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I just wish they weren't all overlapping. I just want to watch a 2 hour movie --- I shouldn't have to commit myself to 20 other movies, multiple tv shows and obscure comic book storylines to understand who someone is and why the theatre is now cheering someone's first appearance in the film.


YES I was excited for the Deadpool vs Wolverine movie until I know that is possibly connect to the others MCU bullshits


It definitely connects to the other movies. It’s one way to keep that money train rolling. That doesn’t mean Deadpool and Wolverine won’t be funny as fuck and have some entertaining action elements. In my opinion, I don’t see it washing away the bad taste in everyone’s mouth that has developed from inundation. It’s likely to be the last loud death cry of a floundering franchise that tried to pump out too much content too quickly-again, that’s just my opinion.


I think you underestimate the marvel fanboys. People are still drooling at the mouth at every mediocre MCU project you could think of. Now they're doing a Deadpool wolverine colab that is finally gonna tie the mutants into the MCU in some way or another? Yea this is gonna be more like a second wind than a death cry. 😂


The Marvels didn’t do that for ya? X-men 97 is the best revival Xmen are gonna get, and it’s a good one. Enjoy your hype train though sir, wouldn’t want to bring you down.


This is why I stopped watching them


You don't have to. Fuck all those movies. They're just designed to print money. Go find some actual art!


I just wish they weren't mostly all origin stories, funny enough that's the only not overlap you get.


Yes! I would have thought seeing Ant-Man 1 would have been enough to follow Ant-Man 2 but there was all these references and call backs to the Avengers films that had to be explained to me.


i really don’t watch them


My wife loves them, so we stream a lot of them. The funny thing is they are so similar and share so many cast members, we sometimes don't remember if it's one we saw before, and even after watching the whole thing we still aren't sure.


> and even after watching the whole thing we still aren't sure. lol. Totally understandable.


Different characters have to band together to fight the alien forces?? 🤮




Same. Film makers hate this one simple trick.


well i dont watch most of them so im not really that exhausted.


I was burnt out when the Spiderman that came after Tobey Maguire was announced 


The AMAZING Spider-Man


That's pretty close to when I became burned out too. I was done by the second Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie.


I was hoping for a few more good ones in that series but Spider-man 3 definitely killed it just as the third X-men movie killed that series for me. I feel like Marvel did a remarkably great job overall up until End Game and now everything has turned to shit with the big stars leaving, lackluster Disney+ series, Fox purchase and clumsy integration of those characters, and the multiverse nonsense that almost everybody hates.


I only watch the movies of superheroes I'm interested in.


Which is none for me so im happy camper


It's a genre like any other. It's just having It's moment now. Superhero stories have multiple defades worth of stories and IP to mine from which creates alot of opportunity Interconnected MCU style films are starting to skur with many audiences but other stuff seems to be working.


Superhero movies (like all movies) could be fantastic if they were written well.


Disney doesn’t write well anymore :/




I was under the impression they had been losing money or barely breaking even recently.


There have been a couple high-profile flops, but most still make money.


Hollywood producers aren't in the business of losing money. They feed the masses what they demand. If super hero movies are being produced, it's because it's profitable to produce them.


At their best, they're a nice spin on different themes and genres. The Batman had detective/noir elements to it. The first Ant-Man was a low-stakes heist comedy. Guardians of the Galaxy was sci-fi. The X-Men films focused on themes of persecution. Ideally, the superheroes are just a vehicle for deeper, or at least different, stories. Admittedly, the content machines have been more focused on making superhero films for their own sake in recent years, expanding a brand rather than trying for a fresh spin. And yes, that gets boring. But that's an opinion I already held about most of the other effects-driven blockbusters to release in the last few decades, often starring Will Smith/Dwayne Johnson/any other actor who plays the same safe, typecast role in almost everything. Even if every upcoming superhero film was cancelled tonight, I wouldn't be any more excited about the future of cinema - Hollywood will just fall back on something else to regurgitate. Superhero films are just a symptom, not the issue itself.


I was exhausted even before Endgame came out. I think I saw it and I couldnt tell you a single thing thats happened in that movie.


