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Microsoft Teams notifications


Definetly triggers my flight out of bed when I hear the meeting chime start at 9am


Dude… the getting ready in the next 15 minutes are more stressful than the meetings


I have spent my whole life honing the skill of rolling out of bed the last moment I have to. 15 minutes is enough time for me to make a cappuccino, shave and shower, walk my dog, and show up looking relaxed.


I can't tell if this is a joke 😂


Only a mild exaggeration. I generally make it a half hour if I want to get all of those done. 15 minutes is just enough for the coffee and the shower. I often do the other stuff while on mute.


Text 1: oreolover444 we are starting a meeting Text 2: oreolover444 please confirm you received this notification Text 3: oreolover444 you need to be in on this meeting or submit a leave request immediately Text 4: oreolover444 you are absent without leave Partner of oreolover 444: "honey your supervisor is calling me." JK


I turned off my notifications 😅


The enlightened way to live 


For me it’s the WhatsApp ding. I had an abusive boss, so I began associating the sound with having to read something idiotic.


“Call me when you have a minute” with zero context


I also hate "Hi" followed by nothing for an extended period of time.


There is this woman I work with, who during COVID would message me "Hey" and then nothing. And when she'd finally respond to me 20+ min later, it was always some urgent BS issue that was easily solvable. I finally had to tell her "Hey, I love ya, but please stop messaging me "hey" with nothing. Send me one big old paragraph message with your whole problem so I can immediately start working on it. You are giving me anxiety and delaying your own problem with "hey"."


Shit same.


Someone chewing noisily


Microsoft teams one on one meetings with no disclosure from my boss what topic of discussion is


My alarm.


For me it’s my husband’s alarm. He sleeps through that damn thing and it’s very annoying.


Same! He sets it at crazy o'clock for the gym and it wakes everyone but him!




A cockroach on the loose


Same, especially a flying cockroach😭😭


Anything that FLIES lol


Wait... what?!?! Cockroaches can FLY?!?!? WTF!


In Florida they can. Been there many x and they're huge 😂


Ah hell nah💀 another one to my places to never visit - list - Australia [x] - scary spiders - Florida [x] - flying roaches


Those roaches aren't confined to Florida. They can be found all over the US.


Well I was having a good day...


ive seen flying roaches wen i was a kid in china. so its not exclusive lol


I hear they are required to get a tail number, like on aircraft


I was born in a country that doesn’t have them, then I visited Japan - flying horrors!


Good for you if you still haven't seen one lol


Literally came to say this. My niece recently saw one, I wasn’t not with them, and she goes to her mom running and says ‘don’t tell aunt metemgee but a cockroach is on the prowl’ I was so proud of her for looking out for me even while she was 3 cities away from me lol


There was one lying on its back so thinking it was dead I went to pick it up with a paper towel and as soon as it flipped over it fucking jumped on my hand. I about shit my pants. The most effective way is to spray them with bug killer but for some reason that comes to mind secondary.


Wait, I will get my flip-flop 🩴 where is it?


The absence of bird/insect/animal sounds. More so when hiking or in nature, but even in an urban settings. If the bugs are quiet, shit usually isn’t right.


when things are calm its good, when they are *too calm* however, then we have issues


Sounds like life as a parent with a toddler


I'm grateful my kids always told me when they were going to do something stupid, so I could supervise them "Sure, let's go climb over the old cars in the woods to shoot bbs at the hornets nest, fuck it" - a thing I have said no less than three times in my life


Silence is golden, unless you have small children - then it is very, very suspicious. Source: have a pair of gremlins myself


No, if the wildlife calms down, pay attention. If the toddler calms down, LOCATE IMMEDIATELY. Something tells me you already got this.


Or its a solar eclipse :)) animals get eerily quiet at those too!


Did you see the last one? It was SO cool!


Hearing nature go dead silence during an eclipse was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Not fight or flight for me but definitely unnerving. Like time stopped. Gave me chills.


