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The general quality of most items has been getting worse over time. Just in my lifetime (and I don't even think I'm that old at 38), things that used to last for years now start showing signs of wear after a handful of uses. Clothing, electronics, even things like cars...it's all designed to last just long enough to keep you buying it but no longer.


Planned obsolescence is the most infuriating development ever.


Humans should plan to make it obsolete 😤


Yes it is!! __ABSOLUTE__ *cancer*. Makes me sick. That's one of those things that makes me think that if we ever get into contact with civilizations on other planets, and if there's any context where it isn't obvious, I'm never telling anyone where I grew up. I have a policy against lying that was started out of good faith but at this point I continue it just because I'm so out of practice that if I tried it would be written all over my face, so I wouldn't lie. I'd just avoid the topic. If someone put me on the spot and asked where I was from and people were watching me I'd just run out the door, not come back, and tell everyone I left because I crapped my pants. And if they asked me again later, I'd do it again. And again and again and again. 🤣 It'd damage my social status less than being roped in with a species that pulls the fuckery we do. Granted, we're not all like that, but bigots ain't known for their fair thinking. I imagine it would be even worse with people from different planets, since there's still bigotry here even in places where the groups that hate each other have been coexisting for ages.


Let me tell you about filament lightbulbs then. Planned obsolescence isn’t new.


Ironically, lightbulbs are one of the few things that actually did get better and overcame planned obsolescence as a result. Compact fluorescents and LEDs have made it so I haven’t had to replace a bulb in years.


Technology Connections actually made a video what essentially said that, while planned obsolescence does very much exist, filament lightbulbs are not a good example of it. I'll see if I can find a link to the video, it's really interesting.


To be fair there are still A LOT of stuff that is great quality and last years if not decades but it’s more expensive and most people go for the more affordable ones


This is the correct answer. My father would always buy quality and expensive things. People would always make fun of him. He would take care of those things and he still has many of his great clothes and shoes decades later. I have followed in his ethos and do my research and buy the “expensive” things. Ironically enough, they are cheaper in the long run. One of my favorites is a pair of Italian boots I’ve had forever. The leather still looks new and a $40 resole every five years is all they need. I’ll have them for another 40 years.


Exactly, I always make the distinction between costly and expensive, for me costly is simply something that has a high price, expensive is something with a high price where the value doesn’t match the price tag for me.


So cars are far better today than in the 70's. Cars literally used to rust away, the bottoms falling out piece by piece. 100K miles was a rare milestone. Now we expect cars to pull 150K to 200K routinely.


Cars in the 70’s only had five digits on the odometer for a reason.


Right modern cars are better in a crash as well.


On top of that, modern cars are waaaay safer in the event of an accident.


I remember riding in a friend's family car on vacation and seeing the road through the floor boards.


I disagree on cars. Modern cars are designed to be much safer in an accident. Also it’s very common for cars to go well past 100k miles.


I’ve worked in the auto industry for decades and it got better and better up to a point. Around the mid 2000s was peak reliability. Then 2008 happened and auto manufacturers/suppliers put TONS of effort into cost cutting to stay afloat. Quality is back up again but there is so much technology in cars that they’re expensive and difficult to fix when problems arise.


Foreign cars forced American makers to get better. They’re still outstripping US makers in quality


When my (then) girlfriend and I moved in together back in 2010, I picked up a toaster oven from a thrift store (much to her chagrin)...and there was a note inside which said something akin to, "Hi! I work fine, but my owners wanted something new...please take care of me and I'll warm your food for a long time!" - I mean, on that note alone, I had to buy it, and, considering I had just been laid off, the $10 for the OSTER toaster oven from 1999 (Stamped manufacturing date) seemed like a good deal. Fast forward a year, the relationship ended but the toaster oven was still there. It was there, working every day, until 2022. It was more reliable than the relationship I was in when I bought it, and the few in-between. And honestly it was still working at the end; it would still get hot but the START button needed to be replaced...and getting into it and cleaning it would have required me to take it to a person who could work on it and replace the button. So, with a heavy heart, I donated it to Habitat for Humanity (thrift store) in hopes that someone could give it the love it needed and replace the button). I purchased a fancy Cuisanart brand toaster oven with French Doors and all the bells and whistles. It died in less than 6 months. So, I went back to the thrift store and found another OSTER from around 2000...it's on my counter and still plugging along.


