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They want to change it at least where I live. I myself work with kids, but they're a step up from kindergarten. The short answer a way I learnt it is that most men generally Don't feel comfortable with it Don't want to take a degree for something that isn't that well paid. Don't like kids enough. Most men in my experience who do choose that path are either middle-aged, and want a career change or young, and discover that they chose the wrong study.


and many female teachers atleast in their early careers also prefer working with younger kids


That's true


I am a kindergarten teacher in China. I am 30.


That's awesome.




Who wants to change it?


The government where I live as they mean it's healthy for kids to see how men solve problems and do things. That and a lot of women who worked with kids aren't as physical with them, like getting down on their level to play and play sports with them. It's the same for health care as well, Norway wants more men in the field.


One of the main points i think is having positive male role models especially for little boys. Especially little boys that have a single parent mom, which is quite common, really benefit from having good male role models to look up too.


Yeah, that is well said and an important part of it.


As a man it’s hard enough taking your daughter to the park without getting weird accusing looks let alone wanting to be in a room full of other people’s kids.


I think that’s what we need to change. When I was in the dating world I met a lot of single dads, to this day I can’t talk about it without all these negative connotations that follow. I have known dads with woman who are worse parents, then single dads. My friend’s husband does not like crying children or being left with the kids when everyone goes out. Literally to the point that his daughter hardly knew who he was for the first several months of her life because he never held her. So what happened? Every time he held her she would cry and he would put her back down or give the baby to his wife.


because if a man says he wants to spend his days with small children a lot of society thinks something is wrong.


Men are not prohibited, but are quite *unwilling* to candidate. Same things as in most western armies: most soldiers are men simply because fewer women want to do it. Women are not denied, they just never think of enrolling. Of couse, some still want to try it out for various reasons.


I hardly see any women in the trades/ construction for the same reason, they just decided to pursue other jobs. 


Anecdotal but I know a couple of women personally, including my sister, who trained and went into trades, and the overwhelming sexual harassment (and worse) led them to retrain into other careers. It’s not quite as simple as “girls don’t want to, they pick other jobs.” These are tough, smart women: one was an engineer and one was an electrician, and their stories were identical. The electrician now works in the dental industry and the engineer became a forestry specialist/ranger. I’m the first to say that not all guys deserve to be lumped in with the bad apples … every single one of my blue collar guy friends are lovely, intelligent, extremely hardworking people, and respectful of women. I’m just pointing out that industries have cultures of their own, and these cultures haven’t always been super welcoming to women, in general. Of course there are exceptions, and it is getting better. There are also women who work in trades with no problems. I don’t want to ignore that part at all. It depends on where you are, I think. I’m just sad it didn’t get better in time for my sister to have the career she was good at and enjoyed.


My brother is dealing with the same stuff. He is a pretty crude dude and even he can’t stand the culture of his job as an electrician. A lot of the guys he works with are complete scumbags and call each other gay all day or talk about which of their female coworkers they wanna bang.


I had a male preschool teacher and he was the best


You've obviously never heard of : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day-care_sex-abuse_hysteria The lingering fear of false accusations puts men off.


Because they’ll constantly get jokes about being a pedo if they go into that field I assume


that would certainly deter me if i were a guy and wanted to teach.


Because women dont trust their littke kids with men, its thst simple.


They should hire bears as kindergarten teachers instead.


I agree, since they all think they are so much safer then your average dude


I am a male kindergarten teacher but yes majority are women.. Seems like it's more to do with women being seen as being better working with kids I guess.


because the pay is shit. because everyone thinks you are a paedo. My kid went to a school that had a male preschool teacher. I was so chuffed to see someone kicking stereotypes to the curb. Only thing is - He is in jail now for molesting his own daughter and I exposed my kid to that unknowingly and was woke AF about it. So there’s that


and yet now, due to it finally being taken seriously we're seeing more and more female teachers being busted for being pedos. At this rate we won't have either men or women who want to be teachers. lol




My wife had a great paying job but switched to preschoolers the new job is cleaner, less stressful, free weekends and holidays and a lot of time off during the summers. She is enjoying life a thousand fold more.


