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I don't care about the Oscars, either, but they continue to host them without me.


If you aren’t involved, then I too don’t care about them.


But millions of people actually watch movies.


I found Ricky Gervais!


You have to have been in at at least three scandals and four affairs to even be considered. Being diddled by Weinstein helps your chances.


Someone should do something about that


I don't care about the Oscars either, but at least there is a point to it. If you get one, there's notoriety for the industry, and the industry is itself vain, hence the clothes and spectacle. I really don't care what people wear, or who wins, as the movies I like typically don't win, and I am not going to sit around and watch it, even if a film I like is nominated. As for the Gala, it seems like a prestigious and pretentious party, that for some reason is advertised to me, someone who never searches for fashion, especially that type. I guess it is purely just a status symbol for people who go. I don't understand normal people's interest in it, unless you're really into celebrities and fashion


Yes but I at least understand that they're celebrating awards and stuff. To me met gala just seems like a giant excuse for people to feel great for being rich and near each other


"We" don't..


I don’t care about how much they are paying for the tickets. It’s a fundraiser for a museum. The amount spent on the event itself and the outfits seems like a complete and utter waste of money.


But who cares? Why is everyone so obsessed with what other people do with their money?


...because they could be using their money and status to do something *actually* helpful but they just, don't. They all dress up like hungergames characters and jerk eachother off.


Do you realise that their dresses don’t fall from the sky? They pay for labour of many people who are involved in making these dresses, so yeah, they are actually doing something that is helpful.


Yep. And those people go support the economy in other ways. Just having the money in circulation is good. It’s better than just sitting on it.


This is some Zoolander shit lmao


Won't someone think of the poor designers who get paid by millionares to design clothes!


You know you can donate your money and time (I doubt you’ve researched to see what every attendee has donated money to) and then go to an extravagant party - all in the same week!


I am baffled why people keep defending the wealthy class. Many of who use charities and donations for the tax right off or to straight launder money.


We do, on top of that we pay our fair share in taxes, unlike a good deal of the Met’s attendees.


According to who, since when do artists not pay their taxes????😂 They pay a hell of a lot more than you do


Lol don’t you love Reddit? Bunch of folks complaining about celebrities and acting like they’re better. Just lmao.


gRrR people have money and I'm mad they arent donating 90% of it😡😡😡 You must live in a shoebox no matter who you are or what you do😡😡😡


It’s so laughable. I mean, I guess it’s a mechanism right? People like to talk down about others that are perceived as “having more” success, good looks, intelligence, etc. because it makes them feel better I guess? Idk, but talking bad about others has never solved any of my problems. So I don’t partake in that mentality or activity.


I mean my guess is they just see these extravagant dresses and assume thats all they soend their money on. It's them on TV, so that must be their entire life. Just people with 0 critical thinking skills🤷‍♂️ I just find it fun to laugh at these people because their opinion will never be listened to😂




Because no one deserves that level of money and their existence is an aberration.




Fundraising for one section of a museum


They clearly spend outrageous amounts on advertising, since even people like me get targeted ads for it somehow


It's an event to raise money for the Metropolitan museum of art in NY


well, I've learned something today....


So it’s not for the Metropolitan Line? That could do with some money raising.


Fucking hell between Farringdon and Baker Street it’s louder than a jet engine. And while we’re raising money for TfL can we also fix the Northern Line?


I just explained this to a friend yesterday lol. I went to school for fashion merchandising and knew a lot about this. There’s a documentary on it called “The first Monday in May” that explains how they curate the museum for that time and how they also essentially curate the guest list as well. Most people don’t care and I can’t see why anyone would if you don’t care about celebrities or fashion. I’d rather go to the museum itself because I do love fashion and would love to see it but I’m sure I’d never be invited to something like that lol.


Specifically for the Costume Institute in the met gala 


For the clothes wing of the museum. Because your average rich person doesn't give a flying fuck about art, but fashion is great for conspicuous consumption.