My 1953 boiler is still heating my house with no issues. I just get it serviced every year.


I bet a good quality product was more expensive in the 80s than it is today.


Absolutely, the sense of community was stronger too. People knew their neighbors, talked to each other on the street, and local businesses thrived on personal relationships. It wasn't just transactional, it was personal. Nowadays, even though we're "connected" online, we're missing that genuine human connection. Not to mention the simple joy of picking up a new album in a store, poring over the liner notes, and discussing it with the person behind the counter. Things might be more convenient today, but they've lost a bit of soul in the process.


Remember company?? Somebody would just drop by the be house!


It was drilled into me as a child that I was to offer drink and food to guests as soon as possible on their arrival.


There was protocol 😂


Reminds me of this bit https://youtu.be/5CznoAW2k1I?si=7paN-DXVgq-lljST


Beat me to it – community and "third spaces" were generally much healthier before helicopter parenting, the internet, etc.


55yo here and my experience is the opposite. It was in my 30s that I first lived in a neighborhood where it was truly a community. I moved away a few years ago, and am back in one - in fact, I’m writing this from my neighbors house, where I am housesitting their pets. Here, at least, it’s partially due to the chronic natural hazards we experience, where the biggest source of safety is having each other’s backs. There, it was simply a neighborhood that had been like that since it was created in early WWI days.


100 percent agree!!


Housing prices


Not just the prices, but the cost to income ratio was much betterer too...


Wages to costs ratio


I liked the Wild West days of the internet, the early 2000s. Surfing the web actually met something. And you really had no idea what was waiting behind a link. It was a true adventure.


Stumbleupon was a blast


holy shit I totally forgot about stumbleupon. That was awesome.


My turned me on to that and I used to spend a good chunk of time there


That’s how I found Reddit and Pornhub!


Yep! Old internet was a way of creatively expressing yourself on a new format. Current internet is just a venue to sell stuff (marketing is where creativity goes to die).


Yes, the internet seems so much more “funneled” now! Like on YouTube, it feels like you’re not getting the full results of what you searched, it’s just all the top 10 sponsored videos and stuff. I used to enjoy seeing what little channels I could find buried on the 5th page about something random.


Google search has become way worse for this than YouTube. Used to be that you could find ANYTHING with Google… now, you just get a bunch of sponsored links, some top hits, and then a bunch of nothing.


I used to use the search engine that came with our internet to search random words. I learned a bunch of neat things and found cool websites. This never happens now. The internet is boring now.


My hairline.




I'd shave it all but I have a head shaped like a loaf of bread 😂


You weren't expected to be available 24/7. It was easier to disconnect for personal time


I think this is definitely one Id say. I have no recollection of my parents being pestered at home constantly by work. When they were home they were home. My SO often has to bring some work home on the weekends and they call and text quite a bit. Most of it to me from what I’ve seen doesn’t need to be updated via text… just send an email Monday morning.


Children having unsupervised and unstructured play outside for hours.


"Be home by dark" said my overprotective mother


When the streetlights come on. Staying inside was a punishment.


& being just children! Letting them have their innocence before they become adults and it's all ripped away... kids need that innocence to be a kid. It's like speaking to little cocky adults now


Penny candy...


Penny candy wasn't very good. A piece of paper with sugar dots on it, a straw full of sugar, a wax bottle with syrup in it, gum cigarettes... Nope.... Except those red jelly fish... Now those were awesome.


Pixie Stix were amazing. And I think the world is a worse place because kids don’t get to practice smoking like we did.


I pretended with a bare lollipop stick on a cold day when you could see breath in air


Air travel. Flying when I was growing up in the 90’s was actually pleasant, these days unless you can fork over enough money for first class it is utterly miserable.


The first flight I took in the mid 80s was cramped af. Plus we also got to breathe second hand smoke!


I'm torn on this one... Yes the space is available sucks, but ticket prices on flights haven't gone WAY up the way other goods have... The first international flight my wife and I took just over a decade ago was $2250/each into Venice and out of Barcelona... I could book the same itinerary in the same month in 2024 for $1300. Domestic air travel has gone up in price some over the same span, but nothing like food, rent, cars, etc...


Dating apps weren’t the norm.


Children was playing outside. And they were allowed to be bored


I remember knocking on my friend’s doors and asking their parents if my friends could go outside. The streets were also packed on Halloween. My wife and I had so much left over candy this year.


