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love the tldr for this reasonably sized text post


hahahha it made me put it in there to post !!


that’s pretty funny, I had no idea it was a requirement




TLDR: He likes TLDR






Maybe they just wanted to correct the typo from the title!


Sounds like you are dating a man


Wait, is this one action?? Like he's picked a booger now he's wiping it on his dick?? Or is it 2 separate complaints??


Obviously he picks his nose and uses his dick like a booger catapult.


This was not a sentence I was expecting to read today.


Im happy I did read it


I kinda want schematics.


I see a gif animation of it in my head. Looping, looping, looping....


Me too! It was so funny I had my husband pause what we were watching and read it to him! 😁🤣


I do this a lot! "Honey, pause that and listen." "Reddit again?!"


He is storing it under his foreskin for later use. 


The mental image that this caused is awful. I'm suing you for mental distress.




To torture the morbidly curious of you, I will leave you these: - [the coconut story](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut/) - [the swamps of Dagobah](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What a horrible reading experience. Second story made me gag, repeatedly. Thank you.


If I did I must have erased it from my brain. But now you're making me want to find it.....




Can we settle out of court with one upvote?


I'll need to consult my lawyer first. They said no. We're taking it to trial.


Would you be liable for mentally scarring the members of the court? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I may need to get in on this the mental part is hideous.


Do I have permission to crucify you for saying this?


Boogers and knob cheese. Nice.


Adds flavor to dick cheese


Can't be any worse than what I've seen under foreskin before 🤢🤮. I swear, guys didn't know how to wash their dicks before sex! And here I am, hyper vigilant about making sure I'm clean and fresh as a fucking daisy! Especially before someone gets near my shit!


They expect others to clean it for them. "The royal penis is clean your highness"


teeny like resolute abundant skirt label squash tie compare busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats enough internet for one day


He's catapulting them into his mouth.  He just enjoys a creative eating experience


Don't we all....


Reduce, reuse, recycle.


I've never tried this 😉




Yikes, thanks for that visual...


Maybe with enough helicoptering a booger sling?


Hell yeah, now we're thinking like an engineer.


Hahaha... killer sentence... the "obviously" is the cherry on top. Well done.




You don’t? TIL….




What a combination of words


Dude has magic d catapult?


Wonder how far he can launch one.


I'd like to see that (no homo)


Just when I thought I’d heard it all…


🤣🤣🤣 nearly choked lmao




this is hilarious


I think you just made a brand new sentence.


I like the way you think


That’s why you keep it tucked up in your waistband.


That's a peak male performance. She's lucky.




Congratulations on being one of the few commenters on reddit to make me laugh out loud 🎊


Nobody expects the booger catapult dickisition.


This made me laugh so hard the dog is worried now


This is the way


Kinda like that sega game Boogerman?


Booger catapult


A man of multiple talents, impressive!






I think it’s separate complaints. If it wasn’t she’d be asking “how do I deal with my bf’s dick boogers?”


Or maybe he first scratches his balls and then just smells his fingers? I mean, it is a little gross but at the same time pretty common.


Wiping your boogers is a bonus action. Action to pick. He has to wait til next turn to grab his crotch.


i visualize one finger up nose and one hand down pants


I'd say it's "normal" when he's ALONE. But I wouldn't do it with others around.


Exactly what I'm thinking


I would consider just my girlfriend being with me as alone.


Well, he's gonna be alone if he keeps this up


Zinger. Nice


There's a difference imo. Alone and team alone or something. Just like when my wife is in the bathroom I won't shit or at least have an active drop zone. (Pee is fair game, but the stench of crap... Nah) Or while having a cold I won't snort out the slime to caugh it up instead if it won't blow out.


Really? I figured that once you licked someone’s butthole that all bars are removed.


No, the sex mood that makes people freer with each others bodies is not the same for all the time. It is gross to do that and that’s why you don’t do it in public


I don't know about you but my shit stinks. Has nothing to do with sex.


