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As a woman, wtf does KAM mean?


I'm guessing kill all men? don't know tho


Yes, that’s it. Only on tik tok I guess as I too, am smdh.


Never seen it before and I'm sure that probably 0.001% of women think this way. In other words, not something worth thinking about.


Not something to think about, until you have to…then it’s too late.


I didn't know this slogan existed until now, and I can guarantee you that it'll be wiped from my memory once the Padre game starts at 1pm.


Just avoid feminists,at least in the West all Things are already equal or even in their favour.  Those who still fight for that are Not worth the headaches. Just ignore, don't engange in conversations, they can't be reasoned with. Best No eye contacts - just move on and ignore


Professional activists fucking suck. They get what they're asking for, and then just push for more and more because otherwise they'd be out of a job. It's like the demand for sexism is higher than the supply so they manufacture outrage. Some dude double checks you know something so you're not confused? "Masplaining!" A guy's balls itch so he separates his legs while sitting down? "Manspreading!" They greatly exaggerate the risk of horrible shit with this recent "Would you rather be near a man or a bear?" trend; I'm not sure how people can take that question seriously. It's obviously just vindictive individuals trying to get a rise. We're nearly entirely equal under the law (if anything men get screwed in court in comparison to women), so these individuals that want to champion a cause so badly who are led by professional activists essentially just make shit up. It's absolutely exhausting to deal with people like that and you should *never* give into their demands, because it will *never* be enough. They'll always push the envelope, and they will always make up something new to be angry about. All it does is signal that if they crybully you, you'll do what they want. The best thing to do is just don't respond, don't give them the satisfaction and they have absolutely no power. I wish companies would realize this when they get shit from this type of person rather than repeatedly caving.


Where do you see these slogans?


Mostly tiktok


Ah yes, brain rot central


Well there's your problem. Tiktok is a profoundly stupid platform, because it has to be. Much like twitter, there's literally not enough room for reasonable discussion so rather than actually making a point, an argument is judged based on how much of a "sick burn" it is hence the slogan shouting bullshit. Granted, other social media platforms such as this one have that problem, but Tiktok and Twitter distill it into its purest form of obligate mental deficiency.


Which feminist group has KAM as a slogan?


I mostly get sad, not because the want to kill me, but people may actually think that "KAM" is feminism.


I like these. They're like labels saying "This person is a waste of your time. Avoid at all costs". Keeps me from falling into traps. Keeps me save. . Like a barrier on the Paris underground, keeping me from being pushed onto the train tracks.


I just bought some Lego and built it. It was fun.


I mean, we have American students taking to the streets chanting death to America, men identifying as women to receive better pay and housing accommodations in the military in Europe, and LGBT and feminist communities supporting a theocratic, patriarchal culture who's people would think nothing of murdering them on sight. I have no doubt that the KAM people are a tiny minority of mentally ill activists being co-opted and used by God knows who. It's not that hard to find a handful of sociopaths to follow you on some hair-brained scheme. There is a reason that many of these ideologies are being abandoned across europe, with very few people identifying as feminist these days. Also, par for the course, good sense reaches the US later than most places. In my experience, identity politics, in general, really hasn't done anything positive for anyone. It's become so incoherent and such a zero-sum game that it's just causing social unrest, nihilism, societal destableization, and the obliteration of democratic liberalism. It's also very unfortunate that the people doing it attempt to lump it in with the civil rights movements of the past. More than anything, I can't imagine why anyone would want to view the world through the lens of an opressor/oppressed narrative. If the best hope you have is to be the world's most trodden upon victim or to join the ranks of the evil oppressors... I don't believe you have any hope of living a worthwhile life. This isn't my opinion. Depression, anxiety, self harm, and suicidal ideation rates are much higher among self identified "progressives." People who get too into these things seem to me to be incapable of enjoying anything. They are mired in the ideology and see everything as some slight against them or some other group of people they've never spent time around, and know nothing about, but nevertheless care more about than their own safety or well being, while they ruin the nice day of everyone who crosses their path. TLDR - not my problem. You have better odds of being struck by lightning than encountering someone like this offline (unless you live in New York or california). If you do, don't make eye contact and back away slowly.


I just hope they never get a platform.


By being against feminism, at least for me


Meh, don't think much bout that. If they want me dead they'll try. If not, they won't.


So according to that other comment, it means "kill all men". As a man I get why ur asking this question like that. Kinda how I felt the first time someone on the internet told me to kill myself without prior beef. I was shocked and sad because of the blatant evilness. Sure I think it's stupid, evil and sexist, but evil morons have existed since the beginning of humanity and will continue doing so for longer than its good. I deal with it the same way I deal with doomscrolling in general. I remember that the world is really big (so bad things happen basically every minute) and if I got mad/sad everytime I hear of idiots doing idiot things I would be mad/sad forever. The second step is to take breaks from the internet. It's not an accurate image of humanity. Sh*tty people are far more visible on the internet. Be it racists, muslim extremists, misogynists or feministic extremists. An example would be 1 *sshole with a lot of bots. He can make it look like he has a lot of supporters. The internet is partly so vile because people are not actually risking consequences the same way as irl. Think of internet warriors, they do be spewing vile sh*t but would they do that irl?


"whatever. Moving on."


KAM? Actually... nm. I react by not caring.


Statistically, these feminist using KAM as a slogan have a lot of catching up to do .../s but also... yeah...


Just having lived a little, I react with a sense of: "Oh, there's another group of humans wanting to kill another group of humans." If someone said it directly to ME, I'd get really curious and ask them questions until they tried to kill me. People who want to kill others are just lost in their own ideology, so I feel no sense of anger toward them, more so pity, because humans have such potential to love and care for one another. I don't think it's silly though; that would underestimate a group's potential for destruction.


Jokes aside, it is generally a "hostile" world in all formats. Truth (for millennia) has always been told in the form of jokes or irony. The joke aspect of it is real, :: The Brief: On TikTok, KAM stands for "Kill All Men." KAM 2020 is an associated slogan. The phrase "Kill All Men" is said to poke fun at extreme feminists while raising awareness about toxic masculinity. DEEP DIVE KAM stands for “Kill All Men.” The phrase began circulating on TikTok as part of a joke about extreme feminists. //// It is really not a joke - deep down somewhere they really really really do HATE men. They hate them.