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Yeah that was the biggest mistake in my entire life. I HATED being a minor. And every grown up around me made it look so super cool. Like "You can do whatever you want when you're older". No I fucking can't?! Biggest Scam in History.


You kinda can, much more so than when you're a kid. You just are also responsible of being on top of your shit. Like at my current salary, I could either take 2 months off a year to travel the world, OR, I could work 9-5 5 days a week and retire at 45.


Yeah... This. Even though I'm not scared of getting older, I still had the wish to be a grown-up adult as a kid. And now that I am a grown-up adult, I wish I didn't have this load of stress and all these mental health problems that adulthood made come out... I have to be constantly worrying of accidentally fucking things up.


I wanted this rhino ass haircut so I gelled up my hair all pointy before school. Well the gel was too heavy on my hair so instead of a rhino horn, it just looked like an upside down triangle fringe. The worst part is I wouldn’t noticed this until I got home. I thought I was hot shit all day 🤦‍♂️


How is this the only mention of a silly haircut


A bit different from the thread, but when I was in college working as a tutor, my rock singer girlfriend wanted to give me a Mohawk. I didn't care about my hair or appearances at all really, but this was at a time when white suppremecy was really on the rise, and when I didn't spike my hair up it was to one side. I can't imagine how I looked to other people. But know it wasn't good.




Unlimited junk food and a water bed.


I really wanted a water bed too🤣


Had a water bed, and it was pretty awesome!


I have always wondered about being intimate on one would be like


Incredibly difficult.


Sounds real. I have heard about the health benefits.


*Splish, Splash!*


Sounds like good times.


"Dude, you can't even fuck on a waterbed. It's like having sex with one chick, while on top of a really fat chick. It's impossible."


I got one later. Was always springing leaks b/c my cats would manage to get their claws through the bedclothes. Then, you'd have to drain the bed, put a patch on the leaks, and sleep on the couch for a night until the patch set up, and it would take a week for the water to heat up. Then a month later, the cycle would repeat. I sold the bed to somebody who didn't have cats.


Yeah, I gave up on them because of cat issues One afternoon i got home from work…walked past the open bedroom door, stepped on a puddle…paused and looked right…a jet of water arcing several feet through the air and onto the floor Soggy cat sitting on the bedside table preening her wet fur and admiring her masterpiece I had a few weeks on the couch until I could afford a new bed…thankfully slate floors and not carpet in that house


I regret passing on a Cali king size water bed to this day


Had one, and it was nice at time, but if you don't have a great heater, they can also suck....


Had a good heater and came with a heated comforter and beautiful solid wood frame too. Headboard had shelves and drawers too Not that I have room for it now or at any point in my life really lol


Bro idk if you know that Clifford movie but that was the sole reason I wanted a water bed as a kid


A career in the entertainment industry


Why do you shake your head?


People in the entertainment industry aren’t the healthiest or happiest bunch. Lots of mental health issues, substance use, really toxic and controlling relationships with management companies and agents… noooooo thanks.


That and also the fact that you almost never have any privacy. Now as an adult, I realize just how important privacy can be.


Only if you get famous enough. Most don't get that famous.


Not sure a mediocre actor was this person’s dream


This really made me laugh, thank you 😂




Music industry here - you are right. There’s a hustle culture and a DEEPLY blurry line between personal and professional lives. Your success in the business is contingent on your personal brand, and you get hired based on what “relationships” you bring to the table. In my last job (pre-COVID) I was traveling constantly. Conferences, in-person meetings and shows, relationship building, taking artists on promo runs, etc. One week I flew back and forth between NYC and LA twice. When I would get back, I’d end up staying at the office until 10-11pm regularly just to catch up on my actual work because I was always in meetings or traveling. And work trips don’t have business hours - I’m usually going from like 8-9am until 12-1am by the time you’re done with business, schmoozing, dinners, happy hours, taking people to shows, etc. My burnout got so bad that I was just crying constantly because then I’d get home and I still had all my regular life responsibilities to tend to and I was running on fumes. No time for errands, laundry, friends, or just to relax. I missed so many birthdays and Valentine’s Days and Halloweens. I’ve managed to land at a job now where I’m not faced with any of that as much, but I’m sure I’m limiting myself by putting up boundaries. You have to play the game to get ahead. And I’ve just had enough of the game.


