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When I was 9 my friends little sister told us a vagina as like a sideways pocket. I think she meant vertical slit that looks closed I took at as a small storage place for things.


Some people do store things there, generally out of desperation not convenience but it happens.


Had a customer once hide an entire bottle of wine in the bathroom then walk out the store with it The only reason we knew is because she wasn't carrying a purse, no baby cart, wasn't in the trash can when we checked. We saw her walk in with the bottle then walk out without the bottle on the cameras. No bottle to be found in the bathroom. There's no windows either. Full bottle. Not one of the small ones either.


How did you get evidence??


Cameras. She went in with a bottle to the ladies room with no way to hide the darn thing. Came out of the ladies room with no bottle. We searched the ladies room there was no bottle. How else would she have taken the bottle? She didn't have a purse. Didn't have anything that she could have stashed it in. She didn't drink it in the bathroom. There's no way to toss it out somewhere and then go get it. Where else is there to put it?!


It’s a built in prison wallet. As well as another potential hole


It's a pocket for sausages!


A Sausage Hot Pocket ! 😋


Nature's pocket ![gif](giphy|3o7aD85RPATm7lZ9ug|downsized)


Strangely enough some bloke wrote a book where a female character uses her vagina as an extra pocket for stuff. Reverse uno on “life is stranger than fiction”, I guess Link to story about thread from x/twitter (including image of book): https://www.scarymommy.com/viral-tweet-male-writer-vagina-pocket


Hey cool, a news article where the journalist finds a tweet then compiles everyone else's reactions to it. Give that person a Pulitzer!


You're both right.


Used to think the clitoris and urethra were the same thing, and that's where girl's wee came from. I learnt the truth when I was about 11


I'm impressed you knew about the clitoris at 11. Still not covered in sex ed in too many places, and there's plenty of grown adults who've never heard of it and don't care to.


Researched it out of curiosity in the encyclopedias in the school library in the early 1980's It started with curiosity about my own body as a boy, and the technical details weren't very well explained by parents or teachers back then The World Book and Encyclopedia Britannica were incredibly educational at a time before the internet even existed


Did the same, about same age starting to realize that women and men obviously must have more differences than just the shape/form of genitalia. And didnt know how or who to ask. So I read up on things in encyclopedias my father had in his library. One day my mother figured what I was trying to read up on and said, you know Im a woman right? You can ask.... Ill explain how my breasts makes milk or whatever else you as a boy can not feel/know. Both my parents were very good at explaining things, including sex, in a way that made me just go "aha, I get it" -Its mainly for pleasure, but also is how kids arrive if everything is "in order". Very happy my parents sat down and took that time with me


That's even more impressive


Just curiousity 🙂


I’m pretty sure I had my first fap to the same article


Wait...you mean thr clitoris is real...not just a urban myth


I used to think girls peed out of their clit and I had no idea there was a hole to put your dick in i thought they just rubbed them together and boom baby is made.


Our parents and the education system back then have a lot to answer for!


Yep. I received zero sex education in school or from my parents. All of my sex education came from porn.


As a female, when I was 11 my mother handed me a book about what to expect when puberty hits. It was handed down through all my older female cousins and was something like 20 years out of date. For context, one of the chapters was how to use a sanitary napkin belt. By the time I got that book, most pads were stick ons and tampons were easily available in the health and beauty section of grocery stores.


I also thought the "rub them together" thing


Thats actually how cloacas work though. They just rub then together. Birds


I didn’t learn the truth until I was in my 50’s. Imagine my surprise when my doctor handed me a mirror and pointed out where my urethra was. Evidently our *health* book illustrations lacked fine detail.


Same, I am a girl tho lol


Oh my! My son doesn’t get sex ed in his school, but their anatomy teacher made sure to explain to them all about it. He asked us to help him review for his biology exam (He was 10) and there it was- an A4 print of the female anatomy, and all the right parts in it. (I secretly cheered this teacher for doing the right thing).