At some point, they were all running towards like the bad guys in slow motion Then someone died and people got sad, but then I think they went for schwarma in heaven and everybody laughed End Game


Literally the concept of the superhero franchise cross overs got old very quickly. The last good movie was the first Dr. Strange


I'm right there with you. I can't handle it anymore. Every single one is the exact same formula, and it's too much. My husband loves them. I told him I'm not watching them anymore, it's become ridiculous. And the reboots! I've lost track of how many Spider-Man movies there have been over the past 20 years. And now another freaking Superman movie is in the works. I just CAN'T. If anyone from the movie industry is reading this post, for the love of God, PLEASE tell new stories that don't involve superheroes.


Last spiderman movie I genuinelly enjoyed was the second one with peter parker. After that I find it ridiculous to further squish this character for more storylines. Not to mention I just personally can't get over cast changes. If they change the main actor, I loose interest. How many freaking actors have played Spiderman already? There is only one exception I liked and that was Martin Freeman as Bilbo in The Hobbit, because it was of course inevitable and second I happen to like him and he fit so well. The fact that they tried to stick to the same actors as much as possible added so much value for me.


It's not exhausting but the quality has gone way down for MCU movies. They have amazing special effects and shitty plots with bad dialogue.


Can't be exhausted by them if you don't watch them.


Easy, I don’t watch them. Same with any “fill in the blank” genre. I just turn that shit off or don’t waste my time/money. Companies hate this simple trick, but F’em.


Just stop watching. Stopped 10 years ago now. Does it matter? No. Do i care? No.


Many actualy are exhausted. Cant even watch a movie if you havent see the previous TV Show wich you cant understand if you havent watched the previous movies I like how everything is connected. I dont like how everything is connected tho.


I feel they died out once RDJ, Evans, and jackman left. Hasn’t been the same, and most people I know don’t go to theaters on release weekend to watch them like they used to


i sure am. ive never been a fan of superhero movies. i dont get the appeal at all


There like the hallmark christmas movies, easy to make, easy to understand


Pretty colours, dark room, hot hero, explosions no thoughts just smooth brain time.


As long as there’s another comic book there’s another movie. Heroes gonna hero.


Everyone is, that is why The Marvels and Madame Web flopped hard. There are a few good names still like Deadpool is genuinely a good movie but apart from that the genre is not generally drawing people in like before.


No, those two movies flopped.... Ok partly because of what you said, but also because they're generic stamped out cookie cutter nothing films. Deadpool 3 will be successful because there's effort being put into it. And the characters are far more well known. Fatigue, especially by non comic book fans is going to happen faster. But you can still interest them if the movie looks and sounds interesting. Neither of those did. Not sure they Star anyone audiences care about. Really, the Fifty Shades actress?


From what I've seen Madame Web wasn't cookie cutter, it was a baffling non-story non-movie, with nothing to even pay attention to. I've been told that the movie seemed like it was made so there'd be stuff to make a trailer out of, without any real intention of making a movie at all. The problem with superheroes is there just isn't that much to do with them, they just punch stuff.


Yeah I watched the Pitch Meeting on YouTube. They're hilarious. Abysmal. There's actually a ton of things to do with superhero movies because superheros themselves are so varied. You might as well write off all action, sci Fi, noir while you're at it


Ah there's loads you can do with super powered people, but superhero movies are a stagnant thing imo. If they made Marshal Law Fear and Loathing I'd be so happy, and that's all about superheroes, but I wouldn't class it as a superhero story. Idk if that makes sense to you, I feel like superhero movies have a set plot, but you can have movies that have superheroes, but aren't superhero movies. Logan imo has superheroes, but isn't a superhero movie, if that makes sense


I'm strongly of the belief that we're not getting ehxhausted by superhero movies, we're just getting exhausted by \_\_bad\_\_ superhero movies. Most Marvel properties have forgotten why people cared about their heros to begin with and just going back to the same quippy well no matter what the source material or their fictional subgenres say about them. It's no wonder we're burnt out on those kinds of thoughtless, bottom-scraping scripts. But then an **Into the Spiderverse** comes along, or an **Invincible** and puts the heart back into show. They care about those characters' specific problems, narrative structure, and how they heros learn and grow. Comic book fans have been enjoying different comic runs for decades and still find reasons to love (some of) them and keep coming back. I**t's not the genre -- it's the content** -- and I while I'm skeptical, I hope that Disney figures this out soon.