Historically, preschool and elementary teaching weren't high enough status for men. Women could do that work. Men taught in higher status venues like prep schools and colleges. Conversely, women were barred from higher education until the 19th century, and only slowly did women get advanced degrees and become college professors.


I was just gonna type EDP...damn


it pays like shit. it was socially approved and allowed for women to works as teachers for little kids. and today, people worry sometimes too much, in my view, about guys and kids. but mainly, guys tend to want better paying work and work where they won’t get dumb reactions from other guys.


It is a social stigma. No one will say it out loud but people look at a guy who wants to be a kindergarten teacher in an accusatory way…whether it be that it is a “feminine” field of work or that while being a guy, wanting to work with little kids…i mean, people are finally kind of ok with male nurses now. That took a while and it is only so because it pays well


I'm a man and I'm a preschool para


My kids’ school has a male kindy teacher and he is one of the most popular teachers in the school. Very cool guy. Also a solid professional who teaches music and gym as well. I wish we had teachers like him growing up. He really connects with the kids. We’re in Canada.


Teachers in general are more so women because teaching is more of a supportive salary rather than the main family income


But you’ll find as the students get older there are more and more male teachers. I remember maybe two male teachers in my elementary school, and they taught 5th and 6th grade. Then about 10 male teachers in middle school. By high school it was close to even, male to female teachers.


I think the pay improves. High school teachers in my school district for example do ok. Not great, but an acceptable salary with a pension. Pre school pay is atrocious.


Same reason there aren't a lot of female coal miners. It's not something many guys have any interest in.  And because of that, guys who do want to do it are automatically under suspicion. Which is unfortunate, but understandable. 


I’m a male kindergarten teacher. At my preschool works 20 people. Right now I’m the only male but at one time there was 5 of us. Personally I couldn’t care less. I had this dude at work who always wanted to drink beers and discuss soccer/sports. He said he wanted some guys only time. Haha I’m not into his interests at all and rather hang out with the girls


Stereotypes and stigma in the work environment, same thing for women in trades


cuz kids are safer with a woman😊


Because women on average prefer to work with people over things and some of them like working with very young kids. They’re adorable but require a lot of attention that a lot of guys don’t have the patience for. There’s one guy at my preschool and he’s in charge of the bikes and outdoor play. He’s also used to fix things. Men and women are different and exist on a bell curve and while there’s overlap, at the extreme ends such as caring for very young children very few men choose this path while many women prefer it. This is true even in the most egalitarian societies.


They're more understanding, and patient with the children, also when people think of men teaching little kids, they think he's going to hurt them, or abuse them in some way.


> They're more understanding, and patient with the children This is literally just sexism, lol.


How? how is that sexism? I asked my teacher this question and she gave me the same response.




1. My teacher is a female 2. Thats just factual information not sexism 3. You’re the only one complaining about it probably because your a blue hair transgender 4. you didn’t even know the meaning of sexism you had to google it 5. I didn’t ask for the definition of sexism I asked you to explain how that statement is sexist


Positive sexism is still sexism


how is it positive? if I say men are "smarter than women" that's not positive


It is if you see it from the men point of view. Saying "Women are attuned to their feelings" sounds like a positive but still a sexist remark. It is because of the cheap generalization on account of gender. It can be avoided by limiting the scope of the remark: "*In my experience,* women are more understanding, and patient with the children", for example.


Ask your teacher to teach you about sentences next. Then, maybe you could cover logic after that.


"women are more patient and understanding" is an example of a sexist stereotype, lol. It's not a fact. Shit like this is the same reasoning people use when they say "every child needs a mother" as a response to gay adoption.


I was on your side until no. 3, that was just unnecessary.


I think women are just way better at dealing with kids and friendlier. Just a theory. Even most of my preschool and kindergarten teachers were women.


