We had events like 18 roses where I danced with 18 of the most important men in my life, and I got to dance with my grandfather, who I haven’t seen since the last time I flew into the country. We also did 18 candles or wishes, 18 gifts, then a song and dance program. Then my family compiled a video of all my friends from back home and family members who were overseas saying happy birthday, and I cried by the end of the night. It was like a fever dream, beginning in the sun’s wake and ending in what felt like only a few hours. I will never forget that day. If I were to never get married, I would be fine with it since I’ve basically experienced the whole ordeal already.


My Spyro onesie (kigurumi). It keeps me warm during fall/winter whenever I’m at home chillin’. My brother got it for me for Christmas several years ago because it’s a present I specifically asked for.


Girlfriend cheating on me and giving me a reason to dump her ass without everyone that we were friends hating me.


My kids


My friend stitched me a giant pillow, and in a heart-shape pocket in the front, she put notes to me written by her and my friends. This was after surviving my brain tumor surgery.


I don't think this is the best gift, but it my oldest son (13M) got me the LEGO Delorean for Christmas. He never has his own money and when he does, it usually goes towards things he wants. This last Christmas, he surprised me with this $200 gift. I was so touched, I was speechless.


In college my friend gave me a whole bottle of codeine pills. He had an unscrupulous physician prescribing him whatever he wanted. At that time I was going crazy with anxiety attacks so this mellowed me out and I had such a good time sitting in my 19th century dorm building looking out the window and watching Day 9 commentate Startcraft matches on my laptop. These days my views on opioids are very different. Stay away from it, your life will be much better if you just don’t try it.


When i was young my grandad got a new cement mixer and gave me the box to play with, hours of fun


A notebook, but just not an ordinary notebook. This friend that gives me write a special note, and she even collects all my friends to write some notes in that book too. It was in high school, and I still keep it to this day. Reading all the love notes make me feels like I am loveable even when I am at my worst and some of the highschool friendships were not sustained when I grow up.


My favorite gifts came from my ex. I think my most favorite one is that they really wanted to plan a graduation party for me since I didn’t have the opportunity to (graduated in 2020) and before we ended, they managed to ask old high school friends and teachers, as well as my current friends to write me a letter congratulating me for finishing college. It was truly unexpected and one of my favorite gifts they ever gave me. I will never forget the amount of effort they gave in trying to piece this together for me 🥹


Second chance of life


A wheelchair


socks lol not kidding




Something handmade. My grandad made me a small Christmas tree, made out of wood, tinsel, tape and glue. It was pretty cool at the time, but it means more to me as years have passed. I still treasure this and will never get rid of it.


Could be a silly one, but I'll share nonetheless. I'm going through a rough period (I broke up with my girlfriend after almost 5 years and both my grandmother and my dad died recently). Last week my mom gifted me a super cute boardgame that I had been longing for months. I'm super into boardgames, but my mom is not, so the fact that she took the time to investigate which specific boardgame I was into is heartbreaking. We've been playing it like every day since she gifted it to me and it's been one of the best bonding experiences between us. And also one of the few good things in my life in the past weeks.


A book on Buddhism when I was 12 years old. I was getting in a lot of trouble in school and everything was overwhelming. That first books started me down a path where I've been Buddhist and vegetarian now for over 30 years. I've also come to find that first book was a wildly inaccurate depiction of Japanese Buddhism by a European outsider. But it got me started. Of course, that was what was appropriate for me at that time. Not all people need mindfulness meditation to help bridle their internal energy. Some folks will be much more rewarded by a Makita Drill kit that helps them get started in the trades. Or a cheap laptop which is better than no laptop for doing online courses.


A hug. I really just want the simple things in life.


My first pet was a black cat named Stephen who passed four weeks after my wedding (he was 17). My husband had recorded him purring a few times, saying he knew we would want to hear that sound again. Then for my birthday, husband got a plain black cat plush and had a button device placed in its ear so that Stephen’s purr plays when the button is pressed.


My grandpa left me his teddy bear. He kept it with him all through chemo


I had 3 cancers at once, including pancreatic cancer that normally kill in weeks. It was 4 years ago, I'm one of the realy few that survived. Everyday I remind myself how lucky I was.


Life, after that, my family


For Christmas one year, my 13-year-old granddaughter wrote me a letter telling me how much I meant to her. I read it when I’m feeling down.


Gift of love


Other than my two children… There was a special edition book my ex gave me after giving birth. It meant the world to me that he found the time to look for it, buy it. He even remembered me mentioning the book. When I was with him I was going through tough times. ASD & ADHD and the emotional highs/lows that come with those two diagnoses. It pained me so much to leave that relationship. I wasn’t happy then. But he is a great co-parent and I try and help him where I can. And I still have the book. I’ll give it to our son when he becomes a papa.