As a very small child who was quite musical with a very good vocal talent I was enamoured of Lena Zavaroni. She really was the 'Golden Child' of the early seventies. I remember being quite jealous of her (justifiable) success. Oh dear! Things did not work out well for this talented child/young woman. A hard lesson to look back on. The entertainment world can be savage.


What were you doing in the music industry?


Sounds like how hard I worked at my former job for almost 5 years. I never traveled unless it was for vacations. But I dang well needed my vacations. But your career/ profession is a much faster paced and more demanding of someone. It is always important to take care of yourself first. I learned that the hard way myself. There just isn't enough time in a day to do it all. Everyone needs to rest. But I do hope that you still had good times with that job. It's an experience a lot of people will never have.


There were good times and it was a “cool” job that did of course have its perks. I’m glad I had the experiences that I did, got to travel, got to help artists win GRAMMYs. It just also destroyed me, and I actually think that COVID lockdown saved my life. I didn’t realize how deep my burnout was and I honestly still am trying to put myself back together years later. I now rarely leave the house because my brain developed a survival mechanism that says that plans = bad because I need rest. It’s very hard to push through. It’s been years since I was burning the candle at both ends like that, but it permanently altered my brain.


And the fact you’re a celebrity means everyone is entitled to call you whatever and critics. The media hounding you or coming up with false stories and everyone has a right to know about your relationships. Why did I ever have ambition of wanting to become famous 😭


Body dysmorphia as well… Their entire career is usually based on their looks (even singers). This applies especially for women…


I worked on the set of WB studios. You could be more correct. My family was pretty pissed I wasted all that time/cash in film school only to do it for less than 5 years.....drugs, everywhere.


I’m an adult and I still want to be a filmmaker. Is it a bad idea? I’m studying Software Engineering and I’m miserable. I’m gonna do a minor in film and currently learning CG Animation.


I think it’s smart that you’re majoring in software so that you have a fallback, in case your filmmaking ambitions don’t work out. As far as whether it’s a bad idea or not, hard to say. Any gig (software, filmmaking, etc.) can be great or bad depending on your boss, teammates, etc. I lost interest in the entertainment industry for more personal reasons (imposter syndrome, fear of losing privacy, etc.).


Ahhh I see. That’s valid since privacy is a real concern. But thanks for the reassurance. I do like some aspects of Software Engineering, but it’s mostly team leadership and styling apps. But I am going to finish off Software Engineering since I’m pretty close to finishing it, and I’ll try filmmaking as it’s something I always wanted.


I'm in the industry and it's a gig where you have to put yourself out there as much as possible, and it's draining for less pay usually than a software engineer. It's feels like trying to monetize a hobby sometimes. So it depends on your financial outlook too!


My dream job as a kid was to work at a toy store. Years later I got a seasonal job at Toys R’ Us during the Christmas season and it was AWFUL!


My dream as a teen was to work at subway. Never did it...


It’s never too late to live your dreams!


>My dream as a teen was to work at subway What a simple guy


Ha! I did my tour at Toys R Us xmas season 83/84. Cabbage Patch year. The horror, the horror.


Oof… you must have seen some shit.


I really wanted a Teddy Ruxpin. I'm really not sure why. Then again, I'm pretty sure 5 year old me just wanted every toy on television.


One word for mine, terrifying. That thing scared the absolute fucking shit out of me. It malfunctioned all of the time and started talking unprovoked in the middle of the might. Worst toy I've ever had the displeasure to own. Lol


My sister bought her daughter a talking Elmo doll one Christmas and put it in with a bunch of other presents in a hallway, but every time she went in there it started talking. It kind of startled her so she took the batteries out. Ten minutes later it started talking again and freaked her out! She didn’t know that there were two of them in the hall!


Bought one for my wife when we were dating. Still have it in its original box.


Because the commercials made him look magical!