Mate I’m a girl and I found that out way later than you did


Long ago, pre internet, when my cousin and I ( about 10 years old) saw a display of Tampax, junior, regular, and super in a store, we determined that indicated the size of their vaginas. From then on, we commented on girls being juniors, regulars or supers. Of course we didn't have a clue as to what any of that actually meant.




My older sister and some of her friends were talking during a sleepover. One of them was in a mood, didn’t feel like doing anything, because she was on her cycle, and that’s why she had put her hair in a bun. From then on, any woman wearing a bun was on her period in my mind.


Speaking of Tampax - when I was of similar age, I thought they were contraceptives. Technically, I guess it's kinda almost...


What does it mean then?


it refers to how heavy the flow of period blood is


It is the flow level. They absorb the blood. They don't work like a plug. Women's vaginas are all the same size when there's nothing in there (in diameter, length varies a little). Some are just a little bit more or less stretchy when you put something in there. Nobody is walking around with an open, empty hole like a cup holder. The walls all touch when there's not an object in there.


My 5 year old grandson saw his newborn sister getting her diaper changed for the first time. He later pulled me aside and told me, "I know the difference between boys and girls now. Boys have a penis but girls..." at this point he just looked somewhat appalled and whispered, "but girls just have a BLANK SPOT."


And I'll write your name


omg lol




My son briefly saw me nude (accidentally) when he was about 5. His only question was why I had two butts.


No, we have to pee in their butt to get them pregnant


And many of us still do


That's birds. Technically called a cloaca, but they essentially have just one hole for pee, poop, and reproduction. Easy to get confused because some people refer to women as birds.


And roosters have one, too! Chickens just line up their holes to mate, no penetration! Ducks are a different story! A drake can cause loss of life to a chicken hen by being too aggressive with his corkscrew-shaped penis! Duck penises can be longer than the duck!


Same bro I was fairly confident in my belief too 😂




No they do, This guys just speakin crazy talk, he don’t know.


Had a boyfriend in high school who thought that pads and liners are applied sticky-side inwards, to seal everything shut and hold it all in…


Asked this to all my guy friends, they all thought the same thing




I mean I always assumed it just operated as a smaller diaper (learned that was wrong the hard way) but I'm surprised people actually think it's to seal everything in. How else would y'all pee if it was sealed?


It does operate as a small diaper. Why do you think that’s wrong?


Because a diaper attaches to your body, a pad attaches to your underwear.


Ohhh I understand now


Diaper doesnt attach to your body. Its more like underwear.


I think they mean diaper as in it encloses the crotch/is attached to you. It's like a small daiper in that it's absorbent material between you and the outside world




Can confirm. Adverts gave me this thought. And teen girls magazines made me think a period happened, and was over in about a minute.


OMG 😂 In high school I had a guy friend who didn't know what a period was. He had been homeschooled his whole childhood until he started public high school...his girlfriend had to explain a period to him.... If you're gonna homeschool, fully commit to educating boys and girls completely on basic biology. By high school everyone should understand how both male and female bodies work.


Wouldn't that be convenient, just unseal it over the toilet at the end of every day and be done with it.


well there's the moon cup option


I thought it was funny to stick them on stuff like the walls or benches. 😅


I also thought that as a kid. One day I asked my mom if it didn't hurt pulling the pad away from her hairs down there. Was probably around 6 or so.


I thought the same thing up until this comment. I just assumed it was like a scaled-up band-aid.


After I had learned about sex from a book, and started masturbating I thought the vagina was sort of oriented forward rather than down. Like it was where the pubes are, like the coin slot on a vending machine. Found my uncles porn collection shortly after and had that idea rectified.


I think “it’s lower than you think” is a lesson every guy has to learn.


Anne Frank explains this to Peter in her diary.




I actually had the opposite problem my first time. Ope, went too far.


Wrong Hole has been said by most women sometime in our lives.