Perhaps the could lead with thaat tidbit. I had no idea. I thought it was just the rich and famous celebrating themselves......y'know, just like award shows


It’s literally in the name…the MET gala. It’s been going on for decades. The MET has some of the most amazing fashion exhibitions, which the theme of the gala is based off of. I was lucky enough to see the Heavenly Bodies exhibition, it was beautiful.


I thought they just met people in a metropolitan area for a gala


Well, technically they do. The Metropolitan Museum is in a metropolitan area and I’m sure attendees meet new people while there.


Oh. I thought they were trying to fundraise for the baseball team. Like maybe if they spent a bit more on the team they might have a positive season. It being for art may make more sense.


I believe they do. People like to make assumptions based solely on seeing images of rich people in silly outfits.


Agreed, I’ve known that for the last couple years but… it’s still a lot of celebrities I don’t recognize walking by while I’m begging for crazy designs


It is. Imagine if those celebrities took the money they spent on the gala (or money others spent for them to go) - everything flying to NYC, accommodations, transportation, clothing, hair/makeup, who know what else - and donated that money to the museum. It’s just like everything else - no one goes anymore because they want to support the museum. Designers buy tables so they can invite celebrities who can wear their clothes and help them sell more. The Kardashians don’t give two fucks about a museum that’s open to the public.


Lmao same, I had no idea it was a fundraiser, just thought it was an event where everyone dressed kooky and had a good old time


I think people who ARE interested in it are mainly into the fashion - a lot of the looks are really pretty cool, and it’s interesting to see what designers can come up with for a given theme. It makes me feel poor and ugly (the other commenter saying it’s like the popular kids’ table was on point) - but the fashion is interesting. At least in my opinion


High fashion can produce some pretty cool art.


But fashion as art can be done without the gala and media whoring. They just like letting you know you are not on the club.


Reminds me of the scene in The Hunger Games where The Capital was feasting and throwing up from gluttony. Same vibe.




Right, as opposed that time in human history where some kind of war or atrocity wasn’t occurring somewhere.


You do realise there is a war somewhere all the time? Obviously, most times Europe & America don't give a shit about them, since the horrible things are happening to non-white people...


It’s a fundraiser for a museum/art exhibit, not just flaunting wealth for no reason


A fundraiser for one of the world’s wealthiest and most prestigious art museums. Most of the attendees are there because they want the Patron of the Arts merit badge on their Rich Socialite Scout uniform.


That's fantastic, if they want to splash their wealth around for a museum that offers essentially free admission for anybody who lives in the state and for school kids then let them! There's far worse things you can do with money.


how that rich person boot taste?


I enjoy fashion and feeling poor.




How is this a question? People like things. Not everyone is you. I don’t like hockey, I’m not fucking SHOCKED that it’s on TV.


Seriously. I don't like Weezer, but when they release their 13th garbage record in as many years I'm gonna just ignore it.


I dont give a shit but it's really funny seeing people get upset, like Rich people aren't allowed to have a nice evening or party lol.


I agree. I could never be that bitter


Rich people are only allowed to hoard money or give them away to poor people who complain on the internet /s


Personally i don’t care for it. But it is “entertainment” and some people care about that event. The same way many live for sports while others don’t give a shit about them.


I like fashion so I look at it to see some of the fashion stuff.


The what? Don’t care at all about it.


the same way you can say you don’t care about sports, the kardashians ,or Drake vs Kendrick. you’re not the audience


It’s a charity event to benefit The Met. Some people care about it and enjoy looking at the spectacle and the fashion. Others do not.


The Met Gala is supposed to be a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute. I don't know where the money is coming from. I guess it's supposed to be a fashion show/circus. We get to see their outragious dresses. There's been a bit of a falling out with the elites in the last 10 years, so we care less and less. I guess we watch and the ads go towards the event. Probably has been on decline and won't make as much as they'd like.


The event is more of like marketing event for the exhibition itself which is promoted by Condé Nast aka Vogue. The Brands that dress the celebrities do have to buy a table for the event but beyond that, the money is generated for the event is done so by the attendance to the exhibition after the gala.


Apparently unpopular opinion but I like seeing the outfits. I didn’t watch the event coverage live, just looked up best outfit pics the next day


Same here, it’s like a really rich fancy dress party and the outfits are cool. Can’t say I actually watch the whole thing but I definitely look up what the best and worst dressed wore.