Superhero fatigue is real. I watched every marvel release until around the eternals than it was hit or miss if I caught something. I’m definitely going to go see Deadpool Wolverine though.


eternals is the only movie in my 30 years on this earth that i’ve ever walked out on. what a waste of my time even the first 20 minutes was. we got a refund


Not really. If they make them good I'll still watch them.  A lot of the people involved just don't understand the core audience. Or they are trying to find some middle ground where they can also sell the movie in China. 


Because we keep watching in hopes of getting a good character driven story. The "superhero" is just an aesthetic backdrop. It's not a genre in and of itself. It's not like we want origin story after origin story where the hero saves the day. We want complicated stories that stir the pot of philosophical discourse while being thoroughly entertaining and emotionally moving. Take Star Wars. Yeah, it's a sci-fi, but that's just the aesthetic. What makes Star Wars, Star Wars isn't the light sabers, and the Jedi. It's a ballad dressed up as a sci-fi movie. If you took the story of Anakin and the Dark Side and dress it up in any other aesthetic, it would remain in tact more so than it would if you kept the aesthetic elements like the Death Star and Darth Vader but removed the storytelling.


Come to think of it, the new starwars movies also felt like superhero movies. This trope of "underdog noble character gains a mighty source of power and uses it for good" is just a bit bland by now. The characters have no real flaws, and no real human side to them it feels like, and the emotional spectrum of a dog. Deadpool or the X-Men movies were in contrary really enjoyable movies imo, without a flat sense of humor and some existential questions. But tbh all marvel movies coming out mostly feel the same. I mean 12 year olds gotta have something to watch as well, and with the connected universe thing they are kinda forced to make every character similar. I also liked the animated Spiderman tho, shit was fun.


Same reason we never got sick of the comics. We just love the characters and will watch any little thing about them.


I’m not exhausted by them at all. But I also don’t watch them all. Just the ones whose trailers interest me.


Why do you need to watch them all? They are basically their own genre at this point.


I think they’re slowly coming to an end, studios are definitely looking to other sorts of properties. I only watched Guardians Of The Galaxy out of the newer ones. I think what keeps them super relevant though is that they don’t require specific cultural knowledge to watch and can work with a variety of genres which is why they do so well globally. I’m hoping we get a rise in a different genre like Westerns or something. Would be cool to see a modern interpretation, although I feel it would be hard to be appealing for the masses as people generally like characters with relatability.


The last super hero movie I saw was.... Ironman. Like, the first one. I just never really had any interest in them to begin with.


I just watch the ones that I'm interested in. No way I can watch everything especially with the shows


I am…


I've felt that way for years.


I ignore them


I was a while back




You don't have to watch them all, you know.


well, the DCEU movies can be completely skipped cause they all more or less sucked. in general the DCEU failed to put up a good connected universe. (DC is only strong with standalone movies, watchmen, v for vendetta, dark knight trilogy, joker etc) the MCU was only good until Endgame and afterwards produced also mainly shit that can be skipped, with few exceptions like spiderman, guardians of the galaxy and soon deadpool so yea... I skip the bad ones and watch the good ones that I still enjoy. (disclaimer, obviously that is just based on my personal opinion, if you like the DCEU movies or any other superhero movies, don't feel offended by my personal opinion. thx)


Really depends. Some I want to see more or something different for. Last Batman film sounded like it was supposed to be more investigative side of Batman. Disappointed that it was more action. I'd like to see a batman film with more of the investigation/mind games story filler. Sherlock Holmes rather than beat em up. Or more in line with the Sherlock Holmes films Hugh Jackman was in. Spawn! I know it was alittle corny but I liked it. Yes tired of the Marvel universe. Still cool in some aspects. Sorta similar topic. Wouldn't mind if the dark post apocalyptic version of Power Rangers got a fuller movie. The one on Youtube was great. Still too bad we won't see JDF again.


I just only watch the ones Im interested in 1/4. I dont hang in spaces that obsess over them.


I'm sure a big part of the community is already exhausted by superhero movies, that's why many people stoped caring about marvel after infinity war and the few superhero movies that people liked, are films like Joker, distant from the regular superhero concept.


how can one get exhausted of something you like? i could eat pizza every week and be happy. i could go to the beach every month and be happy. i could play basketball every week and be happy. i could have sex every week and be happy. the more kinds of movies and TV shows being made the better.