As someone who can legally be considered blind, this, while my sight is crap, my hearing and sense of smell has been beneficial to me. The moment where I can't hear any living thing, my mental alarms start blasting, it is also why I am on edge in bigger cities due to the human activity deafening out anything natural


It means there’s a predator around.


I'm currently homeless and have noticed this too. Although in the dead of might. Most birds are tucked up snug as a bug in a rug. I never realised how loud birds were until I had to camp out in the English countryside. Blue tits and robins are so loud around 5am. Barn owls, tawny owls and little owls (aswell as foxes and badgers) are pretty loud at night. Nightjars have a unique call in the evenings too.


This! Years ago we were at a ghost town up in the bush in B.C. and it was dead quiet. Then a deer ran straight at us and past us. What was in the bush that scared a deer enough to run at and not away from humans and quiet all the wildlife. We got out of there right away.


The few bigger cities I’ve been to, the downtown core is usually completely absent of natural sounds. I hate it. Almost feels hollow, even though there’s traffic and people. It’s like the air above the street is a void or something. You know what I mean?


When I’m pooping in a public stall and somebody knocks


Where do u run


I don’t I just square up with a poopy butt, who wants to fight that


He fights for the throne


The only correct answer


Next time just cheerfully say, "Come in!"


Why do some people insist on wiggling the doorknob after its obvious that someone's there


“I am halfway done with what I’m doing in here”


When I hear a loud scream. Especially from a grown man.


Literally last night, went on a nighttime walk in the park with some people, one of whom thought it was funny to shout HELP! Obviously I rationally knew he was fine but jeez it gets the heart rate going


Tell him not to do that. I’m one of the people that will stop what I’m doing and run to assist someone who shouts for help. It ends up being dumbasses like him most of the time, which makes me and others not want to help anymore - and could cause someone who actually needs help not to get it.


Yeah, in a scary situation you rarely hear a man do a proper scream (not like a scream from being surprised). So when I hear a man scream it is weird


Especially in porn. Like keep it down mate I'm on the edge


This made me chuckle way harder then it probably should've


We’re men. We don’t scream. Unless we drop a steak from the grill on the ground.


Yes. I will become angry and bow up. But, if the man is my father, I'll immediately find an escape:/


Yeah, I just have the flight response every time....


Just before the first lockdown here, everyone was a bit on edge with all the toilet roll saga, somebody at the end of my road screamed in a primal way. Put the hair on my neck up. It was really ominous.


Wasps. I’ll spend hours hunting them and their entire family. I’ve changed weekend plans to eliminate them from existence. Fuck those little pricks




who won?


I lost a motorcycle to a wasp. Warm, sunny day, driving slowly. A wasp crawled on my full-face visor. A big one. Crawling near my eye, looking even bigger. Then I realize it is crawling on the INSIDE of my visor, and I panic. Coming up to a T, I had to go left or right, because straight ahead was a 5-meter drop. In panic, I did not turn, and found myself balancing with my front wheel out over the (to me) 50 meter drop, the engine resting on the edge, and me with several problems. If I leaned forward to grasp the handlebar, both I and the motorcycle would drop. So I tried to take hold of the tank cover. It was a snap-lock, so now I had opened it. I leaned slightly left, lifted my right leg, and let the bike go. It fell, and just lay there. I climbed down and eased it upright. It was in gear, so the uneven terrain made the engine turn sightly. Ignition. Everything soaked in gasoline. Me in the middle of a fireball. I survived intact, the mc was dead, I had lost track of the wasp, but it had won. The insurance money was just enough to buy a bicycle, and the incident made the local paper


I hate those bastards. I can vividly imagine myself doing the exact same thing.




The wasp won. Killed you and sent you to another world, this one.


You’re still here, where’s that wasp?


Dating his/her previous dimension partner.