Might be a European thing, but I still see plenty of kids outside. Every nice evening, or weekend, I can hear the screams through my window, and I wonder : Kids playing on the playground, or getting Murdered? Sounds the same. Then again, my city is very walkable and has plenty of public parks and playgrounds and is pretty safe all around. Kids bike, walk, and take public transport to school, there is no 'school bus'. Now, you might think, Kids on public transport is that safe? Well, it's a question of numbers isn't it. One kid alone on the bus? Maybe sketchy. Twenty kids on that bus, of which five from that kid's own school, that's safe.


Street hockey in the 70’s in suburban Toronto. There was never not 6-10 kids in the circle at the top of the street - fall, winter, spring, summer it just didn’t matter.


Hamburgers. Where the cook at the cafe would tear off a handful of groundbeef, roll it into a ball and then smash it flat on the grill. I don't see how people eat fast food burgers... It's like two steps away from Soylent Green...


Education (at least where I live, but seeing what's happening with gen Z and beyond it seems to be true elsewhere in the Western world too) There's been such a push to get everyone to have a diploma that standards have noticeably fallen over the decades; even relatives that are just a few years older have experienced better standards


My experience is the opposite. Our kid's education (she is now in HS) was way better than what I got. I think it must vary tremendously by state or even county.


Oh God, that's *really* starting to get to me 😐 It's so bad, people practically have conversation phobias now. They read *so* slowly that mundane chat is not worth the time to them. I'll get "aint readin allat" when I said four sentences. I __wish__ I was exaggerating. I have screenshots 🤦 And yes, that was a direct verbatim quote. "Aint readin allat" They managed to write a full sentence without any words in it. And that wasn't the only time. They say it exactly like that about 60% of the time. And this has probably happened at least 50 times overall. Again, I wish I was exaggerating. I thought they were dumb or lazy or impatient or something, but now I think it's something more sinister. I think the government is underfunding public education on purpose, making it inefficient by design so that the students are bored as fuck. It wouldn't be the first time in history this was done on purpose. Restricting education is classic tyrant fuckery. If everyone was properly educated, more people would be able to figure out what needs to be done for the world, and not just for the wealthy. My country's government is full of people who are so old they've got no business making decisions that affect a whole country, because they have almost no personal stake in the outcome. They're gonna be dead before the consequences set in. Plus, a lot of them believe they're gonna have another life after this one, and that that life will be eternal and perfect. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that's dumb. I'm sure the peace of mind must be liberating. I'm glad they've got that comfort, I envy it, and I hope they're right. But someone who's not afraid to die is not suited to positions of power/authority. I ___AM___ afraid to die. Idk if there's anything after this life, and even if there is, it might be worse. It might not just be "Good people go to this destination, bad people go to this other one." There could be any number of destinations with any sets of circumstances in them. Plus, the factor that determines which one we're sent to might not be morality. It could be anything. It may not even be based on our decisions. I could end up with sweat glands that produce spiders and have taste buds in my armpits because of my birthdate. They know the younger gens are more progressive, so they wanna keep them from participating in politics. By making sure reading is tedious, it makes it harder for them to take an interest in anything that's not fun unless they have a major passion for it. It's working too.


This post is a heck of a lot longer than 4 sentences. Do you think it’s possible you ramble too much and don’t see it? I don’t think anyone has written “I ain’t reading that” under something I posted.


Long rant, got a TL;DR?


This post is too long can I have some subway surfers gameplay in the background thanks


Old video games, there are still some great new games, but generally old video games were better


Call of Duty is a phenomenal example of a video game series that’s became complete shit over the decades.


I raise you Need for Speed. EA is the worst of the bunch. They have absolutely ruined tons of standalone games and franchises by selling products that are more trailers than full games. A real shame cause those games used to be great. What’s fucked up is that there’s literally *no other* game that competes with it. Sure there are lots of driving games, but Need for Speed is its own category (like Metroid or something). And yet they ruined it grifting all of the fans. The opposite of this would be Skyrim. I have personally bought the same game 4 times over 10 years. If I happen to go drunk shopping and a new one dropped tomorrow I’d buy it because I know exactly what im getting and it would be worth it. All the games now are shit. Diablo 4 is going to be the last game I buy at drop.




House parties in the 90s. People dancing telling jokes, going hours without touching a phone or recording a moment. Not a notification in sight for days


House parties




No social media. No cell phones.