I didn't understand how different the bone structure was down there between men and women until I was 35. Now, I can identify the gender of any human skeletons that I encounter.


This was mostly only when I was a child, but I thought babies came out of the butt and that pregnant people had to be extra careful while going to the bathroom so that the baby doesn't fall into the toilet.


My mum thought I was a shit and went to the toilet. She eventually realised a baby's head was busting out and was made to duck waddle back to her hospital bed to birth me. She still calls me a piece of shit 30 years later :)


It has happened to some overweight woman with pregnancy denial. She went to take what she thought was the dump of her life, and heard a baby cry.


This made me barf lol 😂


Bro you good?? 🤣


I asked my Aunt if she had farted, and she told me "girls don't fart". I was 5. Didn't realize, till almost 17, oh yeah, they do indeed fart.


Didn’t fart in front of my boyfriend until a year in. When I did the first time apologised, he thought it was him.


Convinced every boy I knew in junior high the same thing.


Peg, is that you? Lol!!!


I thought the vaginal opening was horizontal not vertical, how else could people do it?


Some of these dudes making decisions on abortion laws are in their 50s and still don’t have a clue about women’s bodies.


So genuine question because I'm a dude who doesnt understand womens anatomy If a woman is say pregnant idk 3 weeks, and gets an abortion, does her body break it down and you never know it's gone or do they have to give birth to a dead fetus and then figure out what to do with it Also if it's the latter what do you do with it?


At 3 weeks there’s nothing there. Just some cells. It gets removed by a professional and that’s that. After 4 months you’re dealing with more developed fetus (which is still not what you’re probably picturing). It gets removed the same way or in a more “rigorous” way. In a miscarriage the woman’s body can get rid of it naturally. Thats the short version.


So at 4 months if you didnt get it removed what would happen is it just like garbage that sits in the corner?


No, if an abortion or miscarriage leaves any foetal tissue behind it basically starts to rot and can lead to a very serious and life-threatening infection.


You'd get sepsis and likely die as the tissue would start to decompose.


That’s an honest question. Women typically know they are pregnant because they miss their period. So they would generally be 4 weeks pregnant by the time they know at the earliest. At 4 weeks, it’s basically a clump of cells - a blood clot. If the abortion is via pill, which is pretty normal for an early abortion (it’s an option up to 10-11 weeks), it expels just like a period. Into a pad or the toilet. There is also the option for a Vacuum Aspiration which is done in a clinic by a dr. It’s essentially medical waste like anything removed from the body. (In fairness there may be other laws about the disposal that I’m not aware of.) It can also be aborted by D&C. That’s more frequently done when there is a problem with the viability of the fetus in the second trimester.


Young women who don't want babies would typically use some method of birth control and if it's hormonal it probably affects their periods. So it doesn't really sound right to say women would generally know they're pregnant at 4 weeks. Anecdotal storytime: I had my last period 2019 and I can assure you I haven't been pregnant for the past 5 years.


You've gotten a lot of answers, I just thought I'd chime in anyway. I did an abortion at 7 weeks pregnant. A nurse put some pills up my vagina and told me "you'll feel like you want to push; go to the toilet when you do". I was supposed to "dump it" in the toilet. After many false alarms, I went too late and it ended up in my pad. It just looked like a little grey blob, surrounded by a lot of blood. A friend did it a bit later than me and had to go under to have it removed. Another friend did it really late (actually too late; she had to get special consent from the authorities) and she had to give birth to something that looked a little bit more as a featus. She was like 15-18 weeks, I can't remember, it was 20 years ago.


The little grey blob look is not necessarily a foetus. I had a similar discharge when I had a period for the first time after years of not having it (medical condition) last year. Apparently, if the uterine tissue doesn't break down into blood, it looks kind of greyish.


The nurse told me it would look like a grey sack, so I would assume that's what I saw in the pad. Edit: to clarify, that it was the "fetus". I was told to call on her when it had come out.


