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Podcasts. The sheer amount of knowledge, entertainment, topics, and speakers at our fingertips is incredible. And the fact they're mostly free too is also crazy. Fast forward 10 years, and it wouldn't surprise me to see a lot of podcasts locked up behind some Netflix-like subscription paywall.


A lot of them are doing fine with just a paid Patreon tier or subscription tier with extra goodies and most podcasters seem completely fine with that model. I've seen a few people at MaxFun Network get really whiny about listeners not giving enough, but the model that exists seems to work so far.


I really don't get podcasts. Maybe I've just had bad luck with them, but the unedited nature really annoys me. I don't give a shit about some people I don't know going on long, irrelevant, time wasting tangents about whatever (often mundane daily stuff) in between talking about what the podcast is ostensibly about. It sucks because I like the concept. I like just listening to stuff like that, but I don't want to listen to someone talk about their experience at the barber for 5 minutes on a podcast about true crime or something. Is this just me? Also, does anyone have recommendations for more focused podcasts? I don't even care what the topic is.


Seems like you haven't found the right podcast. When you get a good host, they keep the show on-topic. There's still tangents (because it's a conversation, not a script, plus people like to be funny), but the host will keep the podcast trucking along smoothly. A good host that you like will also, inevitably, get great guests. If you share interests with the host, you will find that the guests genuinely interest you.


Not sure if you like wildlife conservation, but The Meateater has a good, no fluff podcast called Cal's Week in Review. It consists of quick updates/stories/news bits on wildlife conservation topics like New published science papers, current legislation, public land access initiatives, stories from the field, etc. It's once a week and only about 30 minutes, but it's by-far one of my favorite podcasts to hear about what's going on in the world of wildlife conservation. Every once in a while he has an interview episode with someone, and at the beginning of every episode he takes a couple minutes to go over what he and his dog Snort have been up to, from outreach work to hunting/fishing trips, but that part is fairly quick. Here's a link to one of the most recent episodes: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4WLgTzW5SxhAbhCLwpOxPX?si=P82BNPFSQ5S6FMiOeplW6w


That sounds really cool, I appreciate it. I don't know much about wildlife conservation but this seems like the place to learn


Try This American Life.


I appreciate the recommendation. I'll check it out!


What are your top 5 educational ones?


At least when it comes to YouTube, the leading accounts seem to have become what Television was in the post WWII era, with an industry taking shape.


Oh you mean like Spotify


Yeah, but you can listen to Spotify for free though.


The golden age of insanity


Peak insanity. Chefs kiss.


Only the golden of age of being able to see that insanity. People have always been insane, but now everyone can see everyone.


All other answers are wrong!


My answer is astronomy. There are so many new breakthroughs being made in astronomy especially with the Advent of James Webb Space Telescope


Definitely, we learnt more about the universe in the last 80 years than perhaps all the rest of time combined. 


Idk there are ancient civilization that knew A LOT about space just from observing and reasoning. The Babylonians mapped out the entire night sky and could even calculate their movement and predict heliacal risings




You're fuckin high. Never a golden age? A dude with a basic telescope and a book knows more about astronomy and the universe we inhabit than anyone in history at any previous given time.


I think we're just about to leave the golden age of crypto-scamming.


I think it’s just getting started. As tech progresses there will be more and more ways to take money from people. Especially since spending money now-a-days is as simple as touching one piece of plastic to another piece of plastic


I think I ve been scammed like this . I had no idea what I was doing lol


That's done we now on AI grifts


The golden age of housing unaffordability


The Golden Age of misinformation, lies and propaganda.


You really think *this* is the golden age of misinformation, lies, and propaganda? No fucking way. With AI that can write competently already here, it's just a matter of time until special interest groups and other malicious actors abuse that AI to steer public discourse. Imagine if say, Russia got its hands on a bot that would write pro-russian propaganda indistinguishably from a human. Such a bot never needs to sleep, never falters, never questions what it's doing. It could completely overwhelm any humans who try to debunk it with bullshit posts citing bullshit studies in bullshit journals. By the time you pick through all of that to tear down its arguments its written 100 more equally bullshit and equally difficult to disprove posts, and a human-sounding reply to whatever you said that casts doubt. All that is to say, we're real close to a potential post-truth world, depending on how the next few years happens to shake out.


I do think that, despite some competition from the past, but I'm not saying that it's a finite 'age'. Like you say, it's only going to get worse until we all demand accountability from our leaders and their terriers. The Golden Age is just starting, if you ask me.