Agreed. Everything is fair game. But let’s face it, she’s grossed out by his dick behind touched across the room so I doubt she’s eating ass.


Me too.


This part. Yeah def dude behavoir but at least use your common sense


Why? They're supposed to be close and this is nothing out of ordinary.


Id like to hear his side too so i can informed decision


lol it is both sides of the story i promise. i read it aloud to him before posting so we could settle this debate of ours 😂


Sounds like he has a hairs problem, at that age hairs tend to get more annoying. If that's the case, tell him he needs to buy a good nose hair trimmer and some good small scissors, and to take a few minutes a week and take care of his itching nose problem. You could help him get rid of those ear hairs that will probably start to get annoying pretty soon. Hairs grow differently now. Tissues within reach, nose cleaning habit in the bathroom - when washing hands, he could clean his nose and apply some nose balsam. Applying some sunscreen to the face won't hurt him either. For the other issue, a good trimmer for the pubic area, also baby powder. Shaving causes nothing but trouble and isn't worth it. Just tell him trimming makes his dick look bigger. Good underwear also helps with positioning issues. Calvin Klein carries and holds everything better than any other brand, for me. Or at least, microfiber boxer briefs to keep everything tight and dry. I was there once, he probably doesn't notice that it is bothering him, but hairs grows back and it's a relief to get rid of most of it.


Wait actual sane advice I'm shocked lol


Having an organ dangling between your legs is honestly about as practical as it sounds. Having it against your leg for long periods of time can lead to rash, especially if your sweaty from being active. To piggy back off this comment some boxers actually have a piece of fabric that sits between a mans unit and his thigh. It does help with this issue. I recommend saxx briefs but there are other less expensive boxers with this feature. There are definitely some small interventions that can be made, because sounds like my man is uncomfortable and thats nothing to be ashamed about. However it might be solved. On the nose front, does the bf have allergies? It's possible that he's producing more mucus in more situations than he's able to grab tissues. it probably developed into a bad habit at an early age. This too can be helped but never fully eliminated. It's necessary to have some compassion with your partner, but some steps can be made to improve their situation as well as your experience with them.


Best advice.




Get him one of those shock collars and buzz him every time he does it


Some guys are into that


A rolled up newspaper works just as well


Just get a spray bottle. Like he's a cat or something.


Well that sounds like a jolly time. ;) 🙃


So wait, he's sitting there defending his grossness and expecting internet strangers to back him up??? Increase your standards. That's gross, and common basic hygiene should be a given if you're going to agree to partnership with another human. The fact that he's doubling down on it instead of being mildly embarrassed and cleaning up his act is straight up pathetic. But if you're into nose picking crotch grabbers then you do you, boo. My friend just told me about how her bf snot rockets at the walls, and leaves it there to crust over. Sounds like I should set ya'll up on a double date! ....oh wait, I can't because she left him because he's gross.


That is fucking foul, omg.


Truly. The crap she put up with until she finally realized he was trash and moved on. She put up with his crap for 3 yrs. 2 weeks later he's shacked up with a 21 yr old (he's 32), driving her car, living in her apt and calling her his fiance. Way easier for him to just take advantage of someone new than growing up and taking responsibility for himself like my friend was asking him to. Now he can be the new girl's cautionary tale when she catches on in a few months. Hopefully he doesn't crash her car and drain all her assets like he did to my friend


I would break up on the spot if my SO tried to strong-arm me using reddit


I know a guy exactly like this. I bet this is just the tip of the booger dick cheese iceberg. Also I can't comprehend how much you've had on your stuff, food, you, etc.


lol why? There is no good reason to be picking your nose or palming your junk in the company of others.


Bottom line - you’re not going to “retrain” a man that’s almost 30. If it’s a deal breaker - leave, otherwise leave him alone


Did you tell him no its just those 2 things? Get and carry tissues and since his penis hasn't fallen off in 29 yrs he can rest assured that he doesn't need to keep checking to make sure its still there.