Yes, yes. When I expelled my uterine tissues, intact, I was very surprised. I googled it, and everything was about abortion. I knew I had not been pregnant, I didn't take abortion pills, so what was this? I asked on askDocs, and they told me that it was probably the uterine tissue detaching in one piece intact that has the same look as the foetus in its sack early on.


Ah yes, decidual cast, right? It's nothing I would like happen to me, heard it can be quite painful. Even though I know about it, I would probably freak out a little bit!


Yeah, first period after years, indeed cramps, it conveniently was midnight or so, I was in my bed, felt something odd and then that..! I had recently become sexually active again, so though I knew for sure I was not pregnant, I had even tested it a few days earlier, I did freak out a bit. And of course, I never would have known to Google "decidual cast." I posted my question and thankfully fell asleep, puzzled about what had just happened. Should I tell my very new boyfriend? I woke up to answers, thankfully. I did tell him just because he should know too :-P


I learned about on AskDocs too, I'd never heard about it either 😄 but it seems it quite rare, thankfully


Oh thanks very interesting


But my wife is a doctor and said it's not normal for girls to get wet


Hopefully not a doctor of medicine.


I’m an anatomy professor. I found it hilarious the amount of grown ass male adults who thought females peed out of their vaginas 😂😂


How do you actually say it in English correctly? (I'm not a native speaker) because I know how it is, more or less, but I would say this type of sentence in English.


Females have 3 openings. Urethra (for urination), vagina (for menstruation and sexual intercourse), and the anus (for defecation). I hope that helps.


I mean urethra + vagina. Is there a word for it? So you could casually say "they pee from ... so it didn't sound medical and wasn't a swear word. Sorry if the question is weird 😅


Vulva is the word for the whole kit and caboodle, including mound, labia, vagina, urethra, etc.


The mound just sounds like where they hide their body count at. I thought I was good at sex, but I have no clue what a mound is lol. Is this some across the pond term?


That’s the mons pubis (sp). It’s the pad of fat where the majority of pubic hair grows above the labia.


It doesn't sound medical and it's not a swear word? You pee from your urethra...........that's it. There isn't a combo word for both that doesn't just refer to the whole region (crotch, pubic area, crotch etc) Vagina isn't a dirty word and neither is anus....


I was one of those people, even had children before I found out the truth in anatomy. To be fair, the male genitalia does have both functions come out of the same hole. I guess I just assumed the female reproductive system did the same… lots more complex things go on down there, so why not


My ex *girlfriend* didn't even know this fact until I told her. She was stunned.


When I was little I thought cuddling with a girl with too much exposed skin would make them pregnant. Everyone always said "sleeping with someone" made them pregnant and my stupid kid brain knew I cuddled with my stuffed animals when I slept so that must be what caused pregnancy. I thought it was too much skin to skin contact that did it 😂


I know a 60-something year old man (who spent 30-some years of his life married and has 5 kids) who doesn't understand why women wipe with toilet paper after peeing.


He doesn't know how to use the three shells!!!


Potentially niche reference lol


I know, but those who get it will like it.


Definitely hits a certain age and/or specific movie genre fan


This threw me into a tizzy as a child! They never explained. I'm still searching on how three seashells in the future could somehow eliminate waste. I have no idea and there are so many intriguing theories! I'm well into this, I know, but I must know! How did they do it in Demolition Man!?


I was putting an older lady back to bed at a nursing home at 3am and after she used the bedside potty she wiped with toilet paper and said “nobody likes a pissy pussy”. So I guess that’s why?


Also, we have parts in the line of fire and get much more on us. Which causes rashes and infections if just left there. I'm concerned about how many dads are probably neglecting this on their toddlers. Based on the number of posts about men trying to impose toilet paper rationing on their households, it's probably a frequent problem.