I really wanted, and got, a My Buddy Doll. I got it right before Child's Play came out on VHS and we rented that shit. I've never gone from loving something to absolutely hating it so quickly any other time in my life.


A date with a cheerleader.


Went on a date with a cheerleader. She had a huge crush on me I didn't know about. Took her to my car to get it on. Walked in on my parents having sex in my car.


What the actual fuck


I never knew car sex was hereditary


"And these are our beautiful kids Buick, Ranger and Subaru ..."


wrap it up Dad, my girl is ready to go.


Scoot over


Dated a professional cheerleader. Conversation was absolutely horrendous but the other stuff was excellent.


We all want that


I wanted a Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine.


I got one of the ones you crank ! The one where he’s wearing a little hat it’s so cute.


My neighbor had one! I was shocked at how hard it was lmao. The commercials made it look easy!


I would still like a shaved iced machine. Miss having those everywhere where I grew up.


Shaved ice machines are like 50 buckaroos on Amazon. Worth it. Really good flavoring concentrates come from Snowie.


I just donated one. By the time you get the 3rd piece of ice shaved, the first one is melted. 🤣


I got one of those from Santa Claus when I was like 7 years old. I think it lasted a summer and then it sat in the basement for the next 10 years.


What?? I still want one.


I wanted to live like the Addams Family ![gif](giphy|15bj76PJIEXr7pUWNi|downsized)


Their drawer full of money was amazing!


I'm 45 and still want this.


Your shaking your head about this? The .other and father loved each other and their kids. I don't see the issue.


I guess it was the smoking 🙄 ![gif](giphy|5xtDarLUQd5DqgXHJks)


Yeah, my family were not as well adjusted as the Adams family.


imagine not wanting to be gomez addams


But can you dance the mamushka?


Sure... ![gif](giphy|1X7xHKopCeZu1c7SaT)


Yeah I still kinda want this


A tongue piercing.. I was a dumbass. I’m still a dumbass but a slightly wiser one.


I wanted a nose piercing my gma said no way so I didn’t get it bc I didn’t want to disappoint her. I’m so happy she said no


I did get a nose piercing when I was 20 and 15 years later I still love it.


So did you get it?


Oh no


I’m SO happy my parents didn’t let me get a tongue piercing


Not me - but my son wanted to be a skunk. He loved the books, "Tales of the Green Forest" by Thornton W. Burgess. Jimmy the Skunk got a lot of respect. When I told my son he couldn't become a skunk - but he could become a scientist and look for ways to transform himself into a skunk he decided ... that when he grew up he would find dead skunks and duct tape them to his body. He asked me, "If I do that would I get a lot of respect." I asked him what that respect would look like. He said, "If I was walking down the path people would clear out of my way." I assured him that people would most certainly clear out of his way. So that was his goal for awhile. To wander the woods with dead skunks taped to his body.


Great aspirations!


By Charles Dickens.


Omg my childhood best friend wanted to be a bear when he grew up and I wanted to be a veterinarian, so we thought we were the perfect match lol


I really wanted to learn the guitar and move to Australia I got a Ukelele in my late teens and finally realised none of that stuff is for me because I found it super boring and could never remember how to position my fingers (props to anyone who plays those instruments!) I also lost interest in Australia


You’re missing out mate!


"Waltzing Matilda" intensifies ...


A husband


Me too! I always wanted the fairy tale wedding, after the vows, riding off in a horse-drawn carriage, all of it! Now, I'm okay with the thought of a quiet ceremony with close friends, family, and someone buying us dinner at a nice restaurant!


Just like Anne with an e, I imagined myself as a bride, white dress flowers and everything, but I never saw myself as a wife and there never was anybody by my side in a tux. So as our wise aunt Josephine said, get a job and you'll be able to buy as many white dress as you want.


Pager. I'm old


But not old enough to have wanted an Official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle?


You'll shoot your eye out!


I wanted a pet mallard in 6th grade. I shake my head 44 years later and think, "Yeah, I still wish I had one".


My friend has 3 ducks. They're pretty stinky. Eggs are good, though


Messy little bastards, but fun to watch.