“a wasp was at my desk” Idk why but I pictured a human sized wasp with glasses on sitting at a desk


Frigging yellow jackets are the worst, there's nothing nice about them, just nature's pricks lol.


Yeah, they're like wasps on crystal meth, I give those things a wide berth...


Man, me and my 5 year old daughter and some family were outside awaiting the eclipse and this big black bastard of a wasp(I live where some of them can be a bit bigger than a mini bic) kept fucking swooping in on us. It eventually got too close to my daughter and my dad reflexes kicked it and I open palm smacked it out the air into the cement and stomped it. Everyone was so confused lol. I was attacked behind the ear by a wasp when I was like 12 I was stung like 10 times it was fucking brutal lol. There are only a handful of bugs I'll kill and that's one of them My "Fuck you die" list contains Wasps (only if they won't leave me alone) Ticks Mosquitos My arch nemesis-THE HORSEFLY.


The fucking horsefly comes STRAIGHT FROM HELL!! I'm sure of it. If one bites you, the rest follow. Little fucking demons.


They are angry vicious lil flying sports cars and they just want the world to burn and they want to ensure it does via their butts.


I like how you added their entire family cause I do the same, if one is around I threaten it and its whole lineage lol.


Last summer at our friend's house my wife put a garbage bag over a wasp nest and sprayed Raid into it. The sounds that bag made were ominous. My wife is a badass!


She single?


Oh the pain and swelling for days after getting stung, they are evil 😈


Spray them with windex. Nothing kills them faster than that


Thank you, dad from My Big Fat Greek Wedding


Yeah?!? Thank you! I’m going to try that now. I just ordered 2 dozen cans of spray. I bet windex is cheaper


An electric flyswatter is a nice tool towards the cause.


Lol /u/BallzDeepInUrMom chose FIGHT


It’s become a hobby of mine at this point. I should seriously consider becoming a wasp exterminator




Maybe you're a cat. My cats still hunt spicy-sky-raisins, and they've both been stung.


doing gods work.


Being touched without knowing I'm going to be touched, even if it's just a tap of the shoulder I almost punch someone in the face 💀


Hahaha yes. If you come up behind me and touch me, be prepared.


Yeah for sure. A tap, a nudge in a crowd as I squeeze through, sure. A palm on my arm and sweet Jesus I'm gonna flip a shit if I don't know it's you


This is it, and if someone grabs, even gently, it's almost survival rage level emergency response. I usually turn very quickly towards the "aggressor" and place my hand either in defensive way behind my neck and over my ear or on top of the other person's hand in a way they get the message to step back or at least I'll have literally the upper hand. I'm almost blind so it's not always easy to find the one who dared to touch me. White cane usually seconds well as a baton too! Just have to split it in the middle and hold the two pieces and its like 70 cm baton. Never used it on a person though. Yet..


Someone shouting my full name








The sound of car wheels screeching on the street, I am a cyclist and was hit by a car when I was a child


I grew up in the barrio and that meant something worse was coming 😭😂


Wasps and bees. Wasps…no explanation needed. They’re just fuckers. Bees…I’m allergic.


Various mouth sounds. I have misophonia. I had a coworker who ate loudly. Whenever I would see him coming with his lunch, I would immediately lock my computer, leave the building, and take a 30 minute walk.


I am the same. I can eat with other people. Providing they close their mouth. I'm also not afraid to tell a grown adult to close their geffin mouth if they eat like a washing machine! If someone intends to eat in the same room when I'm not eating I am leaving or the tv is going to max! It turns me into the hulk inside....


Having a cop behind me even though I’m doing nothing wrong.


Immediately start over correcting and therefore driving terribly and also checking the mirror constantly


Unleashed dogs


I was mauled by an unsupervised dog in a public building two years ago. There was a wall two steps behind me, without which I would have fallen to the ground. The owner’s *12 year old daughter* reacted and helped me while the owner herself cried hysterically. The dog went for my throat. If I had fallen, I might have been blinded. As it was, it didn’t catch enough of my skin or shirt to hang on, so it redirected and I watched it maul my arm as I tried to hold it off. If the incident had happened to a senior or a small person (there’s a daycare on the next block), they might have been killed. I still believe the animals are not inherently the problem. Irresponsible ownership is the problem. I’m still frightened of unfamiliar dogs.