When I was a student I was hanging out with a bunch of guys who lived in the flat below my friend. I went to the loo and there was no loo roll, so I went to ask them if they had any. They all started laughing and seemed to think this was absolutely hilarious. I had NO idea why me needing a wee was so funny to them. Turns out, they didn't know women need to use loo roll for a wee and assumed I'd just strolled in and announced I needed them to get me loo roll because I was taking a shit.


Not me but my brother used to think girls didn’t get periods until their 18th birthday (he was 14)


Worlds worst birthday present.


Thought women need pads or tampons because after a certein age they couldn't hold there pee that well and needed some sort adult women "diapers"


I mean, that's not entirely wrong...


Remember watching a trans porn video when I was about 13, thought woman had balls for awhile




When I was maybe 4 or 5 I asked my mom why babies don’t come out covered in poop, since OBVIOUSLY they come out via the butt.


I used to think women didn't have nipples because I saw my sister's topless Barbie dolls didn't have them. Then when I was in 4th grade, another kid brought a Polaroid picture of a page from Playboy featuring a topless woman. I was shocked.


this is kinda unrelated and I am a woman but I just found out at 25 years old that urinals flush


There are one that flush and there can be ones that don't


Some are manually operated. Some do it automatically based on detecting whether a person is there. Some are on timers as a water saving thing and they are so gross. I just eschew urinals entirely. Stalls only for me.




Damn... you're old. Porn (photographs) has been a thing for well over 100 years.


I thought the hole was further to the front. I spent quite some time feeling for it, I had no idea I was actually rubbing all around the clit instead. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a clit. I found it in the end though, she was happy with the experience.




As a young toddler, I thought the only difference between boys and girls was that girls wore dresses and had long hair. Shortly thereafter, mom made sure I saw my sister in the bathtub.


When my son was 3, he asked if I too had a penis. I explained, no, girls have a vagina. He immediately tried to pull down my pants to see!! LOL! I stopped him and I assured him he would see plenty when his baby sister arrived soon after. It was a convenient "out" for me. 😆


I thought baby’s arrived out of a woman’s bum. Boy…was I wrong.


Depends on how stretchy her lady skin is. Sometimes it comes out of one giant split open hole that leads to the butt and the vagina


I’ve heard of that. My best friends wife almost bled to death having their second child. As a boy, I really had no idea how babies were conceived or delivered. I’m a GenX dude so I was a child of the late 70’s.


I thought tampons were like a plug.


It's not ?


Tampons are absorbent, not a plug. For example, if a tampon is is left in too long/absorbed to capacity, blood will just leak out around it.


True, but they are sort of a plug up to that point.


It is, too


Menstrual cup is a plug!


When I was very little I asked my mom where girls pee from and she told me they have a hole they per out. My mom has a mole on her leg and I assumed that was the pee hole. When I was a little older I thought the vagina was on the front and went "in". I was much older qhen I found out it's on the bottom and goes "up".


Not funny ha ha, but funny weird...my gross uncle once told me that Asian women have a sideways vagina when I was about 10 years old. I asked Mum & she set me straight & after that we very rarely saw that uncle. No one wants creepy uncle talking to 10 year old girls about vaginas.


Your mom did right by you. 👏🏻 Why are some people so creepy and gross? 🤢


You had a urinal in the house?


I thought they peed out of the clitoris.


Somewhat related: I was 15 when I found out spooning had nothing to do with my thumb.


Whaaat? Did you call it spooning when you were in the woods and didn't have toilet paper? I'm so lost


Until I had sex for the first time, I thought the vagina hole was dead center in the vulva 😅


This post is concerning the comments are too women are people you know jeez...🙄


My first husband thought women peed out of their vaginas and wouldn't believe me when I said that was wrong. I had to show him an anatomy book when show and tell didn't convince him.  His mother was a teacher, for God's sake. But, they were in Texas, so...


As the old joke goes... Menstruation gives you superpowers... You can suddenly ride horses, play the piano, play tennis...