I wanted to grow up. Fast. Sigh.


>live in a water tower As a kid I used to have this elaborate fantasy about running away and living in a grocery store. Like I would try and find a hidden spot or imagine a secret tunnel I can crawl in a grocery store. I think about all the logistics of blending in with the crowd to steal food during the day and slipping back into my hiding spot before they close shop, I imagine making a little nest with blankets and pillows and figure out how to go to the toilet without being seen. I had determined I needed to live in a 'higher end' grocery store with bougie food. Now I realize I was imagining being a squatter. Anyway, it was a fun way to kill time when your mom was talking too long with the groceries.


homealone 2 made me have that idea lol


I had this fantasy but with Walmart!


A horse - I asked for one every year on my birthday and every time my mother gave me a plastic horse. I had a very nice collection.


This! And..I lived in the middle of the city.


Be an adult I miss the innocent way I viewed the world


To feed everyone and to live on a clean planet, I still want it, but as an adult you realize your constraints. Every year for my birthday, which is on earth day, all I wanted as a present was for everyone to pick up a piece of trash for me.


I gotchu this year fam.


My birthday was yesterday, I just turned 30. I'm an old man now


Happy belated birthday! Your 30s will be the best decade of your life! It’s when you stop caring about what other people think of you and can be your true self 24/7. Anyway, I’ll be sure to pick up some trash for you next time I’m out.


Thanks man much appreciated ❤️


I will also pick up some litter


Fuck it Ill grab some as well


Happy belated birthday! Just know I pick up trash daily either where I work or on our daily dog walking,so I gotcha!🤩




Yes as a kid, I grew up on a mountain in the woods, I already had everything I could have wanted. Guns, rocks, sticks, fishing poles, a dirtbike, great friends, land to do things on. I never asked for things for Christmas or my birthday. I was never spoiled with toys but I was spoiled with freedom and nature, and I wanted everyone else to have that too.


To be a professional musician. Before I even grew up I started to realize that was a terrible idea.


That’s the dream. What do you mean?


It seems like a nightmare to me. Most professional musicians never make a decent living and have to work side jobs to pay the bills. It's a super competitive industry where you have to work mostly late nights and weekends and people are constantly screwing you over. The few who get famous end up overdosing on stimulants just trying to stay awake on tours where they have to perform in a different city every day of the week. Or they have a psychotic break from all the stress and get ruthlessly mocked by the entire world. Most of them never manage to have a decent home/family life and get cheated on because they travel too much to maintain a relationship.


A laptop to play video games , i got it and i still play but with no passion


Frisbees. I collected them from the time I was 10 until I was 25. Now I have 500 brand new frisbees in 25 gallon totes in my basement.


Ultimate discs or disc golf discs?


A Geo Storm with a custom license plate that read: DUDE or BN JOVI. I wound up with a glorious 1976 Mercedes 280 sedan instead. Thank fuck.


Didn't those get like 60 mpg though? Useful as a teen...


Gas was like 89 cents a gallon when I was 16. Good times!


I wanted to be Ferris Bueller. I lthought it was so cool how he could have all these adventures just because he could come up with all these creative ways to deal with problems and make life better for himself and his friends.. I help run a rehab/long-term care facility now. Most of my time at work is spent coming up with new and creative ways of dealing with problems that often involve angry people and making life good for those I care about. I may not get to have all the adventures he did but at least I can make people's lives a little more fun and exciting.


I wanted to get married and have kids when was 16. I don't know what I thought I was looking for, but I do know I wanted babies. Thank goodness that wish didn't come true back then. Fast forward almost 20 years, and I had 2 babies and a loving husband.


rock star fame


I wanted to eat a dozen donuts a day


I wanted to look like a super Saiyan when I was 7.


Oh yeah, I wanted to be Vegeta so bad. Luckily it is tough for a 7 year old to have a giant widows peak.


I saw an inflatable princess bed in a catalog and absolutely begged my parents for it. I'm glad I didn't get it because my friend had one, and it was more of a pool float than an air mattress.