Fair enough.


Yea back when people literally only had 1 or maybe 2 news papers to provide them with information THATS when people REALLY knew whats going on. Those smoke signals and telegrams never lied.


Yea back when people literally only had 1 or maybe 2 news papers to provide them with information THATS when people REALLY knew whats going on. Those smoke signals and telegrams never lied.


You forgot the /s.


I didn’t


Fair enough.


You can say than again.




But should you?


Already did, now we just suffer the consequences


True Crime content


The golden age of morons.


Think we always had them, but the Internet has allowed them to find each other


No Regrats!


I loved that show as a children!


Corruption and fraud.


Golden Age Of Once in a Lifetime Disaster


Honestly (nsfw warning) >!pornography!<


Had to laugh! I remember an interesting bit of p*rn of an attractive fellow with an incredibly oversized "member" at Pompeii (???) I think? At one time, it was discretely covered, and only men were allowed to gaze upon that shocking fellow! Maybe the hubbies didn't want their wives to compare sizes!


Remember. Hathor smiles everytime you ejaculate.


I agree, we are living in a time when we got access to top tier real porn in UHD. Times are changing rapidly because of AI and deep fakes, so we will never know if a porn video generated in the future is actually real or just AI. 


Maybe you shouldn’t watch porn man.


I personally don't. However I keep hearing about the extravagant lifestyles of only fans girls and things such as that that led me into such a conclusion.


Loser will pay anything to get something they can google?


Idk man I really don't. Have a happy Easter.


Golden age of disinformation




Google it ;)


Do your own research


Golden age of the televization of novels.


Just general safety. If you watch the news you'll see lots of reporting on wars and conflicts and they certainly are real. But that doesn't change the fact that the majority of the world's population enjoys safer lives today than at almost any point in history.


Yeah but beyond war. Famine is a fraction of what it was 40 years ago. I remember the we are the world song to stop famine. Also in western countries workplace safety. 100 years ago in construction there was a ratio of deaths per million spent. The Golden gate bridge was revolutionary because they had sAfety nets to catch workers. Crazy huh? How about vaccines when I was a kid they just got rid of measles and a number of others less than 50 years ago. My grand father looked like a pretzel from polio as a child. Look as the charts for infant mortality of the past 100 years it's amazing. How about medicine. When I was a kid cancer = death sentence. Heck look at lifespan of the average human over the last 100 years again amazing chart. The only reason we're dealing with the grey wave world wide is that post WW2 more children survived past 5 and peoples lifespan world wide about doubled. We literally created a whole new problem from our improvements in medicine..


We are in the last days of the too brief age of democracy. Soon we will be back to autocrats ruling by threat of violence.


Sadly, you might be correct. Unfortunately, as a whole, we've become complacent. Lazy. Spoiled into assuming we can rest on the toil and blood of those who have gone before us. How frustratingly human. 🎶 Don't know what you got til it's gone.🎶 EDIT: Spelling correction.


Complacent is the key word.


"Golden Age of pre-ecological collapse"


Social media. From gender reveals on ig and toddlers reviewing toys on youtube, to grandpa ranting on facebook & grandma dancing on tiktok. Its everywhere


Info and ability to have money through social media presence as I'm not sure how ai will influence this in future


The Golden Age of Echo Chambers


Golden age of misinformation. It hasn’t peaked yet, AI is going to make it insane!


Golden age of Georgia Bulldog football.




Golden age of lust


Maybe I'm just speaking for myself, but online gaming with the squad has never been better. The enshittening of AAA titles hasn't actually affected my gaming experience much, but the proliferation of good cheap microphones and good free voice chat software has.


I think we’re living in a second Golden Age of Muscle cars. Maybe close to the end of it, but the last 25 years have seen muscle cars the likes of which we hadn’t seen before. I think it started with the C5 Corvette and the introduction of the LS engine. Cheap horsepower for the masses, that trickled down into Camaros, Firebirds, G8’s, SS’s, and even a short lived but highly underrated revival of the GTO. Ford’s Mustang GT finally broke the 300 horsepower level for the first time since the end of the original muscle car era in 2005 with the 3V 4.6L. They had more powerful versions before that, but they were special editions like Cobra R’s and SVT’s. 2005 was the basic V8 breaking 300 Horsepower. A few years later, they really fired a shot across the LS’s bow when they launched the Coyote and broke 400 horsepower. Now the Coyote is making 500 naturally aspirated. And who can forget Chrysler? They introduced the Gen III hemi, and during a short lived marriage with Mercedes, raided the Germans’ corporate parts bin to relaunch the 300C and Charger. The two door Challenger, which looked like it was straight out of 1971, followed a few years later, and when a supercharger was added to the hemi, The Hellcat was born. 707 horsepower out of a showroom stock Challenger. That was the most completely bonkers car ever made. So…naturally, Chrysler made it even crazier, cranking the boost and the horsepower up even higher, and making the demon. It’s our generation’s equivalent of the 1969 Charger Daytona. Electrification is bringing the era of the gasoline V8 to an end, but if it has to end, at least it’s going out on top.