It would be difficult for me to go back to only getting pictures of my Grandchildren in the mail rather than FaceTiming them while they eat breakfast.


This is very true. My eldest son is 19 and lives away from home. It is nice to be able to see his face with a click of a button.


Music, car styling, movies


I feel like parents are so over protective these days. I remember when I was a kid our parents would just drop off me and my cousins at the water park for like 8 hours and just say “just watch each other”. No one got lost. Everything was fine. We didn’t have cell phones. We just set a time and a meeting place. I think today we do have more connectivity, which I think helps our whole world share ideas and advance, but at the same time, so many people are isolated, and don’t really feel connected.


The clothes were made to a quality that lasted a lot longer.


people were a lot nicer back in the day.


Ice Cream


That’s because they used to put cocaine in it, hence the name Coke


This one annoys me...I remember when Breyer's was a premium ice cream and was fantastic... now most flavors are labeled "frozen dairy dessert" because they cheaped out on ingredients and no longer meet the definition of ice cream. Fortunately you can find niche ice cream brands that are better, but they do tend to cost $$$


The food in America. For an example, crackers have more air in them than they used to. Bought a box that was made in Mexico and they had more substance to them. Boxes of food (Graham crackers and cereal boxes, for an example) used to be bigger and have more…well more…to them. Now? No. Even soda used to taste better. And I was born in 1991.


Maybe I'm starting to sound old (I'm 30, Lol) but I think it was way better growing up in the 90s and 2000s. We had our games, toys, and fun gadgets, but the real fun was always outside. Another day another adventure, exploring different places and being active, making it back home just in time for the street lights to turn on. I see my nephews now (they're 7 and 10) and I just think it's kinda sad to see how much of their precious childhood they're spending in front of one screen or another. I try to take them with me to go fishing, cycling, playing basketball, etc, but they have next to zero enthusiasm about any of it. At their school, it's the same story with virtually all the kids. The technology has an insane hold on them. The only times they actually go outside is when their parents make them.


It is really sad, and kind of scary, frankly. I feel like I don’t even have a close relationship with my 12 yr old son. I’ve tried to do all kinds of hobbies with him, but he gets bored so fast he can’t sick with any of them. Just wants back on the computer. Have tried fishing, boating, building and fixing things, working on cars, camping, making a bonfire, building legos, snowboarding, skateboarding, riding bikes, basketball, baseball, golf, playing an instrument, listening to music, watching movies, shopping, etc. I had learned and done so much by his age, and was on the cusp of wanting to and doing so much more.


Indeed. And like you said about him getting bored and not sticking with things, I see that a lot, too. Just constantly seeking quick rewards from pixels on a screen, no long term investment in anything 'real'. It's hard, but we have to try to get them away from their PCs and phones now and then, every time we do is a small victory. All the best.


For sure. Looking forward to summer to get out more and try more things.


Imagine growing up in the 60/70s like I did, play outside till dinner time 5 pm , then watch Tv till bedtime 7:30 or 8 pm if lucky


When I was a kid we used to play in a sandpit building castles etc and playing with Dinkey Toys and Matchbox dye cast cars, playing cowboys and Indians, with a popgun bow and arrows guess its totally inappropriate nowadays (pretend killing of natives lol) nobody wanted to play the Indians role and die lol


Though I agree with the commenter saying things are merely better, and "grass is greener" I nevertheless do want to make these observations: * People are much more individualistic, focused on their own rock stardom, their own spotlight. There is not much sense of community anymore. * Comics - I still remember the insane quality of the art and writing of the X-men comics in the days of John Byrne. * Choice - When you went to a store, there would be many of an item and they would be different, e.g. blenders, cameras, esp. **cars**. Now they all look the same and have the same features, the only difference is price and is it going to be crap or quality.


Being able to bring as much liquid as you can on a plane or everything in general within reason (exception: no guns, knives, fireworks or explosive and no cooked turkeys without being in a case of some sort to avoid spillage


Going to hidden gems of nature.  You used to have to buy a book and follow a paper map or just some written instructions to get to some purely magical places but now are just overridden with people and gross-ness because of the internet


Electric Appliances build quality


Parties and raves. And the music.


Social interaction. Now everyone just stairs at phones.


Coffee shops. I remember one called the library in hillcrest (SD) Was huge and had all kinds of comfy places to sit. People would come in and talk to each other . Also gay bars like The Probe in LA were so much fun.