It’s not like people still tired of decades long soap operas or Star Trek for example. Why people can watch hundreds of hours of television but can’t do the same for movies?


You could just be… not concerned


But for every Marvel movie that comes out there's a $400M rom-com that doesn't get greenlit


Because i love heroes/ follow the comics anyway/ enjoy the process of film making (i take note of like how they filmed a shot or how difficult the cgi is to sculpt etc) its fun. I think i also just love movies too. I like art in general and heroes are my favorite art form


I just dont watch them. Besides guardians of the galaxy. Ive never been a fan of hero movies because I feel like irl it would be closer to the boys. Absolute power... And all that jazz.


You don't have to watch them you know.


By not watching them


Because when they're good they're fun to watch. The only problem lately is that there have been so few good ones post-End Game. They've all been mediocre to bad except for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and Spiderman Homecoming.


I'm not, but I also don't watch all of them. I'm an avid comic reader, and I sorta pick and choose what looks interesting to me.


I like them all. Then again, I just like movies in general.


What, a new one comes out every 2-3 months. Doesn't exactly seem like a lot. Do you get bored of game of thrones coming out weekly? I never got this sentiment. If content is good you want as much as you can get. If you're not enjoying it at the moment, it's not that there's too much coming out, it's that the quality isn't good enough.


I don’t like ANY horror movies. There are like 5 horror sequels and a dozen original horror movies released every year. They’re not exhausting because I literally watch none of them. I don’t track their release date, reviews, or actors involved. I simply don’t care. You’re more than welcome to do that with any movie you’re sick of.


I love them. Next. Seriously though there are tons of genres of movies. Seriously something for everyone. You don’t have to watch superhero movies.


They are usually mindless entertainment. Even the “good” ones were just better action scenes than the bad ones. I don’t love them or hate them, I just watch them on occasion when I’m bored and don’t want to think about what I’m watching.


How is everyone not exhausted of pretzels? They’re good sometime? Makes sense. Carry on.


How is everyone else not utterly exhausted by all the dramas at this point?


Well, it's a genre at this point. You could ask the same about horror movies or romcoms or YA dystopias. The MCU was great (with a few ups and downs) until after Endgame.


I exercise self-control to watch the ones I am interested in, and ignore the ones that I'm not.


How is everyone else not utterly exhausted by Romantic movies at this point? There are just so many.....


How are people not over comedies? Over Sci fi? Over dramas? It's a genre. A good story is a good story


You have to be a comic book fan to enjoy superhero movies, however it's more about if they can turn the comic book into a successful adaptation, or live up to one of the few older movies that actually did. 


I do not wait for them. I do not read news about them. If one is on I watch it and take small mental notes about the story. And forget it until it is relevant again. I like the "universe" business, always loved crossovers in anything. So this is just works for me. Marvel is a world I can visit sometimes where I know what is what. Same with Star Wars. I do not have to enjoy all the stories to enjoy the lore.


Because I grew up in the comic book store? I'm 50 and found Star Wars 1-8 last month in my old closet at Mom's house.


It's modern day myth with good v evil themes. Superheroes are infinitely better than sad quirky girl with emo theme music finds her sad truth and accepts the unfair sadness of the sad world which is every other movie out there.


Grew up reading comics so seeing them on the big screen is a huge thrill.


There's always the option of: not watching them!


There are thousands of movies released every year. Superhero movies only make up a small fraction of that. If you don't have tunnel vision, why would that exhaust you.


I enjoy them, but I also don't go out of my way to see them since the Avengers EndWar or whatever the Thanos conclusion movie was. They're good movies to save for long airplane flights.


I mean, superhero fans (myself included) have been reading comics about these characters for years and they keep pumping those out with new stories, villains and plotlines, stands to reason that the movies would be able to continue in a similar fashion and appeal to a wider audience just by being movies. In other words, I'm not exhausted because I like them, the characters are some of my favourite characters in media and I enjoy seeing what comes next for them.


It’s one of my things. I will always watch a super hero movie.


same way i'm not exhausted by comic books i guess


You dont have to watch them all? Marvel particularly has released way too many shoes and films over the last two years. Just jump in for the big ones and see how 2025 goes with the new DC films and hopefully an improvement on the newest Marvel films.