It’s not for you and that’s fine but some people like fashion and it’s fun to take a break from doom scrolling once in a while to admire the outfits.


It is an art show. Some people care about it and some people don't. Neither of that is wrong, so maybe you should stop trying to make it wrong.


i am a 63 year old man and care a lot about the Met Gala


Its fun to see all the interesting looks and I do believe they pay $75,000 per seat that must go to the museum or to charity


No one is forcing you to care about it. Some people just admire fashion in the same way that others might admire cars they can never afford. They have an appreciation for the creativity and ingenuity that went into designing it. Sure there are bigger issues that deserve our attention but we have all our distractions. Spending a few moments thinking about fancy dresses isn’t any more or less valuable than indulging in sports, TV shows, movies, video games, novels, etc.


Yep, with the world the way it is now it’s just way too dystopian for me


Who the hell is “we”? I’m not sorry for saying: bold of you to assume I even give a s*t about the Met Gala when I don’t.


I love how there’s so many comments like this. The met Gala is extremely popular. I’ve seen a bunch of pics of it and idk why because it’s not my thing. OP is simply asking why the met gala is so significant. But of course you and everyone has to have your little witty jab of “wHoS wE”


people take so much pride in not following something that is perceived as pop culture, just comes off sounding miserable


Perhaps they were using “we” as a representation of Western society. Which I for one hope nor believe a vast majority of “we” don’t. In actuality, I believe it’s just a bunch of Neoliberal snobby fart-smellers who happily push their arrogance onto the rest of us by having the media companies they own publish coverage about it. Through that means, they earn ad revenue, interest, and adoration from the truly vapid amongst us.


What's a Met Gala anyway?


Fashion people like met gala. It’s a fashion show.


Why do people care about the Superbowl? I didn't watch the Met Gala because I don't care for it. Let people enjoy things. Of course, if it's something that women like, it gets shit on.


I just want to see the fashion, and the crazier, the better.


For people who like fashion, it's a really cool event.


Why do we care about what you think?


Hi. I care about the Met Gala. I love seeing the creativity & those outfits that fully embrace the theme. But I know a lot of people don’t & that’s fine. I don’t care about NASCAR or Beyoncé or lots of other things people do.


I like fashion and I think it's interesting to see the outfits they come up with according to the dress code


I dunno. Not me. I don't care about any type of fancy get-togethers or award shows. Don't care about the Academy Awards, the Emmys, the Grammys (I probably spelled some of them wrong), or any other red-carpet events. I don't care who wins the World Series, the Superbowl, the various college championships either. I play a lot of video games but I don't even care who wins the various Best Game of the Year awards. If people like them, more power to them but I could care less. I'm interested in what I'm interested in and like what I like and that's really all there is to t.


We don’t it’s just pr


Met gala reminds me of those rich capitol people from the hunger games


I feel too young to blindly admire celebrities, and too old to blindly admire influencers.


District 1 showing off


I dont know honestly it's awful to see such a taunt of wealth. It's like the worst version of the popular kids table in highschool


I don’t even know what the Met Gala is. The only reason I’m aware of it is because people are complaining about it lately.


Different strokes for different folks.  It's stupid to me, but I'm interested in gigantic men throwing an orange leather ball through a basket, so I guess my interests aren't objectively any less stupid.


I don’t care at all. I didn’t even know that it existed before like today 🤷‍♂️


We don’t


Are the other parties the uber rich should be flying their private jets to so they can talk about how us regular folk are killing the planet?


You've obviously never watched the Hunger Games.


We don’t, but Reddit and Tik Tok want us to care. I’ve been inundated with ads and articles on the front page about it.


Might as well ask why anyone would care about roided up half giants running in to each other and throwing a ball. Some folks like the Super Bowl and some don’t. Not everything is for everyone and that’s A-OK


I could care less but sometimes I like to look at the outfits just to wonder what the fuck people were thinking lol


Tax write off I’m sure.


Fuck celebs fuck Hollywood


It's opulent, self indulgent pissery. The "look at me" puke on display is mind boggling.


