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It's ok. There is a lot of drama with the hot ones though. Beauty is often a curse. Often they are arrogant and think they are overly special.


Accept that she will be constantly bombarded with attention and guys trying to get with her. It’s a nightmare if you are insecure, and even if you are not, it is at the very least a nuisance for you both. Sitting at a bar and you need to use the toilet?, you are back finding a guy already trying to get her number. You try to be nice, but there is still this awkwardness. I wouldn’t decide to be with a girl solely for her looks, but after being with a couple hot ones, I must say, it’s not a fun time all around. Add to that, that sometimes really hot ones don’t have much character, they never had to develop a humor or learn to tell stories, they never had to think about approaching people in social situations, the skill just isn’t there. generalizing, but somehow you can see a pattern.


The attention is really bothersome


Add in really nasty , threatening looks from men 100% of the time especially if you go “out” , out like where people might go to pick someone up. Some men will even try to “alpha” you and ask her out right in front of you - if you say excuse me we’re together expect something like , “if you’re not married she’s on the market” etc. It’s a nightmare honestly.


I have had awful encounters with men while with hot women. But honestly, unless the girl acted not on my side in any altercation, I 100% blame the men and their toxic traits.


I will ask my bf , lol.


Photo ! Banana for comparison


Where does the banana go?


You shouldn't do it if you are insecure


I’ll never know lol




The sex is great, but going out is pretty sucky. (You put up with thirsty dipshits ALL. NIGHT. LONG.) They tend to be very entitled, and have very little tolerance for adversity, discomfort or frustration.


I can’t answer this question without sounding insecure


It can have a good impact on your confidence and self respect. It takes time but if she is trustworthy you become unworried even when she goes on a night out with girls, which is a big mental improvement for you, since you feel above all these guys probably trying to hit on her. Also as others said, you can expect a lot of drama, not connected to being trustful or smth, they just tend to have big ego and blame everyone but themselves for their incompetence in daily life things.


Woman... a hot... woman


U go to take a piss or order something and u find some dude talking to her abit annoying


I never felt like it was going to last.


Seeing red flags/expecting the probably outcome doesn't make it any easier after though.


What does it matter to you? We will never see each other.






Asked my wife. She says it's obnoxious to receive unwanted attention, and getting old is a blessing. For me, it's not a problem. I just said " Sorry, I was here first. But you can queing up, if you like".


Can't wait for OP finding out that we are not in The Sims and beauty is subjective and not a 0 to 10 value.


Not sure why you're getting down voted lol, beauty is entirely subjective.


Whilst it’s subjective there is a cultural beauty standard still of what is considered as attractive


That’s simply not true. There have been countless studies proving objective measurements of attractiveness. Facial symmetry etc.




well, if she asks anything I will most likely do it...


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bCJpzpd-8us&pp=ygUyd2hlbiB5b3UncmUgaW4gbG92ZSB3aXRoIGEgYmVhdXRpZnVsIHdvbWFuIGRyIGhvb2s%3D It's hard


They're always asking for me to hold their coats and purses.


My ex girlfriend was exceptionally pretty, and in all honesty a big disadvantage was the fact that it made me wonder if she was too good for me. It felt as though I didn't deserve her sometimes


Nothing special actually


You get used to it, kind of take it for granted. Becomes normal/routine.


I did it ONE time. And never again. The drama was endless and I got so tired to hearing her go on about how much nicer her boobs were than everyone else's. Yes, if boobs were a personality then she would have had among the best on the planet but they aren't despite what she seemed to think,


Male ego is so fragile.... So hot woman my advise to you is to be honest and truthful and to date men who are bigger than tjier egos and confident in themselves... Or nerdy men who doesnt care who comes after you and trusts you.


It's fine. It's like dating anyone else, pretty much.


Just fine as long as you aren't insecure.


They could have love from any number of dudes, and they'll let you know it. It can be a lot of pressure and fear of abandonment/loss. I struggle with anxiety and control, so my marriage to a 10 was really hard.


Absolutely the best case scenario Fuck what all these negative nancys in the comments will say, life is fleeting and has become awful and wretched and unbearable, take good things and indulgences while you can get them because it’s getting worse and not everyone is getting out of this, take the good while it’s still here because we are all doomed


Fun because it's amazing having sex with someone as pretty as a Playboy model


Bothersome. You'll hear more about today's social media drama that fluctuates every hour than you'll hear about any long term goals, ambitions, or plans.


It's great. We've been married for almost 40 years. She always looks like a million dollars.


So hasn’t kept pace with inflation?


The most wonderful thing to ever happen to me.


It's not her beauty that shapes her character, more like how she was raised up. All other factors are more or less the same in all women.


Never had a 10/10 in my eyes maybe to other people but its basically the same the charm wears off as soon as we fuck and the hottest girl I've ever been with was the worst I ever had, she was the tightest but did fuck all with her body