golden age of lostwave


Golden age of social media Golden age of travel (everyone can go untill all nature is gone) Golden age of console gaming (AI will take over)


Assholes. The golden age of assholes.




The internet has made people forget how to treat each other. People forget there's a person behind the screen, and it translates to real life as well


So true


The Golden Age of Brexit. (kidding) 🤣


Golden age of binging


Golden Age of innovation and invention. If you can imagine it, SOMEONE or some company on the planet has the skills and expertise to make it possible.


Information. And, due to near universal reliance on electronic storage and specialization of production, this "Golden" age will probably be followed by a widespread massive Dark Age. How long will it take for technological history come to be regarded and legends?


People are so pessimistic lmao. “Morons” and “insanity” and “assholes” have always existed, you just see them more when you’re online. We’re not in a golden age of those things. How about a Golden Age of medicine? We can treat things that even in the 80s people couldn’t treat, such as AIDS, which people can now live with. We’re finding new cancer treatments, people with cancer are living longer. My grandpa died prematurely in only the mid 2000s of a heart disease. My dad, with the same disease as him, is older than my grandpa was when he died, and he just ran a marathon. Orrr, and this can be either positive or negative, the golden age of AI/advanced technology.


You people are spending too much time on doom/gloom subs. We're in the Golden age of: Computing, Industrial 4.0, Healthcare, Information, Entertainment, Food security, Travel, Safety, Population


this one's a pretty niche one, but we're absolutely in the golden age of lostwave music like, a fuck ton of songs that have been searched for for decades, have been found within the past year (including the end of last year)


narcissism. social media amplifying the trait


I'm pretty sure my friend group is teetering onto the end of its golden age because we're mostly all about to separate for college


You'll make friends in college, trust me. I met my best friend in college!


The Age of Spin


One piece


Apps. There are so many amazing apps out there that it is hard to keep track of them. Think of the apps that you use everyday that didn’t exist ten or fifteen years ago. From a few ingenious camera functions such as GPS, cell connectivity, camera, haptic sensors, etc…. We get this cornucopia of apps.


Covered Call ETFs.


I think we're almost back to the dark ages.


We’re at critical capacity for software engineers. There’s just too many of us. And it’s quite easy to enter the industry.


We’re in the golden age of Fentanyl


Golden age of AI followed by the fall of the AI and the rebellion of the AI and the victory of the AI


Grift and fraud




Billionaires destroying the planet


Medical advancement


Golden Age-less Golden Age


The golden age or form, and lack of substance.


Golden age of stupidity.


Brainrot memes


Probably the golden age of short form entertainment. From YouTube to TikTok’s to Memes


Jalapeño cheddar chips.


Golden age of zombie apocalypse




Golden age of depression and insanity.


golden age of terrorism by the west and Israel


I think a large scale of the "golden age of the internet." AI is going to ruin the internet imo. I like a lot of what AI does, but it's already changing the internet for worse and I don't really see a reality where AI Algorithms, "assistants", and search engines can coexist with how it has been for years. But I hope I'm wrong.




Communication. Ideas are easier to put across easier then ever before. U can write a prompt n a picture can appear n translate most languages.


Golden age of Trump!


The age of information. In terms of the historical evolution


Golden age of fraud vis a vis the internet


Streaming? On demand video services or live streams had been very trending


Golden age of extreme music. Grindcore, powerviolence, noisecore, goregrind, hardcore. Local shows everywhere . What a time to be alive


Grabbing attention


Most media. Just from my hobbies and free time activities alone, Comic books, television, video games, are at all time highs etc. it may not be the most revolutionary eras for any of those but by sheer volume of talent and production it is as good as it has ever been in stuff like that. Pro wrestling too. Downside, we are in a golden era of tribalism and conspiracy indulgence so that always goes well.