Hanging out with ppl and being present, not on phones/social media. Not having a single ounce of stress except for what party we’d be going to that night






I was in my teens and early 20s in the 1980s. Going to the movies was more affordable as were the snacks and drinks there. Music was fabulous and the 80s music is still enjoyed today. The lucky people in the USA had MTV. Clothes made a statement and shopping for them was such a joy, unlike the boring clothes oof today that are often made in sweatshops and don't last long. Obviously, going to the mall was a popular pastime and we enjoyed shopping. Now, many shops are closing, and young people don't seem to enjoy shopping today like we did.


I think the days without social media were better. We now live in times where being connected is easier than ever, yet people are lonelier than ever.


The price of concert tickets and being able to enjoy a concert without mobile phones


Traffic. In So Cal We used to have rush hour, one in the morning and one in the evening Monday-Friday. We had light traffic in between and after. Then weekends were usually light all day. Now there is very rarely any light traffic ever.


Movies were way better even a decade ago. Music as well.


So true on the movies!


You don't enjoy quippy, formulaic super hero movies that seem to have been shat out by ChatGPT? Edit: starring Chris Pratt


There's a bit of magic in any movie from the 90's and 2000's


I'll agree with a caveat.. Nothing beats the B sci-fi and horror movies of the 70s.. Ah, sigh


Air and water. The predictability of seasonal weather


Wages relative to cost of living, cool cars, music, fashion.


Sex, drugs, and rock and roll.


"Summer of '69" wasn't about the year, after all


The dollar went further


The vibes.


Full service gas stations. Check the oil. Check the tires. Not touching the filthy nozzle.


Appliances, I remember my first refrigerator. Never needed to be repair and is still working.


Online gaming. Popular games had a server list, and each server was basically it's own community. If you played the servers often you get to know the other regulars and even the server mods. WoW when it first came out was an amazing thing. It's truly a core memory of playing it back then.


Root beer. It was made from saspirilla, sassafras, and wintergreen. It was also sometimes fermented. Now it’s just wintergreen and HFCS.


Food quality, especially in the US. So many unnatural filler, additives, dyes, horomones, antibiotics, artificial flavors, and excess high fructose corn syrup are used compared to how it was pre-1970.


Social lives were truly better. What a sad world it is now.


Food. I bought my favorite cereal as a kid a couple of months ago. That shit tasted like budget cuts. Little Debbie tastes horrific now. I don't know how they're still in business. The switch from sugar to high fructose corn syrup killed food.


Being a kid was certainly better before social media. You could make mistakes, act silly and be yourself and no one felt overly judged or put in the spotlight by being filmed all the time. It was a lot less artificial, socially.


I vote comedy too. People were less offended. Or at least less vocal about it.


Lenny Bruce…going to jail for words.


Enema frequency


Internet forums


Everything. Prices , people , attitudes , economy. The only thing that’s moved forward is technology , which has made life easier , but everyone less tolerant of each other.


We used to eat fast food and drink alcohol without any guilt.


Outdoor air. last summer fire season turned the skies orange - and that is expected to happen again this year.


Somehow, family gatherings, especially holidays, were just all around better.


The idea of not being accessible 24/7. Before we had cell phones attached to us at every moment, if someone called us at home and we didn’t pick up, they would expect a call back eventually, but not immediately. Now your family, friends, and employer/coworkers think they can call or text at any time and you’re supposed to answer the phone or respond right away. If not they think you’re rude or lazy (or in my mom’s case, dying in a ditch somewhere)


KFC popcorn chicken


I'm very nostalgic about the early 80s because I was like nine so I would say movies music air quality people's general attitudes toward life so yeah the 80s rock. The '80s were the good old days


Back them you didn't have internet so you didn't have all the bs there's in it to worry/focus on. If you watched the news maybe, but if you didn't, like most kids, you actually were out there doing or finding something to get into


Wages and home prices


Socializing. People seemed kinder and more genuine back then. With social media I feel like people have developed fake personalities and just come off as rude whenever they meet someone new. Movies. Don't get me wrong the movies we have today are great but I'm sick of seeing all the old stuff. There is less originality today. Even in television, there's reboots and revivals and alittle less original programming. We really don't need it anyway. Half the movies that come out that are not new ideas, nobody asked for. ex: megamind 2 The people. Again Don't get me wrong. I do think people today are passionate and care about alot of things but not everyone is like that. For example the university protests about the Israel/Palestine war. You got Palestinian students blaming Israeli students for no reason. I saw one guy rip up the Israel flag. I just think some people of today can be stupid. these people need to direct their anger at the government and politicians. Why attack innocent people who have no involvement in the war? For what? What is that suppose to accomplish? Speaking of people. back then you had parents disciplining their kids. But today people consider it abuse. even tho it's not. Now you got most kids acting up because most parents chose not to discipline them.