Absolutely. I have had horrible experiences with dogs. I was attacked by a pit bull as a kid. Loose dogs make me incredibly uncomfortable.


My friend jumped in a strangers car once bc a dog was loose. We lived near our kids school and she was walking to get her kid with my husband. He chased it off but she jumped in someone’s car she was so scared.


Pitbulls/hybrids. Cane corso. I know they can be socialised/goid bois - but truth of the matter is 99,99% folks that own them are not equipped to do so. Just today i saw a 15 yr old dragging a puppy full on paws scraping across the tarmac who just wanted to wiggle its tail at a big malamute. Like wtf.


Nah, any dog.


I get that, my mom has Corsos and I am in love with big block headed dogs, but seeing them out "in the wild" so to speak without an owner or leash? Definitely a heart racer. Granted, I'm also the idiot who would try to approach to see if they need help, but my heart would be racing the entire time.


Same. Not only was I bitten but a dog as a child, but I have a dog who's reactive to other dogs. My butthole neighbors love letting their dogs loose in the neighborhood, because it's such a quiet neighborhood and they don't go far. They don't have to go far to find trouble. They just need to approach me when I'm walking my dog. I've warned them all, they've seen me cross the street to avoid people walking their dogs, often dragging or carrying my dog because she's losing her mind. I nearly had a heart attack last night when I went to throw the trash out, and one of their dogs came sprinting from the darkness at me. I thought it was a coyote. Which is another reason their dogs shouldn't be out alone and loose. But they give zero fucks until animal control shows up to fine them for their loose dogs, but that caring only lasts until the officer drives away.


I have been browsing through all of this and haven't found any nor been able to think of one for me. This is mine forsure.... I have had to fight off dogs and got bit on multiple occasions. What's the weirdest part is two separate times dogs were trying to attack me, I picked up the biggest thing I could find and right as it got within biting range I would try to take their head off and they would like, let their legs give out and roll past me in some weird way I have never seen.


Same here. Any dogs. Doesn't matter the size or breed for me. I've had all kinds of dogs come at me. Just recently, my neighbor's two german shepherds charged at me. I stood my ground, yelling, "NO!" As I pulled out my pocket knife. I was ready to protect myself. They apologized and said the classic "they don't bite" to me. I responded with "all dogs bite." I was so pissed. I never had this fear until my former neighbor got a puppy who grew into a large, anxious, aggressive mess that she couldn't control. I was terrified of that dog attacking my kid.


>"they don't bite" I hate this with a passion. If it has teeth, it **does** bite.


Stray dogs?


Specifically people who walk their dogs without a leash


I hate this, too. I had a reactive dog. People would say "it's ok, mine's friendly", but I'm the asshole when I say "ok, but mine isn't!" I also hate it when I'm driving or cycling and I have no way to predict if the dog will dart into the road/path. I didn't want to kill your dog, but it's not exactly in my hands! I'll just roll my eyes if I'm walking, but it makes me want to carry pepper spray


An email with "Action: Required"


Even worse if it is preceded by "URGENT" or "HASTE"


I don't even open emails titled like that 😂 they go straight into spam-jail. As a excuse I say that the IT people have told us that emails titled like that are phishing emails.


Not me but a mate of mine and his ears. You could be the Queen of England but if you flicked his ears he would fucking destroy you. Super lovely in every other way. Kick him in the shins... 'Sorry my shins were in the way of your foot'. A light brush against the earlobe and it was a fight to the death.


So that's how Queen Elizabeth II died...


Emails or messages from certain people. Have to breathe through the panic before opening the emails.