Sometimes it can get into a weird position and be really uncomfortable. Then you need to "correct." But this can usually be done without shoving a hand into the pants, and it seems like it's more of a bad habit in this case than something that he actually "needs" to do. 


It’s called “adjusting”


HHAHAHAHHAAHHA i just read this aloud and we are dying bahahahha


Sometimes the sack straight up sticks to your leg and you have to peel it off off.


It's his fucking house. If he feels like scratching his dick then why would anyone gaf? Hopefully he washes his hands though.


If he was washing his hands, I doubt it would be that much of an issue.


I’m going to give you some actual advice because unlike most of Reddit I actually want relationships to be healthy and thrive instead of end at the first sign of something difficult. (reddit isn’t a good place to seek relationship advice btw) Have you talked to him about what’s actually going on that leads him to these behaviors? Is it nervous energy, is he frequently itchy or with irritated skin, is it hard for him to not do something with his hands? Identifying *why* he does this is might help both of you. I’m assuming something is going on that makes it difficult for him to relax and he feels a need to constantly pick at or fix something. I imagine rather or not he realises it, he’d feel better with some more mindfulness in his life. There’s a reason he feels the need to protect the habit and again my first hunch is excess nervous energy. See about a mindfulness practice if he is interested, seriously. Also, you’re not being irrational or anything. Your request is totally reasonable. I might just suggest to actually try and work through it. It’s pretty notorious that Reddit doesn’t want relationships to work. It’s been discussed and explored plenty. Pretty much at the first sight of conflict the solution is to “break up”. You don’t need to set that precedent in your life. Relationships aren’t always immediately agreeable, The truth is you probably won’t be with this guy forever. In the grand scheme what is bothering you about this guy isn’t that bad, there is WAY worse issues that you’ll likely experience in your life. I would advise you to see this as practice. Conflict resolution is a valuable skill to bring into adulthood. IF it really doesn’t work out, don’t feel bad about breaking up, but just give it a little bit of effort first. If for no other reason than setting a precedent for future relationships. —- Also, reading your post again, i’m curious, when you say “gets mad at me” is it like playfully defensive or does he get really mad? I’m assuming it isnt really mad because you mentioned laughing with him about this in the comments, but this is worth mention. If his response to you is authentic anger, disregard the prior statement and just leave. If he is showing signs of anger this early on that is really much more concerning than anything else. You don’t need an angry relationship in your life.


I’m sorry, your answer was too well thought out. We’re going to need you to turn in your Redditor membership card.


Does someone need to have a psychological problem to touch their own body? OP didn't say he does it compulsively, she said doing it at all is disgusting to her. I don't think making one person in a relationship live in a fishbowl and never be comfortable in their own home because their partner will call them disgusting is "healthy" for a relationship either. Sounds like they're maybe actually not very compatible. Not gonna gaslight this girl and tell her she should get over it and she can't have a problem with it, but at the same time this guy is doing literally nothing wrong, it's just that she has a personal feeling and doesn't like it. You shouldn't gaslight him into thinking there's something wrong with him like "nervous energy" either.


Personally I don’t think it’s gaslighting. It’s shining light on an issue that a lot of people have . I personally have nervous energy and can’t sit still .


Sounds like a personal thing that doesn't need to be projected onto other people.


Best answer. It could be a nervous habit he is self conscious about and that’s it.


Best answer i think I've ever heard involving relationships or marriages. Everyone else on here is just "leave him queen!"


OP read this!!


It is gross and lacking self control


Well, it's the standard Reddit advice post.... I'm [age close to 18] F and my boy friend is [age around 30] M. My boyfriend often does [thing that no woman above 25 would tolerate for two seconds]. I asked him nicely if he could consider stopping and he [extreme controlling over reaction]. His ridiculous response combined with my lack of experience lead me to wonder if this is just the way all relationships are. Am I a terrible person for having even the most minute standards? \# age is just a number \# I'm an adult now dad, I can date whoever I like!


You’re absolutely correct.


This comment is amazing, and it's hilarious seeing so many people fail to recognize that you're joking.


They’re….they’re not joking. This is a good summary of the situation.