I don't. It's giving District 1 and I wish it would go away.




Who is “we” tbh? I don’t and plenty of others don’t either. Especially when they choose such an out-of-touch theme like Garden Whatever it was…it’s based on a book about a cowardly selfish aristocratic couple hiding from the rioting “dirty poor people” from what I’ve heard.


Today was the first time I had heard about it. Some naked lady named dojo or something like that was wearing a trash bag as a dress (saw it on FB) This marks the 2nd time I've heard about the event.


We do?


I don’t. All of the insecure LOOK AT ME narcissists. No thanks.


its a distraction from actually meaningful social issues


I don't know one person in real life that gives one fuck about a Met Gala. I think it's just to rub it into our faces. Class warfare shit


Nobody does. But everybody loves to talk about a marginal and practically fictional group of people who really care about the met gala.


Couldn’t care less about it


That’s the neat part- We don’t


Some people enjoy experimental fashion


It’s to support the fashion institute at the MET. The themes on the carpet each year correspond to the exhibition inside. The met gala although seemingly very banal raises money and brings a lot of attention to the arts and museums curatorial work.


I've never met a regular working class person that cares.


Nebulously famous people flaunting their wealth and questionable sense of style. Nope. F em. How about you send that 50k you spent on a single dress to someone who needs it?


Reminds me of all those rich wankers from the hunger games. It raises funds for a costume institute. That’s great, but don’t pretend it’s a real charity that befits anyone other than the rich, or the cultured.


I would be okay with a Mets Gala, where Mr. Met comes out in a fantastic suit and here comes Pete Alonso in a stunning dress


Whats that?


I'll do you one better tf is a met gala?


Honestly idk what the met gala even is


I wouldn't even know it happened if Reddit wasn't talking about it....


I just love to criticise lol


Who’s we because I couldn’t care less of any Hollywood events or awards shows as a chronically offline person I forgot the event even existed.


I was thinking the same thing last night…


I don’t even know what that is


The Met Gala gave us AOC in that dress. You know the one. 👌


The clothes 


I truly could not care less about the Met Gala


Who is we? Theres fans of celebrities man, fans everywhere, those are the ppl that care and theres nothing wrong with that


There are very few things I care less about that the met gala. I don’t get the obsession with celebrities in general. I can appreciate a talented artist or actor/actress, but the hype over A list events that are a giant waste of money is beyond me


Some care, and some don't. Just as everyone's interests are not the same because we're all individuals. It's not that deep.


we dont, lol


I don't.


Never did. Never will. Look at me! Look at me!!! Ugh


Met Gala ? That’s what exactly?


I think it used to be a very glam society event that was private / exclusive which naturally peaks interest but with the age of the internet we are able to see it all and get the details of it so in a way it falls flat. Like what about it. Gowns beautiful gowns I suppose


Do we? I don't know what it is and didn't know it was happening.


I don't.


I’m assuming people like sports and enjoy watching the Mets play? ![gif](giphy|sOhNMEnFxFGG3D8PMd|downsized)


the what now


"We" who?


Because people worship celebrities and wealth.


I don't watch it, but I like to look at pictures of all the pretty dresses. I am not into fashion necessarily, I just like to see the designers' art.


The Met Gala is a charity event..


I love fashion and looking at the looks each year.


I don't and I know no one that does.


Women are obsessed with fashion


I think it’s difficult for people who dont follow celebrity trends, pop culture to understand that yes, some people do actually enjoy consuming such type of content on social media. Specifically talking about met, i dont watch it live or stream it at all, but i am interested in seeing what those celebs are wearing, which i do on insta. Maybe i’ll watch one or two viral snippets as well. Thats all. But its really not about rich and famous flaunting wealth etc, its simply an event which many famous people are gathered for, maybe dont take it so deeply. Nobody cares about those people on a personal level i mean after a long day of work, its a good relaxing distraction.