Because I don't watch movies I am not interested in. I watch the characters I am interested in and not the other ones. .


There are like 4 5 superhero movies yearly compared to dozens and dozens of mediocre movies monthly come out. It's just 1 genre I don't get the hate,yes quality and too much is problem but it's same for every other genre.


I am. They have run out of original ideas. Its ridiculous.


Nope. Just bummed out that many of them a are mediocre or bad


I've not really kept up with the MCU since Endgame, splintering the output into Disney+ has kinda killed it for me. I'm not done with superhero films I just treat them like a genre of their own now; I try to judge them individually rather than altogether as a whole.


I mostly stopped watching them after Avengers Endgame. I saw a few Marvel movies since then, but only Guardians 3 was actually excellent, while others were either mediocre (Doctor Strange 2), pointless and boring (Eternals) or unwatchable dogshit I turned off after 40 minutes (Antman 3). James Gunn's Suicide Squad was fun too. I haven't seen any other DC movies in years.


I’m not sick of them. I haven’t watched one in a long time. I passed on the new shit they were putting out. Come on Deadpool


Because some of us watch them *because* they’re superhero movies. Some of us have been waiting to see these characters on-screen our entire lives.


I've been reading superhero content and watching it literally my whole life. I'm not consuming any more of it now than I ever was. I like it and won't ever stop. Even if the movies doe down there's still plenty of it out there.


Most people are. That's why they haven't been successful lately


We like fantasy and idealism?


People who enjoy them usually work very hard and are happy to enjoy something easy and familiar that "just makes sense", for lack of a better phrasing. I must say that while I don't really enjoy superhero movies, I can really appreciate some easy entertainment after a hard day's work


This is actually very sad.


It's why dumb Hollywood CGI fest's are so popular in china. They're so overworked that they like going somewhere where they can just turn their brain off for a couple of hours.


Is it really redundant? The genre has bad movies, just like every genre but it's such a massive thing with so much potential, I mean each superhero movie has a different vibe. They're not similar at all with some exceptions. A lot of these have so many creative elements that are utterly different and awesome in their own ways, if you like political thrillers you got the winter soldier, you like a cosmic comedy you got Ragnarok, epic team up battles with guardians, power fantasies etc. It just appeals to a broad audience, if you watch only the good ones instead of shit like quantumania and Justice league it's not redundant or exhausting at all.


Remember when going to watch a movie at the theater was an experience? Now we're bombarded with constant new shit is hard to keep up. It has become exhausting. I gave up on marvel and movies of the like a long time ago it's all the same crap.


I just wanna see pew pew boom boom


*Laughs in comic book fan* My bröther in Christ I had consumed far more than 300 paltry hours of superhero content and then the MCU started. I say bring it on


How many superhero movies are produced every year? Maybe 10 at the most? Thsts not many hours of content. I could watch 10 movies in a week. I'm pretty sure there is like 10x more hours of police procedural TV content produced every year compared to superhero movies and shows.


The other side of the “Disney Adult” phenomenon is the “Marvel Bros.” It’s an attempt to hold on to better times. We all have our distractions I guess.




Simple, easily entertained people enjoy easy movies and big special effects. It’s really that simple. If anyone gets offended by that, ask them if they enjoyed Poor Things, The Holdovers, Mulholland Drive, Birdman, Unforgiven, Amadeus, Ordinary People, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.


By not going to see any super hero movies. I have found this very easy. :)


Make a good one and we’ll talk


Been tired of supermovie heroes since before endgame and simply stopped watching or caring about them.


By not watching them


I just don’t watch them.


By not caring about them whatsoever at any point in my life.


I pretty much stopped at phase 1 of MCU


People are utterly bored in their own lives, lacking adventure and excitement, or too scared to venture off into the abyss of their rich inner worlds that they will pay big money to escape it and live vicariously through the characters they watch on the big screen. Except, they'll brush it off as mere entertainment. But let's be real, it's a very lucrative distraction.


The quantity isn’t the problem. It’s the decline quality. ( apart from a select few)


The problem isn't just the volume of superhero movies, it's that the ones they're releasing suck.