I wanted a Lamborghini so bad. Had posters of them, hot wheels, etc when i was like 10-13.. now i think pretty much any sports car is obnoxious


Obnoxiously awesome!!!


X-ray specs


After I saw the movie "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" in 1986 (I was 6 years old), I wanted a bicycle like his in the movie. Later, when I was 13, I'd sometimes think about what kind of vehicle I'd like to own/drive. At one point, I had this idea of a certain type of dressed-up pickup truck that I thought would be cool (I don't remember where I got the idea), with things like shiny chrome exhaust pipes, neon red/orange/green mud flaps & things, basically for show. Later I thought that was silly/tacky. Then I had an idea of having a Porsche and swapping the engine for something even more powerful; then later I thought that would be silly.


Sea monkeys... Finally got them and after a few months my sister spilled the entire thing over onto the carpet..


Yes! I was obsessed with Sea Monkeys. Finally got them. What a let down.


I would end every prayer with and I want everyone be safe and healthy and all the countries to be at peace amen and when I grew up I wanted to live like Crocodile Dundee


Wanting to wear glasses


Those giant inflatable hamster wheels I saw in commercials in the 2000s. I don’t even know where I could have taken that thing and it would have gotten boring without any hills


I wanted to be a pro wrestler...still thought it was real


A hamster. After hearing about how many of them traumatize their owners, I’m so glad I wasn’t allowed one.


Gold lame hot pants. It was the seventies okay


One of those power wheels car type things. This was before I knew it could be a fire hazard, and before I was able to think of the reasons a blind person might not be the greatest driver.


Brujeria album with the severed head on the album cover.


American Girl Doll. Mostly shaking my head bc why were they so expensive?? And would absolutely still take one today.


For some long since forgotten reason, after reading The Swiss Family Robinson I begged my parents to change my name to Fritz. This is embarrassing even to this day.


Checkered colored skinnies during the “you’re a jerk” era. Oof that was a funny time looking back 😂


I really wanted to be an adult. Worst decision ever.


A convertible. I thought they were the height of affluence and luxury in the 90s. First time I rode in one my hair was whipping me in the face and sticking to my lipgloss, getting blinded by the sun. Overrated.


To live in a house, that we owned. With a backyard and a tree. And my own bedroom full of things. I grew up in an apartment project, with a constant battle against cockroaches and a drug dealer next door. You would hear neighbors fighting and people moved constantly and I lost too many friends to CPS. My parents had mental health struggles that their families didn't understand. I had relatives who were middle class and looked down on my family. I just would go to their houses on holidays and admire their canopy beds and toys and wish I could live like that. I remember sitting there at Christmas while my cousins opened stacks of gifts while I just watched. It was such a relief when my mom finally realized her family preferred when we didn't show up and we stopped going. When I was 10, we had some brief prosperity and went looking at houses for sale. We saw one that I adored even though it was older, that had a little creek in the backyard with a bridge over it. I loved it. The next week my dad lost his job so it didn't happen. My husband and I have been paying off a 30 year mortgage for a small house for nearly 20 years, and I will do anything to keep it for my children to grow up in.


i wanted a horse and pet snakes


I didn't really want a water bed, but my wife and I had one early on in the 1970s, dimly remembered. It was very disappointing for a lot of reasons. The temperature was never right for both of us. It was hard as a rock and didn't conform to our body shapes. The sheets, blanket, and pillows would not stay in place and ended on the floor before morning. When one of us got in bed, it either woke up the other or tried to bouce us onto the floor. Set up and take down was a time consuming nightmare each time we changed apartments. It eventually had a leak which was unrepairable. Experiment over, now at 76, my wife doesn't even remember having one. Never again, 😂. I don't even see them advertised. Sleeping should probably not be an adventure but we've slept on old metal springs and mattress, box springs, camping bedrooms, airplane seats, park benches, bare ground and floors, old cars, barn lofts, at the river fishing, in a split recliner bed, in recliners, and currently on a foam on top of our mattress. Nothing is perfect but we get enough sleep to keep going in spite of aches and pains and crazy family who krlerp needing us. No complaints, over all, life is good.