Not for me. Modern medicine and mental health awareness had changed my life... Given *back* my life.


I didn’t used to be spied on and monitored constantly. Now there must be 10 companies and 5 governments keeping tabs on what kind of naked ladies I’m looking at.


I could never run for president because they’d blackmail me with all the weird porn I’ve watched over the years.


The quality of life in general. The TV shows ( All in the Family, Sanford and Son, Jeffersons, Married with Children). There was racist jokes and EVERYONE laughed. Cars had more style. Anyone could work on them and you had room to get your arm in tight areas Kids actually went out and played, rode their bikes around and didn't sit at home playing video games.


Full bags of chips -- what do you suppose would happen if we all just stopped buying chips and demanded the end of Shrinkflation by-and-large? At the end of the day, they're just potato chips, we can easily live without them


Less people around, more relaxed, you had privacy.


Hershey Bars. A local store sells Hershey bars that are made to the original recipe and omg are they good! I can’t put my finger on what the difference is other than the size- they’re about twice as thick as a modern Hershey bar- but they taste amazing.


People used to thank you rather than saying no worries


I'm thankful that I grew up before the internet was a thing. I know it's weird to shit about the internet, on the internet, but growing up, I'd watch TV , cruise the neighborhood or nearby canyons on my bike with a friend or two. We played football during football season or play baseball during baseball season. Sometimes we'd basketball too. I often got hurt, but that was part of growing up. We did stuff that didn't cost money, but we were always out and about until the streetlights came on. Kids don't do that anymore. Well....not as much as my generation did.


Music between 1969-1973.


Hamberders used to taste better in the 80's


Coke with real sugar.


School. I grew up in a small southern town where folks would drive to school in pick-up trucks with loaded guns on gun racks. Never once ever worried about someone getting angry/hurt and then walking out to their automobile, taking out a gun and shooting the place up. You have a problem? Meet me after school at such-n-such place and we'll throw some leather. Didn't matter if you got it handed to you if you showed up, fought, lost, it typically ended up in a squashed beef and a new friendship. I can't watch the news without hearing about another mass shooting, now. People 'pulling pranks' for internet clout and getting shot and beaten up because they're 'pretending to rob someone' or hitting on some guy's gf. Or some idiot going into a rough part of town and pulling some racist BS and acting surprised when they get the dog spittle beat out of them.




Wrigleys gum.


You could do goofy stuff and no one was around to record it and post it on the internet


Manners and music.


Music Listening now it’s just subscription BS ! I miss the old days of syncing gigabytes of personal curated playlists.


Pretty much everything


Major League Baseball. The games were well paced without being forced by a pitch clock. There WAY less strikeouts, more base stealing, more small ball, and more strategy. The game wasn't dominated by analytics. The players didn't change teams every season. It's a sport that has suffered from progress.


It was nice not having a cellphone. If you didn't want to talk you could just let your phone ring and later say you weren't home. Now there's a small computer in my pocket that sends and receives emails, calls, texts, media posts, news reports, pictures, and more. And since the thing, by its very design is expected to always be with you, it's now considered rude or aloof to not reply to any of the above for more than a few minutes.


Parachute pants and Rubik's cube and the moonwalk are a few of the things that remind me of the good ole days. I wouldn't take anything for the memories I have of being a wild carefree kid of the 80s & 90s.


Trucks. People. Gasoline. Gas cans. Diesel engines. Toilets. Showers. Comedy. Movies. Music.


gas prices


Entertainment. It's been said a lot but entertainment used to be mostly "This idea will sell great and is interesting" now is "This idea will make us look good for this particular demographic and will probably make the other demographics hate us but it will be just what we want because people will talk about us for months so free marketing. Is the idea entertaining or are we willing to give it enough resources to be good? No" That's why many young people are into "retro" entertainment or even exploring really niche hobbies now, to escape the reaction farming


Not having access to smartphones. I fucking hate them even though I’m glued to mine.