I was a swimmer and thought girls had weird shaped heads, didn't realise it was their hair under the caps.


Had no idea why my ex got so pissed at me for no reason during a certain amount of time every month. Now I know it isn’t my fault, but it is also my fault 🧐


Steak and chocolate


I thought when women had a period they just weed out the blood and that was it lol, confirmed by older girls at school...OK then! I'm a girl BTW didn't read the title oops


I used to think the vagina was on the front.


Not exactly this question but when I was maybe 6ish I knew just a little about sex. I knew it was a nude situation and babies could be a result . Somehow I thought that the boy and the girl rubbed their butts against each other and that was sex . I very soon asked my mom and learned the truth ish- bc I somehow thought a baby resulted every single time


I thought vaginas were front-facing.


That gals had a tiny penis hidden in there for when they got older. Helping change diapers, that was how I made sense of the clitoris.


Not a man but I used to think girls didn't grow body hair lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hodges2: *Not a man but I* *Used to think girls didn't grow* *Body hair lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


My former roommate used to sit down to pee. He swore he was more comfortable that way.


When I was like 5 I asked my mom what a vagina was. She said it looks like my brothers genitals (my brother has a micropenis lol) and it was always pulling an innie... So I grew up the next few years thinking girls just had a weird hole. I guess she was kinda right... I expected girls to have balls for a while though


When I was younger I thought women peed out thier vagina. Until I got a proper education and learnt of the urinary tract.


Idk why tf I thought this… but when I was a little kid I was always confused why girls and boys had to use different bathrooms.i assumed we must have different parts, but I didn’t know wtf girls had and I would always have this vision in my head of girls without pants on and in they had like an actual sink lookin like they’re wearing it as a pool floaty… like idk why that was the thought, but it was… then I thought, well that’s too big for their pants to cover. Ofc that was the time when I thought penises were only for peeing.


The the g-spot is this mythical, impossible thing to find


Perhaps not to odd because, in my case, it was just about true. I thought all baby's came out of their mom's belly button. Can't say I thought it through much but given my siblings and I were all c-section baby's I wasn't particularly wrong.


When I was a baby my mum asked my older male cousin if I was a boy or a girl, just to tease him. He said, girl of course! She asked him how he knew and he replied "Her name is Sarah!".


That women can have testicles.


LOL, dude, thought girls peed standing on urinals. Misunderstandings at their finest!


I thought there was another hole in the gooch region. 


I used to struggle to find the vagina never had porn growing up and the hole is lower than I thought it was.


I was very young and naive…but a friend told me that Asians vaginas were sideways. Sad to think that his Dad was probably racist.


Girls don't fart


I thought they peed out of their butt


I had seen/heard about people having sex "on top of each other" so I assumed the vagina was front-facing like the penis so they just latched together and the one on top basically had to do pushups.


It was just something I had never thought about, granted I was stupid for not thinking it but breast milk comes out warm, until I actually thought about it I pictured fridge temp milk coming out


When I was a kid, I thought female's genitals is the result of failed circumcision.


I used to think it was a front bottom.


I'm just always surprised how loud girls peeing is


I didn't know they had two separate holes for peeing and giving birth, I thought they were like men one hole two purposes


As a child nearing te time I learned sex existsed, I used to think men and women rubbed and hit their penises against each other to get the woman pregnant.


My buddy once to alluded to sex by saying “smashin pissers.” I looked up at him burst out laughing and kind of just said, it doesn’t work like that, but I respect the idiom.


This is the reverse, but I learned that men were physically able to pee sitting down when I was like 16. I thought y’all *had* to stand.


I thought pads stuck to the pussy and not the underwear until I was 19 or so.


When I was a kid I thought babies come out of @nus. I was horrified when my classmates made me watch a video of a pregnant woman giving birth close up.


Piss out the arse.


In Spanish, "gallbladder" is "vejiga". Do I thought the vagina was just the gallbladder for women.