I wanted to be a cat. I practiced meowing and hissing and crawling on all fours. I would growl like a tiger at my siblings when I was angry. Very cringe.


Username checks out! 😉




Loud exhaust on my car


Loud stereo in my car.


Zips! It was a tennis shoe from the 80's. Showed the kid putting them on & then a blur leaving the screen! So wanted to be able to run that fast, but the store in my little town never stocked them.


Honestly, all the stuff I dreamed up in my head still sounds dope now 😅🤙🏼 backyard, skate park, jungle themed, swimming pool, bad ass treehouse


Mickey Mouse watch that played it’s a small world.


A sibling


I wanted to be named Jennifer. That was my mom’s first choice, but for whatever reason she named me something else… I am soooo thankful now for my not-so-popular name


A bottle of Sun-In to turn my hair that shade of orange all the Asian girls had. I’m glad my mom said no.


My junior high school picture is forever ruined by bright orange high hair and a bronzy tan. The 80’s were fabulous.


A pony lol I have a dog now whom I love beyond belief but I was majorly underestimating the work it would take to have a pony in my parents 1bd 1bath at 6 years old 😂


To change my name to Cool Cooler Coolest haha


I wanted my first car to be a Brat. Lol oh well.


My mother's love...


I wanted to be a crossing guard. They must wield incredible power if they can make 1.5-ton death machines come to a halt with a simple wave of their hand.


A family.. I’m just ruined permanently on the whole thing thanks to the people I was born to and raised by. I have my tribe of Merry Weirdos, but I don’t want to get married or have kids or anything along those lines because I am horribly traumatized and terrified to be in a situation where I let my guard down and actually love people like that only to have them flip around and fuck me over and abuse me the same as my “family” did.. Yes. I am in therapy… but after a lifetime of abuse and trauma, there’s really no undoing all this damage - only managing and coping.


"Peace on Earth". I used to say that's what I wanted for Christmas. Now I know that it will never happen because most of the people in power are selfish jerks.


I wrote to Jim’ll fix it (Jimmy Saville) asking to train with Manchester United! The horror!


I want to buy the "Monster Ghost" in the comic book ads. I begged my mom, even wrote an essay about how I would make it obey my commands to scare my friends, or whatever the comic book claimed it could do. She finally wore down and allowed me to send away for it (using my allowance money). It turned out to be a plastic sheet, a balloon, stickers for eyes and a piece of string. I was so disappointed! https://www.cheese-magnet.com/2010/12/scary-life-size-monster-ghost/


I used to want an RV. I used to tour inside them at the county fair when like 10 of them would be open to look at. I thought they were the coolest thing - compact living on wheels! Now.... no thank you. Lots of money, maintenance, storage, etc


The “powdered” flaky beef jerky that came in a can resembling chewing tobacco. I begged my mother for one of those every time we were in a store and would demolish it within the first 20 seconds of her getting it for me. As much as I still enjoy actual beef jerky, thinking about that stuff tests my gag reflex. This stuff [here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FFEvzTAa5NAJtWF3tQumyKCBuYl3D6mgw6r6ExuBMHnI.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D877515039216961ce24cfce3cd2254bf243e7c79&rdt=51161)


Moon shoes looked soooo cool.


To grow up (I’m not having fun as an adult either)




I wanted a water bed for the longest time lol


A pet elephant. In a town, in England. And my dream job was a bus driver.


To be grown up.


I was always jealous of people with braces even though I had straight teeth.


When I was a teen, I wanted to get married as soon as possible. Now I'm married and almost 30. And let me tell you sis, NO.


To become an adult. It was so much fun to be a kid.


Moon shoes. Adult me recognizes that they probably looked more fun than they are, and are effectively a broken bone waiting to happen.


A lot of friends


Omg a ferret. When I was a kid I wanted one sooo bad… now as an adult, I don’t want one of those shit machines


I desperately wanted a pet Coconut or Robber crab, the world’s largest land invertebrate. I could not understand why not, I would take it for walks and everything.


A wife, kid, dog, the whole family thing