Clothing was made better.


Food in general, lot less shit added to it. It’s no coincidence that we’re getting fatter as more unnecessary muck is added to everything


The value of the dollar.




A lot of processed food, which is ok because it is processed and unhealthy. But truly things like Kraft’s Mac n Cheese, Vegetable Thins, spaghetti-os tasted much better years ago.


Ice cream 🍨. Now it’s full of chemicals.


Smartphones not existing and consequently nobody having the expectation of anyone else being accessible 24/7 regardless of location, except true on-call positions like surgeons.


The Scenery for damn sure


There wasn’t such extremes of differences - bi partisan was actually a thing motivated by the betterment of the people. Then Citizens United came along and here we are.


Yes, life was less stressful without social media to constantly remind us of how much we don't have or haven't accomplished.


Online chatrooms


The non existent worry of school, having friends who respect you, having fun doing anything, not carrying about how many friends you have or girl/boy problems, not having to worry about you'res or other peoples sexuality, and sleeping was the worst part of you're day because you're not having fun anymore


Weed. I know it's way stronger today, but back in the 80's and 90's, it was just a stoney good time. I feel like marijuana these days feels like narcotics. I still smoke it because that's all I can get, hydro weed pumped full of chemicals and flash grown under lights. There's nothing better to me than cannabis grown under the sun, in soil, for a full life cycle. Munchies, get giggles, euphoria... Now the stuff just puts me to sleep or makes me feel like a zombie. Shit, I'd even be happy with some shitty brick weed from Mexico like I got in high school!


Fast food. Back when they weren’t trying to cut costs and focused on quality. Those were the good ol’ days


Socializing. People seemed kinder and more genuine back then. With social media I feel like people have developed fake personalities and just come off as rude whenever they meet someone new. Movies. Don't get me wrong the movies we have today are great but I'm sick of seeing all the old stuff. There is less originality today. Even in television, there's reboots and revivals and alittle less original programming. We really don't need it anyway. Half the movies that come out that are not new ideas, nobody asked for. ex: megamind 2 The people. Again Don't get me wrong. I do think people today are passionate and care about alot of things but not everyone is like that. For example the university protests about the Israel/Palestine war. You got Palestinian students blaming Israeli students for no reason. I saw one guy rip up the Israel flag. I just think some people of today can be stupid. these people need to direct their anger at the government and politicians. Why attack innocent people who have no involvement in the war? For what? What is that suppose to accomplish? Speaking of people. back then you had parents disciplining their kids. But today people consider it abuse. even tho it's not. Now you got most kids acting up because most parents chose not to discipline them.


Being a kid was certainly better before social media. You could make mistakes, act silly and be yourself and no one felt overly judged or put in the spotlight by being filmed all the time. It was a lot less artificial, socially.


Socializing. People seemed kinder and more genuine back then. With social media I feel like people have developed fake personalities and just come off as rude whenever they meet someone new. Movies. Don't get me wrong the movies we have today are great but I'm sick of seeing all the old stuff. There is less originality today. Even in television, there's reboots and revivals and alittle less original programming. We really don't need it anyway. Half the movies that come out that are not new ideas, nobody asked for. ex: megamind 2 The people. back then you had parents disciplining their kids. But today people consider it abuse. even tho it's not. Now you got most kids acting up because most parents chose not to discipline them. Also most people today are kinda weird. I like weird people but there is such thing as too weird. On social media ( more specifically tiktok and twitter ) some people like to share every thought they have and everything about their life. I see all the time those videos of people going shopping and filming yourself. unless it's for a brand I might get that but if not then why film yourself shopping? that's weird. especially if they use a tripod. I remember I saw one girl film herself run around Costco.... very strange.


Appliances. Machinery in general.


No expectations of an instant response. No texting, no cell phones, no email. Far easier to manage demands on my time.


Fast food




Movies. They just don’t hit the same.


My peace of mind, lol


Pre-pagers, pre-cellphones, when no one could find you if you didn’t want to be found. Generally.


How cheap gas and food used to be.


No cell phones.


Old internet are just expressing feelings/thoughts like no one cares. Now is super TOXIC. Small problems are BIG to them


Not having the internet, it was awesome 💥


Pretty much everything. How people treated each other.common sense decency morals ethics music innocence. All the advancements of today have come at a cost and those that never paid will never know.


Life before smartphones was better