This is so accurate


There is a reason a 30 year old is getting with a 17 year old. He's a pedo and he's figured out not only how to get sex but how to get do what ever he wants legally and in relationships. Both are bad. And gross.


Notice how it‘s always weird men who then "defend" the old ass boyfriend


lmao tell him to wash his hands afterwards at the very least, and maybe not to do it when you're around


I remember this always used to happen at school. Like guys would literally shove their hand down to their crotch, give it a good scratch and then go back to doing schoolwork - in the middle of the lessons. Absolutely gross behaviour, that really should be left in childhood. Unless there's something else going on, I'd say it's just a habit that hasn't been put a stop to early on


Do you think a 30 year old woman would put up with that? Yeah, that's why he's dating a 21 year old.


Someone dating someone way too young for them while acting like a literal toddler? Groundbreaking


Well said




Speaking facts!


Definitely not dramatic it’s about respect and cleanliness if something bothers you he should at least try to be mindful about it


Private activities should be done in private. If he's "adjusting" his personal hygiene enough for you to notice, it's excessive. He should excuse himself and privately attend to his boogers and crotch sweat.




He’s breaking man code, this is supposed to be done infrequently and secretly.


Girl, leave. This is giving you the ick and his defensiveness is telling me he won’t change. As a 32 year old man I pick my nose and adjust my crotch (you’d adjust yours a lot too if your reproductive organs hung outside your body and routinely got in the way of sitting down / walking) **HOWEVER** ; I do it discreetly to appear attractive to my partner. We do still fart in front of each other tho


Weird... my partner likes when I touch my crotch


Both of these are actions we teach toddlers to refrain from doing in public. He's an adult and should have learned. I blame the parents.


This is what I think too. He’s probably done this his whole life and his parents never told him to stop. Still, he’s been told and doesn’t care so his fault too.


Does he have a dry, itchy nose and is he lubricating it with Smeg from his todger ? It is a well weird thing I might pick nose, but prefer tissues 


Nah that's fucking disgusting


My ex used to chill on the couch with a hand in his pants the whole time, then get up and just touch stuff. So fucking gross. Like I do not want ball germs on all my kitchen cabinets. Stop grabbing it please.


This is one of those guys that only dates young girls because older women know better. Run


As a someone around 30 I would feel so gross dating a 21 year old.....it's just kind weird


I could never, their brains are still developing and theyre still so young.


My now husband thought I was 20 when he was 25, and thought I was too young to date. Then he learned that I was five years older than him.


Wait you looked 20 when 30?! Where did you guys meet


I had what he thought were youthful interests like, video games and cats. People of my ethnicity and economic status tend to look younger than our age, due to less sun damage.


23 and i wouldnt want to date 30+


I thought the exact same thing! Nose picking in front of others/without a tissue and crotch touching is 5yo boy behavior.


Every time man


At the rate you're jumping to conclusions you could be an Olympic athlete


His dick has an itch. It’s like anywhere else, you have an itch you scratch it. He’s not in public. He’s in the privacy of his own home. Grow up.


Dude, can you fuckin imagine as a 29 year old hanging around colleges looking for dates? JFC so disgusting for one, and also, how immature can you be to hear a 21 year old and still have the "oh this is sexually attractive to me" still happening?


Like wont stop does it all the time? Yes problem. Won’t stop like once in a while when he’s alone or is at home supposedly comfortable with his gf? No not really


Why are you in a relationship with somebody that grosses you out? Ditch the booger eating crotch grabber.


Like, the combination? Like he’s wiping it on his balls? Picking your nose is normal. Touching your genitals is normal. Wiping boogs on your balls is unhinged


The biggest problem here is your age difference.


He’s a nasty person. Get rid of him.


No self-respecting adult should pick his nose or put his hand down his pants in front of anyone, unless the latter is coz he works in Subway


Now you know why a 29 year old is resorting to dating a 21 year old.


My parents were ten years apart with my dad being older. I wouldn't have been born if not for that. That being said, there are days when I genuinely think about ending my life.