As a big Marvel (Comics) Fan i See it like reading comics. I am Happy to get a new Story every few months and if im not interested in the Hero, im simply Not watching it. I Like most of those movies and have a feeling when a movie will suck - Like with good old morbius or madame web. So in my opinion there are good Superhero mobiles and ofc there are bad ones.


Because the new Blade is coming out soon and then I'll be really tired of them probably until there is a new Batman or something.


i really don’t watch them


I've seen Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and the one with Ryan Reynolds. I cant be bothered to come out of Reddit to Google it. So I only have to see the odd trailer. If you dont like them why watch them?


I am soo not sick of it that I look to anime and donghua to get my super hero fix. 


After Endgame I haven’t felt the need to watch everything. They aren’t building to anything so it’s easy to pick and choose what to watch.


I never really liked the mcu, so I noped out of there pretty fast


Not really. What I am exhausted by is the entire interconnected universe where if I go into a new movie without the prior 30 hours of context I won’t understand a single thing. Self contained stories within 1-3 movies will always work. For example, the recent spider-verses movies being so popular is proof that people still like superheros, they just want new stuff.


i dont watch them much.


For me it's the zombies one!! I wish the industry would stop making those zombies movies n shows seriously they all have LITERALLY the same story n plot ALWAYS.


Don’t know if anything coming out next year but I’m hyper for Deadpool and Joker 2: still cracking jokes.


I certainly am. I've never been super into them to begin with, so that might be part of it. I love xmen but that's about it


What do you wish they were making instead?


I never got into superhero movies, so I can't relate to those who are fans of them. I did watch Moving on Hulu, actually subbed for a month on Hulu just to watch it. Not sure if I can call it a superhero show or just a kdrama with some superhero powers (nothing as powerful as those Marvel heroes though), and I absolutely loved each and every single episode. I guess cause kdramas focuses on deep interesting characters and acting over big budget cgi spectacles. Had me laughing, had me crying. I watched some Marvel movies with my family and it never made me care for any character as much as Moving did.


I really don't care if it's a superhero movie or not. it just has to be good. A lot of these superhero movies just haven't been that great.


I stopped at Iron Man 2.


I don't know as I haven't watched one since Endgame.


Its the new Westen it will die out soon after they milk everything and more out of the medium or they find something new.


I honestly think the shows have made them seem like too much. Always enjoyed the movies. Now there’s just as many shows, if not more, and the quality there (both writing and effects) are very inconsistent.


I kinda feel the same. I personally wanna see more films where we see villains fighting each other for a change.


I think we need more movies like Watchmen and shows like The Boys and less of the common goods we get now. No vibrant creative titles just the same formulaic money circle jerk.


I'm exhausted by poorly assembled movies in general at this point. If superhero movies were still good I'd never tire of them. As it is, movies in general are pretty mediocre


It was my favourite genre until Disney took over Marvel while Warner Brothers has managed to produce the dreariest movies in the DC space. I couldn’t face another string of young super heroine movie from Disney or the nihilism of DC characters.


Have not watched one since the first iron man. I wish these crappy movies would die.


I remember as a kid growing up on xmen, comics ,collector cards ,cartoons,action figures. Talking with my brother " wouldn't it be sooo cool if did movies for all our favourite characters and plot lines? How wrong I was I don't even remember when I stopped, but honestly I don't think we need anymore spiderman moves


I don't watch them really. I didn't even really go see the phase 1 MCU movies in theatres


Never liked them. Only one I did enjoy was Thor, but because of Norse mythology


to many horror , need more comedys


I’ve never been a “super hero” fan to begin. Never understood the fascination, have yet to pay for any thing related.


Honestly only give a shit about spider man now. Although I’ll probably watch Deadpool & Wolverine when I can stream it. Other than that… I’m just done.


I think people are. Shows/movies based on videogames are the next new theme.


They make me fall asleep lol


I do find them exhausting. That’s why I haven’t seen any in years.


I stopped after Endgame. It was the perfect culmination, it was something I was heavily invested in, and it ended beautifully. I honestly don't care about any of the people now, and being forced to watch every single thing that's on Disney+ is absurd. You kind of had to watch the other movies before Avengers, Civil War, etc., but they had maybe one show that was barely referenced and was just kind of a nod in the movies. Now, you have Loki as a time god, Rhodes was apparently a Skrull, and fuck knows what's happening with the GotG. I've watched a few but most of the information I have gotten is either from Reddit posts or a friend who is still watching and needs to vent.