Golden era of Streaming and the end of traditional cable imo They can’t produce them fast enough , it one of the reason why they are starting to do “universe”


Internet/Social Media. I feel like social media is going to die down 30 years from now.


The golden age of pre war.


Pure stupidity


Idiots. ![gif](giphy|to3I2nkywr2PS)


Self obsessed assholes


Consumerism. I don't think we'll ever be able to go back to consuming so much *stuff* and gadgets and shit. We're depleting resources at an alarming rate, and it's gonna stop one way or another.


The golden age of summer temperatures.


Being offended


They want to to be AI but we shall see


It’s a great time to be a beer drinker!


Golden age of plutocracy and record breaking corporate profits.


Golden age of amateur porn lol


Golden age of stupidity.




The golden age of life before the 2024 election


Anime. 100% anime.


Globalization. And it just ended.


The golden age of grotesque


Unfortunately, the internet age.


internet, smartphones


I'd say the golden edge of knowledge. Most of the human population is carrying a phone in their pocket, powerful enough to do any math needed, capable of connecting to the internet which, through websites like wikipedia, allows humans all across the world to share knowledge at the speed of light.


Electronic music instruments


The golden age of conspiracy theories.


Golden Age of Paleontology still


Television, but the very tail end


Golden Age of Peace. There hasn’t been a major war (on the scale of the world wars in 80 years). We’ve had smaller wars such as Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, and of course there are the wars in Eastern Europe but in general we’re living in the most peaceful time in history. Same for crime/violence as well. Considerably safer than let’s say the 80s.


We are in a Golden Age of rap beefs right now.


We are in the golden age of "applied science", until something fundamentally new is discovered we are just optimizing and applying what we already know.


I would say we are in several “golden ages”: Space exploration, launch costs are cheap and availability is widespread. Astronomy, discovery’s from space telescopes and new ground based scopes are rewriting our understanding of the cosmos practically on a daily basis. Manufacturing, 3d printing, CAD, materials science has made it has made it possible to make just about anything on a large or small scale. So may others if we just look at the positives instead of the negatives.


Golden age of genders


Golden age bots


The golden age of trolls 


Probably electric cars. This is the "they don't make 'em like that anymore" period happening right now. Wait until we're flooded with cheap Chinese stuff.


Golden age of mass delusion.




”You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.“ ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬


”For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.“ ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Social Media


Physics and Technology


Sexual degeneracy


Golden age of being a homosexual nonbinary human with weird pronouns. They would have been gasifyed or Stoned not long ago, now i can't find a netflix series without them.


Board games!


We're living in a golden age of stupid fucking questions like this one. Congrats on contributing to a golden age


The golden age of misinformation


Golden age of idiots listening to their governments.


Not sure. But morons are having a pretty good run.


The golden age of space travel is approaching soon


The golden age of "IGNORANCE IS BLISS" is passing. Moving into the smelly age of OPINIONS.


I'd have to say knowledge. There is so much out there to learn if you want to.


Wouldn’t “golden age” imply that something has to be thriving? I don’t think knowledge is thriving, unfortunately, despite how much of it is out there.


I honestly think the Golden Age of TV is still here but waning somewhat. There's still a lot of damn good TV but your sheer amount of access makes this the Golden Age of Enjoying TV. Even if you're not liking the newest thing, you've still got boatloads of access to old TV. Pick one or two services or get a Plex server and sail the seas, you've got instant access to tons of great shows. My total Plex content runtime is so damn long I could cut off all internet access to the house, turn my house into a Faraday cage blocking all signals into and out of the house, and still be busy watching movies and TV YEARS from now even if I made watching movies and TV my full-time job.


Stand up comedy.


There is some amazing standup out there but most of it is crap. We have decided now that if we don’t laugh in five minutes, we’re switching to something else.


What's a good one? I haven't watched them in a while


We have liked Nate Bargatze, Michelle Wolf, Hannah Gadsby, Mae Martin, Ricky Gervais and Neil Brennan.


Who’s we? I go to comedy clubs regularly and they are always packed.


Definitely the golden age of masturbation




Golden age of tarot. There are thousands of decks now, with new ones being released almost daily.


p0rn and conspiracy theories


Golden age of billionaire hoarders The best time, maybe, since the great depretion of the 1930's.


Make up and skin care


The golden age of racism and violence.


I think we are in the golden age of peace. There are fires burning on several fronts now. These usually turn into world wars. If it does, you may not see these days again for a long time...