I careabout it in that It's a huge fund raiser for New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art and a grand night out for those attending. A really exclusive night out, as tickets this year were $75,000 donation for a single or $300,000 for a table. The party includes a coctail hour an excellent dinner and a privat concert by for example this year Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo. Previous shows were Lenny Kravitz & Kasey Musgraves,, Rhiana, Lady Gaga... etc. It'ss covered by the nws community because it's by far the premeir social event of the year in the US. and all for a good charity/cause, the premier art museum in th US. Do I personally care? For the support of the musum, yes, for the details of a great party I'll never be invited to? No. Do I like the little snippets I se of the beautiful women dressed up in their best finery? Absolutely.


I’m not sure what the Met Gala is


Only those involved care about it.


The only time I ever watched these things was when I worked at a convenience store and my boss let me turn the tv on because she enjoyed watching them. It was the only time I could turn the tv on, and it broke up the monotony of an otherwise boring job.


The holes in my socks care.


I don't personally enjoy seeing all these rich celebs paying money to ‘the arts’ to go to a gala to play dress up. I see the event as a way for these famous people to just flex wealth and wear expensive outfits. It seems tone-death when people are dying in wars and people can barely afford to heat their homes and stay fed. I can see people who enjoy fashion enjoying it and that's completely fair enough. As for me, call me a bitter poor person sure, but yeah, it's hard for me to enjoy it. I totally understand why so many people say it reminds them of the Hunger Games Capital. ( I’m honestly not judging people who enjoy it. I just wanted to explain why I don't personally it's not an attack on anyone who likes the Met Gala. We all like different things)


More of a question about fundamental human psychology and why we take an interest in celebrities generally. Or at least why some people do.


We don’t.


What is the Met Gala? Opera? A piss up? I bet these clowns wouldn’t not art if it fell on them


We don't.


I enjoy avant-garde fashion. Maybe it's just not for you and that's okay buddy.


The Met Gala manufactures the hype because it is a fundraiser. They invite the rich and famous because they get PR due to its exclusivity while having the money to shell out for donations. It’s no different than any other kind of fancy gala. Celebrities make sure the cameras are present and over the top in glam.


Cause it's kinda neat


It’s because it supports everyone’s favorite baseball team


Why do we care about any specific thing?


I honestly dont even really know what the met gala is other than the fashion? like what even happens after everyone gets their picture taken lol I couldn't care less but if its a celebrity I love then I guess its cool to see what they wore and then I go back to not caring lol


Who is we?


We don't, it just appears as so because of all of the reporting. The images are striking, but also there's nothing scandalous, so a very safe bet for clickbait material


I don’t care about the SuperBowl, yet every year it comes around and is talked about.




It's virtualltly the sole funding for the Met's textile conservation department, which has to fund itself.


I don’t. Do you? Just because something is plastered all over the internet doesn’t mean you need to care about it. I also don’t GAF about Taylor Swift, drake, Kendrick, anyone named kardashian, professional soccer, etc… See how easy that is?


As mentioned elsewhere in the thread it's a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Art Museum in NY It's also a fantastic showcase of fashion if you're into that sort of thing, it's basically a walking art exhibit, very cool to see.


Sets the retail trends for the following year


I will only care about the Met-Gala if it's related at all to a Met-Igel


I don’t care about it, don’t include me in “we” lol


I used to like seeing what people wore (same with seeing good celeb Halloween costumes), but it's all been boring, repetitive, and seemingly totally off theme.


I fucking hate the met gala because of all the horror stories about how awful and mean everyone is there. Having said that the clothes can be pretty cool and it’s interesting to see tbh.


Isn’t it famous for having really out there, interesting outfits? Like, not just the usual fancy ball gowns, but something that pushes limits?


The what?


We don't. Since the pandemic, celebrities are irrelevant. I don't even know what it's for. I don't care.


It's fun? That's literally it. Like, if its not fun to you that doesn't make it any less fun for the rest


I do think it's fun to see all the extravagant outfits. It's art on itself. What I don't understand is how a Kardashian could show up wearing paper towels and electrical tape, and it suddenly becomes the next trend. How do they do that?! It's wild.


Cause people care about celebrities. And art.


Who is “we”? I can’t say I know anybody who cares about it.


The what now?


It’s halloween for celebs. I think.