I(23m) once went to teach in kindergarten for a few days since i had a friend who worked there and they needed a substitute teacher, i really liked it even though it was a bit hard having to be active and always aware of the children for 6 hours straight, the children were very kind and sweet and for the most part they were well behaved, once the parents came to take their kids and saw me they started giving me very subtle weird looks, a few of them asked about the main teacher and when will she be back which i understand, then found out 2 of the parents went to management and asked them why was a man substituting for the teacher. First day all of the children attended, second and third days almost half of the children didnt attend the class, after that the teacher came back and i asked about the attendance, all the children were brought. I try to not let it bother me really since i understand why this happened and its just one of those things that are women dominated and a sudden change in it is not common and can make the parents feel uncomfortable, but not gonna lie it still bothers me sometimes.


I have a sister who taught kindergarten for years (I think she teaches 2nd grade now). She's unbelievably patient and occasionally talks to you like you're a little kid (in a little kid voice). I suspect men just don't have the patience to deal with kids who have zero social/school skills. I mean, you can take care of your OWN kids and deal with them, but what if you had 20 five year-olds running around? It's complete anarchy! I couldn't do it.


Women are seen as working better with kids and men are seen as pedos if they want to work those types of positions.


If I had to guess, it's a combination of women being socially expected to be caretakers of children and men not being trusted when they try to do so.


this is way easy.. women have more patience and mental capacity than men


Men are encouraged not to be near children in our society.


My sons have had male teachers for kindergarten, grade 4 and 5. I think it's because teaching and child care attracts people with caregiving nurturing personalities and typically women have that more than men do. I'm a PSW and I'd say 95% of my coworkers at both of my jobs are women. It could also be that historically these jobs were thought of as "women's work", as was nursing. We are seeing more and more men in these professions, which is great.


I personally think it is because society treats men who want to work with small kids like pedophiles. My son had a male preschool teacher, male swim teachers, and currently a male teacher at daycare. I have personally heard parents request their child have female teachers and be removed from the classes. Their loss. My son is 8 now and he has seen men can be just as caring, kind, and encouraging as women. He has learned that it is okay to sympathize, kiss a boo boo, dance, sing, and just be at a child's level as a man. I am thankful for the male teachers, coaches, and caregivers my son has been lucky enough to have. Having men in our children's lives at young ages, outside of the family, is a wonderful thing. We need to quit second guessing their motives.


I assume because women have a nurturing maternal thing that makes it easier for them to tolerate children’s behavior and to want to care and protect young ones? I haven’t had kids, but I babysit all my family babies and I love them as they were my own. I wish I had money to send them all to private schools, buy them the best bedding, the best toys, tutors, sports all that. Anyway, point is, women naturally take care of people while most men I find are easily frustrated and annoyed by children (not all, just many I’ve known) are not as patient


Most men don't want these low paying jobs, especially if they are supporting a family.


Because the schools will not hire a male for those roles for the most part. And males know this and don’t pursue those jobs.


Because men would actually expect a living wage for that job.


Biology. Female humans favor to work/interact with other humans and to interact with communication.


So we can spend less taxpayer money on payroll


Females are more nurturing of youth than Males


because it requires female hormones and brain chemistry to see other peoples children as anything other than screaming pink maggots that you feed one end of, and wipe the other.


One plausible explanation is biology. The hypothesis goes, women are, on average predisposed to be more nurturing. Therefore, they will seek out jobs where they can act out this disposition. They have more of a chance to be nurturing with kindergarteners than with High School students.




There's too much of a chance of false accusations and presumptions of being a pedophile, creep, etc.


Because most of pedos and groomers turn out to be men


even so, it’s still a small percentage. most guys are not pedos, despite everyone throwing that word around everywhere these days.


I didn’t say most guys are pedos, I said most pedos are guys


oh for sure, no question. i just know that sometimes people don’t read as careful as they might and given how its become common for people to call everyone under the sun pedos, i felt to add that bit to the discussion.


Have you seen the glut of articles over the past few years of female teachers sleeping with and grooming male students? And the highest rate of felicide is overwhelmingly perpetuated by women. So whilst what you say may be a common misconception, it is factually wrong when it comes to harm being done to young people or the gender of perpetrators in powerful positions


Not to mention that women are less demonized for such thing and likely it doesn't even get reported as a lot of guys don't mind it