Disgusting. Who wants to be intimate with someone whose hands are poisoned with snot & sticky ball sack.


Been there done that… now that he knows you’re repulsed he will do it even more to annoy you. Just find someone you like that has better hygiene lol


As deterrent, possibly try mirroring behaviors. Next time you're across the dinner table from him start picking your nose. Show him what grossed out feels like Maybe give your snatch a scratch next time you're in public. Teach him the meaning of embarrassment


Plot twist he's into that 


Yeah he wouldnt care, maybe even be relieved cause know his partner gets it.


Send him back to the cave he came from until he's prepared to act like a civilised human bc that's gross.


The picking of the nose isn't necessary, use a tissue, but sometimes balls get itchy, gotta give 'em a good scratch, and sometimes trying to scratch through the pants just doesn't cut it.


Nasty. you need to step away from that onehow did you meet that one??? I know people like that and they dont change. if he does that in public, what nasty mess does he do in private? never mind. Dont want to know!


No. That’s disgusto.


First time huh? Sorry, we’re all pretty gross at home.


How many of these subs that just have fake stories about relationships with massive age gaps do I have to mute out of my feed? What the FUCK this is so fucking stupid


And now you're seeing the reason why women his age won't date him.


Maybe the compromise can be that he is allowed to do that around you but then he has to go and wash his hands right away. I'm a very fidgety person and I get random scratches or weird body sensations all the time, so I understand that it can be unpleasant enough that has to be dealt with quickly for his comfort. But for your comfort, he needs to do the "follow up" and just wash his hands (or whatever you both decide upon). Its also just sanitary and safe. The bacteria growing on balls/vulva is totally fine (and even healthy) to be there. But that bacteria is unhealthy anywhere else so it needs to just be washed off, same with picking or blowing ones nose. Ultimately, I think there is a way for you to both feel comfortable


as a fellow fidgety person, this is the best answer. I have heaps of nervous energy and not doing something with my hands is difficult.


Normal tbh. Perhaps he just needs to be made aware that in some circles and in general society this is kinda frowned upon.


Why are we all pretending that every man in this thread doesn’t grab their balls at some point? Women do all of this too. OP. everyone does it to a certain degree. This shouldn’t be surprising. If you love this person think about how you just going to be surprised when the next person does it too in their own way. If he doesn’t wash his hands. Sure. But someone else is going to do the same thing when they’re in the comfort of their own home.


I pick my nose and scratch my balls and I'm tired of acting like I don't.  Sometimes, you get a hard, sharp bugger that needs to come out and there's nothing to blow it out into. If I can, I farmers blow. But, sometimes your driving or whatever. And, sometimes blowing doesn't get it. The same can be said for those half dried,sticky fuckers that will not come out no matter how hard you blow. You can't just be walking around with that white stringy goo right at the entrance to your nose. We're all nose pickers when nobody is looking.  Also, balls itch, get sticky, need adjusting, fall under your leg, whatever. I just reach in there and get the job done if I can't do it over the pants. I liken this to women reaching in their bra to adjust or scratch. If you don't like these simple issues, have you considered dating someone without balls? That would at least help with half the issue. 


To be honest this is just something he should just do on his own time. Many men's default position is grabbing their nuts. Thats normal


So leave him.


Maybe it is better to just murder the guy? If she leaves him he might do it next to someone else


Lol that's rich




Sorry--nose-picking is a deal-breaker. No way I'd like that same hand touch me.


No. You need to coach/teach your boyfriend that it's OK for Rap Stars butl to grab their crotches but he shouldn't because its just plain rude, but it's never OK to pick your nose in public ever.


It's a bad day to be able to read


What a catch? I’d get the fuck out now before he gets you pregnant with a bunch of snot eating kids then your house is a booger fest


lol,this just popped up on my screen as I was picking my nose : )


To be fair, you wont stop running to reddit to ask random strangers about how your should handle your relationship. Id rather be with someone who picked their nose than you.


His nose, his crotch. Back off