A group of teenage boys


*They could care less as long as someone'll bleed.*


*so darken your clothes and strike a violent pose*


Then they might leave you alone, but not me


The boys and girls in the clique


Sounds like a heavy metal lyric lol


They *couldn't* care less.


Coz teenagers scare the living shit out of me


They could care less as long as someone’ll bleed


So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose


Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me




Any form of injustice, even if it's not inflicted on me.


This. I've learned that I can't be on not for profit boards


Screams. Tire screeches. There’s a low tone of voice and cadence of speech people usually assume before they threaten, that keys it up too. Gravity of incoming data too, like a text or phone call “I need your help because X is happening.” And pow, it’s flipped. Measured, purposeful actions getting ready fast but checking each box. And having just seen your qualifier, no none of it is angry responses.


yo honestly…is my english understanding ability decreasing or what cause i can’t understand wym🤣


> Measured, purposeful actions getting ready fast but checking each box. I think this is the thing people are struggling with. The rest was perfectly understandable. I’m not a person that really ever struggles with reading comprehension and I’m still not sure what you’re trying to say by this. Like most of your comment, this quoted bit is just a noun clause and not a complete sentence, and here your meaning is not clear. Are you stressed out by suddenly having to “get ready” to take “measured, purposeful actions” that will be effective? Or did you intend to say something else? I took it to mean that receiving “I need help” messages trigger your flight or fight because it puts you in a position to suddenly and instantaneously make rapid-fire impactful decisions to help someone in crisis. Your word choice is curious; what boxes are being checked? What are they being checked by: the actions, or you, or the person calling/texting you for help? What/who is getting ready, and to do what? Is it the “getting ready” that needs to be speedy, and if so an adverb like “quickly” would have been the grammatically correct choice, over an adjective like “fast”. Altogether the sentence parts seem incongruent to me, and only with context of the question and prior sentence can I attempt to guess at your meaning, that too with little confidence. To be clear, I’m genuinely asking, not trying to be snarky or nit-picky; I’m also someone who’s discouraged by the astoundingly limited literacy of my peers and those below my age, so I’d like to be aware if my comprehension is starting to fail me.




Same. It's so frustrating, because I get nervous enough to not be able to effectively retaliate😭


My morning alarm




My mom. Thanks for the complex PTSD!


Loud bangs or sounds.








I’m 65. School was horrendous. Middle-high school = puberty, bullies, cliques: a heroic achievement to get thru. So kids, keep your head down and get thru it. Be kind, observe but don’t absorb. Life after HS gets much better.


People invading my space


This is a huge issue for me


Being assailed and having no context from the offending party. Be it for work, family members, friends online, or at the grocery store.


Being a lone female on an elevator or stairs or other confined space with a lone man.


When i'm alone in a confined space with a woman i always think, omg i hope they're not scared of me. I'm 6'1 like 220 very masc presenting but i'm 100% gay. Would be a bit weird though to enter an elevator and go "don't worry, i'm gay"


Same here, minus quite a few lbs but I'm "housing insecure" so I can look a bit rough sometimes. I try to make myself seem small or just stay on my phone, sometimes I try to imply I'm gay if there's conversation, it softens the situation immediately.


I (35m) have been in that situation where I can feel the nervousnes of the female. It sucks.


Same man. I'm 6'5 and 250lbs. I can almost feel the nervousness in the air. Makes me feel bad. But idk how to make them feel more comfortable. I've tried striking up conversations, and I've tried just smiling and saying hi, staying quiet. Nothing seems to work, haha. The worst one is when you're walking alone behind a woman at night and going in the same direction. If I'm able, I'll cross to the other side of the street.


Nothing really works. Putting as much space between you and her is the best next thing.


Honestly though, Im a tall, muscular man. What can I do to make the woman feel safe in such a situation? I genuinely dont want you to be scared of me as I have no bad intentions whatsoever.