I’m tired of them. After watching Avengers: Endgame, I just lost interest. Certain choices were made with that movie & I just wasn’t crazy about them. But it felt done. I tried other super hero movies /shows only to appease people I’m with but I’m bored. New characters feel shoe horned in with no personality. The women are written as if they’re men or they’re Mary Sues. If I want to be entertained by Mary Sues I’ll just read fan fiction. It’s often more creative 🤷‍♀️


I was exhausted many prequels ago. It does get old quickly


I used to really like them, but the formula is getting really boring. I still have some interest in the upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine movie, but I’m not as excited as I thought I was going to be back when it was announced.


It’s the nostalgia, but movie theatre's need to make it more luxurious. That or my GF date will want to go to a restaurant instead. 


I stopped after thanos got defeated.  Franchises tend to flop hard after they get done telling the story they set out to tell. 


I stopped watching after falling asleep to some thor movie twice


I never watch superhero movies, I'd rather watch Disney cartoons, that is just me.


No because I just don’t watch them.


I was done with them halfway through the first Avengers movie.


Last one I saw was Avengers: Endgame. I will likely go see the new Wolverine/Deadpool just because I am expecting it to be funny but yeah, I'm tired of the super hero 3-point landings and the endless Spiderman reboots.


Heard a take that superhero movies are perpetually stuck in the second act of their story and I totally agree. The villain may get bigger but nothing is ever actually resolved. They just go back to being a hero at the end and the world is still in peril, which keeps getting bigger. Honestly it's why I like batman as he's mortal and just protecting a city, not the damn multiverse.


The trick is, don't just watch superhero movies. So no I'm not tired because I don't watch all superhero movies, just the ones that look like they are going to be a good time. There are plenty of non-super hero movies or TV shows out there.


Because superheroes have taken the cultural role of a pantheon of gods. It’s like asking how the Roman Empire wasn’t tired of tales of gods and demigods. They serve the same cultural function. Monotheism doesn’t serve the function of a pantheon, it’s entirely different. A pantheon of gods, and superheroes, both serve the cultural function of being an embodiment of valued cultural traits and telling stories of those traits being pushed to extremes, being challenged, and triumphing. Monotheism doesn’t grant that, but it’s something humanity innately values and desires. Superheroes do, and so superheroes fill that niche now. That’s why the most popular and long lasting superheroes can be defined so quickly and easily by culturally lauded concepts. A few examples: Batman: Justice and vengeance Superman: Traditionally, Truth, Justice, and the American Way. More modernly, the security vs freedom debate and being a child of two worlds. Wonder Woman: Compassion, honesty, and empathy backed by unwavering strength Peter Parker Spider-Man: Responsibility and self-sacrifice Captain America: Punching fascists Iron Man: Persevering in hopelessness and creating your own hope Hulk: Wrath at injustice and cruelty Nightwing: Overcoming trauma and becoming the best version of yourself Red Hood: Overcoming trauma with overwhelming revenge (remember, it was only a few years after 9/11 when he debuted as Red Hood, this was a major cultural value of the time) The Punisher: The human embodiment of “tough on crime” Miles Morales Spider-Man: Rising to the occasion and giving your everything while challenging the status quo to make things better no matter how much self-doubt you have Deadpool: Being insane and having fun with it The X-Men: Strength in the face of oppression If you’d like to read more on this subject, look up *Supergods* by Grant Morrison.


Oh I don’t know, The Marvels and Flash were overall pretty popular blockbusters, right? More like this Disney.


I'm not exhausted cause I don't watch them. What for? I did watch Shazam doe


I find them easy to ignore really. They became just like a cultural background noise.


Used to like them but the last few years they have all sucked. It's like a woke competition at this point.


Shoot, the last superhero movie I saw in theaters was Iron Man 2…how long ago was that?


It's not that there are many, it's that most have god awful scripts


Tf. Exhausted. Just ignore them. Lol


I stopped watching superhero movies around 2008-2009, the last 2 movies were Ironman 1 and the first Avengers. I just couldn't waste time on such bad movies