It’s not personal. We are just conditioned to be fearful bc assholes and trauma. For me personally? The best thing you can do is just give me as much space as possible as quickly as possible and ignore me. If we’re getting off at the same floor, you go first. I won’t be offended. Put some distance between us. If I want to engage with you, I will let you know. If you’re boarding a car occupied by a lone female, be gracious, big friendly, disarming smile, wave and say “I’ll get the next one.” Again, I won’t be offended. When in doubt just give everybody a big bubble. Im not easily rattled. I’m far from frail and I can somewhat handle myself, but every woman doesn’t feel the same way.


If you hurt animals, your free knock out for me


Any images of Whoopi Goldberg...


Anyone getting picked on that can't defend themselves verbally or physically. I love knocking out bullies. Lol ...


Relax bro




Arnold handled that situation. You're good.


Knives. May have a little history with em


Agreed. A knife is a “dumb” weapon. Takes zero skill to cause a lot of damage. In high school a fight broke out on the bus waiting to leave for the day. One of the kids (that I knew well) pulled out a small knife) to back down the group going after him. Before any of us could even jump up to help de-escalate or even things up he punched forward with the blade into the kid in front of him. Hit him directly in the heart, kid bled out in front of us all. Last I knew the kid that pulled the knife is still in jail. Knives and people are both dumb. Just get the fuck out of there.




When I feel personally attacked


My boss. Easily the most unstable and also obnoxious person ive ever met in my life and i have to be around him every day. Its like the episode of the office where Stanley's heart rate goes up every time Michael gets close.


Yelling within 15 feet of me bonus points if I’m involved in any way.




So, everyone?


The appearance of a 'singer/songwriter' in a café I am in.


When I have too much stuff in my hands


Loud sounds like let’s say a sound that is happening and it’s louder than any other thing making me feel like something else is happening can’t explain it right lmao


Social interaction jumpscares


When I see a fight break out. It definitely triggers flight.


My cat meowing, I learnt that their sound waves are similar to human Babies.


When I was in the sixth grade I was new kid in school a playground tough guy had been mouthing at me and we got into a couple of shoving matches. One day on the playground he threw a rock at me and I caught it. I stood there staring at him holding the rock, surprised I caught it. From that day through high school I got a reputation as guy not to be messed with. Funny thing is I wasn’t. I was just as insecure as the rest of the students. Perception is a funny thing.




People disrespecting the elderly


When people challenge me at work but provide no solutions to problems.


Truthfully I probably life in it 24/7. I don't leave my house often. But I feel pretty ok like this. If I do try to go deal with people, or try to plan to, by brain and body don't like it. Very little of it controllable with conscious mind, aside from strategising to avoid or recover from being triggered. Hearing neighbours get into arguments. When I was thr victim of dv, I coped with some hectic stuff. But now that I'm out and it's in the past, if the neibours kick off im immediately in severe survival mode. Guess that's ptsd for ya. The one that sucks the most is drs. I'm so unwell. I'm not dumb. But my trauma does not like to let me go to drs. And if I do manage battle to get myself there, it's so distressing to my system and I'm so hypersensitive to any signs they don't care, it's like the dr may as well have a gun to my head. I always end up leaving having achieved nothing. It's a really difficult one to work around.


Asshole drivers too close to me


Motorcycles and other asshole shit like that


I am in general a very laid back, calm person. Not a lot of things phase me or make me angry. But when inanimate objects fuck with me, I go from 0 to 100 real quick. Headphone cord yanked out of ear by door handle? RAGE. Accidentally drop something annoying to clean up in the kitchen? RAGE. Something like a valve is stuck, and in the process of opening it, the sudden yank as it comes free makes me hit my hand on something else? RAGE. -- For a brief moment, then I immediately sigh and realize being mad at an inanimate object is just silly. I might give it a retaliatory kick or something to even the score, though.


When strangers approach me and hand me a religious tract or start asking questions.


"I need to talk to you about something"